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RageFuel [STUDY] Female Privilege is Very Real, and Very Big. Statistics Prove It.



Dec 2, 2020
@Master @SergeantIncel @Gymcelled @ThoughtfulCel @foidologist @FullTimeLoser
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Women are born into privileges that they wouldn't otherwise enjoy had they been born a male, but exactly how far can the power of a vagina get you in life? How much privilege do women truly have? What are your chances of losing at life as a women?

0.17% Of the Population is Homeless, when accounting for gender differences the amount of Homeless females drops to an astonishing 0.3%

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But what percentage of Them are Unsheltered?

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In the Worst Case Scenario ONLY 1.26% OF FEMALES GO UNSHELTERED, and in the Best States for Women That percentage is 0.54%



Men are 10 TIMES more likely to die in the workplace.
Looking at 139 separate occupations and discrete industries, an obvious pattern quickly emerges: the safest workplaces are indoors and the safest occupations frequently require education beyond high school. The most deadly occupations, on the other hand, are outside and often involve operating equipment. This largely drives the huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women.


Meaning that as a women, you have a 0.00050226409% Chance of Dying at Work

From an experiment in the Justice System and Law Enforcement:

More than 500 judges from a state court system (68 percent men, 30 percent women, and 2 percent unidentified) participated in the study in an effort by that court system to address gender bias. The court system wasn't identified for confidentiality reasons.
More than 500 lay people (59 percent men, 41 percent women) also were recruited online to take part in the study.

The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child custody case and a sex discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff was presented as either a man or woman. The participants also completed surveys about their beliefs in traditional gender roles, such as stereotypes that women are more interested in raising children than in their careers and that children are better off if their fathers are the primary breadwinners for the family.

In the divorce case, the father and mother both sought primary custody of their two children. Both spouses worked full-time jobs and sometimes had conflicts with caring for their children. Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother.

In the exact same scenario as a man, a women has only a 3% chance of losing custody.

But what about in cases
that do not involve child custody?

Scholars have found that women receive shorter sentences for sex crimes than men. A 2014 study suggests that federal courts are more lenient on femaledefendants in general. ... Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.

From the 2014 Study:

In general, it was found that females were treated more leniently by the court system, although specific groups of female defendants were found to experience cumulative disadvantage across the criminal court system.

Another Study shows that Women are More Likely to be Promoted into Management Positions then Men "B-buh, but the pay-gap...":

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Despite this however, other studies show that women have an increased chance of having anxiety and make poorer leaders then men:

The majority of Relationships are ended by Women, with them accounting for 76% of breakups:

YouGov, an online market research and data analytics firm, surveyed around 1000 adults who have been or still are in a long-term relationship. The participants were asked questions related to their love life including, how many long-term relationships they have been in so far? To how many partners they have said ‘I love you’? Did they ever have
a break-up in their long-term relationship? If yes, then who ended it?

Going by the statistics, a whopping 76 per cent of the female participants admitted ending their long-term relationship
Digging deeper into this topic, 84 per cent men revealed that they were dumped in their previous relationship

--Someone isn't being honest here... virtue signalling gender:feelsseriously:?

https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=1844 -- There's even a whole book on how women have leveraged the power of their vaginas to get high ranking political positions in Britany and used it to harm disenfranchised men.

Conclusion: As a female you have an increased chance of being promoted in the workforce despite showing lesser performance, holding power in and ending relationships. You have a lower chance of being homeless, being homeless and unsheltered and an advantage in the legal system. You have the power to abort a baby.

What do the statistics say?
privilege is very real, and very big, as a women, it's damn near impossible to lose"

BONUS: GENDER EQUALITY HAS BEEN SHOWN TO INCREASE CRIME RATES AMONG WOMEN, https://apolitical.co/en/solution_article/has-gender-equality-made-women-commit-more-crimes




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Nature doesnt give a fuck about us and yet we are expected to wageslave like good little boys.
@WØLF and @FamilyGuy1999 say that it's worth it thoufh because fesikh
LMAO we posted a thread almost at the same time

And despite all the advantages that women have they still larp as oppressed and say the government should step in to help them more
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@Master @SergeantIncel @Gymcelled @ThoughtfulCel @foidologist @FullTimeLoser
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Women are born into privileges that they wouldn't otherwise enjoy had they been born a male, but exactly how far can the power of a vagina get you in life? How much privilege do women truly have? What are your chances of losing at life as a women?

0.17% Of the Population is Homeless, when accounting for gender differences the amount of Homeless females drops to an astonishing 0.3%

View attachment 399199

But what percentage of Them are Unsheltered?

View attachment 399201
View attachment 399202
View attachment 399203
View attachment 399204

In the Worst Case Scenario ONLY 1.26% OF FEMALES GO UNSHELTERED, and in the Best States for Women That percentage is 0.54%

Where are you getting the 1.26% and 0.54% upper and lower range percentages from?
Men are 10 TIMES more likely to die in the workplace.
Looking at 139 separate occupations and discrete industries, an obvious pattern quickly emerges: the safest workplaces are indoors and the safest occupations frequently require education beyond high school. The most deadly occupations, on the other hand, are outside and often involve operating equipment. This largely drives the huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women.


Meaning that as a women, you have a 0.00050226409% Chance of Dying at Work

From an experiment in the Justice System and Law Enforcement:

More than 500 judges from a state court system (68 percent men, 30 percent women, and 2 percent unidentified) participated in the study in an effort by that court system to address gender bias. The court system wasn't identified for confidentiality reasons.
More than 500 lay people (59 percent men, 41 percent women) also were recruited online to take part in the study.

The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child custody case and a sex discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff was presented as either a man or woman. The participants also completed surveys about their beliefs in traditional gender roles, such as stereotypes that women are more interested in raising children than in their careers and that children are better off if their fathers are the primary breadwinners for the family.

In the divorce case, the father and mother both sought primary custody of their two children. Both spouses worked full-time jobs and sometimes had conflicts with caring for their children. Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother.

In the exact same scenario as a man, a women has only a 3% chance of losing custody.

But what about in cases
that do not involve child custody?

Scholars have found that women receive shorter sentences for sex crimes than men. A 2014 study suggests that federal courts are more lenient on femaledefendants in general. ... Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.

From the 2014 Study:

In general, it was found that females were treated more leniently by the court system, although specific groups of female defendants were found to experience cumulative disadvantage across the criminal court system.
Don't forget
"After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity"
wet water is, we knew this, but we need to spread it to the world
Where are you getting the 1.26% and 0.54% upper and lower range percentages from?

Don't forget
"After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity"
By gathering the percent chance of homelessness by gender and then dividing by state. Basically, some states have higher and some have lower rates of female homelessness. I took those to get the highest rate and the lowest rate.
wet water is, we knew this, but we need to spread it to the world
Check this out, kid. Scientists found hypergamy in female's brain :lul:

By gathering the percent chance of homelessness by gender and then dividing by state. Basically, some states have higher and some have lower rates of female homelessness. I took those to get the highest rate and the lowest rate.
I noticed similar percentage disparities between male and female homelessness whether it was in Texas, Illinois, Maryland or Florida. Which state had the highest rate of female homelessness and which state had the lowest? And how did the percentage of male homeless rates compare?
I noticed similar percentage disparities between male and female homelessness whether it was in Texas, Illinois, Maryland or Florida. Which state had the highest rate of female homelessness and which state had the lowest? And how did the percentage of male homeless rates compare?
Connecticut (highest) Oregan (lowest)
Among the highest and the lowest the homelessness ranges for females is still very low, with the highest levels tithing around 37% and the lowest literally dropping to around 16-20%
Connecticut (highest) Oregan (lowest)
For women? What about states had the lowest and highest rates of homelessness for men then?

Possibly the more left libertarian type policies in Oregon might explain the lower rate of female homelessness compared to the more traditional law and order higher sentencing type culture in the northeast where Connecticut is located. But that's only one factor.
Holy fucking shit based.

I cannot wait to see how much IT can gas light this thread, or sinky ignore its existence and hide within their safe space
IT Won't touch this.
IT Won't touch this.
Mods should for 24 hours duplicate this thread so it's the only one visible on page 1 & see if IT make any mention of it lol.
Mods should for 24 hours duplicate this thread so it's the only one visible on page 1 & see if IT make any mention of it lol.
It'd be interesting to see them try and 'debunk' this, lol
You see this is why I don't feel bad when people die. There is a good possibility that the people holding up this War on Men are the ones dying, so I feel little sympathy. Cruel? Yes, people like being cruel to me and it is a shame that I have to endure this torture because that is what it is. In a few seconds of the end of their lives they feel a small portion of what I have experienced for most of my consciousnesses existence. I wish I was dead sometimes because what is the point, but I'd miss out on some Kino Schadenfreude. Can't miss that now can I?
I think @Dregster666 paid to sniff a homeless female's fesikh flaps and now he's afraid to debate me
I could get your mom's hole on a lease and pay your rent for a year if I wanted to.
Mods should for 24 hours duplicate this thread so it's the only one visible on page 1 & see if IT make any mention of it lol.
Not hard to do.

@Master @SergeantIncel I'm sure you can set a condition that IF user is not registered they get randomly redirected to any of the pinned threads.
Man can you even imagine how much it suck for men who die on the job, dying a fucking wageslave to make more money for his boss retirement.
After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity"
Right? I have @FullTimeLoser on ignore because he still follows me to this day like 4 months after he started simping for me and whenever I turn it off he's still there
JFL it never fails with him, you make him seethe once he stays seething trying to get you to his low point.
Right? I have @FullTimeLoser on ignore because he still follows me to this day like 4 months after he started simping for me and whenever I turn it off he's still there
Oooh what was that you were saying about users who use the ignore function? @Dregster666 ?

I'm guessing it still applies to this simp, right?
Who btw obviously reads my comments which is why he's mad i call him a simp every few days
Oooh what was that you were saying about users who use the ignore function? @Dregster666 ?

I'm guessing it still applies to this simp, right?
Who btw obviously reads my comments which is why he's mad i call him a simp every few days
Very succinctly put. I've seen him do it with other people too it's not just me, he's like an autistic kid you make fun of something he likes once and he has a complete meltdown
I like how he claims "victory" and then proceeds to behave like he won nothing.
Yeah. And idc if you think ignoring users is cucked, I only have him on there because he will literally necro my threads to spam my notifications. I still click "view ignored posts" when I see someone quote him. I only block spammers.
Tbh :feelscomfy:

I never used the ignore feature, but If I did he would of been there.
I'm not gonna put up with getting clogged notifications
Tbh I hate getting alerts

that literally all say the exact same thing just to satisfy some notion of not being cucked tbh.

word for word man, it's like this dude wants you to dedicate your entire .Co time to him, and for what? So he can repeat the same shit he's saying in 4 different ways? JFL at that autism
I often take several day long breaks from the site so it adds up with him. He really wants his senpai's attention.
I noticed that too, this dude hovers over log in time and time disconnected JFL
Saved. Good job OP, water is wet but good against soys.
@Master @SergeantIncel @Gymcelled @ThoughtfulCel @foidologist @FullTimeLoser
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Women are born into privileges that they wouldn't otherwise enjoy had they been born a male, but exactly how far can the power of a vagina get you in life? How much privilege do women truly have? What are your chances of losing at life as a women?

0.17% Of the Population is Homeless, when accounting for gender differences the amount of Homeless females drops to an astonishing 0.3%

View attachment 399199

But what percentage of Them are Unsheltered?

View attachment 399201
View attachment 399202
View attachment 399203
View attachment 399204

In the Worst Case Scenario ONLY 1.26% OF FEMALES GO UNSHELTERED, and in the Best States for Women That percentage is 0.54%



Men are 10 TIMES more likely to die in the workplace.
Looking at 139 separate occupations and discrete industries, an obvious pattern quickly emerges: the safest workplaces are indoors and the safest occupations frequently require education beyond high school. The most deadly occupations, on the other hand, are outside and often involve operating equipment. This largely drives the huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women.


Meaning that as a women, you have a 0.00050226409% Chance of Dying at Work

From an experiment in the Justice System and Law Enforcement:

More than 500 judges from a state court system (68 percent men, 30 percent women, and 2 percent unidentified) participated in the study in an effort by that court system to address gender bias. The court system wasn't identified for confidentiality reasons.
More than 500 lay people (59 percent men, 41 percent women) also were recruited online to take part in the study.

The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child custody case and a sex discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff was presented as either a man or woman. The participants also completed surveys about their beliefs in traditional gender roles, such as stereotypes that women are more interested in raising children than in their careers and that children are better off if their fathers are the primary breadwinners for the family.

In the divorce case, the father and mother both sought primary custody of their two children. Both spouses worked full-time jobs and sometimes had conflicts with caring for their children. Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother.

In the exact same scenario as a man, a women has only a 3% chance of losing custody.

But what about in cases
that do not involve child custody?

Scholars have found that women receive shorter sentences for sex crimes than men. A 2014 study suggests that federal courts are more lenient on femaledefendants in general. ... Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.

From the 2014 Study:

In general, it was found that females were treated more leniently by the court system, although specific groups of female defendants were found to experience cumulative disadvantage across the criminal court system.

Another Study shows that Women are More Likely to be Promoted into Management Positions then Men "B-buh, but the pay-gap...":

View attachment 399208
Despite this however, other studies show that women have an increased chance of having anxiety and make poorer leaders then men:

The majority of Relationships are ended by Women, with them accounting for 76% of breakups:

YouGov, an online market research and data analytics firm, surveyed around 1000 adults who have been or still are in a long-term relationship. The participants were asked questions related to their love life including, how many long-term relationships they have been in so far? To how many partners they have said ‘I love you’? Did they ever have
a break-up in their long-term relationship? If yes, then who ended it?

Going by the statistics, a whopping 76 per cent of the female participants admitted ending their long-term relationship
Digging deeper into this topic, 84 per cent men revealed that they were dumped in their previous relationship

--Someone isn't being honest here... virtue signalling gender:feelsseriously:?

https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=1844 -- There's even a whole book on how women have leveraged the power of their vaginas to get high ranking political positions in Britany and used it to harm disenfranchised men.

Conclusion: As a female you have an increased chance of being promoted in the workforce despite showing lesser performance, holding power in and ending relationships. You have a lower chance of being homeless, being homeless and unsheltered and an advantage in the legal system. You have the power to abort a baby.

What do the statistics say?
privilege is very real, and very big, as a women, it's damn near impossible to lose"

BONUS: GENDER EQUALITY HAS BEEN SHOWN TO INCREASE CRIME RATES AMONG WOMEN, https://apolitical.co/en/solution_article/has-gender-equality-made-women-commit-more-crimes


Extremely high IQ thanks for sharing the citations — it is genuinely unbelievable that women and society at large believe MEN are the ones who are advantaged, just wtf.

Clown world man, hurts to see it but with citations at least can maybe start to open the eyes of other men.
Nature doesnt give a fuck about us and yet we are expected to wageslave like good little boys.
Feelsbadman — I don’t have a choice, don’t wanna be homeless :(
LMAO we posted a thread almost at the same time

And despite all the advantages that women have they still larp as oppressed and say the government should step in to help them more
Based and high IQ, it is exactly like that and it’s like most and women don’t even know.
IT Won't touch this.
Too based, too real lol
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Female privilege is extremely obvious. But foids are solipsistic (therefore they consider any petty problem they face as more serious than a man going through something 100x worse) + only truly pay attention to the top men, that's why they don't see it.
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Female privilege is extremely obvious. But foids are solipsistic (therefore they consider any petty problem they face as more serious than a man going through something 100x worse) + only truly pay attention to the top men, that's why they don't see it.
They also make the Apex fallacy when they compare themselves to men so they’re not even considering the state of life for the vast majority of us.

On Reddit ever notice how on those female circlejerk subs nearly every woman claims they were raped? Just fucking lol that’s bullshit and really goes to show that they’re delusional liars.

This is why the self reported Data they always spam is nonsense because all they’re doing is “asking” if they’ve been raped before, they’re not looking at the number of cases that went to court and were determined to be false.

Think about it, the vast majority of men will never even attempt to rape someone in all their lives — most likely it’s a small group of repeat offenders.

Sorry to sorta change the subject, but it grinds my fucking gears when women pretend they’re “oppressed” because rape is a “constant and terrible threat to all women”. It’s such bullshit — if you take a man to court and they lose they are hugely punished — what more do you want? Guilty til proven innocent? (Unironically yes they often do). Fun fact, all of my sisters and my mother claim they were raped in the past MORE THAN ONCE. I’ve been around to see their stories morph over time.

No, they weren’t raped just delusional and they bounce their stories off each other then tell each other it was way worse/different than it actually was. Blackpilling af, but yes — a lot of women are very solipsistic if not outright delusional has been my observation.
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On Reddit ever notice how on those female circlejerk subs nearly every woman claims they were raped? Just fucking lol that’s bullshit and really goes to show that they’re delusional liars.
The definition of "rape" has been wildly expanded in these last years. Nowadays if a non-Chad jokingly passes his arm around a foid's waist or something it's already considered rape by most foids. The more foids indulge in wicked extreme degrading behavior in bed with Chads, the more they get ultra-sensitive to any action that can remotely be considered sexual if done by someone they don't find attractive. Foids are truly odious and extremely chaotic, nonsensical and mentally unstable.

Think about it, the vast majority of men will never even attempt to rape someone in all their lives — most likely it’s a small group of repeat offenders.
Most people who commit actual, reasonably-defined rape and child abuse are very likely cluster B. Which is the same group of people that enjoys significantly increased sexual success with foids.

I.e. foids will gaslight men like us who vent on an obscure forum online after suffering tons of abuse, rejection, bullying, ostracism, etc, from foids, but 99.9% of which will never commit rape, as "potential rapists" or some shit at the same time as their pussies tingle for ACTUAL psychopathic rapists. Especially if Chad, but sometimes, even if not Chad, like the park maniac case.

Sorry to sorta change the subject, but it grinds my fucking gears when women pretend they’re “oppressed” because rape is a “constant and terrible threat to all women”. It’s such bullshit — if you take a man to court and they lose they are hugely punished — what more do you want? Guilty til proven innocent? (Unironically yes they often do). Fun fact, all of my sisters and my mother claim they were raped in the past MORE THAN ONCE. I’ve been around to see their stories morph over time.

No, they weren’t raped just delusional and they bounce their stories off each other then tell each other it was way worse/different than it actually was. Blackpilling af, but yes — a lot of women are very solipsistic if not outright delusional has been my observation.
Men get raped more than women, and unlike women, most men don't enjoy it a bit.
The definition of "rape" has been wildly expanded in these last years. Nowadays if a non-Chad jokingly passes his arm around a foid's waist or something it's already considered rape by most foids. The more foids indulge in wicked extreme degrading behavior in bed with Chads, the more they get ultra-sensitive to any action that can remotely be considered sexual if done by someone they don't find attractive. Foids are truly odious and extremely chaotic, nonsensical and mentally unstable.

Most people who commit actual, reasonably-defined rape and child abuse are very likely cluster B. Which is the same group of people that enjoys significantly increased sexual success with foids.

I.e. foids will gaslight men like us who vent on an obscure forum online after suffering tons of abuse, rejection, bullying, ostracism, etc, from foids, but 99.9% of which will never commit rape, as "potential rapists" or some shit at the same time as their pussies tingle for ACTUAL psychopathic rapists. Especially if Chad, but sometimes, even if not Chad, like the park maniac case.

Men get raped more than women, and unlike women, most men don't enjoy it a bit.
Extremely high IQ comment man, well put
I don't need any statistic for that.
The government of my country LITERALLY gives money to women just for being women.

There are at least a dozen social assistance programs directed solely to help and support women.

Free food, free shelter, free hygiene products, free school supplies, free medicine in some drug stores. Free this free that. Free education, free college. Public hospitals always tend to foids first. I went there with some health problems I had to wait all day long. Meanwhile the whores went to do abortions every fucking hour.

Business are forced to give I don't know how many % of the jobs to women.
The other day there was a news on TV about business having problem getting women to fill in those jobs, because foids didn't want to work the dirt hard jobs.

Meanwhile that, in the rest of the country, men are suffering under the biggest unemployment rate ever.


If you are a whore foid that allowed Tyrone to cum inside you and didn't abort the cumturd. The government LITERALLY gives you $1600. And $300 more for every other children. There are whores in my country with more than 10 children that make more money than me and they don't even lift a fucking finger.

So far, the normie cattle has been able to pay for all that shit and shoulder the foids through their taxes.
It do be like this, yeah — much much easier to get government assistance or even just get people to house and feed you if you’re female. Men are expected to work and carry that weight of course. Fucking bullshit and nobody talks about or acknowledges it in the mainstream.

Where I work, yes, we 100% do diversity hires (only reason women are hired to be frank — the ratio of male to female applicants is heavily skewed male where more qualified males are turned down regularly to fill quotas and I dunno guard against retarded law suits?)
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kikes created gynocentrism in the west. It's even spreading to muslim countries JFL
It’s just an idea
Women are just wrong.

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