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Strategies for marrying a physically attractive girl if you aren't physically attractive?



Nov 12, 2023
I think that people usually end up marrying someone of a similar level of attractiveness. Conventionally unattractive men end usually up marrying conventionally unattractive women. The way to beat this is through factors other than physical attractiveness: financial stability, availability, familiarity.

I am not an attractive man. But the reason I have never been in a relationship is because I haven't tried hard enough and was pursuing women way above my league. At the age of 25 I have decided to confront this reality about myself instead of blaming women. The women I have been a "beta orbiter" around have shown great kindness to me. They were pretty girls with no incentive to settle for some guy like me, but they were still very kind to me. There was a girl who helped me through college and defended me when I got into trouble with authority figures. I was the one who blew all my chances with her by being a disrespectful ingrate. If I could have acted like a decent responsible human being, who knows what could have happened over time? She put up with me for two years until I began to misbehave with her.

Right now I am a "beta orbiter" to another girl who is 4 years younger than me. I really do believe she respects me and isn't talking to me out of sympathy. I had a conversation about this with a female family member and she told me this: "Give women the chance to prove they are not as shallow as you assume they are". Unattractive guys are getting married everywhere, albeit not to the pretty women. I am shallow, I want to try my chances with girls who are physically attractive. I really want to see what happens with this girl. I don't mind being a "beta buxxer" for her because she is very kind and intelligent. Even after rejecting me she still talks to me. Her reason for rejecting me was that she has a boyfriend, not that she finds me unattractive. If you'd think that I am someone with no self respect, the other alternative is marrying a girl who is not physically attractive, which might be better on the long run. When I'm past 30, I'll probably stop caring about looks altogether, it would be so much easier for me to accept a wife who isn't pretty.
you need to lay down in bed and close your eyes then visualize yourself with an attractive foid, you can have a wife for as long as you close your eyes and when you get sick of her open your eyes
you need to lay down in bed and close your eyes then visualize yourself with an attractive foid, you can have a wife for as long as you close your eyes and when you get sick of her open your eyes
It's not impossible, but like I said you need to level the playing field using other factors. I have a plain looking short neighbour with a very cute wife. It does happen sometimes.
I think that people usually end up marrying someone of a similar level of attractiveness. Conventionally unattractive men end usually up marrying conventionally unattractive women. The way to beat this is through factors other than physical attractiveness: financial stability, availability, familiarity.

I am not an attractive man. But the reason I have never been in a relationship is because I haven't tried hard enough and was pursuing women way above my league. At the age of 25 I have decided to confront this reality about myself instead of blaming women. The women I have been a "beta orbiter" around have shown great kindness to me. They were pretty girls with no incentive to settle for some guy like me, but they were still very kind to me. There was a girl who helped me through college and defended me when I got into trouble with authority figures. I was the one who blew all my chances with her by being a disrespectful ingrate. If I could have acted like a decent responsible human being, who knows what could have happened over time? She put up with me for two years until I began to misbehave with her.

Right now I am a "beta orbiter" to another girl who is 4 years younger than me. I really do believe she respects me and isn't talking to me out of sympathy. I had a conversation about this with a female family member and she told me this: "Give women the chance to prove they are not as shallow as you assume they are". Unattractive guys are getting married everywhere, albeit not to the pretty women. I am shallow, I want to try my chances with girls who are physically attractive. I really want to see what happens with this girl. I don't mind being a "beta buxxer" for her because she is very kind and intelligent. Even after rejecting me she still talks to me. Her reason for rejecting me was that she has a boyfriend, not that she finds me unattractive. If you'd think that I am someone with no self respect, the other alternative is marrying a girl who is not physically attractive, which might be better on the long run. When I'm past 30, I'll probably stop caring about looks altogether, it would be so much easier for me to accept a wife who isn't pretty.
Marriage is a scam if you live in the West or East Asia (dunno about other places).
Marriage is a scam if you live in the West or East Asia (dunno about other places).
Do you live in the People's Republic China? You have to pay a big amount of money to the girl's family in order to marry?
Serious strategies:

- Geomaxxing (JBWmaxxing and manletmaxxing are subsets of this)
- Money
- Surgery
Do you live in the People's Republic China? You have to pay a big amount of money to the girl's family in order to marry?
It's not a one-time fee. If I get married, I am responsible for her parents for the rest of their life.
I think that people usually end up marrying someone of a similar level of attractiveness. Conventionally unattractive men end usually up marrying conventionally unattractive women. The way to beat this is through factors other than physical attractiveness: financial stability, availability, familiarity.

I am not an attractive man. But the reason I have never been in a relationship is because I haven't tried hard enough and was pursuing women way above my league. At the age of 25 I have decided to confront this reality about myself instead of blaming women. The women I have been a "beta orbiter" around have shown great kindness to me. They were pretty girls with no incentive to settle for some guy like me, but they were still very kind to me. There was a girl who helped me through college and defended me when I got into trouble with authority figures. I was the one who blew all my chances with her by being a disrespectful ingrate. If I could have acted like a decent responsible human being, who knows what could have happened over time? She put up with me for two years until I began to misbehave with her.

Right now I am a "beta orbiter" to another girl who is 4 years younger than me. I really do believe she respects me and isn't talking to me out of sympathy. I had a conversation about this with a female family member and she told me this: "Give women the chance to prove they are not as shallow as you assume they are". Unattractive guys are getting married everywhere, albeit not to the pretty women. I am shallow, I want to try my chances with girls who are physically attractive. I really want to see what happens with this girl. I don't mind being a "beta buxxer" for her because she is very kind and intelligent. Even after rejecting me she still talks to me. Her reason for rejecting me was that she has a boyfriend, not that she finds me unattractive. If you'd think that I am someone with no self respect, the other alternative is marrying a girl who is not physically attractive, which might be better on the long run. When I'm past 30, I'll probably stop caring about looks altogether, it would be so much easier for me to accept a wife who isn't pretty.
This whole thing reads like "normie going through a dry spell"... But whatever. State of this site, etc etc...
So, are you saying that you could fuck and marry ugly women, but you don’t want to, because you think you deserve more than your looksmatch:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:?

As was already said, you don’t. It’s as simple as that. Yeah, you can compensate for looks with money and status, but good luck with that when socioeconomic status is just as, if not even more heritable as looks, which is one of my pet peeves lately when talking to people here about it. Only about 10-15% or so of people move from their economic class in their lifetime. If you’re both poor and ugly, such as I am, you’ll be lucky to be married to anyone at all, regardless of their attractiveness, and you’ll almost certainly be poor and ugly your whole life.

You don't.
This whole thing reads like "normie going through a dry spell"... But whatever. State of this site, etc etc...
This whole thing reads like "normie going through a dry spell"... But whatever. State of this site, etc etc...
A few years ago I used to be a hardcore blackpiller. But now I'm beginning to realise how easy it is to win the respect or even affections of a woman. I think the main mistake that many guys do is expecting they will have a pretty girlfriend if they themselves are unattractive. I see short unattractive guys (even in my own family) who are having girlfriend/wife but they keep their expectations realistic.
So, are you saying that you could fuck and marry ugly women, but you don’t want to, because you think you deserve more than your looksmatch:feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:?

As was already said, you don’t. It’s as simple as that. Yeah, you can compensate for looks with money and status, but good luck with that when socioeconomic status is just as, if not even more heritable as looks, which is one of my pet peeves lately when talking to people here about it. Only about 10-15% or so of people move from their economic class in their lifetime. If you’re both poor and ugly, such as I am, you’ll be lucky to be married to anyone at all, regardless of their attractiveness, and you’ll almost certainly be poor and ugly your whole life.
I probably don't "deserve" more than my looksmatch. I just want to try. I will settle eventually for whatever comes. When you say "poor", how poor are we talking about? Aren't there girls of a similar economic background you can talk to? In my country poor people seem to be marrying much earlier than rich people. Like guys who are less educated and live in villages are marrying at 20-25. While rich kids like me are expected to marry in their early 30s. What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking? Don't make any career decisions with the intention of becoming more appealing to women.
I probably don't "deserve" more than my looksmatch. I just want to try. I will settle eventually for whatever comes.
Fair enough. Though to be honest, I would probably go straight for a girl with similar looks to me, but that’s just what I would do.

When you say "poor", how poor are we talking about?
Working class.

Aren't there girls of a similar economic background you can talk to?
There aren’t too many women around me in general right now, and those who are are just about all better looking and more NT than me.

In my country poor people seem to be marrying much earlier than rich people.
Good for them then. At least for the non-incel ones, must be pretty shit for the rotting brocels who see their peers already settling down and lifemogging them so badly in their early 20s:dafuckfeels::fuk:.

Like guys who are less educated and live in villages are marrying at 20-25. While rich kids like me are expected to marry in their early 30s. What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking? Don't make any career decisions with the intention of becoming more appealing to women.
Just part-timing so far, but I have no illusions of making more than my parents or sister after I move to full time, all of whom have below-average incomes.
I'm in my mid 20's too man and all I can say is just give up. Throw in the towel, because most girls we are gonna be dealing with from this point on are used up whores with mental issues (wanting to use us as betabuxxx). Maybe it's different where you are, but this is the reality for me. I don't even think about marriage anymore
I think that people usually end up marrying someone of a similar level of attractiveness. Conventionally unattractive men end usually up marrying conventionally unattractive women. The way to beat this is through factors other than physical attractiveness: financial stability, availability, familiarity.

I am not an attractive man. But the reason I have never been in a relationship is because I haven't tried hard enough and was pursuing women way above my league. At the age of 25 I have decided to confront this reality about myself instead of blaming women. The women I have been a "beta orbiter" around have shown great kindness to me. They were pretty girls with no incentive to settle for some guy like me, but they were still very kind to me. There was a girl who helped me through college and defended me when I got into trouble with authority figures. I was the one who blew all my chances with her by being a disrespectful ingrate. If I could have acted like a decent responsible human being, who knows what could have happened over time? She put up with me for two years until I began to misbehave with her.

Right now I am a "beta orbiter" to another girl who is 4 years younger than me. I really do believe she respects me and isn't talking to me out of sympathy. I had a conversation about this with a female family member and she told me this: "Give women the chance to prove they are not as shallow as you assume they are". Unattractive guys are getting married everywhere, albeit not to the pretty women. I am shallow, I want to try my chances with girls who are physically attractive. I really want to see what happens with this girl. I don't mind being a "beta buxxer" for her because she is very kind and intelligent. Even after rejecting me she still talks to me. Her reason for rejecting me was that she has a boyfriend, not that she finds me unattractive. If you'd think that I am someone with no self respect, the other alternative is marrying a girl who is not physically attractive, which might be better on the long run. When I'm past 30, I'll probably stop caring about looks altogether, it would be so much easier for me to accept a wife who isn't pretty.
So girls have liked and defended you, Fakecels.is :chad:
GrAY simp infiltrator GTFO
Fair enough. Though to be honest, I would probably go straight for a girl with similar looks to me, but that’s just what I would do.

Working class.

There aren’t too many women around me in general right now, and those who are are just about all better looking and more NT than me.

Good for them then. At least for the non-incel ones, must be pretty shit for the rotting brocels who see their peers already settling down and lifemogging them so badly in their early 20s:dafuckfeels::fuk:.

Just part-timing so far, but I have no illusions of making more than my parents or sister after I move to full time, all of whom have below-average incomes.
I think you might be a good guy. Don't underestimate yourself. You really have to strive to be a good person. Relationships come later, career and mental health first. I was born to a rich family but squandered my potential. I still somehow have a high paying job and a second-hand car. Just having rich parents makes you automatically well-off.
So girls have liked and defended you, Fakecels.is :chad:
I mean yeah, I guess I'm a normie fakecel. But I don't have "friends" as such because of poor mental health. Colleagues and neighbours are nice to me because I'm such a "good boy". If I go up to women and speak to them, they don't feel disgusted or anything. They are usually nice to me. A girl at work once wanted to start a language learning correspondence with me. The girl I am currently simping over asked me to take her to a festival. By the way I am a 5'4" skinny engineer/musician.
I mean yeah, I guess I'm a normie fakecel. But I don't have "friends" as such because of poor mental health. Colleagues and neighbours are nice to me because I'm such a "good boy". If I go up to women and speak to them, they don't feel disgusted or anything. They are usually nice to me. A girl at work once wanted to start a language learning correspondence with me. The girl I am currently simping over asked me to take her to a festival. By the way I am a 5'4" skinny engineer/musician.
I think you might be a good guy. Don't underestimate yourself. You really have to strive to be a good person.
Is this some blue pill shit :bluepill:? "Just be a good person bro" :soy: a girl will marry you in no time.
I was unemployed for 10 months and just wasting my time using forums and watching videos. That is much worse than wageslaving 50 hours a week. At least if you go outside and interact with other people you feel somewhat healthy.

Pepe pepe drinking
Pepe pepe drinking
Pepe pepe drinking
Pepe pepe drinking
Taser , zip ties , knife , ski mask , bottle of ammonia
i agree its possible if u betabux, but its nothing new. u feel its easy cause u rich thats still not outside blackpill
I was born to a rich family but squandered my potential. I still somehow have a high paying job and a second-hand car. Just having rich parents makes you automatically well-off.
I still love how this guy just further confirmed what I said:feelshaha:.
Might as well just get a attractive looking A.I - because women surely will only talk to you
in that way if you're very good looking.
Can you like give details? Your age, where you from, income, religion, etc
Depends on your stats.
Most likely answer: You can't, you don't.

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