Ted Bundy was absolutely a mentalcel, and probably had greater difficulty with women than many of the posters here.
Here's something I hate about incels, with a passion. Incels give women too much credit. They think women's standards are so low, essentially that women are so forgiving and open-minded, that any man who merely meets their physical standards will be good enough. Incels think women are benevolent angels who walk on water and forgive any man's flaws so long as he is white, tall, and facially picturesque. It's easy to see why incels might believe this, given that many of them are so ugly that they will never have the opportunity to see what women are really like.
This belief is false. Women will reject you if you aren't normal enough for them regardless of what you look like.
Looks are only a prerequisite requirement for a man to be acceptable to women. From there, women will judge you based on how well you fit into their preexisting mental script as to how a man is supposed to think and act. Because women are granted unconditional social acceptance, they are consequently heavily socialized. That means their mental development is fused to a railroad track by social norms, which is why they are all the same. This also means that women are highly sensitive and allergic to the idiosyncracies that men develop as a result of isolation and individuality. If you are too strange, too authentic really, then you don't fit into a woman's social schema. She can't understand you, she can't use you to boost her social status, she can't show you to her friends, you're just an embarrassment to her, and a giant question mark. You're "creepy". If you don't think physical Chads can be creepy, then I'm sorry, but you're simply ignorant and wrong. This is how mentalcels are created.
"But muh Jeremy Meeks." Jeremy Meeks is a ghetto thug, and that makes him "cool". Saying that he has a bad personality just proves that incels are autists with more problems than they realize.
Theodore Robert Bundy was, obviously, an unusual soul. He was mystified by socialization and relationships for his entire life. He was rejected by his oneitis for failing to meet arbitrary standards of social status that she was indoctrinated with. His greatest crime was not murder or rape, but rather the crime of being real.
Ted Bundy was one of us.