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Stop with thit pedo shit you fucking retards

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nausea said:
you will discover on your own that you are not able to use reason at all ,eventually

Your insults don't prove anything.
FeminismsCancer said:
Your insults don't prove anything.

you are not able to prove anything if you use logic in such an heinous way

sigh not again

but not again fucking what?
nausea said:
you are not able to prove anything if you use logic in such an heinous way

but not again fucking what?

what u mentioned
what u mentioned

but are you fucking aware of the fucking fact the we must abide to fucking laws or not?

I am pretty sure that if you meet irl a fucking 5 years old you are going to not end up in a fucking thing that I have written in my fucking book called mental stability?
cupcaker said:
What a shit show.

nausea said:
but are you fucking aware of the fucking fact the we must abide to fucking laws or not?

I am pretty sure that if you meet irl a fucking 5 years old you are going to not end up in a fucking thing that I have written in my fucking book called mental stability?

holy shit my brain hurts haha
nausea said:
but are you fucking aware of the fucking fact the we must abide to fucking laws or not?

I am pretty sure that if you meet irl a fucking 5 years old you are going to not end up in a fucking thing that I have written in my fucking book called mental stability?

Please refrain from using fuck so liberally in your arguments. I can't fucking read what you're trying to say.
holy shit my brain hurts haha

yeah man

ask me what fucking book I am reading right now
cupcaker said:
Please refrain from using fuck so liberally in your arguments. I can't fucking read what you're trying to say.

Fucking fuck stop fucking saying fuck.

nausea said:
yeah man

ask me what fucking book I am reading right now

cupcaker said:
Please refrain from using fuck so liberally in your arguments. I can't fucking read what you're trying to say.

please refrain from being a fucking thing that doesn't even know when it's better for it to fucking shut the fuck up
nausea said:
yeah man

ask me what fucking book I am reading right now

the holy bible of chad?
the holy bible of chad?

the holy bible that if i meet someone irl that is fucking acting like a paedophile will make sure that I will meet my pretty deserved 72 virgins, sure of it
Kointo said:
What about this?


nah man I am fucking pretty convinced that the final outcome will be different
nausea said:
but are you fucking aware of the fucking fact the we must abide to fucking laws or not?

I am pretty sure that if you meet irl a fucking 5 years old you are going to not end up in a fucking thing that I have written in my fucking book called mental stability?

The laws of the 1% and blue pilled globalists. Are you sure you're muslim lol?
FeminismsCancer said:
The laws of the 1% and blue pilled globalists. Are you sure you're muslim lol?

are you sure of the blatant fact that I never stated to be a muslim in the first place?

and yeah I stated what I am in matters of religion, and I can state what I fucking want
nausea said:
it's people like you that causes the issue in the fucking first place, and it's a fucking pretty big issue 

are you fucking baiting someone to post images of fucking blatant paedophlia here?

if you do not fucking get it I am done and I will surely get punished by mods here


if some mod is aware of what the fuck this piece of shit called "Afrocel" is doing, HE MUST BE BANNED IMMEDIATELY if he contest to 

not knowing what he is doing for he has demonstrated well enough to not have clear in his mind what paedophilia is, and this fact doesn't require a fucking medic to be understood without even the need to argue with him in the fucking first place
What's wrong with jailbait? It's not illegal. The only reason to censor all jb discussion is to stop people from gossiping about us. Do you want this forum to get cucked by inceltears? Why should we care what they think?

nausea said:
but are you fucking aware of the fucking fact the we must abide to fucking laws or not?

I am pretty sure that if you meet irl a fucking 5 years old you are going to not end up in a fucking thing that I have written in my fucking book called mental stability?

We have to abide by laws, but laws aren't the same everywhere. 18 isn't a globally accepted age for adulthood.
Afrocel said:
What's wrong with jailbait? It's not illegal. The only reason to censor all jb discussion is to stop people from gossiping about us. Do you want this forum to get cucked by inceltears? Why should we care what they think?

Afrocel said:
What's wrong with jailbait? It's not illegal. The only reason to censor all jb discussion is to stop people from gossiping about us. Do you want this forum to get cucked by inceltears? Why should we care what they think?

We have to abide by laws, but laws aren't the same everywhere. 18 isn't a globally accepted age for adulthood.

message received

Afrocel said:
What's wrong with jailbait? It's not illegal. The only reason to censor all jb discussion is to stop people from gossiping about us. Do you want this forum to get cucked by inceltears? Why should we care what they think?

We have to abide by laws, but laws aren't the same everywhere. 18 isn't a globally accepted age for adulthood.

got it
Exploitation of anybody is wrong, especially the most vulnerable. I don't even like it when people use images of the mentally handicapped or the deformed. I get it, it's funny. That's me, though. I don't expect anyone else to follow suit because of my feelings.

The discussion and joking is an entirely different matter. I can't help that people have opinions that run counter to my own. Words are not actions. Free expression is probably the only thing left in my god-forsaken excuse of a country that I care about, and we lose more of it all the time.

My concern is that most of the argument here goes like "have fun getting buttfucked by Tyrone hurr durr," which leads me to believe that the detractors are more concerned with policing their own thoughts than actually objecting to the subject. I read somewhere that if someone wants to take away your right to say something, it's your duty to kill them (an abridged 1st amendment, I suppose).

While not so bent to extremism myself, it is important to remember that self-policing can be an act of great personal violence, and the more you restrict yourself, the smaller your world grows until you have no more room to breath.
Solitarian_Walker said:

The force is indeed strong with this thread...

I can't view this forum or my incel brethren like i used too. I'm really disturbed by all the pedo shit on here.
This is the one thing that Lookism beats this forum in. Lookism doesn't whiteknight JB teen girls who are actually having way more sex than any incels. Posting pics of JB and discussing them doesn't make said JB have less sex.

Also, the guys in this thread who are pleading: "somebody pweeeze think of the childrensss! It's pedo!!" would have loved to have been fucked by an adult teacher milf when they were 15 but cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Double-standards are a bitch too. "But but underage boys can handle sex, underage girls can't....!"

It all stems from men's gynocentricism. We hate or shame men for having access to sex, prostitution, porn, sexbots, or even fantasizing. No one here is going to rape or even contact a JB IRL. But WK men knowing that other men are committing the crime of discussing the fantasy is what men hate. Men want to protect women, even so called womanhaters. Men are whiteknights. That's how it will always be.

There are guys here that would find it degenerate to lust after a 17 yo girl who's birthday is tomorrow if the age gap were big enough. You have to just accept that this is how men are. We are whiteknights. This is how feminism happened and this is why we're in this mess with inceldom/FAness/TFL.

Men are uncomfortable knowing that other men have sexual fantasies that are not "ordained" by the mainstream. It's a good job that people aren't allowed to vote whether porn should be banned cuz we probably would ban it.
Indeed, it's depressing that on a fucking incel board, there's morality knights saying that the thought of fucking girls under 18 is pure EVIL. Humans can be easily brainwashed via fear.
commander_zoidberg said:
The force is indeed strong with this thread...

I can't view this forum or my incel brethren like i used too. I'm really disturbed by all the pedo shit on here.

Pedophilia is attraction to under 13 year olds.
Grotesque said:
Indeed, it's depressing that on a fucking incel board, there's morality knights saying that the thought of fucking girls under 18 is pure EVIL. Humans can be easily brainwashed via fear.
Are you still trying to bang your FWB's 12 year old btw?
Grotesque said:
Indeed, it's depressing that on a fucking incel board, there's morality knights saying that the thought of fucking girls under 18 is pure EVIL. Humans can be easily brainwashed via fear.

More or less what I was getting at with my blog post. I wish I had your gift for brevity.
Solitarian_Walker said:
Pedophilia is attraction to under 13 year olds.
Why 13? People hit puberty way earlier than that sometimes.
I imagine the jb posters are people committed to saying whatever possible to rile up outsiders with a few false flaggers and wannabe camiibs mixed in.
Afrocel said:
Why 13? People hit puberty way earlier than that sometimes.

But under 13 they still mostly look like kids. I've seen a bunch of 13yo lately and I'd bang only few of them
Akarin said:
But under 13 they still mostly look like kids. I've seen a bunch of 13yo lately and I'd bang only few of them
I wouldn't bang any of them but I must admit I've seen 9 year olds with tits.
Afrocel said:
Why 13? People hit puberty way earlier than that sometimes.

It's the official definition. Some hit puberty earlier, but 13 is when they have all the goods.
Afrocel said:
Are you still trying to bang your FWB's 12 year old btw?
I still talk with her occasionally on Facebook. I'm her unkie. I've never tried hitting on her, btw. I just jerk off to her pool pics.
Afrocel said:
I wouldn't bang any of them but I must admit I've seen 9 year olds with tits.

Tits don't show maturity, I can't say I wouldn't want to hug and play with hair of a cute 9yo. Maybe even get a boner while she sit on my lap and I smell her fragrant hair but she's definitely still a child.
Grotesque said:
I still talk with her occasionally on Facebook. I'm her unkie. I've never tried hitting on her, btw. I just jerk off to her pool pics.
Yeah, good idea. Wait until she's 18 to try anything. Maybe she'll still be a virgin by then, who knows.
Solitarian_Walker said:
commander_zoidberg said:
The force is indeed strong with this thread...
I can't view this forum or my incel brethren like i used too. I'm really disturbed by all the pedo shit on here.
Pedophilia is attraction to under 13 year olds.

Plenty of people on here lust after 11 and 12 year old girls.
commander_zoidberg said:
Plenty of people on here lust after 11 and 12 year old girls.

I have said the cutoff point is 13. I know you object to that as well, but that's when females become fertile and physically developed.
Solitarian_Walker said:
I have said the cutoff point is 13. I know you object to that as well, but that's when females become fertile and physically developed.

Yes but they are still silly immature children. You couldn't even put a 16 year old girl in charge of a lawnmower let alone let her make decisions about sex.
cupcaker said:
Some of us choose not to go to prison and get our butts widened by tyrone

Exactly. It may be good while its happening, to fuck the 13yr old girl, but once you are in prison...yeah. It becomes a laugh now, cry later situation.
commander_zoidberg said:
Yes but they are still silly immature children. You couldn't even put a 16 year old girl in charge of a lawnmower let alone let her make decisions about sex.

Then why most females loose their virginity around 12-16 you retard.
Jesus Christ, this thread is still going?
fukmylyf said:
Jesus Christ, this thread is still going?

People are vehement on the topic.
Bushladen008 said:
Then why most females loose their virginity around 12-16 you retard.

Because they're fucking retarded and we allow young femoids way to much freedom to go and screw about with young chads dipshit. They need to be tightly controlled by their parents when they are young. Lack of parental control. Degenerate public education and mothers in the workforce is the only reason they can get away with this degeneracy.
Afrocel said:
Yeah, good idea. Wait until she's 18 to try anything. Maybe she'll still be a virgin by then, who knows.
She's already chubby, she'll probably be a whale by then. And her youthful glow will be gone.
commander_zoidberg said:
Yes but they are still silly immature children. You couldn't even put a 16 year old girl in charge of a lawnmower let alone let her make decisions about sex.

You couldn't put any woman in charge of a lawnmower regardless of her age. Letting women make decisions about sex at all is why men like us end up alone. All women are immature children.

Grotesque said:
She's already chubby, she'll probably be a whale by then. And her youthful glow will be gone.
Well shit. I guess you're doomed to only banging fatties.
LOL at all these weak cucks being afraid of incelstears  

Discussing the morality of paedophilia is not illegal.  Being a paedophile is not illegal.  Only acts such as posting child pornography (haven't seen one instance of that so far), or making plans to have sex with someone underaged (not even always illegal depending on the age the adult and his sexual partner) are illegal.  I'm sure most all of the pedos/hebos here would not engage in illegal activity, out of self-preservation, even if given the opportunity.

There is a lot of social brainwashing which has lead a majority of the populace to believe that it's somehow wrong for two fully consenting parties to engage in an act which is devoid of any negative feeling whatsoever (again, if both want to participate in full, and given appropriate precautions are taken like anything else pleasurable in life), but the fact of the matter is, once humans approach and hit sexual puberty, they are going to become sexually interested in other people they find attractive, which is subjective but often encompasses a wide range of persons (for example, when I was 13, I was incredibly attracted to 20 year old girls, and fantasized nearly nightly about a friend of the family who was around that age).  If I had somehow realized that fantasy, I am sure beyond a reasonable doubt that it would have been psychologically beneficial, and also the happiest moment of my life to date.  I cannot think of anything I can deem 'more positive' that has happened to me. I cannot fathom there being any drawbacks or negative emotions attached to such an experience.
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