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Serious Stop coping with genetic determinism

Typical bluepill anecdotes, “muhhhh I see ugly guys with hot girls”:feelstastyman:

Anyone with even base-level blackpill knowledge knows how retarded this bluepiller pre-programmed Jewish response is
you didnt even reply to the actual thread you replied to a response i made to someone else. just like everyone else you cant construct a response you just say ''muh jewish'' which makes you the bluepiller
Also, your environment is also dependent on your genetics.
nothing to do with each other. someone with ''good genetics'' can be put into a bad environment which makes his life shit
nothing to do with each other. someone with ''good genetics'' can be put into a bad environment which makes his life shit
Overwhelming majority of poor people are low iq, while higher iq is associated with higher income.

Also, similiar people associate with each other, just like in highschool. Chads befriend chads, and losers befriend losers. Who you know influences your success, because knowing successful people opens doors. Jfl if you think some retard has the same chances.
Overwhelming majority of poor people are low iq, while higher iq is associated with higher income.

Also, similiar people associate with each other, just like in highschool. Chads befriend chads, and losers befriend losers. Who you know influences your success, because knowing successful people opens doors. Jfl if you think some retard has the same chances.
you didnt even reply to the actual thread you replied to a response i made to someone else. just like everyone else you cant construct a response you just say ''muh jewish'' which makes you the bluepiller
Good fucking lord dude why are you even on this forum :feelskek:
If you want me to respond to your thread then here you go:

This is absolutely retarded on so many levels. A poor ghetto Tyrone EASILY has a more fulfilling life than some STEMcel living in a single family home (with no actual family in it).

Having a fulfilling social/sexual life is worth infinitely more than simply being well-off
they will both have shit lives
Sure, bud :feelsokman:

An Incel and a Chadlite raised in a shitty environment, will have equally shitty lives.

No social status difference, no halo effect consequences, they will both have shitty luck with intimacy and sex as well.

As Socrates once said, don't ruin the innocence of people with the life experience of a toddler.

So I won't :feelsautistic:

An Incel and a Chadlite raised in a shitty environment, will have equally shitty lives.
yes they will both have shitty crap lives. i know this is hard for naive retards like yourself to accept. but shit environment will always equal inceldom and a bad life
I'd rather be homeless chad than Jeff Bezos. I don't think a lot of people realize the value of looks, even when converted to its approximate monetary value over a lifetime.
yes they will both have shitty crap lives. i know this is hard for naive retards like yourself to accept. but shit environment will always equal inceldom and a bad life
Totally! You are completely correct, bud :feelsautistic:

There are no examples of Chadlites born in a shitty environment, that are not Incels.
None whatsoever. Not Online, not in Real Life. Nowhere to be found.

:feelsaww::heart::heart: I wish I could give you some head pets. Your innocence is cute.
Totally! You are completely correct, bud :feelsautistic:

There are no examples of Chadlites born in a shitty environment, that are not Incels.
None whatsoever. Not Online, not in Real Life. Nowhere to be found.

:feelsaww::heart::heart: I wish I could give you some head pets. Your innocence is cute.
you are the innocent naive one seeing as you dont even know what bad environment means
Totally! You are completely correct, bud :feelsautistic:

There are no examples of Chadlites born in a shitty environment, that are not Incels.
None whatsoever. Not Online, not in Real Life. Nowhere to be found.

:feelsaww::heart::heart: I wish I could give you some head pets. Your innocence is cute.
you are the innocent naive one seeing as you dont even know what bad environment means
you are the innocent naive one seeing as you dont even know what bad environment means
Bud! :feelsautistic: Here are some more head pets for being correct again.
There are definitely no scars of parental physical and mental abuse, poverty, bullying and suicide attempts on me. My life hasn't been loveless or bleak at all!

Please do tell me what a bad social environment is! Your voice is so cute and innocent, that I want hear more of it :heart::feelsaww:
None of that applies to sub5s you're talking about failed normies
dnr kys bluepilled Chadlet fakecel

Based, genetics and environment is one and the same, its how phenotype, actually genetic expression is determine, it is why so many incels have decent looking fathers/mothers, its a combination
location,family,habits are exactly like genetics. you cant choose any of them
Outlier anecdotes don't need to be explained.

Wrong. Outliers need to be explained. Too many retards here cope with “those are just outliers bro” instead of looking at the factors that lead to the outliers occurring.
The blackpill is a philosophy that argues that physical attractiveness is the most critical factor in determining men's dating success

“the most critical factor”. If it were “everything”, it would say “the only factor”.

Blackpill isn’t just muh looks, muh height. Blackpill is about all the things you can’t change. Your past experiences, your environment, your family, the compounding pill, the luck pill, etc.
You obviously don't know what the blackpill is. It's 99,9% lookism. Always has been. I completely destroyed you with facts and all you can do is sperg like a little bitch and accuse me of lies like the reddit tranny you are. Just kill yourself.
View attachment 807723

Boiling the whole blackpill down to just lookism has seriously dumbed down the blackpill community.

If all you believe in is muh looks matter, you aren’t truly blackpilled, you’re more of a looks-pilled normie.
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Good post. Blackpill isn’t only genetic determinism. Blackpill is determinism.
Like I said earlier, even if you are an incel despite being good looking, nobody here cares about you, just like how we don't care about foids when they say they have it hard, because the vast majority of us are incel purely due to looks and are destroyed by lookism so all you chadcels can go kill yourselves for all I care, you were given easy difficulty mode and still failed, not anyone's problem :feelsaww:

It’s not easy difficulty mode if they have severe mental (or physical) disabilities. We’re talking about normies here not UberChads. 5/10 normies can definitely be fucked over by having autism and other neurodivergent mental traits, especially mental disorders/disabilities.
Why tf do some, not all, of my posts get flagged for mod approval?
test: normies mental neurodivergent 5/10

welp, not these keywords that got my replies flagged
Bud! :feelsautistic: Here are some more head pets for being correct again.
There are definitely no scars of parental physical and mental abuse, poverty, bullying and suicide attempts on me. My life hasn't been loveless or bleak at all!

Please do tell me what a bad social environment is! Your voice is so cute and innocent, that I want hear more of it :heart::feelsaww:
ok so if you had a terrible environment then why the fuck are you saying bluepilled shit like an incel and chadlite will have completely different lives under the same bad environment?
ok so if you had a terrible environment then why the fuck are you saying bluepilled shit like an incel and chadlite will have completely different lives under the same bad environment?

Huh? I’m with you on the importance of environment, but it’s true that a sub5 and a Chadlite will have completely different lives under the same bad environment.
Agreed 100%. Looks matter but environemnt is what really fucks you up
Wrong. Outliers need to be explained. Too many retards here cope with “those are just outliers bro” instead of looking at the factors that lead to the outliers occurring.
Good post. Blackpill isn’t only genetic determinism. Blackpill is determinism.
No, it literally is ONLY genetic. Race, face, height. The holy trinity of blackpill
ok so if you had a terrible environment then why the fuck are you saying bluepilled shit like an incel and chadlite will have completely different lives under the same bad environment?
Dropping the smug sarcastic crap.

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that this Chadlite (8/10 dude), had the EXACT same problems I did, minus bullying (I don't think I need to tell you that very attractive people don't get bullied, outside of some VERY rare exceptions). He was abused by his parents, he was born in poverty, he is suicidal, so on.

My argument here is that I and him, will have different lives, not completely, but different, based on, our exterior. And those things will affect our mental state in different ways.

Back when I was in High School, I was getting double timed. Abused at home, bullied and humiliated out loud, because I was butt ugly (They told me). I had no highs, just lows, that has been the case, till this day. I was completely alone, and my self esteem was non-existent. I was a complete freak.

A Chadlite, who went to school, while being abused at home, will have a easier time making friends, and attracting attention from girls (If you are gonna argue that's not the case, then I literally don't know what to tell you), He is quite probably experiencing teen love/hook ups/sex. He is probably getting some sympathy, if he is open about what he is dealing with. Abuse and poverty.

And just that fact, will shape him differently, then it shaped me.

The Chadlite, had highs and lows, during his equally as shitty as mine, upbringing.

While I, an fucking ugly Incel, had only lows. Had no friends (despite trying), had no sympathy, and attention from girls? haha, what a joke.
While also being bullied. While also being abused, and while also being suicidal.

My mental state, and his mental state, will be quite different as we age.

He will very much still have trauma, and bad mental consequences from his past. I don't deny that in the slightest.
But, he will also have a level of self esteem, and confidence in himself, that I will never have. And he will continue to have, because a Chadlite in his mid to late 20s, is still going to be, a Chadlite.

He had happy moments. He had pleasure. He had moments of peace.
While also, going through bad shit. That I again, don't dismiss.

I, and other people like me, did not have those.

That is pretty much my argument.
If your argument is that me and Chadlite, will have a equally bad life, then I will agree to disagree with you.
you can just leave the bad environment tho (in most cases)
Blackpill isn't just "muh looks" you dumb fuck, if you had actually read my thread instead of sperging out like a kid having a tantrum then you would realise you don't need to be ugly to be incel. I mogged many guys in my school yet they have stacy gfs while what am I doing in life? I rot here with people like you
Fuck off fakecel
OP's on the right track. Modern society is the environment, and it is the problem.
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Maybe not a good life, but maybe we can create an environment that makes life more bearable. But we would have to create that ourselves because nobody cares about incels.
Hey... your profile pic seems to be where I got a random image saved on my laptop that I don't remember saving.
Why tf do some, not all, of my posts get flagged for mod approval?
Maybe because JoinedApr 21, 2020Posts65
Not posting in 3 years but now you go full autism sperg here to save this obvious @Moeggels alt.
Where do you get these troll accounts from?

ok so if you had a terrible environment then why the fuck are you saying bluepilled shit like an incel and chadlite will have completely different lives under the same bad environment?
This absolute moron needs to be banned for trying to reverse the blackpill.
The blackpill clearly states that a chadlite will ALWAYS due to his looks have a better life than an ugly dude when in the same enviroment. That is just law and you have to be completely braindamgaged to deny it.
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Maybe because JoinedApr 21, 2020Posts65
Not posting in 3 years but now you go full autism sperg here to save this obvious @ M @Moeggels alt.
Where do you get these troll accounts from?

Doesn‘t answer why SOME of my posts get flagged. I want to know the criteria. It’s not random, is it?
The majority of incels cry about genetics when mostly everything is environment. Every incel has shitty environment (no exception) if you are an incel you were put in a bad environment. Obviously genetics determine some things such as race and gender, but the main point is...


The reason you can't accept and fail to understand is because it hurts more to never have something, than to have something but then have it cruelly taken away from you and never returned to you.

If you lose money you will feel worse than if you never had it in the first place. That's due to your brain trying to correct your behavior. The fact is you failed the game. It wasn't "over from the start" you most likely had a normal life until 12/13/14 when your environment BECAME THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS. You were SABOTAGED and made to become incel.

In some cases it is overly strict parents stopping you from NTmaxxing, in other cases it is going to a bad school or not being socialised enough. I don't want to elab on this part too much, I will just say that I'm better looking than all of my old friend group, yet they had good looking gfs while I had absolutely nothing. They even mocked me for being virgin at one point.

To illustrate how much the environment actually matters, a genetically poor (ethnic + ugly + short) although rich economically person will live a better and fulfilling life than someone of "good" genetics but economically poor; lets say a Chad that has to wageslave at a construction site, there's plenty of those. There should be no debate on this, don't use your cognitive bias to say otherwise because you have treated bad for your looks, the data is out there that richer individuals and more NT people no matter what they look like will live more fulfilling lives, I'm literally repeating water is wet.
this is the thruth that copers here dont want to realize, you can live a good life with bad genetics (NTfags) but you absolutely cannot live one if your environment is bad!

people here havent even left their homes to observe how others act, yet they act like they have all the knowledge of relationship dynamics
100% - Permaban
incelized ricecel here. i've been on 5 dates with 3 different foids.

but ya if i weren't incelized i would at the least have had way more dates
I think you're on the wrong forum, sir.
born ugly with a good environment means you will live a good life

The treatment you get from others during your childhood is a massive component of your environment. Ugly and short people get treated poorly (e.g. bullied) and therefore grow up in bad environments.

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