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  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
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Deleted member 20811

Sep 2, 2019
Lookism applies to whites too, not just ethnics.

Being white will not save you from a 3/10 face.
Being white will not save manlet height.
Being white will not save autism or other (professionally diagnosed) mental disorders.
Being white will not save bad genetics.

Telling whitecels "hur dur, just go SEA bro!" is simply a personal gaslighting attack because even in SEA, you still need to be at least average height, 5/10 face, etc. Not only that, but SEA is expensive as fuck and most can't afford it unless they're extremely rich. There are much more chads, chadlites, and high tier normies in SEA nowadays.

Also @BummerDrummer brought up a great argument about pygmy Africa. He said EVERYONE could pygmymaxx because the average male height is only 150cm (4'9")
https://incels.is/threads/jbw-works-for-literally-everyone-on-this-forum-just-lol-ethni-cels.214797/ even though he said it was a "joke" he still made great arguments.


And if anyone is still un aware, I'm not white. I just know reality. Stop fucking coping.
The problem here is all the whites are never below a 4.
The problem here is all the whites are never below a 4.
Wow, I don't even know one white dude's looks here and you know them all. Congratulation.
Cope. I've seen plenty of white truecels on this forum
I doubt they are actual truecels. You don't rate properly as you also underrate yourself. You are not a 2/10 or a 2.5/10 but a 3.5-4/10.
Wow, I don't even know one white dude's looks here and you know them all. Congratulation.
I have seen white "incels" here when they allowed users to post their picture. None of them were truecels and neither are you. You are welcome to prove me wrong by sending me a PM of your face. Until then, I would recommend you to shut up.
Race is the biggest cope, if you're ugly you won't get laid no matter what your race is.
Nice virtue signalling, buddy boyo
Until then, I would recommend you to shut up.

Even, when there were times with more user pictures, you said literally "ALL", which cannot be taken seriously.
And nobody is supposed to post or pm pictures to participate in this forum. Ethnics and manlets self-rating are not questioned, but big and white guys ratings are not believed until proven?
Even, when there were times with more user pictures, you said literally "ALL", which cannot be taken seriously.
And nobody is supposed to post or pm pictures to participate in this forum. Ethnics and manlets self-rating are not questioned, but big and white guys ratings are not believed until proven?
If you have an ounce of intelligence you can safely and logically come to the conclusion that the users here exaggerating about their looks and thus you will find that most of them are actually not ugly but average. Sure, you can be slightly below average but there has never been a white truecel here and there will never be one. Just look at hammy. He will be posting on inceltears-tier circles to cope with his subhumanity, never here. I believe the SJWs call it white fragility? Most ethnics here are also average, the only confirmed truecels are OP and I, although he is 3.5-4/10 and I am lower.
Shitting on people by race is how the glowies will help ruin this website. They do the standard driving of wedge issues (like race), sew discontent and fracturing of trust and liking of a website before it disintegrates.
Shitting on people by race is how the glowies will help ruin this website. They do the standard driving of wedge issues (like race), sew discontent and fracturing of trust and liking of a website before it disintegrates.
how do we stop the glowies
ive made some stupid posts this weekend
more than usual I mean
that the users here exaggerating about their looks and thus you will find that most of them are actually not ugly but average.

1. When all users exaggerate, why then shit on whites and distrust them alone? The only one I am sure is exaggerating in his truecel-labeling is btw non-white ( @werty1457 ). So maybe ethnics are the ones which rate themselves lower than they are, because of some inferior complex??
2. When white truecels don't post here but are on other places ("inceltear-tier-places"), doesn't make them less incels or nonexistent.
3. Truecel we can consider either heavily ugly or deformed or on the other hand no hope for ascending. When you are in a all-white region and we don't consider movesomewheremaxxing, then you can be truecel, even when you are theoretical mogging half of india and africa. So, what you consider a 4/10 is in his environment maybe the bottom of the barrel. In the last few weeks, where I've been paying increasing attention to the looks of people I mogged 1/one male person IRL. The rest - reverse, got mogged.
Simping for whites even though they legit think you're a nigger :soy:
Lookism >>> racism. Racism is a subset of lookism. As such it can never be more important.

People even say "mogs me cuz white" implying they're better looking but lose out because of skin color which is not how it works really.

The racepill is real, but a lot of ethnics problem is that they are uglier not the color of their skin.
It's too easy to be an Incel.

Just have an obvious flaw or two!

When i started going to dance bars in the 80s AIDS was a new thing... Bitches must have decided that if they were going to risk their lives for sex, they better pick the best LOOKING dude they could get! Even if they had to stand in line for him! Dumb cunts!
no clue how anyone here looks like so i cannot judge at all
you have to be mentally retarded to think being white compensates for height/face.

it's like a guy with one hand coming and telling me that i should be slaying because i have two hands.

same argument goes here. of course being a fucking blackcel/ricecel will impair your chances, but that doesn't mean me being white is actually any useful to me. lacking a defect doesn't mean i have an extra quality or anything helpful for that matter.
1. When all users exaggerate, why then shit on whites and distrust them alone? The only one I am sure is exaggerating in his truecel-labeling is btw non-white ( @werty1457 ). So maybe ethnics are the ones which rate themselves lower than they are, because of some inferior complex??
2. When white truecels don't post here but are on other places ("inceltear-tier-places"), doesn't make them less incels or nonexistent.
3. Truecel we can consider either heavily ugly or deformed or on the other hand no hope for ascending. When you are in a all-white region and we don't consider movesomewheremaxxing, then you can be truecel, even when you are theoretical mogging half of india and africa. So, what you consider a 4/10 is in his environment maybe the bottom of the barrel. In the last few weeks, where I've been paying increasing attention to the looks of people I mogged 1/one male person IRL. The rest - reverse, got mogged.
1) Because at the end of the day, as ethnics we see that ethnic bitches lust for white men even if they're below average (white"cels," if you will). I have seen werty, he is NOT a truecel but he is still below average, I would rate him a 4/10 so that makes him an incel.

2) Sure, but we are focusing on .co, not on other websites; I just gave hammy as an example, since not only is he a truecel but also white--something you don't really see much of.

3) I don't consider deformed people as truecels, that is harsh and unnecessary. I only call really ugly people truecels; in my case, however, I am technically deformed since I have injured my nose so many times that it has lost its original shape; thus rendering me 2/10 and therefore a truecel. I have also visited curryland a couple of months ago and I had absolutely zero interest from the girls there. Then I see some white dude who isn't even gl get attention from so many girls, even those that are supposedly very religious and very conservative (at this point, being either of those two are considered memes in my book, since girls are NOT that way at all, only boys from what I have seen; the girls that do seem that way are either that way because they have a sexual past OR because they have already been claimed by a Chaddam).

You can understand why I dislike white"cels" because they end up being fakecels/average EVERYTIME they are exposed.
Yeah skin can only help so much
1) Because at the end of the day, as ethnics we see that ethnic bitches lust for white men even if they're below average (white"cels," if you will). I have seen werty, he is NOT a truecel but he is still below average, I would rate him a 4/10 so that makes him an incel.

2) Sure, but we are focusing on .co, not on other websites; I just gave hammy as an example, since not only is he a truecel but also white--something you don't really see much of.

3) I don't consider deformed people as truecels, that is harsh and unnecessary. I only call really ugly people truecels; in my case, however, I am technically deformed since I have injured my nose so many times that it has lost its original shape; thus rendering me 2/10 and therefore a truecel. I have also visited curryland a couple of months ago and I had absolutely zero interest from the girls there. Then I see some white dude who isn't even gl get attention from so many girls, even those that are supposedly very religious and very conservative (at this point, being either of those two are considered memes in my book, since girls are NOT that way at all, only boys from what I have seen; the girls that do seem that way are either that way because they have a sexual past OR because they have already been claimed by a Chaddam).

You can understand why I dislike white"cels" because they end up being fakecels/average EVERYTIME they are exposed.
You should really see @Gunnersup and ask for his pic. He is a white truecel
Lookism >>> racism. Racism is a subset of lookism. As such it can never be more important.

People even say "mogs me cuz white" implying they're better looking but lose out because of skin color which is not how it works really.

The racepill is real, but a lot of ethnics problem is that they are uglier not the color of their skin.
"just" do this. Is almost always shitty advice.
And most probably a second hand recycled advice that the person telling it didnt take himself.
True, everyone should know that the universal law is Just Be Curry, curries are gods.
Anybody that denies white inceldom should be required to post a white incel's picture on tinder. If they don't get matches in one month, they must leave the site. Also locationmaxxing is a meme. Imagine dropping everything in your life to get a 3/10 foid is some third world shithole. How is locationmaxxing not considered simping?
"just" do this. Is almost always shitty advice.
And most probably a second hand recycled advice that the person telling it didnt take himself.
Exactly. Just like the retards that say "Just Be Black, bro!"
Nice virtue signalling, buddy boyo
How is this virtue signaling? do you even know what it means?

and high IQ thread OP, it also sucks more because I am mainly attracted to European looking foids and less for other races
How is this virtue signaling? do you even know what it means?

and high IQ thread OP, it also sucks more because I am mainly attracted to European looking foids and less for other races
Not virtue signaling at all. Just telling the truth.
Not virtue signaling at all. Just telling the truth.
I asked SryMyEnglish how it's virtue signaling, since I don't see how this thread is virtue signaling
Lookism applies to whites too, not just ethnics.

Being white will not save you from a 3/10 face.
Being white will not save manlet height.
Being white will not save autism or other (professionally diagnosed) mental disorders.
Being white will not save bad genetics.

Telling whitecels "hur dur, just go SEA bro!" is simply a personal gaslighting attack because even in SEA, you still need to be at least average height, 5/10 face, etc. Not only that, but SEA is expensive as fuck and most can't afford it unless they're extremely rich. There are much more chads, chadlites, and high tier normies in SEA nowadays.

Also @BummerDrummer brought up a great argument about pygmy Africa. He said EVERYONE could pygmymaxx because the average male height is only 150cm (4'9")
https://incels.is/threads/jbw-works-for-literally-everyone-on-this-forum-just-lol-ethni-cels.214797/ even though he said it was a "joke" he still made great arguments.


And if anyone is still un aware, I'm not white. I just know reality. Stop fucking coping.
Gigacope. JBW is actually legit while JBB is not.
You should really see @Gunnersup and ask for his pic. He is a white truecel
If he proves me wrong, I'll shut up about white"cels."

EDIT: So I can't start a conversation with him, can you make him PM me?
Colvin bro I see you Coconutmaxxing :feelsgah:

I'm joking, very HIGH IQ post.
WTC Towers 1&2 and 7 (before the Jews controlled demolition’d them to the ground anyway) high IQ thread Colvin.

I was thinking about making my own thread about this subject before seeing it on the board.

JBW theory is trash.

Dumb whores only lust after who the Jew mass media tells them to these days and it’s most definitely not we white guys.

Its ass ugly thug maxed violent and vile nigger apes like that dead black piece of shit George Floyd that gets the panties of the hottest foids dropping these days because again that’s who the Jew controlled networks dumb cunts gravitate to like the idiotic moths to a flame that they are tell them to.

Jew run Fagbook, World Star Chimp Hop, Twatter, Communist News Network, instagroid, MTV, etc all tell these dumb whores that they should mate with ghetto trash and nasty ass ethnic racial ghoulash.

There’s no mass media telling dumb whores to lust after white cock.

So the answer for all you ethnics and nigs of the forum to ascend is just learn to thug max bro.

Become a rapper or at least LARP as one to the best of your ability and you’ll be swimming...no...literally drowning in high quality pussy in no time flat.

We don’t want to hear or rather see your fucking whining anymore on the board about your lack of a GF when you’ve got the most powerful fucking brainwashing apparatus machine in known world history ie the Jew controlled mass media backing you in the interests of white genocide.

Any further whining out of you lot should just be interpreted as laziness of not wanting to put in the very minor work that it will take to obtain a suitable thug maxxing rapper costume for yourselves.

View: https://youtu.be/B0gGdapGQy4

View: https://youtu.be/i_kF4zLNKio
WTC Towers 1&2 and 7 (before the Jews controlled demolition’d them to the ground anyway) high IQ thread Colvin.

I was thinking about making my own thread about this subject before seeing it on the board.

JBW theory is trash.

Dumb whores only lust after who the Jew mass media tells them to these days and it’s most definitely not we white guys.

Its ass ugly thug maxed violent and vile nigger apes like that dead black piece of shit George Floyd that gets the panties of the hottest foids dropping these days because again that’s who the Jew controlled networks dumb cunts gravitate to like the idiotic moths to a flame that they are tell them to.

Jew run Fagbook, World Star Chimp Hop, Twatter, Communist News Network, instagroid, MTV, etc all tell these dumb whores that they should mate with ghetto trash and nasty ass ethnic racial ghoulash.

There’s no mass media telling dumb whores to lust after white cock.

So the answer for all you ethnics and nigs of the forum to ascend is just learn to thug max bro.

Become a rapper or at least LARP as one to the best of your ability and you’ll be swimming...no...literally drowning in high quality pussy in no time flat.

We don’t want to hear or rather see your fucking whining anymore on the board about your lack of a GF when you’ve got the most powerful fucking brainwashing apparatus machine in known world history ie the Jew controlled mass media backing you in the interests of white genocide.

Any further whining out of you lot should just be interpreted as laziness of not wanting to put in the very minor work that it will take to obtain a suitable thug maxxing rapper costume for yourselves.

View: https://youtu.be/B0gGdapGQy4

View: https://youtu.be/i_kF4zLNKio

woah... slow down there buddy...

Both JBW and JBB are trash bluepill copes.

The reason why I made this thread is so that people stop attacking people for their race.

People who say whites cant be incel are retarded.
People who say blacks cant be incel are retarded.

I guess I'll have to make another thread debunking JBB theory as well...
With @chudur-budur and @gymletethnicel gone, the ethnics here are becoming more bluepilled.
I’m not advocating JBB theory Colvin.

I’m advocating that Thugmaxxing and becoming a rapper (or at least LARPing as one) has been proven time and time again to get even the ugliest most subhuman of blacks, ethnic’s and related non whites to ascension status.

Thugmaxxing works so it’s no longer just a “theory” or a “hypothesis” but again field tested and PROVEN to work for non whites/half breeds specifically.

View: https://youtu.be/ycV6cnK3SIs
Last edited:
I’m not advocating JBB theory Colvin.

I’m advocating that Thugmaxxing and becoming a rapper has been proven time and time again to get even the ugliest most subhuman of blacks, ethnic’s and related non whites to ascension status.

Pretending to be a rapper/thug has to be the most bullshit advice in existence. Literally sounds like something straight from the alt-right.

Also for every one millionare statusmaxxed rapper, there are at least 10 thousand that tried to thugmaxx, FAILED and got NOTHING FOR IT.

just be 1 in 10,000+ broooooooooo! :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Lookism applies to whites too, not just ethnics.

Being white will not save you from a 3/10 face.
Being white will not save manlet height.
Being white will not save autism or other (professionally diagnosed) mental disorders.
Being white will not save bad genetics.

Telling whitecels "hur dur, just go SEA bro!" is simply a personal gaslighting attack because even in SEA, you still need to be at least average height, 5/10 face, etc. Not only that, but SEA is expensive as fuck and most can't afford it unless they're extremely rich. There are much more chads, chadlites, and high tier normies in SEA nowadays.

Also @BummerDrummer brought up a great argument about pygmy Africa. He said EVERYONE could pygmymaxx because the average male height is only 150cm (4'9")
https://incels.is/threads/jbw-works-for-literally-everyone-on-this-forum-just-lol-ethni-cels.214797/ even though he said it was a "joke" he still made great arguments.


And if anyone is still un aware, I'm not white. I just know reality. Stop fucking coping.
Wh*tes cannot be incel.

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