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  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
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You don’t need to be backed by millions of dollars to ascend as a thug maxxed non white.

You simply have to effectively sell the fantasy to women that you’re a highly ambitious man that is “going places”.

Once she believes that you could “blow up” anytime as a rapper by going viral and getting signed to a multimillion dollar recording contract you’re in there, meaning she will GF you up and fuck you in the hopes that you will take her with you and can from then on be known as the girlfriend of...?

Not to mention parasite off of your assumed future wealth and fame.

Anyway when this does not happen assuming you’re NOT that one in a million rap success story, she’ll dump you of course like the gold digging cunt she is, but that’s no big deal, as you just sell the same bullshit fame and status illusion story to the next one.

White guys successfully did this way back in the day by forming rock bands that didn’t go anywhere (never took off and become famous) so you can’t tell me non whites haven’t been doing the same with the rap shit.
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You don’t need to be backed by millions of dollars to ascend as a thug maxxed non white.

You simply have to effectively sell the fantasy to women that you’re a highly ambitious man that is “going places”.

Once she believes that you could “blow up” anytime as a rapper by going viral and getting signed to a multimillion dollar recording contract you’re in there, meaning she will GF you up and fuck you in the hopes that you will take her with you and can from then on be known as the girlfriend of...?

Not to mention parasite off of your assumed future wealth and fame.

Anyway when this does not happen assuming you’re NOT that one in a million rap success story, she’ll dump you of course like the gold digging cunt she is, but that’s no big deal, as you just sell the same bullshit fame and status illusion to the next one.
This is has the be the most absurd fantasy bluepill cope I've ever read on this forum. Even the most extreme alt-right cucks aren't this stupid.

Anyone with common sense (even IT bluepillers JFL) knows this is 100% bullshit and made up. No more arguing needs to be done here.
the only confirmed truecels are OP and I, although he is 3.5-4/10 and I am lower
So you're the self-proclaimed gold medalist in incel Olympics ?

This retarded SJW self-victimisation shit has to stop, if you want to play victim, join the burning and looting in George's name.
This is has the be the most absurd fantasy bluepill cope I've ever read on this forum. Even the most extreme alt-right cucks aren't this stupid.

Anyone with common sense (even IT bluepillers JFL) knows this is 100% bullshit and made up. No more arguing needs to be done here.
Did you ever try it?

If you tried and failed then ok you’ve got a point but if not...

“You can’t knock it till you’ve tried it”.
Did you ever try it?
No, but 99.99+% of wannabe "rapper thugs" tried it and failed. Only <0.01% of all thugmaxxed rappers are actually successful.

again, you're saying "JUST BE 1 IN 10,000+ BRO!!!!"
You have nothing to back up your claim.

I win.

P.S: as usual.
You have nothing to back up your claim.

I win.

P.S: as usual.
You dont have anything to back up your claim either, except CHERRYPICKED (top 0.0001% rappers) youtube videos
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You dont have anything to back up your claim either, except CHERRYPICKED youtube videos
Pretty much the entirety of rap history backs me up dude.

Just accept that you’re taking the L on this one.

And shit you SHOULD be happy about it too strangely enough as once you get up the necessary courage to do this you’ll ascend as will every other non white here who tries it.

I get the hesitation and fear though.

Trying new things can be scary but it’s a sacrifice to be made to get what you want out of life.
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Pretty much the entirety of rap history backs me up dude.

Just accept that you’re taking the L on this one.
rap history is made up of millionare rappers. Massive cope if you deny this. Massive cope if you think amateur rappers had any "impact" on rap history.

Again, you're saying "JUST BE A FAMOUS MILLIONARE BRO!!!"

Already explained to you that you don’t need to start off a millionaire to successfully thugmax.

At this point we’re just going in circles as you try to protect your ego so I’m ahh bounce as the niggers say.

You know I’m right though dude and once you get “thirsty” enough and want off this incel ride at least there’s an answer there waiting for you that works unlike with the rest of us.

You’re just too scared to try it NOW.

Already explained to you that you don’t need to start off a millionaire to successfully thugmax.

At this point we’re just going in circles as you try to protect your ego so I’m ahh bounce as the niggers say.

You know I’m right though dude and once you get “thirsty” enough and want off this incel ride at least there’s an answer there waiting for you that works unlike with the rest of us.

You’re just too scared to do it NOW.

just understand this same guy thinks ER was good looking (as in above average, not just a 5). just take that into consideration when reading his post

just understand this same guy thinks ER was good looking (as in above average, not just a 5). just take that into consideration when reading his post
He was too mentally fucked up (much like yourself ie you who claim to mog him in appearance) to successfully utilize his Chad pretty boy good looks.

If he was mentally normal he’d of been a slayer of a far different sort than he ultimately ended up being.

just understand this same guy thinks ER was good looking (as in above average, not just a 5). just take that into consideration when reading his post
Kek explode
Kek explode
Kek explode
Kek explode
Kek explode

Laugh 5
Laugh 7
Laugh 2

He was too mentally fucked up (much like yourself ie you who claim to mog him in appearance) to successfully utilize his Chad pretty boy good looks.

If he was mentally normal he’d of been a slayer of a far different sort than he ultimately ended up being.
if you are truly good looking, women will approach you. you do realize that right? like are you aware of that?

ER was never approached.
if you are truly good looking, women will approach you. you do realize that right? like are you aware of that?

ER was never approached.

Sometimes that happens for certain guys for sure but only “sometimes”.

The VAST majority of women want you to approach them for a multitude of reasons...

1. They want to feel desired
2. It places them in the power position of being able to accept or reject you
3. By nature men are the natural hunters of our species and are literally supposed to seek women out
4. Women sometimes are intimidated by a man’s good looks and fear the rejection of not being in his league
Telling whitecels "hur dur, just go SEA bro!" is simply a personal gaslighting attack because even in SEA, you still need to be at least average height, 5/10 face, etc. Not only that, but SEA is expensive as fuck and most can't afford it unless they're extremely rich. There are much more chads, chadlites, and high tier normies in SEA nowadays.

Bluepilled bullshit, join sea Facebook groups. Subhumans slay in sea.

Sometimes that happens for certain guys for sure but only “sometimes”.

The VAST majority of women want you to approach them for a multitude of reasons...

1. They want to feel desired
2. It places them in the power position of being able to accept or reject you
3. By nature men are the natural hunters of our species and are literally supposed to seek women out
not all women approach chad in all situations of course.

but in a chad's lifetime, he WILL get approached, not by every single woman who sees him, but there is no way he will simply never get approached.

@Zyros was a 6 or 7 and even he got approached
Consider this about Elliot Rodger bro.

He had basically maxed his looks out right before his killing spree.

Sure he may of looked like that during the party where Chads broke his ankle or whatever but my main point with bringing this up is to me it seemed like he just didn’t give his new look all that much of a chance to be seen and possibly finally get over with the ladies.

He was drunk at the party too and was basically too plastered and still too shy to make any moves on anyone.

Now that I think about it and I’m ashamed to admit it beings as anti drug as I am but I can’t help but think it’s a huge wasted opportunity and a shame that Elliot Rodger had no one in his life to turn him onto as well hook him up with a steady supply of the ecstasy drug.

As dangerous as it is it’s also helped people with his kind of crippling shyness to break out of their shyness shells and basically become low inhib gods.
How is this virtue signaling? do you even know what it means?

and high IQ thread OP, it also sucks more because I am mainly attracted to European looking foids and less for other races
Just a joke, no need to be agressive :feelsokman:
Lookism applies to whites too, not just ethnics.

Being white will not save you from a 3/10 face.
Being white will not save manlet height.
Being white will not save autism or other (professionally diagnosed) mental disorders.
Being white will not save bad genetics.

Telling whitecels "hur dur, just go SEA bro!" is simply a personal gaslighting attack because even in SEA, you still need to be at least average height, 5/10 face, etc. Not only that, but SEA is expensive as fuck and most can't afford it unless they're extremely rich. There are much more chads, chadlites, and high tier normies in SEA nowadays.

Also @BummerDrummer brought up a great argument about pygmy Africa. He said EVERYONE could pygmymaxx because the average male height is only 150cm (4'9")
https://incels.is/threads/jbw-works-for-literally-everyone-on-this-forum-just-lol-ethni-cels.214797/ even though he said it was a "joke" he still made great arguments.


And if anyone is still un aware, I'm not white. I just know reality. Stop fucking coping.
Based. High iq
So you're the self-proclaimed gold medalist in incel Olympics ?

This retarded SJW self-victimisation shit has to stop, if you want to play victim, join the burning and looting in George's name.
You sound like an ITcuck. Lemme guess, you're white?
cant even escape being called an evil white male on incel forum by angry ethnic cels :feelsbadman:
The way I look at it, the racial hierarchy IS UTTERLY UNDENIABLE. White = good looks + power. Because pain is relative, a white can feel like a truecel if he only scores once a year. I just think the vast majority of fakecels are white. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely whites that are truecel, I don't deny that. However, it's proven to be the case of almost every "public figure" incel/FA that showed their face is white and they were able to ascend within a year or two. I also hate to say this, but there really are a few decently looking whites sincerely can't score because they really do have a shit personalities (at least to women).

A good example of this is the Unabomber. He's a genius, a 6.8/10 in looks, a true hero, but anyone with common sense knows he can't be his authentic self and expect to bag any decent woman within 3 standard deviations of normalcy. Of course bombing people is a great mating call for these fringe ladies, so it's no surprise finally got a flood of love letters as a jailbird.

Keep in mind, rice and currycels are socially conditioned to copemaxx as hard as possible, to NOT make a fuss in public, to be stoic. These intellectual constructs to keep ourselves together in spite of sexlessness is an invention to keep us oppressed as a wageslave class. Ultimately these "intellectual constructs" just don't fucking work, at the end of the day, we are slaves to biological needs to love, sex, and hope. We are slaves to the reptilian brain.

In a relativistic sense, we score so little compared to whites and blacks, we rice/currycels are indeed conditioned to tolerate this institutional PITTANCE of sex and love. KEEP THAT IN MIND, whereas whites and black go utterly apeshit over if they don't have their way by the time they are 18, rice/currycels probably usually don't feel violently angry till 30.
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if you are truly good looking, women will approach you. you do realize that right? like are you aware of that?

ER was never approached.
4. Women sometimes are intimidated by a man’s good looks and fear the rejection of not being in his league
hahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahaha look at this cope
oh my god

@Colvin76 @Personalityinkwell
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You simply have to effectively sell the fantasy to women that you’re a highly ambitious man that is “going places”.

Once she believes that you could “blow up” anytime as a rapper by going viral and getting signed to a multimillion dollar recording contract you’re in there, meaning she will GF you up and fuck you in the hopes that you will take her with you and can from then on be known as the girlfriend of...?
Perhaps you know something I don't, but how would one effectively go about executing that strategy?
Perhaps you know something I don't, but how would one effectively go about executing that strategy?
He doesn't know shit.

There is no way to execute it unless youre the top 0.01% with conections & luck. Don't listen to anything that delusional stormfront alt-right fag has to say.
If you don't believe in JBW then you don't believe in nor like facts. The fact is all of the dating app sites reveal in their data time and time again. Women of all races especially white only swipe on white guys. You have to be a 8/10+ as an ethnic just to be considered whereas any 5/10 white guy can EASILY get several matches a week especially with noodlewhores.

Meanwhile the average 7/10 currycel or ricecel would be lucky to get a couple of matches a year with landwhales and thats a fucking fact.
Just ignore him. He unironically thinks sub4 blacks are fakecel and thinks thugmaxxing works for everyone :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
"im so good looking women are too intimidated to approach me :feelstastyman:" jfl
He's one of the dumbest posters on this forum
LOL, butthurt.

Seriously though Colvin I've got nothing against you.

You were just dead WRONG in that thread is all.

Get over it already.

I didn't call you names or carry a grudge when you disagreed with me so please don't lower yourself to that personalityinkwell faggot's level of retardation.

I THINK you are better than that just angry at present is all.

Fair enough.
LOL, butthurt.

Seriously though Colvin I've got nothing against you.

You were just dead WRONG in that thread is all.

Get over it already.

I didn't call you names or carry a grudge when you disagreed with me so please don't lower yourself to that personalityinkwell faggot's level of retardation.

I THINK you are better than that just angry at present is all.

Fair enough.
Nope. You're the one whos dead wrong jfl.

unironically belives that thugmaxxing works for everyone :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: .

You know what, I'm gonna do a thugmaxxing tinder expariment and tell you how it goes at the of this week.

When I make the thread on saturday, I'll tag you.
Well thats a start but its still kind of cowardly on your part.

You admitted to me last night (which proves you were wrong or at least didn't truly know whether thug maxing would work or not) because you refused to even try it.

Likely because your level of shyness is just as crippling as ER's.


Is nothing at all to be ashamed of here of all places.

Just admit it IF thats the case.

Sheesh brah.

There's no need AT ALL for THIS level of the butthurt.
You admitted to me last night (which proves you were wrong or at least didn't truly know whether thug maxing would work or not) because you refused to even try it.
none of the blackcels on this forum have tried thugmaxxing either.
You admitted to me last night (which proves you were wrong or at least didn't truly know whether thug maxing would work or not) because you refused to even try it.

Likely because your level of shyness is just as crippling as ER's.


Is nothing at all to be ashamed of here of all places.

Just admit it IF thats the case.

Sheesh brah.

There's no need AT ALL for THIS level of the butthurt.
jfl at using "shyness" as an excuse. I've gotten into many fights and confrentations at school.

In march, I've approached IRL 25 times and got rejected 100% of the time.

After that, I tried swiping on tinder 1,000+ times for a few weeks (no thugmaxxing) and got ZERO matches.

A few days ago, I started a thugmaxxing tinder expariment and will report the results on this saturday.
If you've already approached "25 times IRL" then what exactly (other than shyness) is stopping you from dressing up like a rapper/thug and putting on some shades, a gold chain (or two or three), a sideways baseball cap, putting some gold or silver grillz on your teeth, wearing an expensive sport's jersey (of your particular state's main sport's team of course) combined with cool looking hip hoppy pants and whatever sneakers the niggers currently love and going out and approaching totally thug maxxed out???

See guys?

Elliot Rodger had the look of an uber Chad down pat but his severe crippling mental illnesses of shyness + psychosis are what ultimately ended up fucking him in the end (as opposed to the women he wanted to fuck).
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If you've already approached "25 times IRL" then what exactly (other than shyness) is stopping you from dressing up like a rapper/thug and putting on some shades, a gold chain (or two or three), a sideways baseball cap, putting some gold or silver grillz on your teeth, wearing an expensive sport's jersey (of your particular state's main sport's team of course) combined with cool looking hip hoppy pants and whatever sneakers the niggers currently love and going out and approaching totally thug maxxed out???
Because that advice only works for black guys who get laid anyways (aka good looking, tall, tyrones).

Also putting fake shit in your TEETH will DESTORY your bite & looks and make you more rescessed JFL. All the other stuff you said will give a small boost but only for good looking/tall tyrones.

None of that advice will work for 3/10 ugly autistic manlets like me anyways.
"Black" + "Rappers" + "tall"

Easy E was 5ft3.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik43LN0l_g4

singing ability = genetic (cant control)
getting millions of views on a youtube video = connections and luck (cant control)
ability to "act like a thug" = how your parents raised you in your environment (cant control)

Basically, just be born in a ghetto and get extremely lucky in your adult life bro.

Also I bet you none of those guys were professionally diagnosed with autism by a doctor or other medical professional.

Either way, I'll still post the results of this thugmaxxing online experiment on Saturday, just to see how it goes @Fat Link
You're right if you're referring to sub3 whites, they cannot be saved from inceldom, and you're also right a lot of chads go to sea now to fuck 8+ noodles, but point remains, many people here are white and 4+, hence SEA and more so EA, is a good option for them.

If they can't afford to go there then if they are white and 6+ they can slay in Asian areas of USA, Europe, Australia, where anyway the noodles are better than Asia, thanks do diet, food standards, climate, culture
You sound like an ITcuck. Lemme guess, you're white?
You sound like a retard. Let me guess, do you have Down syndrome ?
Meanwhile the average 7/10 currycel or ricecel would be lucky to get a couple of matches a year with landwhales and thats a fucking fact.

7/10 currycel or ricecel... :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
What kind of coping oxymoron is that ?
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