Even with her mash up potato face she'll still get more attention than legit Incels.
Stuff like this makes me nervous, I might put something into my will about not reviving me if im this hideously injured or deformed for whatever reason.
What is the point of living when you are like that...its a bit like that chimp attack lady who had her face and hands ripped off. All she does it sit in a nursing home listening to audiobooks, waiting to die. Why do the doctors bother to intervene in those instances? Its so unnatural.
Just be a brain in a jar theory.
Right & wrong in some cases is fucked up.
20 yr old dating a girl a year younger than age of consent is a peado, guy looking at images of a well developed 15 year old is a peado, guy raping a 6 month old baby is a peado. Very different scenarios but all equally deserving of jail time apparently.
Putting someone in jail for 50 years is "justice" yet handing out a death sentence via execution is "inhumane", put someone in a jail with worse types & the lesser criminal either comes out a broken shell of a person, worse than when they went in or they never come out at all.
How are you going to rehabilitate someone to change if they're thrown into a pit with savages whereby they have to adapt or become the victim.
A murderer is shot by police but then resuscitated & rushed to ER so they can be saved to spend decades in jail at the taxpayers expense; why?
A soldier goes to a foreign land to shoot up ppl just like him but of a different nation, this is fair & not murder; have a medal.
Someone in crippling pain due to an illness wants assisted suicide due to the nonstop pain but is not allowed, forced to live.
Homeless person freezes to death over night 'cos no one gives a shit.
Grow a plant that calms you down = Go to jail
Push manmade chemicals with a list of side effects longer than your arm = Have a bonus
Steal some food = Crime
Push the price up of a life saving drug you own the sole patent to from 13 dollars to 750, all legal apparently.
You can't make this shit up.