I'm not sure, why maybe it's because, they speak Spanish which is associated, with Europe. But just like with chingchongs, cuckservative whites rarely, say anything about them. It's always " DA ARABZ!" OR 'DA MOZLIMS!"

Despite, the Fact that there are hardly, any Arabs in America or Canada. Arabs are capable, of building first world countries like in the gulf states. Every single, Latino country is a shithole. Face it Arabs are only refugees because, of American/NATO and the existence, of Isreal. If not most countries in the middle east would resemble, the brown Arab countries in the gulf.
Lebanon is in the State it is only, because, of Isreal, same with Syria, Libya, Iraq.
Most of the illegal immigrants caught by border patrol are South Americans
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Their countries are shitholes, because, they're like Niggers and have low IQ and are aggresive. There's not one succesful South American country which isn't majority white(Argentina, Uruguay) meanwhile, brown Arabs can build first world countries, so why wouldn't Levantines not be able to? An Iraqi was the one who found oil in Norway, there's not one famous South Americans except, for footballers, drug lords and degenretes Reggaeton artists.
They should be getting more hate. Not Arabs. Speaking off which they pollute the earth with their disgusting Reggaeton songs, Just like niggers pollute the environment with rap.