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JFL Sparrow's Song aka IncelBinLaden in 2022 before he raped a pair of drug addicts



May 20, 2018
100% promise that you mog me. I am willing to do irl meetups with anyone who thinks I am a fakecel. I am inviting anyone to look at my asymmetry face to face.
I am one of the only real incels who is actually based in this pit of snakes
Interesting rhetoric.
He was one of my best incel friends. What happened to him? Did he rope?
I had a feeling that he was an fakecel.
He wasn't fakecel. He was a bald manlet.
Judging by @Sheogorath last thread he fucked at least two girls including coomesarj's bitch. Im not on discord so i dont have much info.
When did he rape two drug addict??? You got proof? What is this new drama?
He wasn't fakecel. He was a bald manlet.
he's fucked at least two women, that's not celibate

Judging by @Sheogorath last thread he fucked at least two girls including coomesarj's bitch. Im not on discord so i dont have much info.
Zoe is not Komesarj's property, he raped her with his deception and had no claim to her since he gave her up and deported her from his home

When did he rape two drug addict??? You got proof? What is this new drama?
both VeganPatriot and MinMin are only having sex with this guy because of drug culture, you can't give properly competent consent when you're addicted to drugs like these two girls are
Zoe is not Komesarj's property, he raped her with his deception and had no claim to her since he gave her up and deported her from his home
Was she using him for green card or something?
both VeganPatriot and MinMin are only having sex with this guy because of drug culture, you can't give properly competent consent when you're addicted to drugs like these two girls are
Should I start drugdealermaxxing then? Seems to work for this guy
Fucker used his status as a mod.
it wasn't so much that as his entrusted guardianship of the Acheron entrypoint into the Bloc discord server

the only purpose of that place was to tell foids to GTFO and ascertain members were board members before sending them to Bloc

Minmin came there asking to get in my DMs and fuck me, Kom interceded and told her i wasn't interested, didn't pass on her her contact to me, chatted her up himself

meanwhile he sent me teasing DMs about a girl being interested in me, but that she was 'long gone' and then ghosted me for months until returning to brag about how he cucked me, and then gaslit me into thinking it was my fault and that he was in love and faultless - meanwhile cheated on her and fucked with her head

he is the ultimate villain of all of this, don't get me wrong I'm pissed with Zoe's behavior toward me but I still think she's broken inside from what he did to her fragile heart

IBL is going to fuck her up even more, but Kom's the one who got the ball rolling. I just don't think I'm capable of picking up the pieces anymore.
it wasn't so much that as his entrusted guardianship of the Acheron entrypoint into the Bloc discord server

the only purpose of that place was to tell foids to GTFO and ascertain members were board members before sending them to Bloc
Very good point.
Minmin came there asking to get in my DMs and fuck me, Kom interceded and told her i wasn't interested, didn't pass on her her contact to me, chatted her up himself

meanwhile he sent me teasing DMs about a girl being interested in me, but that she was 'long gone' and then ghosted me for months until returning to brag about how he cucked me, and then gaslit me into thinking it was my fault and that he was in love and faultless - meanwhile cheated on her and fucked with her head
He really did that? Not only that the first part is incredibly jerk move but later gloating about it. Giant betraying dickhead if true. So much for incel loyalty, the nicest guys will sell you out first chance.
Yup, I'm sure Kom thinks I'm being a hypocrite because I was nice to him but am selling him out now - but he wronged me first and is never owed loyalty by anyone ever again.

I give strangers the benefit of the doubt and keep confidence as long as I'm treated well.
"I am one of the only real incels"

Anyone who uses 'incel' discords is a fakecel and should be permad
Judging by @Sheogorath last thread he fucked at least two girls including coomesarj's bitch. Im not on discord so i dont have much info.
He ascended after he started live streaming in 2022. He fucked a skank from the same streaming network.
He ascended after he started live streaming in 2022. He fucked a skank from the same streaming network.
Did you saw him? Was he incel looks wise? IncelStatusMaxxing seems like a good strategy to ascend with a crazy foid.
both VeganPatriot and MinMin are only having sex with this guy because of drug culture, you can't give properly competent consent when you're addicted to drugs like these two girls are
Drugging female humanoids = consent.
Should I start drugdealermaxxing then? Seems to work for this guy
Sure if you don’t mind how this lifestyle typically ends ie with you either dead or imprisoned but before your death the lead up to it could be very brutal. :society:

All you have to do is watch those shock sites and cartel videos to find out how. :feelswhere:

Over here in the states even, niggers have been known to lock people in car trunks and set the entire car on fire to get rid of their latest victims/rivals but you could also be beaten mercilessly with lead pipes or slowly cut apart and or flayed alive before your gang rivals let you finally taste sweet death. :feelsclown:

Personally I’d sooner escortcel than go this route. :feelswhat:
Should I start drugdealermaxxing then? Seems to work for this guy
Yes, if you want to deal with insane bitches like Vegan Patriot that will ruin your life. Following her shit on ip2 has been wild, and she's not even the worst.

Go escortcel before doing any of this.
if you want to deal with insane bitches like Vegan Patriot that will ruin your life. Following her shit on ip2 has been wild
Rowan I'm not as versed in VP as you, have you been following this recent melee?

from what I see in the video, Z takes out her mace and aims it at VP, and VP tries to get out her own in response but is too slow and gets maced first when Kellogg is blocking her field of vision

Zoe mentioned at the end of the fight that she'd been talking to Nick since October, which is right around the time things fizzled with Kom and I thought she was starting up with me, but I guess the entire thing was a lie to try and get money to give to Nick.

Nick seems to not care about using VP for resources, or Z using me for resources, or him using Z for resources (indeed she seems to embrace it at present) but I'm not going to feel much empathy for either of them when this inevitably fizzles out, both are comparatively amoral users.
I don't follow ip2 nonsense like I used to. Nobody should, they're all scum.

I think the situation with Vegan Patriot is she just wants people to stream with. She burned bridges with some of the former ip2 junkie trash like Alice and Chicken Andy, I don't even know how that's possible. She's a psycho absolutely obsessed with getting attention, and will get it in the lowest ways possible. I doubt she actually likes IBL, she likes that he could regularly stream with her and act out her retarded scripts.

Zoe has tweeted that she emulates Alice, so the wise move is to run away and watch her die.
I only just heard the name Alice dropped today in the comments and had no idea who it was, too much of this boring lore to catch up on, I prob thought it was some kind of Wonderland reference tbh if I saw the tweet, can't remember, I don't monitor as closely now that I need to go to antics to get around her block

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