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Blackpill Sorry Slavcels but your women are prostitutes of the world

I live in the Netherlands, and Poland is seen as the ´whore house´ of Europe.
It´s always the Polish and other Slavic men, who come to our country to earn honest money, work hard and act
civilized and have morals/values.
Slavic women on the other hand, are seen as cheap whores who gladly open their legs for a can of beans.
I have more respect for Slavic men, than Slavic women.
Just look at Ukraine for example.... women flee abroad jumping on foreign cock, while their men lay dead in a trench.
And they still have the audacity to claim that they are somehow ´oppressed´ and live in a patriarchy.
Patriarchy? My A$$....
Their government revolves around women, bowing down to them and worshipping them.
It´s always the Slavic men who are expected to be traditional, masculine with manners, while slavic women whore around
Polish is gynocentric probably due to the Catholic cult of woman.
Other countries are gynocentric due to different reasons.
My grandfather served in 5.SS panzer.
He said there´s a reason Slavs should have been eradicated.
They are more prone to communism, and mixed with mongols anyways.
Eradicate them, or push them back over the Urals... So they can fuck their own mongoloid race.
Skandinavians are also mixed with mongoloids. Also communism is a German creation. And national-socialists also were leftist collectivists.
lots of makeup and other looksmaxxing, i know what they do cause my mother works in beauty industry
Slavic females look good i have some ukrainian females at work , they may not be top models but (and they do have a weird stinky smell about them) they do look better than the average french female plus better character (friendlier and kinder overall).
Not a single niggawatt
Noodlewhores are the worst isn't that right @Cayden Zhang @Made in Heaven @Lv99_BixNood
there's nothing based about them.
Watching lynching of faggot in your country made me fall in love with it. Isn't even feminism seen as "extremist" by Russian government?

Random woman on Russian streets mogg entirety of so called "Models".
Other countries are gynocentric due to different reasons.
Why is Russia?
Isolated incident.

+ 6000 mein kya ayega bhai ? Russian ayega yah Swedish ? You know the answer
Stop wasting your time on him, he is trolling and worshiping foids , with every post he is shortening his stay here.
Why is Russia?
Don't know for sure. Maybe because average Russian can't impress a female with his looks or a good job/money, so he compensates by white knighting and acting aggressively.
Don't know for sure. Maybe because average Russian can't impress a female with his looks or a good job/money, so he compensates by white knighting and acting aggressively.
Russian foids look so good :ahegao: :ahegao: :ahegao: I want a Slavic wife :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Russian foids look so good :ahegao: :ahegao: :ahegao: I want a Slavic wife :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Polish also. This is an average female in Poland. Ask @AsakuraHao

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Polish also. This is an average female in Poland. Ask @AsakuraHao
How are Slavic foids this hot? :ahegao: :ahegao: :ahegao: Rest of white whores are all fat land whales with piercing and tattoos :feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke:

Slavic foids look super hot and elegant :ahegao::ahegao:
Scandinavian women have stereotype of dog and horse fucking, Slavic woman don't. Shut up
In scandinavia they have dog brothels and i can asure you aslong as shes white, Shes fucked a dog at some point in hER life.
I don't want to insult or belittle you but I just wanted to point out that Eastern European women are by far the most undignified, characterless and loose women out there. They are top tier whores and are known around the world for being such.

Have you wondered why deathnics lust after EE women and not Scandinavian women who mog the former in every metric ? It's because EE women are willing to whore themselves even to the lowest Shudroid curry(I have seen it).

They become prostitutes, hookers and strippers all over the world and are known as such. In India there is a meme called the "6000 Russian a jayegi' which means you can buy a Russian woman with 6000 rupees(this memes comes from the fact that many Russian women work as prostitutes and call girls in New Delhi). We all know they become porta potties for Rich Sands in Dubai.

They have zero loyalty towards their nations. Many Ruskie whores were marrying Chinks during the early stages of the war. Many are still doing so. One has to wonder what kind of men were fathers to these women for them to have so little self respect and great willingness to become whores.

And not only this but they are proud of their whoredom. They see it as a big accomplishment to open their legs for money and boast about their whoring greatly with pride. Whoring is their life and they are pride of it. Never have I ever witness a more deranged and vile sort of women in this world. And to thino these whores even have the gall to believe they are entitled to any form of respect kek. They are less than beggars(beggars still have their dignity intact). I am truly repulsed and disgusted by them.

Tldr : Slavwhores are the biggest gigawhores of the Earth.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec
thats true my 19 year old blue eye sister have a 40 year old kurdish boyfriend and live with him. they have not a single percent of loyality towards their families and roots.
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Polish also. This is an average female in Poland. Ask @AsakuraHao

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they would let every filthy indian, arab or nigger to fuck their pussys and give them a offspring. I know everything about this culture...
Poland was divided several times and the women could only survive if they had sex with the conquerors. thats how they learn to open their legs for everyone. polish men are to much idiotic to fight against others. thats why polish mothers rule the household and are the dominant ones because polish men are drunk fags
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Slavic women have super round heads, in comparison to the Caucasian skull structure of our Western/Nordic European women (Celts included).
Most Slavs barely look white.
can you show pics?

My grandfather served in 5.SS panzer.
He said there´s a reason Slavs should have been eradicated.
They are more prone to communism, and mixed with mongols anyways.
Eradicate them, or push them back over the Urals... So they can fuck their own mongoloid race.
my grandfather was slav not from russia or poland fought in ww2. a simple man hard worker overall good guy. light eyes light skin looked pale.

@DarkStarDown what do you call it no more brother wars?
least delusional pajeet :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: their only God is a Satan they worship Moloch by fighting for abortion and tranny Ishtar. They are fat and disgusting. They are all bossbabes there not even ounce of femininity in them left, they are brainwashed by the commie academia and are not Christian. They vote for Marxist like Trzaskowski or Biedron (faggot) or other feminists that want to introduce abortion on demand (Moloch loves that).
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The pajeet slur makes me laugh man jfl, I love this website bro.
I know romanians arent slavs but their escorts are hot, might fuck one if i ever travel to the UK
Slavic whores are a reminder to close off your state and never let your country's females access to other men even if you have a surplus of foid population
I wonder what the percentage of them experience foidicide vs the other populations of whurz arund the world. would be at the top of my list....just sayin'
In scandinavia they have dog brothels and i can asure you aslong as shes white, Shes fucked a dog at some point in hER life.
dog brothels for kuntz, how perfectly creative!
What I don't understand about slav women is so many get these horrible plastic surgeries to look like black women. And horrible breast implants and even butt implants.

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