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Blackpill Sorry Slavcels but your women are prostitutes of the world

Pornography can be seen as a form of prostitution and USA is an absolute leader by the number of pornstars, while Czech and Hungary are the leaders when it comes to pornstars per million inhabitants.
And Hungary isn't a Slavic nation while Czech was under the influence of German culture for many centuries.

Slavic women are the worst whores and also the most mean foids in the world (well maybe chinese foids are more mean and cruel), anyone who enters into a ltr with an EE foid is a fucking moron.

I would fuck a slav foid but never date one.
Polish females have big tits :feelsohh:.
I´ve made some threads about this, and 100% agree with you.
I´m a West-European guy myself, and always laugh when some Slavic guy says:
´Your Western women are whores´.
Slavic women are more whorish, in comparison to Swedish and Danish women.
At least Swedish and Danish women (the vast majority) stick to their own Nordic Chads, instead of fucking everything non-white.
These retards seriously need to look uo Escort sites in different countries to see their trad slav women
Russian Polish Czech Ukrainian foids date arab turkish and black men but muh trad because they larp as conservative online to fool desperate western men.
I´ve made some threads about this, and 100% agree with you.
I´m a West-European guy myself, and always laugh when some Slavic guy says:
´Your Western women are whores´.
Slavic women are more whorish, in comparison to Swedish and Danish women.
At least Swedish and Danish women (the vast majority) stick to their own Nordic Chads, instead of fucking everything non-white.
Exactly. No Swedish woman is stereotyped as whore in Asia.
I´ve made some threads about this, and 100% agree with you.
I´m a West-European guy myself, and always laugh when some Slavic guy says:
´Your Western women are whores´.
Slavic women are more whorish, in comparison to Swedish and Danish women.
At least Swedish and Danish women (the vast majority) stick to their own Nordic Chads, instead of fucking everything non-white.
Western white women only date high status ethnics such as famous artists, actors etc whilst polish foids would date a african refugee with no money.
white women SHOULD give all curries a chance. if they dont they're hypergamist chad only whores
Western white women only date high status ethnics such as famous artists, actors etc whilst polish foids would date a african refugee with no money.
Bad for whites, good for ethnics
Polish females have big tits :feelsohh:.
I live in the Netherlands, and Poland is seen as the ´whore house´ of Europe.
It´s always the Polish and other Slavic men, who come to our country to earn honest money, work hard and act
civilized and have morals/values.
Slavic women on the other hand, are seen as cheap whores who gladly open their legs for a can of beans.
I have more respect for Slavic men, than Slavic women.
Just look at Ukraine for example.... women flee abroad jumping on foreign cock, while their men lay dead in a trench.
And they still have the audacity to claim that they are somehow ´oppressed´ and live in a patriarchy.
Patriarchy? My A$$....
Their government revolves around women, bowing down to them and worshipping them.
It´s always the Slavic men who are expected to be traditional, masculine with manners, while slavic women whore around
I think that interracial relationships are way overthinked here, most people have strong preference for their own

Also don't think that nordic women mog slavic ones i myself prefer danubian nordid, neo danubian, gorid over hallstat, tronder any day

I live in the Netherlands, and Poland is seen as the ´whore house´ of Europe.
It´s always the Polish and other Slavic men, who come to our country to earn honest money, work hard and act
civilized and have morals/values.
Slavic women on the other hand, are seen as cheap whores who gladly open their legs for a can of beans.
I have more respect for Slavic men, than Slavic women.
Just look at Ukraine for example.... women flee abroad jumping on foreign cock, while their men lay dead in a trench.
And they still have the audacity to claim that they are somehow ´oppressed´ and live in a patriarchy.
Patriarchy? My A$$....
Their government revolves around women, bowing down to them and worshipping them.
It´s always the Slavic men who are expected to be traditional, masculine with manners, while slavic women whore around
Thanks for nice words for slavic men :feelsokman:
And not only this but they are proud of their whoredom. They see it as a big accomplishment to open their legs for money and boast about their whoring greatly with pride. Whoring is their life and they are pride of it. Never have I ever witness a more deranged and vile sort of women in this world. And to thino these whores even have the gall to believe they are entitled to any form of respect kek. They are less than beggars(beggars still have their dignity intact). I am truly repulsed and disgusted by them.
So obnoxious, I assume that half of the fun of going to a whore, is to know they're ashamed of it and desperate for money. Not some self-glorifying retarded cunt who read too much jewish feminism books and thinks being a whore is something to be proud of.

A lot of camwhores do that too. I'll tell em something like "yeah you're a dirty slut" just as dirty talk and then the majority of them get ultra-triggered and will ban you. Like bitch that's literally what you are, men like degrading you, you could earn way more money just rolling with it but their completely delusional undeserved sense of self-respect and pride is more important to them.
Also kinga WatER thread i know for couple of years that EE is geomaxxing location like SEA or latam

because they are. them preferring chads of their own race doesnt mean they arent whores
I know the statement called ´AWALT´ very well,
I´ve been blackpilled since 2020, so it´s been 4 years.

Im not trying to say Western women aren´t whores (especially after the sexual revolution and feminism),
Im saying that Slavic women aren´t any better, if not: worse.
Those Russian skinheads are literal niggers in white skin, worthless scum.
Cope they are killing fags instead of sucking their dick like rest of whites. Slavs are the most trad and supreme whites
Mods please Pin this Brilliant thread,
So naive fools on this forum, won´t fall for the ´Slavic = Traditional´ Nonsense.
Cope they are killing fags instead of sucking their dick like rest of whites. Slavs are the most trad and supreme whites
I rather live among western sjws then these gopnik thug savages, i don't support LGBT but I don't care about men fucking eachother, i have way bigger problems in life.

You are another delusional Indian who worships EE shitholes like Wereq
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you sound like failed normie sexhaver who got rejected by a slavfoid
This thread is also unobjective. While there are high number of hookers or escorts from Slav countries, this is in general all EE countries problem, not just Slavs.
Romania is known for a huge number of escorts from this country and it isn't a Slavic country.
The same with Moldova. It's seems that Moldovan prostitutės and escorts are everywhere despite it being a very small country with only 2+ million population.
This thread is also unobjective. While there are high number of hookers or escorts from Slav countries, this is in general all EE countries problem, not just Slavs.
Romania is known for a huge number of escorts from this country and it isn't a Slavic country.
The same with Moldova. It's seems that Moldovan prostitutės and escorts are everywhere despite it being a very small country with only 2+ million population.
many slavs themselves agree with my statements
Russian, Ukrainian and some Czech women are no less hotter thaScandinavian women in general.
Copium overdose.....
The fuck you smoking?
Slavic women have super round heads, in comparison to the Caucasian skull structure of our Western/Nordic European women (Celts included).
Most Slavs barely look white.
I know the statement called ´AWALT´ very well,
I´ve been blackpilled since 2020, so it´s been 4 years.

Im not trying to say Western women aren´t whores (especially after the sexual revolution and feminism),
Im saying that Slavic women aren´t any better, if not: worse.
No one deny the fact that Slavic women are very promiscuous heartless gold-diggers. However, this thread is from someone who objectively simps/white knights for other western females.
No one deny the fact that Slavic women are very promiscuous heartless gold-diggers.
Slavs are still better than rest of the whites against LGBT shit
Cope cope and more cope. Why do Slavic women have a stereotype of being prostitutes attached to them and Scandinavian women do not ?
For the same reason why people on this forum talk about SEAmaxxing rather than NEAmaxxing:feelshaha::feelsthink:.


Pornography can be seen as a form of prostitution and USA is an absolute leader by the number of pornstars, while Czech and Hungary are the leaders when it comes to pornstars per million inhabitants.
And Hungary isn't a Slavic nation while Czech was under the influence of German culture for many centuries.

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Tfw bordering the two most pornstar-heavy countries but we still lose more females to them in international dating than we gain:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:.

race wars.is
And hopefully it will never be anything else:feelshmm:.
many slavs themselves agree with my statements
Because they don't care about objectivity + women in general are prostitutes.

Or you never heard about this joke?

Winston churchill 421321
Tfw bordering the two most pornstar-heavy countries but we still lose more females to them in international dating than we gain:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:.
Warmaxx and rape all the European rosties. Slavs are the most supreme in wars
For the same reason why people on this forum talk about SEAmaxxing rather than NEAmaxxing:feelshaha::feelsthink:.

Slavs and SEAmen simply don't mateguard their women unlike caucasians and MENA, even latinos mateguard more
Slavs and SEAmen simply don't mateguard their women unlike caucasians and MENA, even latinos mateguard more
My grandfather served in 5.SS panzer.
He said there´s a reason Slavs should have been eradicated.
They are more prone to communism, and mixed with mongols anyways.
Eradicate them, or push them back over the Urals... So they can fuck their own mongoloid race.
nothing new here
My grandfather served in 5.SS panzer.
He said there´s a reason Slavs should have been eradicated.
They are more prone to communism, and mixed with mongols anyways.
Eradicate them, or push them back over the Urals... So they can fuck their own mongoloid race.
Slavs are Mongoloids ! Take that @anandkonda

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