That's called Lamarckism / Lysenkoism
Those are defunct theories.
I find it impressive you've never learned about Darwin's theories. Were you brought up by creationists, or traditional Muslims?
Same applies. The pygmies are not emigrating, it's the strongest, healthiest ones who are.
That's also why Indians are the most successful, highest income ethnicity in the USA, despite their country of origin being a poor shithole. It's the most capable ones who get out.
That may be an euphemism your school used for "special needs" kids.
A triple digit IQ person wouldn't be waiting for "links" (20th century invention) to studies that are gathering mold since the 19th century.
It's an easy way to figure out one is dealing with a sub-90 IQ person... they miss these anachronisms often.
Ever caught yourself wondering why didn't Napoleon put GPS in his nuclear submarines? That's in the same ballpark of expecting links to colonial times experiments.
You can find references to these experiments in history books in libraries, ask the librarian.
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