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It's Over Son (6) in the second percentile for height



Nov 19, 2017

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/152hfxq/son_6_in_the_second_percentile_for_height/

My son (6) is in the second percentile for height. I’m 4 ft 9 (female) so it’s not too surprising that he’s short but I’m worried for him. My husband (his dad) is 5 ft 9 in height so he’s average. Husband isn’t worried about our sons height but I am worried about how society will treat him.

1 foot height difference wasn't enough, foidlet sons are doomed :feelsclown:

Also jfl at this comment:

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/152hfxq/son_6_in_the_second_percentile_for_height/jseen0b/

My wife is biologically male and is only 4'8


More evidence that trannies are overwhelmingly turbomanlet transmaxxers :feelskek:
Man, 4'8 ? I'm 5'4 and a giant compared to "her"
This is why humans aren't going to get taller, as there will always be short foids reproducing.
My son (6) is in the second percentile for height. I’m 4 ft 9 (female) so it’s not too surprising that he’s short but I’m worried for him. My husband is 5 ft 9 in height so he’s average. Husband isn’t worried about our sons height but I am worried society will treat him in exactly the same way as I treated short men like him.


I think this is what passes for "self awareness" in a toilet?

I think this is what passes for "self awareness" in a toilet?
That's pure comedy. These rancid whores know how torturous being a manlet is and they know how badly short men are bullied by foids, yet they then cry when their own sons end up manlets

One of the most enjoyable things in life is watching a noodle whore who spent her whole life hating manlets give birth to a hapa manlet son
She never worried about her height. No shit
Inkwel in the making
tbh i didn't understand a single word.
who is the father and how is the mother a 4'8" man? this shit is really frustrating.
tbh i didn't understand a single word.
who is the father and how is the mother a 4'8" man? this shit is really frustrating.
It's a different roastie. Her """wife""" is a transmaxxer :lul:
tbh i didn't understand a single word.
who is the father and how is the mother a 4'8" man? this shit is really frustrating.
trying to make sense of it is like being in hell
Yep. It's his genetic destiny. Written into his blood. His very dna. It was over the moment the sperm touched the egg.
"muh genetic destiny" this is so bluepilled, no one is incel from the very moment they are born other than extremely rare cases such as down syndrome people
"muh genetic destiny" this is so bluepilled, no one is incel from the very moment they are born other than extremely rare cases such as down syndrome people
Poor kid. Non only he's gonna be a manlet, he's gonna be raised by trannies. Brutal
This is why humans aren't going to get taller, as there will always be short foids reproducing.
Nah, the main reason for the increasing height is how much food humans are stuffing into their fat faces. That is increasing. Overconsumption = increasing height.






I'll think about it.
Nah, the main reason for the increasing height is how much food humans are stuffing into their fat faces. That is increasing. Overconsumption = increasing height.
Most European countries have stagnated in height, and developed Asian countries like Japan has stopped as well. Also USA citizens consume the most food, so with your logic, they should be the tallest people in the world.
A new lost soul is upcoming, if he doesn't rope by then when he realizes the cruelty of soyciety
Nah, the main reason for the increasing height is how much food humans are stuffing into their fat faces. That is increasing. Overconsumption = increasing height.

Height is genetic.

However, tall people require more food growing up. Therefore, in situations of EXTREME scarcity, people with genes for being tall will fail to get their caloric needs met, and will become sickly and/or deformed (rickets etc.) and will not grow to their potential.

Outside brain tumors, chemicals in the water, societies undergoing a famine, etc. height is genetic.
2nd percentile adult males in the US is about 5'3".

He will be a mandlet but he's not going to be a dwarf.
Most European countries have stagnated in height
No they haven't. Height continues to increase by about an inch per generation.

and developed Asian countries like Japan has stopped as well.
Also no.

Also USA citizens consume the most food, so with your logic, they should be the tallest people in the world.
Yankland has huge levels of immigration and large populations of East Asians, Mexicans etc coming from poor countries. And Yankland is like top 5 in the world. I didn't say it was the only variable re: height. Genetics, sexual selection and quality of diet are also factors. It's the main cause.

Height is genetic.

However, tall people require more food growing up. Therefore, in situations of EXTREME scarcity, people with genes for being tall will fail to get their caloric needs met, and will become sickly and/or deformed (rickets etc.) and will not grow to their potential.

Outside brain tumors, chemicals in the water, societies undergoing a famine, etc. height is genetic.

Height has shot up exponentially over the last 100 years because food has been more plentiful than at any point in human history. You eat more, you get bigger. It's the same with any animal species. Unless you were rich (which was always an extreme minority of people), food has always been scarce throughout human history. The last ~50 years have been completely unique in this respect. Tribesmen who have clean diets are short af.

11cm increase in 150 years isn't due to sexual selection.
11cm increase in 150 years isn't due to sexual selection.
Part of it is.

This recent increase in average heights due to an abundance of food occurrs because undernourished people with tallfag genes died or didn't grow in scarcity situations. Nowadays they grow to the fullest height their genetics allow for.

You do know that bonsai trees are otherwise genetically ordinary trees purposely kept undernourished, right? Similar thing applies to humans. There are scarcely any naturally occurring bonsai because in the wild these small stunted plants can't survive.

The avg. Height of a well nourished Sequoia is 100m and of a bonsai Sequoia is 1% of that. But the case is that sequoia trees have the genes to grow 100m, unlike a grass or a berry. Do you get it?
This is why humans aren't going to get taller, as there will always be short foids reproducing.
Genocide short Foids
We need eugenics

@wereq @BataviaCel @Govid_Dorious

Funny how the father dismisses it. He's about average height and clearly had no trouble finding a hole to stick it in. But the mother who is short herself knows how much even SHE discriminates against short men.

Fucking idiot normies. Bitch just don't even bother reproducing if you're that short. Rip your ovaries out. These are the same women who say things like "teehee we have to be hypergamous to protect the gene pool".

That kid is in for a world of pain.

Her son is just below the highlighted if my calculations are correct. Brutal....unless he has some crazy growth spurt or I guess HGH(?), he is going to be much shorter than his peers by adulthood.

Part of it is.

This recent increase in average heights due to an abundance of food occurrs because undernourished people with tallfag genes died or didn't grow in scarcity situations. Nowadays they grow to the fullest height their genetics allow for.
But that doesn't explain why height is increasing generation after generation. Humans are also evolving to be taller because of overconsumption. It's reconfiguring their genes, or whatever, so that their children have "taller" genes.
But that doesn't explain why height is increasing generation after generation. Humans are also evolving to be taller because of overconsumption. It's reconfiguring their genes, or whatever, so that their children have "taller" genes.

If you overfeed pygmy babies, what you get is a set of fat and short pigmies. This experiment was done many times.

Pigmy manlet genes were selected for because scarcity conditions made people with tallfag genes become sick and stunted due to a lack of sufficient food for their bodily demands, so only people with manlet genes survived.

This is Evolution 101.
I'm surprised you still haven't got it.
Did you grow up with young-Earth creationist parents? Or you have a sub-90 IQ?
No they haven't. Height continues to increase by about an inch per generation.

Also no.

Yankland has huge levels of immigration and large populations of East Asians, Mexicans etc coming from poor countries. And Yankland is like top 5 in the world. I didn't say it was the only variable re: height. Genetics, sexual selection and quality of diet are also factors. It's the main cause.
Average height is only increasing now because taller men are reproducing more. Nutrition isn't going to get you far anymore.

If you overfeed pygmy babies, what you get is a set of fat and short pigmies. This experiment was done many times.
Lol when and where?
Pigmy manlet genes were selected for because scarcity conditions made people with tallfag genes become sick and stunted due to a lack of sufficient food for their bodily demands, so only people with manlet genes survived.

But what's the relevance? This is the opposite of what we're talking about. And largely irrelevant to human evolution in the west for the past thousand years. If there's an extreme scarcity of food, the taller person beats the smaller person to death and eats them.
This is Evolution 101.
I'm surprised you still haven't got it.
Did you grow up with young-Earth creationist parents? Or you have a sub-90 IQ?
How do you think species of animal grow in size?
Why would her husband care? He already shoved his dick inside this genetic trash hobbit. No man should reproduce with a foid below 5'4. You get a better outcome from 5'9(M) + 5'5(F) than 6'0(M) + 5'0(F).
How can one package so many brootal blackpills in one post like holy shit. 1) foidlet marrying a man a foot taller than her has doomed her son to inceldom because even a 4ft 9 whore can date the average height man 2) normie father doesn't care cause he got his lmao 3) brootal transmaxxer pill that shows the fates of turbomanlets as either trannyfuckers or transmaxxers, so unbelievably brootal

I think this is what passes for "self awareness" in a toilet?
Such is the cosmic irony of the multiverse, like that one comic of the whore dating a tallfag, creating a manlet who is then rejected by the foid dating a tallfag, and so the cycle of hatred continues

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/152hfxq/son_6_in_the_second_percentile_for_height/

1 foot height difference wasn't enough, foidlet sons are doomed :feelsclown:

Also jfl at this comment:

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/152hfxq/son_6_in_the_second_percentile_for_height/jseen0b/


More evidence that trannies are overwhelmingly turbomanlet transmaxxers :feelskek:

That last post, fuuuuck. "Don't worry, your son is normal, I also have condition X and my wife's son's boyfriend is this cool dude and we're totally normal..."
His father is more bluepilled than his mother. She is right to be worried and should heightmaxx her son.
normie father doesn't care cause he got his lmao
Unironically this summarizes alot of wmaf couples. The white man doesn't give a single fuck about his hapa ricecel living a life of pain and agony, he's just happy he didn't end up inkwel, and instead passes on the curse of inceldom onto his hapa son to bare the burden of
Over before it began
Unironically this summarizes alot of wmaf couples. The white man doesn't give a single fuck about his hapa ricecel living a life of pain and agony, he's just happy he didn't end up inkwel, and instead passes on the curse of inceldom onto his hapa son to bare the burden of
brootal normies pulling a griffith and sacrificing their entire lineage for easy pussy thats why I hate normie men just as much as foids, they would cut all our throats in a heart beat for a crumb of pussy
Why would her husband care? He already shoved his dick inside this genetic trash hobbit. No man should reproduce with a foid below 5'4. You get a better outcome from 5'9(M) + 5'5(F) than 6'0(M) + 5'0(F).

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