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Sometimes I laugh about my coping



Nov 14, 2017
When I'm reading the forum and learning with our fellow incels, I find myself coping and feeling for almost everyone of you, but sometimes, the cope is too hard to take it serious anymore and I start to laugh at everything I read here, it's like my retard brain enters in hysteria mode and the cope overloads the system too much. I don't know about you guys. I'm getting worried that I'm going seriously nuts.
yeah, sometime i laugh at how pathetic my existence is, logging onto some forum of retadred broken people to shitpost random nonsense, having no girlfriend and anything else

sometiems reality hits me hard and i realize i am tryly fucked and i dotn even live, i just exist
Whenever, I'm in pain; I sometimes laugh in order to cope that feeling...
IceCutter said:
it's a common human coping mechanism, the entire idea behind character The Joker

That's nice. So we need to cope if we expect the rope. I feel a little relieved then
its cause wymyns safe space is to immediately call the cops for rape if your a 200pound bald toothless currycel working in the same tech support company as her. The vent makes it at least bearable.
sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at your pathetic existence, i do it all the time
i laugh everytime i see my face in the mirror
Sometimes I laugh at my reflection in the mirror. Other times, I laugh at my overall predicament in life. It's ok, I literally don't care about this life at all. The next life obtained through Christ is what really counts.
We the most logical people on the planet. It's sexyally active people who are nuts because sex makes life so good you don't think rationally
incelman said:
We the most logical people on the planet. It's sexyally active people who are nuts because sex makes life so good you don't think rationally

you're coping, but i agree
DAFMFP said:
When I'm reading the forum and learning with our fellow incels, I find myself coping and feeling for almost everyone of you, but sometimes, the cope is too hard to take it serious anymore and I start to laugh at everything I read here, it's like my retard brain enters in hysteria mode and the cope overloads the system too much. I don't know about you guys. I'm getting worried that I'm going seriously nuts.

you will, i compared my posts from the first time of myself in r/incels and to now, i literally got dumb
I often cry and laugh at the same time when I get depressed about my pathetic life.
foreignincel3 said:
you will, i compared my posts from the first time of myself in r/incels and to now, i literally got dumb

years of hardcore incel\imageboard shitposting worsened my overall mental health to such an extent that even if I were to turn into a Chad, the very concept of social interaction with normgroids would still be a foreign concept to me
oblivioncel said:
you're coping, but i agree

How exactly am I coping? Incels are cynical and rational. Happy people who have sex don't think with reason because they don't have to.
There is a lot of anger, depression, and despair deep inside of myself. I used to feel somewhat bad about what I'd post online because 1) A lot of it was rather dark and disgusting and 2) I usually got down voted to oblivion and people just seemed to hate me. But then I found incels. For once people agreed with me. As far as other forums, I just stopped caring. This is what I am. No apologies, no regrets. I was sick of feeling shitty all of the time. I was sick of feeling guilty.
incelman said:
How exactly am I coping? Incels are cynical and rational. Happy people who have sex don't think with reason because they don't have to.
i sensed some degree of self-congratulatory rhetoric, that's why i called you out. if that wasn't the case, my apologies. anyway you're right, normgroids live in a state of blissful ignorance while incels are doomed by the hypertrophy of their self-consciousness to bear witness of the world in a state of constant angst
Yeah sometimes i also just think how shitty my current situation is and i can't help but laugh.
oblivioncel said:
while incels are doomed by the hypertrophy of their self-consciousness to bear witness of the world in a state of constant angst

This should be pinned. It's so fucking true. We are so redpilled and there is nothing we can do except wathcing and suffering.
incelman said:
This should be pinned. It's so fucking true. We are so redpilled and there is nothing we can do except wathcing and suffering.

it's like being forced to nonconsensual cuckoldry. we picture in our own minds the dawn of infinite possibilities of life and tell ourselves stories on how bucolic our existence could be only to wake up into a dreadful reality where we have little to no agency and where our little hopes get raped on an everyday basis
oblivioncel said:
it's like being forced to nonconsensual cuckoldry. we picture in our own minds the dawn of infinite possibilities of life and tell ourselves stories on how bucolic our existence could be only to wake up into a dreadful reality where we have little to no agency and where our little hopes get raped on an everyday basis

We have to watch others live while we rot. They live in a parallel reality to ours. Imagine how it feels waking up next to a woman who gives you morning sex then happily going to work because you know that when you come home someone will be waiting for you. Instead, we are BANNED from all that and women are in a diffrent plane of existance than ours.
incelman said:
We have to watch others live while we rot. They live in a parallel reality to ours. Imagine how it feels waking up next to a woman who gives you morning sex then happily going to work because you know that when you come home someone will be waiting for you. Instead, we are BANNED from all that and women are in a diffrent plane of existance than ours.

Nothing more true than that. This is like a multiverse of sorts in the same old universe, it's too cruel to be true.
incelman said:
We have to watch others live while we rot. They live in a parallel reality to ours. Imagine how it feels waking up next to a woman who gives you morning sex then happily going to work because you know that when you come home someone will be waiting for you. Instead, we are BANNED from all that and women are in a diffrent plane of existance than ours.

not only that, but imagine living in a state of blissful ignorance where you're not even aware that what you call "love" is just a byproduct of evolution and that your gf's attachment to you (every romantic gesture, every hug and every sweet word of encouragement) are nothing but part of an elaborate mating ritual based only upon sexual attraction, and instead of that grim awareness you believe all the platonic rubbish about personality, character and so on and so forth and you really think that you got a gf as qt as she is not because your superior facial features but because you're actually a really valuable person, someone to look up to and a productive member of our great human society. and in the meanwhile, incels not only cannot get laid, but they can see through all those bullshits as well and curse their hypertrophic self-consciousness
oblivioncel said:
years of hardcore incel\imageboard shitposting worsened my overall mental health to such an extent that even if I were to turn into a Chad, the very concept of social interaction with normgroids would still be a foreign concept to me

the very moment a girl will hold eye contact and smile at you while her eyes widen up and look at you with a big interest motivation will fade away all the sins you have from shitposting
foreignincel3 said:
the very moment a girl will hold eye contact and smile at you while her eyes widen up and look at you with a big interest motivation will fade away all the sins you have from shitposting

i don't even speak normie lingo anymore tbh, and chances are that i'd inadvertently call her a succubus or a stacey or whatever
oblivioncel said:
i don't even speak normie lingo anymore tbh, and chances are that i'd inadvertently call her a succubus or a stacey or whatever

you underestimate the power of females trust me on this one
oblivioncel said:
not only that, but imagine living in a state of blissful ignorance where you're not even aware that what you call "love" is just a byproduct of evolution and that your gf's attachment to you (every romantic gesture, every hug and every sweet word of encouragement) are nothing but part of an elaborate mating ritual based only upon sexual attraction, and instead of that grim awareness you believe all the platonic rubbish about personality, character and so on and so forth and you really think that you got a gf as qt as she is not because your superior facial features but because you're actually a really valuable person, someone to look up to and a productive member of our great human society. and in the meanwhile, incels not only cannot get laid, but they can see through all those bullshits as well and curse their hypertrophic self-consciousness

Inceldom makes you way too self aware and way too aware of what's happening. People and women specifically can't even explain why they are attracted tos omeone so they just label it personality but we are redpilled and we know that it's all about looks. We are able to rationalize instinct based things live sex and love yet we are incapable of doing all these because we ar eugly subhumans. Once you start realize what's going on you know there is no escape. We understand women, sex and attraction yet it's out of our grasp. The 16 year old chadlite that too his prime jailbait's virginity does not know what lookism, sexual evolution, blackpill are.
incelman said:
Inceldom makes you way too self aware and way too aware of what's happening. People and women specifically can't even explain why they are attracted tos omeone so they just label it personality but we are redpilled and we know that it's all about looks. We are able to rationalize instinct based things live sex and love yet we are incapable of doing all these because we ar eugly subhumans. Once you start realize what's going on you know there is no escape. We understand women, sex and attraction yet it's out of our grasp. The 16 year old chadlite that too his prime jailbait's virginity does not know what lookism, sexual evolution, blackpill are.

robotic waifu cannot really come soon enough. they'll be the true equalizer that will make women obsolete
DAFMFP said:
Nothing more true than that. This is like a multiverse of sorts in the same old universe, it's too cruel to be true.

Fuck incel life. It's all over. We will never get to be happy. Our only hope is gene splicing.

oblivioncel said:
robotic waifu cannot really come soon enough. they'll be the true equalizer that will make women obsolete

Robots ARE COPE. I want gene splicing.
incelman said:
Fuck incel life. It's all over. We will never get to be happy. Our only hope is gene splicing.

Robots ARE COPE. I want gene splicing.

how are robots a cope if they're the inevitable next step of evolution. the only power that women yield in our society is a consequence of their status as a scarce sexual commodity. as soon as every man, no matter how ugly, will be able to either manufacture or buy a robot that is as good looking as a top-tier model and totally obedient to his every whim, women will not be able to compete and will realize that every civil right battle they thought they won was actually nothing but a kind concession granted by men in order to still engage in sexual relationships with them
oblivioncel said:
how are robots a cope if they're the inevitable next step of evolution. the only power that women yield in our society is a consequence of their status as a scarce sexual commodity. as soon as every man, no matter how ugly, will be able to either manufacture or buy a robot that is as good looking as a top-tier model and totally obedient to his every whim, women will not be able to compete and will realize that every civil right battle they thought they won was actually nothing but a kind concession granted by men in order to still engage in sexual relationships with them

Because robots are not alive \, they don't have emotions, their vaginas won't be nearly as good as women's, all fake and mechanical. They will just be advanced sex dolls.
incelman said:
Because robots are not alive \, they don't have emotions, their vaginas won't be nearly as good as women's, all fake and mechanical. They will just be advanced sex dolls.

just wait for the progresses of artificial intelligence, i'm sure that robots will soon have a more sophisticated emotional spectrum than femgroid themselves.
when i feel lonely i like to chat with some AI bots and sometimes i find their replies more insightful than the comments of the average female redditor
oblivioncel said:
just wait for the progresses of artificial intelligence, i'm sure that robots will soon have a more sophisticated emotional spectrum than femgroid themselves.
when i feel lonely i like to chat with some AI bots and sometimes i find their replies more insightful than the comments of the average female redditor

Thta's because the average female redditos act like bots to random people but if you were attractive to them then they would be insightful. Women have several personalities depending on who thye are talking to.
incelman said:
Thta's because the average female redditos act like bots to random people but if you were attractive to them then they would be insightful. Women have several personalities depending on who thye are talking to.

pretty sure that the average female redditor wouldn't be able to pass a turing test.
but yeah, i'm sure that they put much more efforts when talking to chads, albeit i'm not sure how good the results are. after all, they don't need much eloquence, all they need is being a female in and of itself
oblivioncel said:
pretty sure that the average female redditor wouldn't be able to pass a turing test.
but yeah, i'm sure that they put much more efforts when talking to chads, albeit i'm not sure how good the results are. after all, they don't need much eloquence, all they need is being a female in and of itself

If it's cHAD THEY WILL try to be funny and witty to satisfy him.

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