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Serious Some of you really are incel because of your personality

I'm sick of this bullshit that's spouted on IT and now here, so I want a coherent explanation as to how one has an "ideal" personality.

If I'm Nice: Oh its coz you want to get in her pants
If I'm not nice: I'm a misogynistic
If I treat foids how I treat men then after a while ask them out: You were only my friend to date me? Make intentions clear from the start.
If you ask out foids initally: Am I just a hole to you? Be friends with me first.

Regardless of what we do, it is wrong.
Be nice.
Dont be overly nice.

Proving my point.

View attachment 158861

Define "overly nice" because I used to treat everyone as equals, but now I dont even treat foids as human.
I respected those that hated me, didnt retaliate to those that scorned me and didnt make enemies, yet despite that foids saw me as nothing but genetic trash.

Even analysing the vapid lives of majority of foids, they're boring beings that have nothing to offer, but their hole. That's not the point.

You still havent explained how one has a good "personality" without coming across as a nice guy, because very few men are actually like that.
I'm not even saying you need an exceptional personality as an average looking guy. All I'm saying is if you're an average looking incel and don't have a major mental handicap, you probably just have a dumpster fire personality that you'd have to be Chad to get away with, and that's probably the root cause of your inceldom. I'm not even talking about ugly guys who are bitter about being ugly.
I'm not even saying you need an exceptional personality as an average looking guy. All I'm saying is if you're an average looking incel and don't have a major mental handicap, you probably just have a dumpster fire personality that you'd have to be Chad to get away with, and that's probably the root cause of your inceldom.
I sort of agree with you, however I've seen a lot of average guys struggle in the dating game and to the "average" guys that don't struggle they're dating an obese woman twice his age.
I'm not even saying you need an exceptional personality as an average looking guy. All I'm saying is if you're an average looking incel and don't have a major mental handicap, you probably just have a dumpster fire personality that you'd have to be Chad to get away with, and that's probably the root cause of your inceldom. I'm not even talking about ugly guys who are bitter about being ugly.

What youre saying is simply not true. And this is not coming from a place of hate or bitterness. I would consider myself a guy with a likable personality. The only reason iam still an incel is because my looksmatch has plenty of chad options by using dating apps and i dont want to dumpsterdive.

If there were no dating apps and people had to interact with each other before selecting one to date, there might be some benefit in having a good personality (if NT or higher in looks). Even then, preaching that personality matters to a bunch of sub-humans is downright cruel.
A good indicator is if you're being overly nice early on for no particular reason. That would ring alarm bells in just about everyone. Nice guys do this all the time and it's laughably transparent.

This is exactly the reverse halo effect in action. An ugly male tries to be nice to a female : What an asshole! Hes only acting nice to get into her pants.

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his is exactly the reverse halo effect in action. An ugly male tries to be nice to a female : What an asshole! Hes only acting nice to get into her pants.
There's a clear difference between being polite and being obsequious that anyone with even a quarter of a brain can recognize. Not recognizing that is not the horn effect, it's genuine social stupidity. Blaming your average looks for the consequences you suffer for it is cope.

The only reason iam still an incel is because my looksmatch has plenty of chad options by using dating apps and i dont want to dumpsterdive.
So you're admittedly a fakecels jfl
There's a clear difference between being polite and being obsequious that anyone with even a quarter of a brain can recognize. Not recognizing that is not the horn effect, it's genuine social stupidity. Blaming your average looks for the consequences you suffer for it is cope.

So you're admittedly a fakecels jfl

So incels cant have any standards is it? Are you one of those "beggars cant be choosers" people ?
There's a clear difference between being polite and being obsequious that anyone with even a quarter of a brain can recognize. Not recognizing that is not the horn effect, it's genuine social stupidity. Blaming your average looks for the consequences you suffer for it is cope.

Yes and you assumed i was only nice to the foid in order to get into her pants. I was 30 at the time and was trying to get a gf.
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I'm a trans racialist realist.

Everyone here including me is a nigga at heart (although I'd like to be that down below), a kike in the pocket (although we don't have big pockets), a rice when it comes to romance (although we'd like to be that in IQ), a curry with charm & etiquette (see rice for IQ), a red neck honky for racialism, a JBW Boston Brahmin lefty for grievance industry etc.

We're a Chimera of sheer fuckwittery.


If you're a 6/10 NEET mayocel who doesn't shower, spends 10 hours a day on 4chan, and you unironically believe that feminism is a Soros-backed Jewish conspiracy, you're a volcel.
Surely a post such as this will not arouse any anger at all
o incels cant have any standards is it? Are you one of those "beggars cant be choosers" people ?
If you're a subhuman cave dwelling goblin yourself, you are not justified in demanding a princess. You're just not.

Yes and you assumed i was only nice to the foid in order to get into her pants. I was 30 at the time and was trying to get a gf.
Yes and what does a gf do with her bf in a normal relationship? They fuck. I'm not saying that's all there is, but that's definitely part of the package.
indeed. I am a mayocel, but that is the only thing I got going for me...... I work 11 hours a day, I do not wear tin foil hats but I believe in spirits and demons, and curses..
Why do you believe in these fairytales?
Nowadays, personality (to foids at least) means jestermax. And I'm simply not funny and will never be able to learn to be. I can't put A and B together and find the right wording to make that into an entertaining joke that foids would be entertained by. If I try I sound like a retard, no one gets it, and I end up embarrassed.

As a result, I have a reputation for being boring.
There is no "good personality" for the stats i was born with. But i do have a shit personality but its not my fault because LOOKS affect how you get treated and with that it also affects your personality. being lonely because of how shit i look also didnt help developing my personality
Are there even any 6/10 on this forum? Well the rules do state u can use the forum if ur blackpilled...
So incels cant have any standards is it? Are you one of those "beggars cant be choosers" people ?

If incels can have standards, why can't foids have standards?

If you're a subhuman cave dwelling goblin yourself, you are not justified in demanding a princess. You're just not.

If you are not a manlet and your face is 4/10+, you're a volcel if you would reject your looksmatch.
The classic "im the only truecel on this site and everyone is good looking here but me"
bluepilled thread

all sorts of good looking tall guys get pussy anytime they want, they can be druggies, psychopathic, selfish, uncaring, greedy, aloof, it doesn't matter

what youre saying is bluepilled because youre saying the average man or below average man MUST jestermaxx because a woman wont bother with you if youre average or below, but she MIGHT give you a chance if you jestermaxx like a soycuck
what youre saying is bluepilled because youre saying the average man or below average man MUST jestermaxx because a woman wont bother with you if youre average or below, but she MIGHT give you a chance if you jestermaxx like a soycuck
I'm not saying anyone should jestermax, just that average-looking guys need to not be pests and date below their looksmatch if they want genuine affection, and consider themselves lucky they're not the below-average guys who have no way of getting it and have to buy a facsimile or go without.
VERY few people are actually incel-tier, let alone truecel. I'm inclined to believe that a portion of this community are lazy, has autism and larps. The average ''incel'' I've seen among the different incel platforms look plain average or hightier normie.
truecels are less inclined to post pictures of themselves though, so they would be underrepresented in people you've seen.
It's damn near a non factor
If incels can have standards, why can't foids have standards?

Foids have sky high standards with complete disregard to their own looks. It's because of instrinsic female smv and dating apps.
Yes and what does a gf do with her bf in a normal relationship? They fuck. I'm not saying that's all there is, but that's definitely part of the package.

again you contradict yourself. I thought there was a big difference between just wanting to get in her pants and wanting a relationship (which would eventually involve sex). Anyways your responses are typical cuck ones and it looks like you overdosed on soy..

Just be nice to her bro (and not overly nice) while making sure she doesnt think youre in it to get into her pants :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
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5'7" hairy currycel raised in the usa. I know there's no chance.
Foids have sky high standards with complete disregard to their own looks. It's because of instrinsic female smv and dating apps.

We ridicule foids who have stupidly high standards, and rightfully so. We should also ridicule similar behaviour in our own ranks, especially if it's coming from a volcel.
good indicator is if you're being overly nice early on for no particular reason. That would ring alarm bells in just about everyone. Nice guys do this all the time and it's laughably transparent.

i try to be slightly less polite towards foids just so they don't fall under the impression that i am romantically interested in them
We ridicule foids who have stupidly high standards, and rightfully so. We should also ridicule similar behaviour in our own ranks, especially if it's coming from a volcel.

Its quite apparent from various statistics on dating apps that it is foids who have ridiculously high standards. Sure there might be a few volces here but most arent.
Who the fuck invited CuckTears?

Yeah you are totally incel because of personality, even though your disqualifying looks and/or autism are readily apparent before anyone ever gets to know you well enough to recognize your personality.

Delusional nonsense.
you're being so disingenuous.
we all know what personality traits are liked by women:
narcissism,aggressiveness,violence,dominance etc.
having a good personality is interpreted by women as a sign of weakness, so fuck off with this bluepilled BS.
Its quite apparent from various statistics on dating apps that it is foids who have ridiculously high standards. Sure there might be a few volces here but most arent.
"I will never date a sub 4, even though im a 2"

"I will never date a curryfoid/niggress, even though im curry/black"

it's safe to say that a lot of people on here are standardscels, ive seen dozens of these posts
"I will never date a sub 4, even though im a 2"

"I will never date a curryfoid/niggress, even though im curry/black"

it's safe to say that a lot of people on here are standardscels, ive seen dozens of these posts

And ive seen 1000s of guys marry/settle well below their looksmatch. For every male standard cel, there are 100s of guys who settle far below their looksmatch. Hypergamy is still as strong as ever.
And ive seen 1000s of guys marry/settle well below their looksmatch. For every male standard cel, there are 100s of guys who settle far below their looksmatch. Hypergamy is still as strong as ever.
oh jfl i thought u were talking about this forum
Throwing out "But Chad gets to" is an excuse anyway. Chad can do a lot of things. No one, not even normies, deny that you can get away with what you shouldn't if you're very attractive. There's a difference between "incel" and "Normal looking so I can't live a fantasy life."
Well look at it relatively. Chad gets to. The entire female sex gets to.

Non-Chad men are actually a slight minority of the human population that doesn't get these free passes. Sure a lot of us can do without them, but others will fall through the cracks. A severe autist would need to be a foid or a physical Chad to get laid, for example.

People call the 4chan NEET volcel but while some of them are just lazy/depressed/etc. others have real mental deficiencies that make winning as a non-Chad male nigh impossible.
I'm not saying all of you. I'm also not saying personality even approaches looks in importance, as the Chads of the world get by with some pretty ghoulish personality traits. However, if you look at the studies, once looks are controlled for, personality does count, so if you're at that middling 5-6/10 looks range, minutiae like personality can make or break you. Some of you (I won't name names) are insufferable to the point where just seeing your profile picture gives me a slight headache, and imagining meeting you in real life gives me a bigger one. Think about it: why would the 3/10 female who would consider your 5/10 face deal with your headache-inducing 2/10 personality, when she can have another guy who's a 5/10 in personality as well as in looks? You're already in a compromised position as an average-looking man, and you're just making it worse by being a colossal dick. Literally take a shower and work on your personality. Let us truecels cope in peace.
I try being nice to them but they just see me as handicappped because I have autism. I do not express disgust at them lol boyo the bluepill is still in you
Same here. I once went on a date with this pretty foid. She was taken aback by how funny and interesting i was. Made her laugh many times during the date. But end of the day, that doesnt turn women on, we all know this. This is blackpill 101.
how do incels find dates? teach us please?
how do incels find dates? teach us please?

lol i was set up by my parents. In curryland, parents take the initiative to set their sons/daughters on dates to find a partner. Its what the arranged marriage system has evolved to now.
No thanks, I like my toxic masculine, incel terrorist pedo personality better... and I actually think most foids would prefer that over a soyboy personality too.
Did you ever stop to think why this female found you charming during this date but treated you like trash after the fact? Here, I'll spell it out for you: While you were pretending to be nice to get in her pants, she was pretending to be charmed by you to get in your wallet. And unlike your act, hers worked. You were outwitted by a girl. This happens to average-looking men, not to truecels who are too painful to look at for this scam to be worth the trouble.
High IQ.
Women cant fool truecels with being cute anymore. foids are ruthless to unattractive men.
"My personality is much better than hers"

-guy with good personality

that was my point

Theres no standard way to really define what a good personality is. When guys like you say good personality, what you really mean is agreeableness. While iam not a typical nice guy (agreeable, etc), i kept the conversation going. I was the one who did most of the talking. I made a couple of jokes which made her laugh. She was definitely charmed.

So when i say i mogged her personality wise, what i meant was
1. She was pretty but had poor conversation skills
2. Nothing she said was clever/funny/interesting
3. No person is his right mind would ever get close to her if not for her looks
Personality plays very very little role..

If you're average looking, say 5/10 looking, and want your looksmatch, you're gonna have to use your wealth. Use of personality is very little here.

If that guy wants 2/10 looking girl, he doesn't need to do much since that guy is already above her league and she will never be accepted by chad or even upper tier normie, he'd be the ideal option to her. Again, personality has little use her.

Looks or status that matters the most.
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Personality plays very very little role..

If you're average looking, say 5/10 looking, and want your looksmatch, you're gonna have to use your wealth. Use of personality is very little here.

If that guy wants 2/10 looking girl, he doesn't need to do much since that guy is already above her league and she will never be accepted chad or even upper tier normie, you're the ideal option to her. Again, personality has little use her.

Looks or status that matters the most.
Well look at it relatively. Chad gets to. The entire female sex gets to.

Non-Chad men are actually a slight minority of the human population that doesn't get these free passes. Sure a lot of us can do without them, but others will fall through the cracks. A severe autist would need to be a foid or a physical Chad to get laid, for example.

People call the 4chan NEET volcel but while some of them are just lazy/depressed/etc. others have real mental deficiencies that make winning as a non-Chad male nigh impossible.

Wait, what are you saying? That there aren't very many normies?
Personality plays very very little role..

If you're average looking, say 5/10 looking, and want your looksmatch, you're gonna have to use your wealth. Use of personality is very little here.

If that guy wants 2/10 looking girl, he doesn't need to do much since that guy is already above her league and she will never be accepted by chad or even upper tier normie, he'd be the ideal option to her. Again, personality has little use her.

Looks or status that matters the most.
Its quite apparent from various statistics on dating apps that it is foids who have ridiculously high standards. Sure there might be a few volces here but most arent.

You're right about foids.

Most of us aren't volcels, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't call them out when we find them.

We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Yes. Looks are most important, however, any mentally stable female would leave you if you had a nasty personality.
I'd say looks is what gets you with someone, and personality is what keeps you with them, if that makes sense.
Yeah pretty much
Yeah pretty much
It's what normies tell us all the time, and although it's true to a reasonable extent, the problem with how it's generally applied is an underlying denial that some people (truecels) are too ugly to get to the point where personality has even minute importance.
It's what normies tell us all the time, and although it's true to a reasonable extent, the problem with how it's generally applied is an underlying denial that some people (truecels) are too ugly to get to the point where personality has even minute importance.

Trust me, if you were slightly better looking youd still get rejected.
High iq thread

I just dont get why some retardcels think being bluepill nice guy beta faggot means having a good personality

I thought if you post here it was clear to you that attractive personality means dominant aggressive firm no shit taking leader

If you have this personality you cant be incel

And vice versa if you are above mentioned submissive beta faggot like me it does make you incel

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