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Some of you are still bluepilled as fuck about women



Nov 11, 2017
There are so many of you who believe that there is nothing wrong with women, that the only thing causing you to be incel is the fact that women are just as visual and looks minded as men are. The reason you believe this is because you still have fantasies about looksmaxing one day and getting with your oneitis and living happily ever after.

The reality is that, yes, women care a lot about looks but they are also:
-Low in empathy
-Attracted to evil behavior
-Somehow conceited yet masochistic simultaneously
-Status obsessed
-Low in self awareness and sentience
-Almost identical copies of each other
-Lacking any concept of loyalty

I don't get why so many incels of all people are unwilling to accept the negative qualities associated with females. Come back to reality.
High IQ post tbh
Someone sticky this, you've pretty much described your average female perfectly.
Because humans are social animals and crave that intimacy. Also whats the point of looksmaxxing if you aren't going to go after girls? The dam meaning of life is to procreate
the bluepill is hard to scrub off tbh
Good post tbh
Remember, a woman was attracted to this man enough to have a child with him


Women that stupid have things like this coming.
Remember, a woman was attracted to this man enough to have a child with him


Women that stupid have things like this coming.
Im sure his personality was off the chart's!!!
Remember, a woman was attracted to this man enough to have a child with him


Women that stupid have things like this coming.

He was just being himself.
God-level post. I’ve been saying this for years.

We need reality checks like this every once in a while
-Low in self awareness and sentience
I've never gotten the sense I'm interacting with a human being when I talk to women, more like a human object. A lot I think are soulless vessels.
I've never gotten the sense I'm interacting with a human being when I talk to women, more like a human object. A lot I think are soulless vessels.

Something is very instinctual and primitive about the way they conduct themselves. They are more like animals than human beings.
Something is very instinctual and primitive about the way they conduct themselves. They are more like animals than human beings.
Exactly. They're more primal than us.
Something is very instinctual and primitive about the way they conduct themselves. They are more like animals than human beings.
It stems from their masochism. They like to be controlled physically but at the same time pull the strings emotionally. They are fucked up.

They don't mind being slapped around and ravaged by chad but as soon as a subhuman looks at them they go full #metoo
It stems from their masochism. They like to be controlled physically but at the same time pull the strings emotionally. They are fucked up

Another theory I have is their simultaneous need to be selfish and nurturing. They have to be very selfish when picking a sexual partner(Chad) and nurturing when raising kids. All these paradoxes lead to truly confused creatures.
if chad was kind women would fuck him
I have a Chad friend who said that being a dick made things 10X easier for him.
Yea back when i had friends my chad buddy said the same. He was a total fucking asshole to women and they couldnt get enough. A new one every week of his life. Fuuuuuuck
Another theory I have is their simultaneous need to be selfish and nurturing. They have to be very selfish when picking a sexual partner(Chad) and nurturing when raising kids. All these paradoxes lead to truly confused creatures.

Good post NK, and great thread op
You got me right there when you said something like women being carbon copies of each other, it does ring a bell. Most of them are likely to take up new trends and a lot of them can't think on their own, they always need the opinions/thoughts of others to pull through.
Agreed, a lot of incels still believe that sweet, perfect, kind, caring girl is out there waiting for them. Wake up, it doesn’t exist.
Literally all of those apply to normies aswell, so it isn't just women but normies in general.
Agreed, a lot of incels still believe that sweet, perfect, kind, caring girl is out there waiting for them. Wake up, it doesn’t exist.

I agree that these women do not exist for incels, but do you think they exist for normalfags/chads? I think they might but I'm not sure. Women as a whole are disgusting, but there may be a few good ones. Problem is that they will not go for an incel.
It’s over for Disneycels.
I agree that these women do not exist for incels, but do you think they exist for normalfags/chads? I think they might but I'm not sure. Women as a whole are disgusting, but there may be a few good ones. Problem is that they will not go for an incel.
No, 99,9% of women are selfish, evil and slutty. Regardless of being a Chad or not. There are maybe 5 ‘wholesome’ girls on the planet.
I'm not even convinced it is looks they are after. Even the board admits there are ugly guys with women and looks theory gets breached. Lets face it and be realistic, there are a limited number of "10s" to go around and women have needs.

A guy with the right social media and badass attitude today can get almost any chick. Women are seeking assholes. Some guys are naturally born assholes and players. I read something that in places like central america the guys are pure assholes and know how to find any woman. They aren't models there either. That is the hallmark of a dying society. PUA in a way is trying to teach guys "game" and how to be an asshole. Women have all the traits that the OP posted, and it is a perfect match for those asshole guys.

A guy with a great job at Microsoft and pocket protector is invisible to most women, even if he is attractive. They end up with the 35 yo used up roastie at 40.
I'm not even convinced it is looks they are after. Even the board admits there are ugly guys with women and looks theory gets breached. Lets face it and be realistic, there are a limited number of "10s" to go around and women have needs.

A guy with the right social media and badass attitude today can get almost any chick. Women are seeking assholes. Some guys are naturally born assholes and players. I read something that in places like central america the guys are pure assholes and know how to find any woman. They aren't models there either. That is the hallmark of a dying society. PUA in a way is trying to teach guys "game" and how to be an asshole. Women have all the traits that the OP posted, and it is a perfect match for those asshole guys.

A guy with a great job at Microsoft and pocket protector is invisible to most women, even if he is attractive. They end up with the 35 yo used up roastie at 40.

Atomic giga-cope. Good looking incels do not exist.

They're not passing up a guy that looks like Miro Cech just because works at microsoft. Are you fucking kidding me?

Some of you do crazy mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting that you're physically unattractive or even outright repulsive to women.
There are even mods who PAY cam-girls but I got accused of female worship for posting a mare. JFL it's over.
I'm not even convinced it is looks they are after. Even the board admits there are ugly guys with women and looks theory gets breached. Lets face it and be realistic, there are a limited number of "10s" to go around and women have needs.

A guy with the right social media and badass attitude today can get almost any chick. Women are seeking assholes. Some guys are naturally born assholes and players. I read something that in places like central america the guys are pure assholes and know how to find any woman. They aren't models there either. That is the hallmark of a dying society. PUA in a way is trying to teach guys "game" and how to be an asshole. Women have all the traits that the OP posted, and it is a perfect match for those asshole guys.

A guy with a great job at Microsoft and pocket protector is invisible to most women, even if he is attractive. They end up with the 35 yo used up roastie at 40.
Stop with this massive cope
Great post. The human female simply cannot have any rights whatsoever. They have shown their true colors and the feminist experiment has failed miserably.
Legit post

Femoids are far from just ignoring incels: if there is an incel in their class they will focus and judge him with idiotically irrational behaveiour

The concept of being wrong to them when a male with the opposing view is right is alien to them, arguing with femoids is pointless as pointed out by jordan peterson

"The only enemy of incels is bad genetics" is an incredibly stupid thing to say
Remember, a woman was attracted to this man enough to have a child with him


Women that stupid have things like this coming.
Look at his haircut, he haircutmaxxed so hard. Probably took at least a couple showers too. That improved his personality.
Atomic giga-cope. Good looking incels do not exist.

They're not passing up a guy that looks like Miro Cech just because works at microsoft. Are you fucking kidding me?

Some of you do crazy mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting that you're physically unattractive or even outright repulsive to women.
Exactly they need to look at my new avi more often.
even if you're chad you can't win with women, even brad pitt got divorced
You are correct but men cover most of those points too.
Damn. This is so on point.
I'm not even convinced it is looks they are after. Even the board admits there are ugly guys with women and looks theory gets breached. Lets face it and be realistic, there are a limited number of "10s" to go around and women have needs.

A guy with the right social media and badass attitude today can get almost any chick. Women are seeking assholes. Some guys are naturally born assholes and players. I read something that in places like central america the guys are pure assholes and know how to find any woman. They aren't models there either. That is the hallmark of a dying society. PUA in a way is trying to teach guys "game" and how to be an asshole. Women have all the traits that the OP posted, and it is a perfect match for those asshole guys.

A guy with a great job at Microsoft and pocket protector is invisible to most women, even if he is attractive. They end up with the 35 yo used up roastie at 40.

Status game is legit. I also agree that being an asshole really helps-anyone who thinks it doesn’t hasn’t tried it. I feel like a minority on this forum sometimes.

But of course a guy who looks like Miro will get bitches wet effortlessly. True Chads and gigachads play by a different game compared to Chadlites and normies.
"just get status as a virgin incel bro! XD"
Get this TRP crap outta here. Women do not seek assholes just LOL. They only seek someone who has a spine and someone who doesn't bend to their every word. And lastly someone who is good-looking

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