I'm not even convinced it is looks they are after. Even the board admits there are ugly guys with women and looks theory gets breached. Lets face it and be realistic, there are a limited number of "10s" to go around and women have needs.
A guy with the right social media and badass attitude today can get almost any chick. Women are seeking assholes. Some guys are naturally born assholes and players. I read something that in places like central america the guys are pure assholes and know how to find any woman. They aren't models there either. That is the hallmark of a dying society. PUA in a way is trying to teach guys "game" and how to be an asshole. Women have all the traits that the OP posted, and it is a perfect match for those asshole guys.
A guy with a great job at Microsoft and pocket protector is invisible to most women, even if he is attractive. They end up with the 35 yo used up roastie at 40.