Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious SOME (I REPEAT SOME) I REPEAT SOME of you deserve to be incel

So the solution is to be a pathetic lazy dork?
There's only one solution if one wants to experience chad life - plastic surgery.
It's still a subpar solution because you can't unsee people's nature, you can't become naive once you aren't to enjoy chad life to the fullest.
Anything else is stupid cope.

If I'm lazy dork, so what? I don't owe anything to anyone, don't care about respect of normies either at this point.
There's only one solution if one wants to experience chad life - plastic surgery.
It's still a subpar solution because you can't unsee people's nature, you can't become naive once you aren't to enjoy chad life to the fullest.
Anything else is stupid cope.

If I'm lazy dork, so what? I don't owe anything to anyone, don't care about respect of normies either at this point.
Becoming a productive person will beget many benefits in life, even if you don't get a gf. Guys like Jeremy Meeks deserve to be incel, as do the retarded faggots on this site who insult me for saying they shouldn't bitch about women all day but instead be a strong individual.
Even on an incel forum people wouldn't let go of hierarchy and mogging.:lul:
@IceMan2000 you just wasted your valuable words on a complete moron.
Yeah I know. Hopefully others will get what I mean.
The only benefit is better copes. Doesn't solve the core problem.
It can improve physical and mental health, lead to a much better more comfortable future, and you could even find some friends along the way.
It can improve physical and mental health, lead to a much better more comfortable future, and you could even find some friends along the way.
For me difference was so miniscule might as well not do it
they're incel because foids won't fuck them, deserving has nothing to do with it because foid decisions hold no moral weight

OP is just trying to sneak his bluepill views onto this forum

he is an infamous whiteknight who once was reprimanded for screeching about how he'd report a member to the FBI for not respecting women enough
Why he is not ban yet
I honestly agree mostly.

The part that I don't agree with is that the statement that some 'cels on here deserve to stay in their position. I think we all deserve love in some capacity from women, and all of us haven't had even a small iota of it.

I do agree with the fact that everyone should try to be the best version of themselves, even if they are dealt a bad hand. I am someone who has tried literally everything, and have been consulting looksmaxxing and male self-improvement forums and such for nearly a decade at this point. As evidenced by my join date, none of that worked/works, and I'm probably doomed to be rotting here forever, unless sheer luck kicks me in the balls. Women have always viewed and referenced me as an ugly sand nigger who looks like a serial killer.

At the end of the day, even though all of my self improvement has been pointless, at least I proved myself that I am not a fat lazy shmuck who lives in my parents' basement, though women view that kind of individual and me in the same light. :feelskek:

Throughout the years I've been here for, I don't like how some threads devolve into a reverse pissing contest on who is the most incel. This only creates division, and on forums like these, we need to strive for brotherhood. We all need to place more emphasis on our situations and team up against the way society and women have treated us for years, no matter the fact if one of us mogs another just a little bit. At the end of the day, we are all still incels.
No human being deserves to be cursed with inceldom. You are however correct that people who never tried to improve but complain and whine on this forum are fucking retards. there is decent chunk of people here who if they actually tried would find out they were fakecels the whole time. They are no better then faggy tik tok teens who claim they are incels because they think it's cool.
You should seriously consider killing yourself for that retarded mentally. I was a hater since day 1 and I don't regret it
@Blackpill Monk he really should be tho
I am giga neurodivergence NonNT along with suffering from chronic disorder that hinders my self improvement
At the end of the day, even though all of my self improvement has been pointless, at least I proved myself that I am not a fat lazy shmuck who lives in my parents' basement, though women view that kind of individual and me in the same light. :feelskek:
Don't wanna come off as overly antagonistic, I'm glad you got some self-validation for your efforts, but since you claim to care for your fellow incels, don't set standards for what is the right thing for a man to do in relation to foids or general. It really sends a wrong message. Men shouldn't be encouraged to move out for self-validation or for foids in this diabolical economy, which is only going to get bleaker.

IMO, self-validation is a very petty endeavor and offers a very a temporary fix. As a moneymaxxer, I can tell you it's absolutely hollow a few days after you get paid.
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I don't disagree with you entirely but some of the guys here are so depressed and demoralized about the world that I don't blame them for not trying at all tbh. All the cards are stacked against them. Also its not like you can motivate a macaque to do a task over and over again without giving it a reward and the same applies to humans. If there is no reward for what you're doing then you eventually give up.
Fuck off and pray to your God
Cry more bitch boy (; Go consoom your goyslop as you cry in anger at my superiority. I'm so sorry you get angry when told that having your life consist of browsing the forums and trolling IT retards is a bad idea. You're not even old enough to be on the website so shut up.
And no I'm not an atheist fag I do believe In God but he is an evil one that rules over us gets pleasure from watching others suffer
Cry more bitch boy (; Go consoom your goyslop as you cry in anger at my superiority. I'm so sorry you get angry when told that having your life consist of browsing the forums and trolling IT retards is a bad idea. You're not even old enough to be on the website so shut up.
And why are u here to spread the word of God trying to get others to turn to God pathetic go cope with your bible fag or go start a red pill channel
Cry more bitch boy (; Go consoom your goyslop as you cry in anger at my superiority. I'm so sorry you get angry when told that having your life consist of browsing the forums and trolling IT retards is a bad idea. You're not even old enough to be on the website so shut up.
Honestly the guys who don’t try and rot are ahead of everyone else. I’ve spent years chasing foids with rejection over and over. Once u make the realization all foids are the same, u know it’s not even worth trying
based, this is my third account here, i feel like i shouldn belong here but always end up coming back. no more of that, i will ascend for once and leave this place forever.
I get that. But the question that you need to ask the rottmaxxers and people who live that kind of lifestyle in general, is what are they supposed to self improve towards (aside from a nice body and a good paying job) exactly? What is attained outside of self supportation? Did we forget what makes an incel an incel in the first place? This is the problem with red pill philosophy. It appeals to a younger audience (like op) who haven't been downtrodden by every facet of society at large. It can be extremely appealing, almost comforting that there can exist a magic bullet like "self improvement" that can cure all personal woes. It manifests itself as a religious/n-lite in how its treated as a modern day cure. Its no different than a boomer telling a bum on the street to "seek good, and he will provide". Likewise, Self improve brah, hit the gym and read the 48 laws of power. Maybe then you won't be a virgin".

I think the label "self improvement" could mostly be attributed to gymmaxing, stylemaxxing, and reading 48LOP style of books, in hopes in getting laid. I do believe in general self improving with hobbies and being a well rounded, self supporting person, but not the clownshow hamza style redpill grift.
Good writeup, I've noticed a lot of quasi-religious behaviours in modern cult of self-improvement too:
There is something pseudo-religious and deeply disgusting about modern views on self-improvement.
I remember back in r/braincels era there was some guy who was making vocoded incel-themed parody songs. He made about 5 in total over a year, they were like minute-two minutes long.
Get this, top comment under one of his videos was "imagine if he put this much time into self-improving as he did into making these songs"
These people are fucking insane :lul:

Plain and simple - self-improvement people are cultists, shaming you, playing into your insecurities and selling wonder-solutions and promises to desperate, not unlike some people involved in financial pyramids, but unlike others this cult is tolerated and even celebrated because it gets hamsters to spin the wheel faster and fuels economy via more spending (beauty products, big cars, expensive clothes, gym memberships etc).

I remember some gay faggot on youtube who was claiming in his other videos how he "defeated his ego" making video on how incels supposedly spread blackpill because they want other people give up and suffer.
If anyhing, it's the opposite - most people obsessed with "self improvement" are deeply insecure and miserable, and misery loves company, they want you to feel as inadequate as they do and at the same time they want their coping mechanisms to be seen as virtuous and praiseworthy.
Guys like Jeremy Meeks deserve to be incel, as do the retarded faggots on this site who insult me for saying they shouldn't bitch about women
Damn, so now I'm in the same tier as Jeremy Meeks?
Laugh cant hold it in

See ya later virgins :chad::chad::chad:
Even on an incel forum people wouldn't let go of hierarchy and mogging.:lul:
@IceMan2000 you just wasted your valuable words on a complete moron.
I swear this is the only good thing of a part of the incel community. The hardships we endure forces us to research and question the realities of life. I agree with you. @IceMan2000 even if you have wasted your words, I have saved your post because it's really good.
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post
I would also say that whatever self "improooovment" that happens, only should happen for yourself, not for any foid or anyone else.
Good writeup, I've noticed a lot of quasi-religious behaviours in modern cult of self-improvement too:
After reading your post, I've noticed there's quite a lot of overlap with religion and what is normally considered self improvement. I forget who, but another user on here pointed out how pastors during the middle ages played the same role as modern therapists do today. People in the community would ask for guidance from their local pastors and they'd give their best advice, sprinkled with religious ideals. Only know, therapists have replaced the pastors, and instead of religion we have a vague notion "self care" "self help" that people who normally use therapy have fully embraced as a part of their lives.

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I'll check out that other thread :feelsokman:
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
Kill your self plz
based, this is my third account here, i feel like i shouldn belong here but always end up coming back. no more of that, i will ascend for once and leave this place forever.
Tell me who your previous accounts were in DMs
there is some level of truth to this but some people have ALREADY TRIED ALL OF THIS. u only see them in this rotting state because they saw no success with "self-improvement."

rotting didn't make them an incel, inceldom made them rot.
they're incel because foids won't fuck them, deserving has nothing to do with it because foid decisions hold no moral weight

OP is just trying to sneak his bluepill views onto this forum

he is an infamous whiteknight who once was reprimanded for screeching about how he'd report a member to the FBI for not respecting women enough
great take on this shit thread
The problem of the "don't let not having a gf define you and stop you from becoming someone worthy of authority" is that love and social accept is a foundation requirement to thrive and do so.
IMG 5710

as pathetic as it is to say as i have got to the point i despise foids, we biologically need acceptance from them to thrive and self-actualize.

and yes, i know some incels do thrive and get to major positions of authority or live a fulfilling life, but some people also win the lottery, some people get struck by lightning. the vast majority of incels do nothing and make being an incel their personality because it is a core requirement that is not being met.
Becoming a productive person will beget many benefits in life, even if you don't get a gf. Guys like Jeremy Meeks deserve to be incel, as do the retarded faggots on this site who insult me for saying they shouldn't bitch about women all day but instead be a strong individual.
being an incel isn't something that anyone deserves or doesn't deserve. you are trying to describe the very childlike and primitive thinking of a foid as something very logical and almost absolving.

no one cares you are being a "strong individual", by the way you are a teenager. wait till you are 25 and if you are still an incel you won't be acting like such a fucking retard, but the issue is you saying others should strive to be "strong individuals".
being an incel isn't something that anyone deserves or doesn't deserve. you are trying to describe the very childlike and primitive thinking of a foid as something very logical and almost absolving.

no one cares you are being a "strong individual", by the way you are a teenager. wait till you are 25 and if you are still an incel you won't be acting like such a fucking retard, but the issue is you saying others should strive to be "strong individuals".
Are you telling me Jeremy Meeks deserves love and adorish by women?

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