There is something pseudo-religious and deeply disgusting about modern views on self-improvement.
I remember back in r/braincels era there was some guy who was making vocoded incel-themed parody songs. He made about 5 in total over a year, they were like minute-two minutes long.
Get this, top comment under one of his videos was "imagine if he put this much time into self-improving as he did into making these songs"
These people are fucking insane
Plain and simple - self-improvement people are cultists, shaming you, playing into your insecurities and selling wonder-solutions and promises to desperate, not unlike some people involved in financial pyramids, but unlike others this cult is tolerated and even celebrated because it gets hamsters to spin the wheel faster and fuels economy via more spending (beauty products, big cars, expensive clothes, gym memberships etc).
I remember some gay faggot on youtube who was claiming in his other videos how he "defeated his ego" making video on how incels supposedly spread blackpill because they want other people give up and suffer.
If anyhing, it's the opposite - most people obsessed with "self improvement" are deeply insecure and miserable, and misery loves company, they want you to feel as inadequate as they do and at the same time they want their coping mechanisms to be seen as virtuous and praiseworthy.