Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious SOME (I REPEAT SOME) I REPEAT SOME of you deserve to be incel

the way that people get around incelshaming nowadays is to just say 'some incels' before their bluepill anti-incel rhetoric

just like traditional bluepill infiltrators would try to reply to misogynist threads with IT talking-points, but use incel rhetoric and paint it as just being 'reasonable' even though anyone can see them continually trying to smuggle bluepill talking-points onto the forum

you can usually spot these whiteknights, simps and bluepillers easily, they out themselves quickly

but they rarely get banned so they just keep posting and acting as if their real agenda isn't obvious

OP literally threatened to report a member to the FBI during one of his whiteknight chimpouts, but barely got a slap on the wrist for it. infiltrators basically have the run of the place
I wonder why these dudes aren't banned on sight and have old accounts with many posts? It's my second time spotting one of these this week, what the fuck :feelswhat: Take a look @SmhChan
Most of them are this way because they are incels. Making a thread shaming those that cope on their own way with how awful being an incel is is not a good thread to be making at such a place. Yes some should try more, but it is guaranteed and even so, the sentiment of this thread only pushes it in a negative, shameful light
the way that people get around incelshaming nowadays is to just say 'some incels' before their bluepill anti-incel rhetoric

just like traditional bluepill infiltrators would try to reply to misogynist threads with IT talking-points, but use incel rhetoric and paint it as just being 'reasonable' even though anyone can see them continually trying to smuggle bluepill talking-points onto the forum

you can usually spot these whiteknights, simps and bluepillers easily, they out themselves quickly

but they rarely get banned so they just keep posting and acting as if their real agenda isn't obvious

OP literally threatened to report a member to the FBI during one of his whiteknight chimpouts, but barely got a slap on the wrist for it. infiltrators basically have the run of the place
Threatening a member here like for being too "woman hating" that surely is suspicious and worse than this thread, given that if they really are incels they would know better why an incel even develops hatred for females and would find the bitterness VERY understandable and justifiable
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I'd say that the people you're describing don't even make up 2% of the forum. Nobody's shitting on improvement just because they're lazy, most of us shit on it because we actually tried it. Of course it'll make your overall life better, but it won't make you normie-tier.
2024 fakecell redpillfag no.396932. Let go of foids programming inceldom isn't a punishment its over

He isn't a fakecel. His post doesn't read like one, and he's had an account here since March with 3644 posts, so don't you think a mod would have banned him by now if he was? This is just a lazy way to dismiss what he said, instead of actually explaining why you disagree with it. (I don't completely agree with it either, but I took the time to write a reply to him that give an overview of the situation that clarified the extent to which there's validity to what he's saying.)
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I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
I just want to die at this point. I want this hell to end already.
I'd say that the people you're describing don't even make up 2% of the forum. Nobody's shitting on improvement just because they're lazy, most of us shit on it because we actually tried it. Of course it'll make your overall life better, but it won't make you normie-tier.

I agree with this, except I think you're downplaying and it's way more than 2% of guys in the relevant communities (so this website and the Discord groups, now that we are permanently cast off reddit) that have the mindset he described. He painted a broad characterization with somewhat embellished language, sure, but to get a general point across concisely and effectively.

Not everything has to be read defensively, especially here, which is the only place on the internet where these ideas can be shared without normies making the same talking-points to us over and over again. I will remind you again that he's in the same boat as us. I will always defend posts like this provided they're constructive because this website can and should be so much more than an echo chamber where we say the same things over and over again.

To an extent it's pedantic to even debate what % of men here are like this and to what extent, the point is he's describing a real phenomena and making a correct point off of that.

I wrote a lot in my main reply to him here, but to write a TL;DR that summarizes my point concisely, it is both true that normies are wrong to say we just all need to try more and refuse to acknowledge the extent of men who do and still can't find any woman willing to genuinely be with them, and that many incels here have the mindset he described.

As I see it, he made a point of acknowledging this at the very beginning in the post title itself where he emphasized the fact he wasn't describing all incels but some of them here. Of course, given much of the replies here, this was largely to no avail. Replies that reject his points out of hand just further demonstrate there is truth to what he is saying.

Here are two excerpts from it that help to get my point across:

It didn't just "happen" that incels have the logic you highlighted, as much as you're right that to a significant extent they're making excuses to not try as much in their lives as they could be. You have to remember that normies always tell ugly and/or short and/or financially poor and/or disabled men there's more they could be doing and that if they're still not successful and get rejected by even average and sub-5 women they try to meet and date, (and the fact that this is more the case now than it was in the past, which they want to deflect from understanding) it must be because they aren't trying enough. The overwhelming majority of people in society have this mindset to us, the redpill is but a specific form of it.

They aren't necessarily saying there is zero chance of success if they put in all that effort over years, but because there's no guarantee even after all of that effort, it's not only easier to preemptively give up but actively saves one from a lot of potential wasted effort and disappointment. To be fair, you could have acknowledged this more in your post, preferably with sympathy. (not something we can ever expect)
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I agree, OP. A good example of this is retards who have been fat for their whole life and keep making excuses for why they shouldn't bother losing weight. "It's over for me anyway", "I'm not 6 feet tall so who cares", etc. The only people who should have the right to post here and complain about their life is people who have at least done the bare minimum in terms of trying.

This leads me to another subject that pisses me off, and it's people trying to get into blackpill communities when they're still teenagers. Some are literally 14-16 years old and they're already saying that it's over for them. You should have to earn the title of "incel" by going through most stages of your life without having ever had success with women. I'm sick of these retarded kids shitting up incel discussions by complaining even though they haven't even finished growing yet, let alone gone out into the world and experienced life post-school.
I agree, OP. A good example of this is retards who have been fat for their whole life and keep making excuses for why they shouldn't bother losing weight. "It's over for me anyway", "I'm not 6 feet tall so who cares", etc. The only people who should have the right to post here and complain about their life is people who have at least done the bare minimum in terms of trying.

This leads me to another subject that pisses me off, and it's people trying to get into blackpill communities when they're still teenagers. Some are literally 14-16 years old and they're already saying that it's over for them. You should have to earn the title of "incel" by going through most stages of your life without having ever had success with women. I'm sick of these retarded kids shitting up incel discussions by complaining even though they haven't even finished growing yet, let alone gone out into the world and experienced life post-school.

How old are you? I am a 28 year old virgin, so I certainly think 28 is old enough to qualify for this characterization. Regardless, most people on this forum are clearly older than 18, in their 20's, 30's, and even 40's. Guys in their 40's+ are in the minority, certainly anything in the 50's or over or even 40's meets the "oldcel" label.

Regardless, the thing is most incels are not fat, shower regularly, and (to the extent you're familiar with the blackpill you already know this) would not benefit especially much for exercising in terms of this increasing the odds of finding a relationship with a woman, assuming they don't exercise already. (It's very obvious normies/redpillers just say this to incels so they have a thing to say that requires effort on their part and is a distracting activity, but the sheer quantity of incels that can attest to working out over years and still being rejected at the same rate in the same way just puts it to the lie. OP could have and should have acknowledged this more.) Blackpill proves it's about face and height with is something you're born with. (I'm 5'5 — it never began.) Musculature helping getting laid is way exaggerated by redpillers.

After a certain point, what is one supposed to do? (and please don't say "earning money" — yes, better career and money can only help but many men will never be in the position to do so, and the entire point and the reason it's harder than it was before is because the economy worsens and opportunities get slimmer over time. We are currently living through the gradual collapse of capitalism, immiseration and the shrinking of the middle-class. In general, I'm tired of capitalists who act like just because some poor people manage to make a lot of money everyone could, in fact the middle-class and rich exist to ensure that is not the case and wealth is derived from the exploitation of the working-class in the first place.) Beyond question how patient they should be with the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in society dismiss the valid grievance with this circumstance by just insisting there is something we haven't done yet, that it's our fault somehow, which is nothing more than a way to deflect from looking at the broader social reality that have produced more men like us than what existed in the past. (and not just because the population got higher.)

I fully understand the dislike OP is getting here and even his post could have been somewhat more balanced and constructive, but at the end of the day, you can only tell men who have tried everything over years "you aren't trying hard enough, you aren't doing X" before it becomes obvious this is just a way of dismissing them and deflecting from criticizing the broader reality of mating preferences, their basis in science, and the reality of living in this society that the blackpill exposes.

OP acknowledged his criticism wasn't for everyone at the start, in the title of the post itself, so obviously he wouldn't be resistant to the notion there truly are men who have tried everything who still face utter dejection. (hence, truecels. I don't identify as this, I certainly wouldn't have enough mental energy to write this much if I did.) This post simply isn't addressed to these people.
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I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
I did self-improvement WAY TOO WELL, became the God then lost it because I went a bit delusional and society fked me downto zero
I wonder why these dudes aren't banned on sight and have old accounts with many posts? It's my second time spotting one of these this week, what the fuck :feelswhat: Take a look @SmhChan
Not surprised dude. There's already two grays in this thread
Some mfs here expect a virgin supermodel food to climb through their window and fuck them.its pathetic
The other is writing bluepill essays. There's a quite a few in my ignore list. The list has gotten pretty long. Barely any is banned there.

I'm not surprised tbh. Even incels.wiki does some incel shaming in the name of spreading blackpill.

The site is filled with 'alpha' and beta whiteknights.

This greatly illustrates why foids always win against men. This sort of language would never be tolerated in a foid community. But in men's communities you have your 'muh masculine urge to be rational'. Like fuck off. I had a modcel (at least he had that 'mod color') talking to me like an npc the other day. It's painful how out of touch they are.
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they're incel because foids won't fuck them, deserving has nothing to do with it because foid decisions hold no moral weight

OP is just trying to sneak his bluepill views onto this forum

he is an infamous whiteknight who once was reprimanded for screeching about how he'd report a member to the FBI for not respecting women enough
This for real. I DO deserve a gf. I’m not disgustingly ugly, I’m not a total POS, and some mid woman should want me. The fact they don’t, plus even ugly ones don’t want me, speaks volumes about how fucked up the gynocentric and female standards are in our society. And white knighting is cucked. If a woman was my gf and was nice to me, I would protect her any way I could. If it’s some random woman I don’t know though, I’m not too inclined to put my life and health on the line to help. Especially knowing that she likely chose to be with an abusive man instead of a decent man like me.
I have went over a month without showering on multiple occasions. Only do it once a week max anyway. Deal with it

In fact, the state of men's communities is absolute dogwater. The rabbit hole goes deep.

For example, this is me on a burner account testing the boundaries of cuckrights activists on reddit. I'm merely using rhetorics used by foids frequently, their absurd justifications. Unsurprisingly, my post got removed.

All these male communities and activists sort of just remind me of that Michael Caine's character from Interstellar. Doing for the sake of doing. "Oh! Men don't have their spaces, there you go." That's it.

They don't actually wish to do anything about foid fascism, neither are they willing to learn how foids operate to combat them. Again 'muh masculine urge to be rational'. Fucking joke all these communities.
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Unsurprisingly, my post got removed.
Yeah, it only shows the title, what was the full text of your thread?
I used to think positively of MRA guys but throughout the years I started noticing a lot of them still somewhat side with feminists instead of fighting them aggressively, like they should do. This is some Stockholm syndrome type of shit, foids have been using and abusing us in one way or another for ages with no remorse and no regard to our problems, trying to find a middle ground with them is astonishingly cucked
Because of my disability I can't self improve
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.

Somehow forgot to post this:

I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
To be honest. You have all my fucking praise. I tried to make motivational threads in the past. And now, I only fuck around in the lounge because of how things are. It deos not take any hard effort to learn about trades like plumbing or electrical. Or to learn to out live the normies in ways outside of pussy. I may be girl less. But a black man who got white pussy and a old freind actually was jealous that I could own a handgun(we both were into guns) and was also jealous that I owned night vision. A skinny black Brad was jealous of what I could do. I was able to run emulators on my phone, illegally pirate all the music all I want. It may be shitty I cant get a girl to fuck me cowgirl style wile playing alien vampires. But its ok. Because I got other things I do in life. Not everything needs to be cope or sex or women. Hell I already have a plan for pussy. Its called nevada hookers. And I know most people on this forum are from europe. They didnt think to go for hookers there? I know UK allows prostitution. And to those that disagree. All I ask to get into somthing productive. Or just trades thats like the only carrear I can recomend since any other career is wagie ass retail, 10 years of college pluss the debt of 3 kidneys, or milatary were some high ranking officer has your balls on there choice of fate. Inceldom can be a better thing then getting pussy if you wish to make it so.
It is tough love. Crying about not having a GF all day and making that your entire life is gay.
And Im sure the normie world would have no fucking sympathy for people like us. Even if we werent on this forum.
I don’t really care much anymore, I’ve honestly kinda gave up on foids. It’s over no matter what I do
This for real. I DO deserve a gf. I’m not disgustingly ugly, I’m not a total POS, and some mid woman should want me. The fact they don’t, plus even ugly ones don’t want me, speaks volumes about how fucked up the gynocentric and female standards are in our society. And white knighting is cucked. If a woman was my gf and was nice to me, I would protect her any way I could. If it’s some random woman I don’t know though, I’m not too inclined to put my life and health on the line to help. Especially knowing that she likely chose to be with an abusive man instead of a decent man like me.

Exactly. This.

At the end of the day, there were proportionally less average and sub 5 men who couldn't find a decent woman (ugly landwhales or completely disabled don't count) in the past than there are now. (meaning, there would be more than before since the population is higher regardless, but there is proportionately far greater male loneliness than in the past.)

This is essentially because as capitalism and the economy goes through stages of development, inflation happens, cost of living goes up, property is more expensive than ever, there are less adequate jobs available, men have to work more for money that can't go as far, we have less time and opportunities, the middle-class shrinks. Men bear the brunt of this, women twist it to their advantage. Men always have been mostly the ones who work and are expected to provide for their woman and families. Women are the privileged members of society and have more intrinsic worth because they don't have to work and can be expected to be provided for. So, in response to this development, women's standards only get pickier and pickier and more skewed. There is a correlation with men getting poorer and women getting pickier. (I don't agree with incels who want a return to a previous stage of capitalist development/economic reality, where average/below average men could more easily compensate for their looks with money, least of all because this simply will not happen.)

Most men are normies who do manage to find relationships, who have just accepted it and lowered their standards which is why you can visibly observe that men are with women who are uglier and worse in general than they were before. (as opposed to looksmatches and women of more decent character, which was more the norm in the past.)

Obviously none of this is sustainable. It all signifies a point of no return. But obviously 100% of women (that's a given) and the vast majority of men (even working-class and poor ones) in society not only refuse to acknowledge this but actively blame social ills on people like us, the most isolated, unfortunate, dejected and impoverished members of society. They are in denial because unlike us they are in a position to harbor these delusions, but at the same time, remember that they are terrified of being in the same situation as us, and it would only take a couple things to change for them to be. They will be affected by the same developments we are in time, we are really a sign of what is to come.

Only people like us can acknowledge this without bias because we have nothing and nothing to lose. Bluepill and redpill is the same, it's just individual blame and justifying all of this by kicking people like us who have nothing while we're already down to justify the social arrangement. (bluepilled people justifiyng it by demonizing us as "misogynist incels," redpillers calling us "losers" because we're not rich) Obviously, most of these people either have girlfriends/wives or are in a position to get one easily enough in the near future, and they blame us, demonize us, and dismiss our concerns with the notion "there's more we could be doing," to deflect from a proper understanding of this.

It's confounding how stupid someone would have to be to construe anything I just acknowledged as "misogyny." It's all basic facts plenty of women writers acknowledged. (Esther Vilar, Mary E. Marcy)

With women, I just expect them to justify everything. It's like the same way you can't blame an animal for acting the way it does, it's just pure self-interest. What I truly find despicable is men who justify this and blame us, (this is obviously most men, everyone thinks like a liberal or conservative and these mindsets aren't to be distinguished) because they aren't even far from being in our position themselves, most of them are average. All it could take is losing one job, one accident, etc. In terms of the potential for illness and accidents this is even true for Chad. (but Chad is actually less likely to be hostile to us than most men, because he's the least insecure.) So I remind myself that you can really see their entire mindset as coping in the face of this. At the end of the day only insecure people feel the need to put others down. (of course, most people are insecure, especially these days.)

Again, the point that just because effort doesn't necessarily correlate with success, (as many incels who have done everything in their power, moneymaxxing + gymmaxxing + gamemaxing etc. over years can attest to) doesn't mean that all men should necessarily give up and stop trying, (especially younger ones) has just been beaten to death at one point. I went out of my way writing a reply here that acknowledged the situation from all angles because I thought the points OP made at least deserved to not be dismissed like many of the other repliers were doing, but thinking about it more deeply this isn't anything that hasn't already been discussed here before.

The purpose of my efforts is that if nothing else, these things must be acknowledged, explained, and clarified somewhere. (we will be censored on every other platform, because we all know what happened with reddit.) I would have downspiraled to insanity by falsely assuming it was possible to talk about with people I knew off the internet a long time ago, because they only offer the same dismissals, platitudes and individual blame to deflect from a true confrontation with what we both just noted. I've given up on finding anyone IRL to even be so much as willing to admit the dynamics of society and the economy I highlighted above, no matter how rote, sober, and grounded an analysis it is. A large percent of men (even single men) would even construe it as an attack on women when it's completely the opposite. (i.e. women are simply the female half of the human species, nothing more or less, they are merely products of the conditions of the society they're born into, wherever and whenever that is. I'm too analytical to hate women, but I understand those who do. Women are bad, sure, but I prefer to look at how horrible society is in general.)
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Exactly. This.

At the end of the day, there were proportionally less average and sub 5 men who couldn't find a decent woman (ugly landwhales or completely disabled don't count) in the past than there are now. (meaning, there would be more than before since the population is higher regardless, but there is proportionately far greater male loneliness than in the past.)

This is essentially because as capitalism and the economy goes through stages of development, inflation happens, cost of living goes up, property is more expensive than ever, there are less adequate jobs available, men have to work more for money that can't go as far, we have less time and opportunities, the middle-class shrinks. In response to this, women standards only get pickier and pickier and more skewed. There is a correlation with men getting poorer and women getting pickier. (I don't agree with incels who want a return to a previous stage of capitalist development/economic reality, where average/below average men could more easily compensate for their looks with money, least of all because this simply will not happen.) Most men are normies who do manage to find relationships, who have just accepted it and lowered their standards which is why you can visibly observe that men are with women who are uglier and worse in general than they were before. (as opposed to looksmatches and women of more decent character, which was more the norm in the past.)

Obviously none of this is sustainable. It all signifies a point of no return. But obviously 100% of women (that's a given) and the vast majority of men (even working-class and poor ones) in society not only refuse to acknowledge this but actively blame social ills on people like us, the most isolated, unfortunate, dejected and impoverished members of society. They are in denial because unlike us they are in a position to harbor these delusions, but at the same time, remember that they are terrified of being in the same situation as us, and it would only take a couple things to change for them to be. They will be affected by the same developments we are in time, we are really a sign of what is to come.

Only people like us can acknowledge this without bias because we have nothing and nothing to lose. Bluepill and redpill is the same, it's just individual blame and justifying all of this by kicking people like us who have nothing while we're already down to justify the social arrangement. (bluepilled people justifiyng it by demonizing us as "misogynist incels," redpillers calling us "losers" because we're not rich) Obviously, most of these people either have girlfriends/wives or are in a position to get one easily enough in the near future, and they blame us, demonize us, and dismiss our concerns with the notion "there's more we could be doing," to deflect from a proper understanding of this.

With women, I just expect them to justify everything. It's like the same way you can't blame an animal for acting the way it does, it's just pure self-interest. What I truly find despicable is men who justify this and blame us, (this is obviously most men, everyone thinks like a liberal or conservative and these mindsets aren't to be distinguished) because they aren't even far from being in our position themselves, most of them are average. All it could take is losing one job, one accident, etc. In terms of the potential for illness and accidents this is even true for Chad. (but Chad is actually less likely to be hostile to us than most men, because he's the least insecure.) So I remind myself that you can really see their entire mindset as coping in the face of this. At the end of the day only insecure people feel the need to put others down. (of course, most people are insecure, especially these days.)

Again, the point that just because effort doesn't necessarily correlate with success, (as many incels who have done everything in their power, moneymaxxing + gymmaxxing + gamemaxing etc. over years can attest to) doesn't mean that all men should necessarily give up and stop trying, (especially younger ones) has just been beaten to death at one point. I went out of my way writing a reply here that acknowledged the situation from all angles because I thought the points OP made at least deserved to not be dismissed like many of the other repliers were doing, but thinking about it more deeply this isn't anything that hasn't already been discussed here before.

The purpose of my efforts is that if nothing else, these things must be acknowledged somewhere. (we will be censored on every other platform, because we all know what happened with reddit.) I would have downspiraled to insanity by falsely assuming it was possible to talk about with people I knew off the internet a long time ago, because they only offer the same dismissals, platitudes and individual blame to deflect from a true confrontation with what we both just noted. I've given up on finding anyone IRL to even be so much as willing to admit the dynamics of society and the economy I highlighted above, no matter how rote, sober, and grounded an analysis it is. A large percent of men (even single men) would even construe it as an attack on women when it's completely the opposite. (i.e. women are simply the female half of the human species, nothing more or less, they are merely products of the conditions of the society they're born into, wherever and whenever that is. I'm too analytical to hate women, but I understand those who do. Women are bad, sure, but I prefer to look at how horrible society is in general.)
Yep. Men in the past could get a looksmatched woman easily, when we even struggle to get a well below looksmatch woman. I see many lean and fit average men with fat women that put zero effort into themselves. In any just world, an average man should be able to get an average woman. And below average men should be able to get below average women. Nowadays, it’s all skewed where average women think they deserve chads, and so do below average women!

All we are is a product of a badly functioning society. Some incels are gonna be incels regardless of society due to being horribly ugly, but most of us are only somewhat below average to average looking. Most of us could have got a looksmatched woman in the past and lived a happy life.

Being deprived of love and sex just destroys you mentally and kills all your motivation. It makes your life worse in every way. This is not sustainable on a societal level since these men that are being outcasted are normally the building blocks of society
I have went over a month without showering on multiple occasions. Only do it once a week max anyway. Deal with it

If you found a woman or thought you imminently could you would obviously shower more regularly, so right there "just shower" completely falls apart. It is such a perfect example of how backward they are. Obviously, they would be inclined to blame you purely due to the fact that you are single despite having made effort because they want to dismiss the actual factors in society/female nature that make it outside of your control, if you showered every day they'd just find something else. "Just hit the gym bro" and if you diligently exercised at the gym daily and had muscle to show for it, they'd just say something else, something else...they never will acknowledge the actual nature of the situation and the extent to which things are not in our control. Individual blame is the only thing they have. They would do this to their dying breath even when the economy gets so bad, all of us will be facing starvation.

Seriously, eventually the situation will become impossible to ignore once it affects enough people. We are just living in this narrow unprecedented slice of history, the West has never been more wealthy, populated, and technologically advanced, but the development of capitalism has already made it such that the disparities are worse than ever as the middle-class shrinks and capital monopolizes and flattens. Women in this society are essentially just mindless infants enjoying the fact that they are actually the most accommodated and privileged people in human history, while men suffer in these issues with the most abstract and egregious justifications ever seen. Again, what is most despicable of all is not women and the successful echelon of men justifying this, I expect that, what really says a lot is how many middle/working-class average/sub 5 men approve of and justify it, victim-blame demonize smear and hate us as strongly as the worst feminist women do. And I already explained why and that it isn't in spite but because they are only 1 step away from being in the same boat as us and subconsciously know this somewhere, but still. Without their approval, I don't think we would have been kicked off of reddit. It's not just the decisions of some admins egged on by feminists, it absolutely is a reflection of the mindset of the masses in society, because I've talked to a lot of people in New York so know how bad it is from IRL interactions as much as online. This is why I'm simply misanthropic at this point. I think men who take an "us against them" attitude of men versus women i.e. 'Men's Right's activists' are far too idealistic.
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Some of the faggots here 100% deserve it. The fags who are above avg looking and very young. They can all ascend with effort but instead rot here and LARP as a truecel.
If you found a woman or thought you imminently could you would obviously shower more regularly, so right there "just shower" completely falls apart. It is such a perfect example of how backward they are. Obviously, they would be inclined to blame you purely due to the fact that you are single despite having made effort because they want to dismiss the actual factors in society/female nature that make it outside of your control, if you showered every day they'd just find something else. "Just hit the gym bro" and if you diligently exercised at the gym daily and had muscle to show for it, they'd just say something else, something else...they never will acknowledge the actual nature of the situation and the extent to which things are not in our control. Individual blame is the only thing they have. They would do this to their dying breath even when the economy gets so bad, all of us will be literally starving.
Exactly. The few times I have to go to some family event or hang out with the couple friends I have that I sometimes see, I almost always instantly feel the motivation to shower because there is a reason to care.

If I had a woman to love me and love back, showering and other basic self care tasks would suddenly become automatic and feel effortless. Humans need motivation to do anything. With nothing but basic survival guaranteed from effort, why would I be inclined to do more than the bare minimum?

Loneliness and lack of love KILLS. How most people fail to realize this is astounding.
"Bro you are a sub 5 manlet, why don't you focus on self improvement so you become a worthy man for her?" :soy:
I don't know why this Samurai faggot isn't banned yet, he already has numerous records of white knighting and now is giving away bullshit redpill advice. Genuinely, what the fuck are the mods doing? @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @Ron.Belgrade ban him already.
"Bro you are a sub 5 manlet, why don't you focus on self improvement so you become a worthy man for her?" :soy:
I don't know why this Samurai faggot isn't banned yet, he already has numerous records of white knighting and now is giving away bullshit redpill advice.
Some of the faggots here 100% deserve it. The fags who are above avg looking and very young. They can all ascend with effort but instead rot here and LARP as a truecel.

Define "very young." (I'm 28) What is the cut-off when it stops being applicable to say "you're too young to say it's over"
Because of my disability I can't self improve
I know how you feel brocel I'll probably get picked on for life due to my autism, but next person that does will he paralysed from the neck down
Gotta love how I repeatedly said "some" and yet retards are somehow missing that and the actual point of the post and thinking im talking about the entire forum.
"Bro you are a sub 5 manlet, why don't you focus on self improvement so you become a worthy man for her?" :soy:
I don't know why this Samurai faggot isn't banned yet, he already has numerous records of white knighting and now is giving away bullshit redpill advice. Genuinely, what the fuck are the mods doing? @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @Ron.Belgrade ban him already.
The mods are going to read the title and realise I'm not talking about the entire forum, they'll laugh at how retarded you are, and move on.
Gotta love how I repeatedly said "some" and yet retards are somehow missing that and the actual point of the post and thinking im talking about the entire forum.
Sadly, not everyone on this forum is bright
but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation
Some of us on here can only dream of that. The most we want is basic human reciprocation, even that is fleeting itself to most incels.
Some of us on here can only dream of that. The most we want is basic human reciprocation, even that is fleeting itself to most incels.
It doesn't mean that Incels shouldn't work on self improvement. Life can still be decent without romance and sex. It's better to live a regular life than to rott 24/7
I'm not talking about the entire forum
So what? What's important is that you hold redpill beliefs. It doesn't matter if you refer to the entire forum or to a single person. What has your self-improvement journey brought you so far in terms of romantic success? And please, don't tell me "oh I didn't have any romantic success but at least I feel better now focusing on myself" because you were clearly blaming fellow incels for being incels, just read the title jfl.
If someone is here as a genuine incel and not as a larping faggot, then they know it's over for them and there's no "self-improvement" bullshit that can save them because it's not acne or belly fat or hair loss that makes them incels because all these flaws are easily fixable by accutane, gym, fin/min, but it's height, face structure and being ND that makes them incels and all these flaws are not fixable by any means. And height, face and being NT are the factors that grant you romantic success.
SOME here suck up to this faggot.

All Discord cels here, kill yourselves.
You found your cope, so what about all this self improoooooving? Didn't get you laid in the end.
It doesn't mean that Incels shouldn't work on self improvement. Life can still be decent without romance and sex. It's better to live a regular life than to rott 24/7
I get that. But the question that you need to ask the rottmaxxers and people who live that kind of lifestyle in general, is what are they supposed to self improve towards (aside from a nice body and a good paying job) exactly? What is attained outside of self supportation? Did we forget what makes an incel an incel in the first place? This is the problem with red pill philosophy. It appeals to a younger audience (like op) who haven't been downtrodden by every facet of society at large. It can be extremely appealing, almost comforting that there can exist a magic bullet like "self improvement" that can cure all personal woes. It manifests itself as a religious/n-lite in how its treated as a modern day cure. Its no different than a boomer telling a bum on the street to "seek good, and he will provide". Likewise, Self improve brah, hit the gym and read the 48 laws of power. Maybe then you won't be a virgin".

I think the label "self improvement" could mostly be attributed to gymmaxing, stylemaxxing, and reading 48LOP style of books, in hopes in getting laid. I do believe in general self improving with hobbies and being a well rounded, self supporting person, but not the clownshow hamza style redpill grift.

Here's the kicker. Rottmaxxers and neets who are accused of not self improving are usually the ones who see no point in self improvement at all, and for good reason. Its embedded in our psychology.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coQNR3YssyE

A quick summary of the experiment: Rats are dropped into tall jars of water for 15 minutes. The first round of rats only last 5 minutes in the jar, and subsequently drown. The following batch is dropped into the water, and at the 15 minute mark where rats are expected to drown during the experiment, they are rescued. The second round of rats that were rescued, are dropped into the buckets with water again, only this time, they last 60 hours.

Attractive, smart, genetically gifted individuals fall in the second group of rats. They are reinforced by society to keep going, pushing strong against the headwinds that face them, because they know thar no matter what, their own exceptional qualities will keep their head above water, even in dire situations. The first group of rats are people who rottmaxx, or eventually kill themselves. Why would someone with no reinforcement from their surroundings ever strive to "self improve" in the first place? The first group is starved for hope, eg. no light at the end of tunnel.

Hope is one of the strongest driving factors that motivates anyone to pursue anything. This is why I call it a religion. What compels rottmaxxers to perform any type of self improvement without even a shred of hope? I think its insanity to expect anything more out of them without this often ignored and needed resource.

"At the end of the day, we all need a reason to keep swimming"
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I get that. But the question that you need to ask the rottmaxxers and people who live that kind of lifestyle in general, is what are they supposed to self improve towards (aside from a nice body and a good paying job) exactly? What is attained outside of self supportation? Did we forget what makes an incel an incel in the first place? This is the problem with red pill philosophy. It appeals to a younger audience (like op) who haven't been downtrodden by every facet of society at large. It can be extremely appealing, almost comforting that there can exist a magic bullet like "self improvement" that can cure all personal woes. It manifests itself as a religious/n-lite in how its treated as a modern day cure. Its no different than a boomer telling a bum on the street to "seek good, and he will provide". Likewise, sSelf improve brah, hit the gym and read the 48 laws of power. Maybe then you won't be a virgin".

I think the label "self improvement" could mostly be attributed to gymmaxing, stylemaxxing, and reading 48LOP style of books, in hopes in getting laid. I do believe in general self improving with hobbies and being a well rounded, self supporting person, but not the clownshow hamza style redpill grift.

Here's the kicker. Rottmaxxers and neets who are accused of not self improving are usually the ones who see no point in self improvement at all, and for good reason. Its embedded in our psychology.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coQNR3YssyE

A quick summary of the experiment: Rats are dropped into tall jars of water for 5 minutes. The first round of rats only last 5 minutes in the jar, and subsequently drown. The following batch is dropped into the water, and at the 5 minute mark where rats are expected to drown during the experiment, they are rescued. The second round of rats that were rescued, are dropped into the buckets with water again, only this time, they last 60 hours.

Attractive, smart, genetically gifted individuals fall in the second group of rats. They are reinforced by society to keep going, pushing strong against the headwinds that face them, because they know thar no matter what, their own exceptional qualities will keep their head above water, even in dire situations. The first group of rats are people who rottmaxx, or eventually kill themselves. Why would someone with no reinforcement from their surroundings ever strive to "self improve" in the first place? The first group is starved for hope, eg. no light at the end of tunnel

Hope is one of the strongest driving factors that motivates anyone to pursue anything. This is why I call it a religion. What compels rottmaxxers to perform any type of self improvement without even a shred of hope? I think its insanity to expect anything more out of them without this often ignored and needed resource.

"At the end of the day, we all need a reason to keep swimming"

Only truecels have a good excuse to rott. Normal incels like me can go without love, sex, and Intimacy.
people on here and discord that call everything a cope, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.
These are all Aryan traits
Only truecels have a good excuse to rott. Normal incels like me can go without love, sex, and Intimacy.
Even on an incel forum people wouldn't let go of hierarchy and mogging.:lul:
@IceMan2000 you just wasted your valuable words on a complete moron.

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