Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious SOME (I REPEAT SOME) I REPEAT SOME of you deserve to be incel



Jesus Christ Conquers
Mar 20, 2024
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
whats the point of this gay thread?
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
Bitch or not, an incel is an incel.
My social anxiety and non NT behavior is a barrier not just for a social life but for studying and employment too
Some mfs here expect a virgin supermodel food to climb through their window and fuck them.its pathetic
No productivity for your face :feelsclown:
My social anxiety and non NT behavior is a barrier not just for a social life but for studying and employment too
Exact same here brocel, but slowly chipping into those barriers can do a lot of good, even if those barriers can never be broken down entirely if you know what I mean.
Sounds like redpill bullshit do fuck off
Exact same here brocel, but slowly chipping into those barriers can do a lot of good, even if those barriers can never be broken down entirely if you know what I mean.
I'm supposed to study soon, Any tips to deal with social anxiety and to mask non-NTness?
Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
Cope. Small AMOG in Low spec inherited expressive genetics theorizers locust of discussion forum based website

It's anyways about money whether earned or unearned. No one cares if it's deserved or not. Everyone wants social and financial security. But most would rather have social ranking as money easily follows. But off they can only choose one, Financial security always wins. If you want real feeling or not feeling lonely and powerless make sure to have money and use it to free yourself from being surrounded by idiots who rank you low socially.

We don't live in small tribes anymore. Just find your forever cope once you make money. You don't need to "try hard". There are people who are living in Mexico or Thailand on their SSI age or disability related retirement money. More than enough to cope on
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
You're right. I want to live, I don't want to hate the man in the mirror anymore. I'll try.
I'm supposed to study soon, Any tips to deal with social anxiety and to mask non-NTness?
First of all, sadly it isn't possible to mask autism. I know because I've tried for years to copy how fictional characters speak and it hasn't worked.

Honestly I'd recommend joining a combat sports gym. You'll find other autistic / socially awkward people there.
That implies that with hard work you can reach the state of an 'average player' but some people are just genetically capped at a certain level no hard work will push beyond that, they need surgeries and even surgeries can only work with bones already in your face.

We need facial transplants tech ASAP.

If I knew this shit would be such a disaster I would pay far more attention in school and doctormaxx and surgerymaxx to save myself and other cels.
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
Don't curse people ,spread the love and hope of the Christian Gospel and the healing power of the true living God.And that Jesus will save anyone who sincerely repents!!
That's more like a reason some of these people are incel. But nobody deserves to be incel. If a guy has failure with women, gets depressed, gives up, and doesn't shower or maintain his physique - I still don't think he "DESERVES" to be incel. But it's possible his failure was a fluke and he's only an incel because he didn't keep trying.

It's not like anyone wakes up one morning and decides "you know what - I choose to be a smelly fat loser". Unfortunately antidepressants are largely a placebo and don't help all that much.
Every incel deserves to be an incel
Well, women are the referee who decide who win so I guess it is deserved, no matter what.
they're incel because foids won't fuck them, deserving has nothing to do with it because foid decisions hold no moral weight

OP is just trying to sneak his bluepill views onto this forum

he is an infamous whiteknight who once was reprimanded for screeching about how he'd report a member to the FBI for not respecting women enough
Ehh somewhat true, if you never asked out a foid in your life ever how do you really know you are an incel? I asked out so many and I was rejected brutally
Ehh somewhat true, if you never asked out a foid in your life ever how do you really know you are an incel? I asked out so many and I was rejected brutally
Same. You can only know you are a truecel once you try to max everything, ask out many foids, and get rejected multiple times. Otherwise how do you even know if you are just another MTN struggling with women or a truecel that is doomed for life?
Lmao, you remind me of Mentally Lost Cel who sperged out in my Discord DMs because i removed him from Steam. He was soo mad at me and told me that i deserve my inceldom
man that is worthy of having any authority in any field
You dont become or get authority, you either have it or you dont. Also no authority for your height

That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.
Same principal, i never understood this retarded never give up mentality. Some people just have absolutely 0 talent and are doomed to be complete losers
Fuck you, nigger.
This post almost reads like an IT lurker foid wrote it
I am well aware that most people do not even have to go through self improvement in life, don't waste time telling me water, but some here do not even try in life but are obsessed with chasing female validation while not even trying to become the type of man that is worthy of having any authority in any field. Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all. That's like being bad at a videogame and giving up at getting good just because you're not automatically as good as the average player.

I've met people on here and discord that call everything a cope, constantly passive aggressive, addicted to porn, overly skinny/overweight, dismiss self improvement completely, do nothing but browse the forums all day and spend hours trolling the retards at IT instead of actually doing their best to live a decent productive life I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

I am not saying any of this will definitely get you a girlfriend, I am proof of that, but I hate my life far less than I used to since I became more productive.

Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.

Yes, there is absolutely truth to this and you have good points. Many incels/blackpilled guys are very reductive, extreme, and lazy in their thinking to the point they will just refuse to be constructive and say ludicrous things, it's something I've observed reading and talking to them online (not just here) over years.

Posts like this that criticize incels are precisely what make me realize how important this forum truly is, because everyone here has to be celibate and this is strictly enforced. So it's a place for thoughts this to even have a chance of being fairly and objectively addressed without bias. If it were anywhere else on the internet, sex-having normies would be flying in and saying the most predictable shit that would only make everyone here feel more justified in the way they think. (because 100% of women and 99.99% of sex-having men can't acknowledge our situation without condescending us that, somehow, in some way, it might be our fault. It's truly rare for men to not do this, even a large % of men who are single and aren't getting laid would have the same attitude to us. Also more guys that understand us would exist if suicide wasn't a thing...many of the ones who would killed themselves. A dark point that rarely gets made.) The original post that contains the incel meet-up reply I linked to below really celebrates this forum for a place we can find solace and agree with things on, but it rarely gets addressed what a potentially useful place this is to criticize each other's thoughts and disagree, for the reasons I just said.

It's clear from your post that you've considered exactly what I've said and between this site and the Discord taken a careful look at this and what they're saying and unlike normies it isn't coming from a place of bias or malice because, needless to say, you're in the same boat as us. (otherwise you wouldn't be here.) This makes the replies here just dismissing what you're saying and calling you names stupid: by acting like you're just another normie, they're not acknowledging what I just said and even refusing to refute your criticism they clearly disagree with. (which only demonstrates there's truth to what you're saying)

But here's the thing. It didn't just "happen" that incels have the logic you highlighted, as much as you're right that to a significant extent they're making excuses to not try as much in their lives as they could be. You have to remember that normies always tell ugly and/or short and/or financially poor and/or disabled men there's more they could be doing and that if they're still not successful and get rejected by even average and sub-5 women they try to meet and date, (and the fact that this is more the case now than it was in the past, which they want to deflect from understanding) it must be because they aren't trying enough. The overwhelming majority of people in society have this mindset to us, the redpill is but a specific form of it.

I'm obviously assuming you're familiar with the incel critique to the redpill, but I do wish your post acknowledged this more. Of course, just because incels are right to note this, is not the same thing as saying that all of us should not try and that it can't necessarily lead to success. To the extent it can, it is worth it, of course. But psychologically speaking, isn't it easy to see how that grey area of uncertainty (i.e. many men try over years and still don't see success despite working to make a lot of money, diligently going to the gym, learning and practicing game etc.) leads many men to just give up early? (and from there, justify it, of course.) They aren't necessarily saying there is zero chance of success if they put in all that effort over years, but because there's no guarantee even after all of that effort, it's not only easier to preemptively give up but actively saves one from a lot of potential wasted effort and disappointment. To be fair, you could have acknowledged this more in your post, preferably with sympathy. (not something we can ever expect)

The point is that normies/redpillers are the ones mostly responsible for encouraging this fallacy (not noting the distinction I highlighted and just blanket telling all men, regardless of their height, looks, and other factors outside of their control, that they need to keep trying and if they don't find success it's because they haven't enough) and it's just despicable that it's always incels, the guys who are already completely down on their luck with nothing, that get accused of being the fallacious ones. ("it's not that you aren't successful because trying wouldn't make a difference, you aren't successful because you don't try!") From the introduction:

The Blackpill looks at a man's likelihood for romantic success along every dimension: race, height, age, face, build, money, mental health, disabilities, and more. Certain "unattractive" features can be more harmful than others or compensated for in different ways. The Blackpill can help an unattractive man find his best pathway to success, if any exists. However, if a man has fallen short in every category of life, it is unlikely he will find a way to succeed. One must always look at the total picture.

The value of the blackpill is that it emphasizes (at least in theory) starting from an objective place that confronts the truth without bias even when it's politically incorrect or "uncomfortable," then from there soberly acknowledging the potential for what is within a man's control to change bringing him better odds of success. Note that most people do the reverse: assume the man is at fault and isn't doing enough purely because in some cases, effort corresponds to increased chances of success. They just refuse to confront the fact that this isn't always the case, because they not only do not care about the most unfortunate members of society, they actively hate us because it's the only way they can not feel guilty to support a society that leads to people like us existing.

I've even met some faggots who match the stereotype of not showering often.

The sheer quantity of normies that tell all incels "just shower" "just work out" "just learn game" "just be confident" will always be incomporably more egregious than the existence of the minority of men on this forum who actually happen to not practice good hygiene.

One last important point: a common thing I hear from normies goes something along the lines of: "incels (by which they mean people on the incel forums, so the subreddits when they used to exist, this, and the discords — this is the first fallacy, they conveniently don't distinguish from the condition of inceldom and self-identified incels in an online incel community) aren't even all ugly. Most of them are average looking guys, the reason they're perpetually single is (you guessed it) they aren't working to improve + social awkwardness and autism"

Again, there is truth to this. While it's not common for the guys here to be actively attractive, it's certainly not true that the majority are very ugly, either. (See: this) The reality is most guys here are in the range of average or slightly/somewhat below average. (but short height compounded with this can really be a death sentence.) Therefore, especially on such a relatively small corner of the internet with its own groupthink, and just frankly from observation it's obvious that we rank a lot higher for neuro atypicality than the general population.

But do you see how this emphasis on us being "autistic" is really the same thing? It takes attention away from criticizing the broader issue and factors in society that make is so more men are in this situation than are in the past. (not evenly corresponding to the population increasing) This is of course also why they conflate the condition of being involuntarily celibate to "being an incel." (it should go without saying, but evidently doesn't, that the overwhelming majority of men in society who are perpetually single and dejected despite efforts to meet women neither identify as "incel" nor belong to an online incel community like this one.)

I don't see this specific point addressed that much, and definitely plan to write a post about this later.
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>"if you never tried self-improoooving then you deserve to be lonely and isolated"
>"you guys are low t bitches"

You should be banned for incel shaming tbh.
>"if you never tried self-improoooving then you deserve to be lonely and isolated"
>"you guys are low t bitches"

He didn't say this. He said: "Just because you were given a disadvantage from the beginning compared to others, does not mean it isn't worth trying at all." Which is not, in fact, the same thing.

He went out of his way to clarify: SOME (I REPEAT SOME) I REPEAT SOME in the post title itself.
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2024 fakecell redpillfag no.396932. Let go of foids programming inceldom isn't a punishment its over
Only low testosterone bitches will get mad at this post.
Jfl this pussy always ends his posts with something snarky like this. Are you an underaged user? Especially with the schizo school fight larps.

Smells like some redpill tiktok kid :feelskek:
2024 fakecell redpillfag no.396932. Let go of foids programming inceldom isn't a punishment its over
OP is the biggest lolcow of 2024, just laugh at move on
I agree with the principal of trying to live the best life possible even if with your shit circumstances but it's hard to have the motivation to try so hard yet get no results.
Still havent posted a video of your fight, bitch
Who cares about being productive? That's some redpill/blue pill cope. In reality, all that matters is the grind, making as much money as possible, exercise, and not listening or getting brainwashed by normbots.
I agree with the principal of trying to live the best life possible even if with your shit circumstances but it's hard to have the motivation to try so hard yet get no results.
The thing with "just at least trying to make an effort" is that this statement assumes that we will be 100% optimistic that it will change anything. So you start doing something and sometimes it won't change shit after months or maybe years of trying. Men are less supported than women so no one is there to congratulate you for anything. Trying anything feels like a waste of time and people will refrain from doing it based on previous experience.
If you are not NT for instance no amount of "socialmaxxing" will work. It's like trying to compete in F1 with a 2008 Toyota Corolla. All you can "try" is to give a %10 speed boost to the car but that's all you can do.
I partially agree, and what I hate the most in this forum are people who try their best to portray themselves and behave like a VICE article portrayal of an incel is like. Like purposefully acting like a cartoon retard, despite (presumably) being a grown ass adult.
You should be banned for incel shaming tbh.
the way that people get around incelshaming nowadays is to just say 'some incels' before their bluepill anti-incel rhetoric

just like traditional bluepill infiltrators would try to reply to misogynist threads with IT talking-points, but use incel rhetoric and paint it as just being 'reasonable' even though anyone can see them continually trying to smuggle bluepill talking-points onto the forum

you can usually spot these whiteknights, simps and bluepillers easily, they out themselves quickly

but they rarely get banned so they just keep posting and acting as if their real agenda isn't obvious

OP literally threatened to report a member to the FBI during one of his whiteknight chimpouts, but barely got a slap on the wrist for it. infiltrators basically have the run of the place
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