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Blackpill Social status is genetic, lifelong, heritable and can be guessed from both photos of your face and your brain scans

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date
Brutal read, it was really all decided at birth. The worst part is that my genes are me, I deserved to have this ugly face and terrible personality. I only started having friends in my university that has 10k+ students after two years of attending. People just don’t like me. How do you look like that some other ugly guy hoped that you wouldn’t be in the same class as him? I have only been bullied by Chads in college so far.
shorter than average
ethnic looking in white country
ugly face with huge penis nose
what you would expect basically for a social outcast
shorter than average
ethnic looking in white country
ugly face with huge penis nose
what you would expect basically for a social outcast
What ethnicity are you? How will you cope with being a social outcast with no hope of a future
What ethnicity are you? How will you cope with being a social outcast with no hope of a future
german genetically but over 10 times people have openly told me they think im ethnic, like arab for example.
I have diagnosed autism and my life has been shit since the very beginning, I never had hope for future. I just rot, I am on welfare for now.
LMAO even if I were ok looking my LITERAL FUCKING BRAIN is just made wrong.

i am wrong
I love when people say that, even if they switched places with us, they would definitely be able to find friends and lovers, because they would still have their "kind,friendly personalities,
Those fucktard bastard assfucker worms completely sound like boomers when they say you just have to give a firm handshake to the employer to be hired for fuck sake they don’t even realize how they sound equally retarded. Normgroids, faggots and leftards are a cancer to this world
everything in this world is completely inverted from what they tell you, more often than not
the people that talk about equality and social justice the loudest are probably the biggest pieces of shit
its just projection on their part
Yeah social statues is about IQ.

You wont find a doctor marrying a landwhale who prefers welfare over working, thats why looks also tell a persons social class.

Because class is highly collerated to IQ it means very few will ever escape the lower class or middle class they were born into unless it is downwards for what ever reason
Because class is highly collerated to IQ it means very few will ever escape the lower class or middle class they were born into unless it is downwards for what ever reason
Indeed:feelsbadman:. Poorfag 4 life:feelscry::incel:.
To cut to the chase, I am incredibly ugly. This isn’t anything new, or to be blamed on social media. I’ve have horrible genetics. I was bullied for being ugly pretty much my whole life, since I was height of a pigeon up until present day. I've had an awful life rife with multiple traumas; multiple types of abuse, horrific bullying all my life, crimes being committed against me in the Mental Hospital, having no friends, smear campaigns which turned everyone against me in the MH , being betrayed by everyone especially those callous Dr and nurses in MH and of course my family.
I’ve been labelled every horrible thing you can possibly think of: “useless”, “worthless”, “waste of space”, “revolting”, “psycho”, “crazy”, “annoying”, “pathetic”, “no life”, “loser”, “vile”, “ugly”… ugly is the one that crops up the most. It always has. And so many more. Mostly swear-word names.
I’ve never had any form of justice against anyone who abused, bullied or committed crimes against me, it just seemed like nobody wanted to help me. I always had proof of it, but nobody ever cared. The only justice if any is that my family tree will end with me .
One of these people literally told me at one occasion that when he first saw me, he thought "hopefully i am not in a class with him."
For reference, that guy was an estrogenic hyper sub human with manboobs and 15 allergies. He had a prince valiant haircut too.
subhumano hates subhumanos...burn this world
I’ve never had any form of justice against anyone who abused, bullied or committed crimes against me, it just seemed like nobody wanted to help me. I always had proof of it, but nobody ever cared. The only justice if any is that my family tree will end with me .
you can't their to many, how will you will charge a big group of them, the whole humanity try to wipe out ugly men, If we would every abuse against ugly man would be charged, the whole humanity would be in prison...
eople love to claim that just because you aren't attractive doesn't mean that you can't be a "cool guy", giving off "chill, friendly vibes", and how they all know a socially successful guy who's not facially attractive to try to bluepill us.
my mom told me always this shit, just be cool, she knew a ugly loser that was "cool" too...fucking bluepilled fags...
Even on this website, a lot of people think that believing that money and status matter is "not blackpilled" because "you can just gain them."
only bluepiller think the world is like this. of course a truecel loser can't reach a doctor and no company would like to work with such guys together, poorcels are often truecels.
If we would every abuse against ugly man would be charged, the whole humanity would be in prison...
Completely true, I've also been thinking a lot about this.

Not really, I read all of this a while ago and I learned quite a few things
I'm glad about that then:feelsokman:.
Amazingly written. I love when posts go into even more depth about how the blackpill transcends just relationships with women.:feelsYall:
I little bit disagree on the money aspect. Yes its true most people born, live and die that is equal to their parents social class, however there is few who ascend with autistic studymaxxing > Medicine route.

Now that also requires some IQ which is genetic, however they still surpass their parents social status in the end.
Amazingly written. I love when posts go into even more depth about how the blackpill transcends just relationships with women.:feelsYall:
Yup. Really, that's where most of that is, at least for me.

Notice that, although in many cases they might not realize that the blackpill and lookism go beyond dating, nobody ever dares to disprove lookism in the wider context:feelswhere:. Honestly, that makes people's obsessive insistence with looks not mattering specifically and only for men when it comes to sex and romance (nobody has ever said or will ever say that looks don't matter for women, for example) even funnier and more bizarre:feelshaha:.

I little bit disagree on the money aspect. Yes its true most people born, live and die that is equal to their parents social class, however there is few who ascend with autistic studymaxxing > Medicine route.

Now that also requires some IQ which is genetic, however they still surpass their parents social status in the end.
True. I was mostly talking about the general trends, since as we all know, exceptions only prove the rule further.
So, I just used the Scientific Blackpill page on Incels.wiki to reply to another thread on here, and as I did so, I discovered the study below the one I used as a reply and decided to give it a read:

A man's looks are significantly correlated with his popularity and peer status - Incels.wiki

Now, it's a brutal read, but unfortunately, the studies themselves aren't linked there, so I tried searching for them. I didn't find the Anderson et al. studies this mostly talks about, but I did find this study that is referenced near the end:

Here is that study, and its abstract:

The Face of Social Networks: Naive Observers’ Accurate Assessment of Others’ Social Network Positions From Faces

Now, this alone is pretty brutal. Even people who have no idea of who you are, just by looking at a photo of you once or twice, are able to accurately predict your social status, because both your actual and perceived social status are based on your facial attractiveness, warmth, and other facial traits you have no control over. Which, btw, is another blackpill that there are other facial traits apart from just attractiveness that influence this. People love to claim that just because you aren't attractive doesn't mean that you can't be a "cool guy", giving off "chill, friendly vibes", and how they all know a socially successful guy who's not facially attractive to try to bluepill us.

Meanwhile, this study simply flatly admits that facial warmth is different from attractiveness, however, it is nevertheless an actual facial trait you can't just choose, and it decides your social status similarly strongly as attractiveness does.

Now, that alone is brutal enough, but most people here who have been reading blackpill threads and Incels.wiki would've already known this.

So, I decided to look at the studies this study is cited by, and I found this absolutely brutal and quite recent one:

White matter connectivity in brain networks supporting social and affective processing predicts real-world social network characteristics

Right from the beginning this is pretty brutal:

Right from the beginning, you get the confirmation that your (shitty) social status will be with you for your entire life, simply because of how you are wired.

Are those large enough numbers of participants for the science-loving types that suspiciously dismiss all blackpill studies as having too small cohorts to be convincing to take this seriously:waitwhat:?

It's not just your face, as the previous study showed. It's also your brain. Better yet, it's your genes, the genes that predetermined you into a permanent low social status life by giving you a brain wired for it and a face to match so that everyone looking at you could immediately tell your place in the social hierarchy.

I love when people say that, even if they switched places with us, they would definitely be able to find friends and lovers, because they would still have their "kind,friendly personalities,", while we would struggle even with their faces and bodies:feelskek:. Cool, how about we switch not only faces but also brain circuitry as well? Let's see how you try to be popular with brain architecture of a permanent social outcast:feelskek::lul::feelsjuice:.

Those are the social networks they were studying, each dot is another person with red ones being those who had their brains scanned:

View attachment 1088219

"Silly inkwell, there's no such thing as a social outcast, everyone feels lonely sometimes, not just you:foidSoy::foidSoy:."


You just gotta love that type of cope, or the crazy numbers of teenagers (mostly teen girls) who claim that they are "like, totally lonely and depressed:foidSoy::foidSoy:." Meanwhile, stuff like this shows a simple truth. Social networks truly are masses of NPC normies, with a smattering of outcasts, the people who are actually lonely but who are the most likely to be attacked by normies when pointing out the fact that they have it worse than them, who are barely holding onto the few, if any, links they have with those large NPC masses.

Jfl:feelskek:. I've already said this once I think when talking with @Copexodius Maximus, but it's a bit crazy how much ahead of us actual scientists studying this stuff are in understanding blackpill topics like this. There's barely even any talk about social status on incel forums currently, normies think it all just comes to making some friends or whatever which they've bullshitted themselves into thinking that they can do so whenever they want (despite evidence that people mostly stop making new friends at 25 or so) and don't think much more about that. Meanwhile, those scientists looked at how many people you say are your friends, how many people say you are their friend (btw, the social bonds in the above image were solely those where both parties claimed the other as a friend:feelshaha::worryfeels:), how close to the social centre you are by looking at how well-connected you are with people who themselves are well-connected, and even split brokerage (the stuff that the face study above was talking about, how much of a social butterfly linking multiple different social groups you are) into two distinct things to get a better look at each,and to seperate the real brokers from their friends who are merely benefiting from their brokerage.

So, what did they find?

Well, they already spoiled it in the abstract, but basically, the actually serious markers of social status, that is, centrality in the social network and brokerage across it, as in, how closely you are to the center of it and how easily you can move across it and link various different groups (all of which welcome you, of course) were also the ones most significantly affected by the wiring of your brain, and by multiple different regions even.

It's actually pretty hilarious and blackpilling when you think about this and remember the social advice we usually receive:lul::lul:. Mofos don't even realize how blackpilling telling low status losers to "make some friends" actually is:feelskek:. Just about everyone can make at least one or two friends, as this study shows. Just "make friends bro" and don't think too hard about what you are missing out on and could never have, because while for you it is an achievement to do what absolutely anyone can do, unless you were born for it, you will never know the sweet feeling of having your social network revolving around you with all its doors opened for you to visit at any moment:lasereyes::feelsree::feelscry::feelsrope:.

And now for the last part...

It never began for low status losers.



Even on this website, a lot of people think that believing that money and status matter is "not blackpilled" because "you can just gain them."

No. No you absolutely can't. There's a crapload of research showing just how much income, wealth and socioeconomic position are hereditary and genes-based, and thankfully, there's research like this into status coming out as well. No, just like a truecel can't simply become a Chad overnight, so can't a poorfag dude just gain money, or an outcast loser just become a social butterfly. It simply doesn't work that way.

This links to another study which cited the first one:

Neural Encoding of Novel Social Networks: Evidence that Perceivers Prioritize Others’ Centrality

Basically, it says that deducing and analyzing social status of others is a deep-rooted function of the brain, and even when shown photos of complete strangers, your brain will quickly try analyzing the positions of each of them in their social circle, how popular they probably are, their centrality, brokerage and so on, all of which, as the first study showed, can be guessed from the face alone.

First off, shout out to and tagging @Balding Subhuman for also recently making a thread on how brain structure predicts social status (in mice, not in humans, but whatever.) Tagging some boyos who might be interested @GeckoBus @OutcompetedByRoomba @Mortis @lifefuel @Lv99_BixNood @prajeet88 @Puppeter @Stupid Clown @wereq @Epedaphic @NorthernWind @BlackCel_from_ZA (we've once had a discussion on how heritable money and status are, hopefully, this thread will be an informative and interesting read:feelsokman::feelsthink:).
will read when brain isn't fried

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