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It's Over Social anxiety is a death sentence

  • Thread starter friedrllyudidntknow
  • Start date


Jan 30, 2024
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.
cure = alcohol
Stay NEETing if you can, get a social anxiety diagnosis so you can stay on NEETbux. Working is torture, I'm very introverted and can only do Factory and Warehouse work, I don't have to socialise but it's depressing work and I have to wake up for work at 4am everyday while the sandniggers next door get free housing and benefits just because they have fucking kids, these normie fucks should be the ones working.
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.

even getting a job doesn't fix this shit, you regress over time
Yeah it's rough
For me It's not that bad when it's about business because I know exactly what I have to say and I am just there to get something done. Conversing is where hell-mode begins because I have to find shit to say while also hiding my power level.

Looking forward to a life of poverty because of my lack of networking skills.
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.
Yeah, fear is becoming more worse as I go through or gain more negative experiences with people because of my looks, I don't want to go out and meet anyone
I'm not socially anxious, I'm aware that I'm ugly and nobody wants to talk to me. Whatever, I got my autismbux.
I'm seeing this way more common in men
I've never seen a shy girl my entire life. They are all entitled bitches with bad attitude and very short temper who are waiting to snap at you for any minor inconvenience. They have learned since childhood that they can do this with no consequence.

But to be fair I have never seen a shy guy either (the standard for shy being myself). But at least men have WAY better manners and attitude at work.
I’ve been NEET from beginning of 2018 with only 2 years TOTAL worth of full-time work, completed since then to now (spread out ovER multiple pERiods of diffERing length).

What’s the point in working if you’re just gonna come home to an empty bed while Chad fucks all the bitches even if he’s unemployed, this world is a joke.

If incels arent entitled to sex with women, then women aren’t entitled to incels’ labour and utility.

No pussy, no work!

I am living on govERnment welfare funded by the taxpaying wagecucks, and I feel no shame whatsoevER. Feels great to be a burden on society and a leech, this is the MINIMUM that the govERnment owes us for ruining any chance of us evER having a sex life, as a result of their “society-destroying” implementation of feminism in replacement of the patriarchy which has been the backbone of 99.99% of human history and which led to 99.99% of the inventions, innovations, progress and development of modERn human existence.

If elites won’t enable us to attract a woman for sex/reproduction (through the laws and policies that they implement), then they bettER pay us money to sit on our asses and indulge in our copes, because othERwise men will bring chaos and destruction to society until it is reshaped in accordance to our demands.

My NEETbux is the only reason I remain civil. Take away my NEETbux AND continue enforcing a feminist societal structure, a diffERent animal within me will be unleashed, a beast which is driven by a lifetime of hatred and angER with “nothing to lose”.

And I WON’T be the only one, thERe will be millions of men like myself, with the aim of causing as much death and destruction as possible.

Good luck normies and foids, you bettER hope your “good pERsonality” saves you from the hordes of incels marching in unity and solidarity to bring about your extinction and removal from this world, led by our resurrected Saint Elliot RodgER who will return from the dead to lead his incel army to victory, as prophecized in the Blackpill Holy Scriptures (which I have had exclusive privilege and honour to read, granted to me by the “blackpill disciple” known as blkpillpres, as reward for my relentless pursuit and acquisition of blackpill knowledge and enlightenment).
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Social anxiety, autism and introversion will destroy your life if you are a sub 7 man.
My NEETbux is the only reason I remain civil. Take away my NEETbux AND continue enforcing a feminist societal structure, a diffERent animal within me will be unleashed, a beast which is driven by a lifetime of hatred and angER with “nothing to lose”.

And I WON’T be the only one, thERe will be millions of men like myself, with the aim of causing as much death and destruction as possible.
I'm one of them. If my gibsmedats are every taken away and I'm left to die... I don't know what would happen.
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.
Relatable. Even the neet start date.
I managed to alleviate a little of my social anxiety by spamming content on social media (with my face and name, without hiding behind a meme account), you can try it if you want to stop caring what normies think of you.

A lot of people unfollowed me but who cares

It can be therapeutic to write down what you really think and let a bunch of normies see it.
brain will sometimes shut off irl. do weird stuff like not talk to family but want to and instead make hand gestures at them. when i was in school dread talking in class even though i had been around them for years. just doesnt make sense thinking about it now. just some of my retard brain things.
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.
ovER for Non NTcels.
It's essentially over if you haven't been able to cure yourself from it by the time you exit high school. Especially when it comes to work, I can't even make basic phone calls to schedule interviews without being completely paralyzed in fear. I'm seeing this way more common in men than women nowadays, It is fucking hell on earth living with this day in and day out. I've been a neet since 2019 because I am too afraid to deal with people.
Mentalcel triat especially if you weren’t very likable
Anxiety turned me into near mute
I know this sounds like a normie advice but start jogging. It'll improve your neurotransmitter levels and it can alleviate that anxiety. Also if you consume caffeine stop doing it as it makes your anxiety worse.
Stay NEETing if you can, get a social anxiety diagnosis so you can stay on NEETbux. Working is torture, I'm very introverted and can only do Factory and Warehouse work, I don't have to socialise but it's depressing work and I have to wake up for work at 4am everyday while the sandniggers next door get free housing and benefits just because they have fucking kids, these normie fucks should be the ones working.
Cog in the machine is the last resort if you must make meet ones end. Aka food on the table.
I know this sounds like a normie advice but start jogging. It'll improve your neurotransmitter levels and it can alleviate that anxiety. Also if you consume caffeine stop doing it as it makes your anxiety worse.
First this troglodyte environment makes the damage and now... We must repair ourselves from it just to go back and face the same negation ??? Inane bullshit
Become Buddha.
If only I was low inhib

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