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So many sub5s at my workplace have girlfriends



Nov 12, 2017
And the 5 PSL and up do not. Just lol at looks theory.
looks - money - status

most likely they have one of those 3 ( probably the money )
Virginp0wers said:
looks - money - status

most likely they have one of those 3 ( probably the money )

Lol.They have none of those, trust me. My work doesn't pay super well (no education required). I am mostly there just to get experience and recommendations, so that I can apply for a better job down the line.
so theres hope for a 3/10 5'4 college dropout asian like me?
WorldRulerAisha said:
so theres hope for a 3/10 5'4 college dropout asian like me?

Maybe... You'd have to be rejected a ton before getting lucky (if you even get lucky at all).
CopingGymcel said:
Maybe... You'd have to be rejected a ton before getting lucky (if you even get lucky at all).

i guess i have to keep trying huh, maybe one day an asian girl will like me. 
CopingGymcel said:
And the 5 PSL and up do not. Just lol at looks theory.
then why are you here if you truly believe that?

Is it because you're lying?
TheVman said:
then why are you here if you truly believe that?

Is it because you're lying?

Why am I here? Because I'm a 26 year old virgin and I have nothing better to do. That doesn't change the fact that these guys have girlfriends.
There is a logical reason to this. It might be you can't rate well or that he is with a landwale or that it's a relative or she doesn't like him ect ect.
ArtoriasWolf said:
There is a logical reason to this. It might be you can't rate well or that he is with a landwale or that it's a relative or she doesn't like him ect ect.

Come on... Everyone can tell who is attractive and who is not. Obviously the 5 and up guys could get GFs, too. But it just so happens that the sub5s have GFs and they do not.

I have no idea how their GFs look like.
CopingGymcel said:
TheVman said:
then why are you here if you truly believe that?
Is it because you're lying?
Why am I here? Because I'm a 26 year old virgin and I have nothing better to do. That doesn't change the fact that these guys have girlfriends.
but if you think its not about your looks why nnot work on your personality? go ask cucktears for advice
I bet they are white.
CopingGymcel said:
Come on... Everyone can tell who is attractive and who is not. Obviously the 5 and up guys could get GFs, too. But it just so happens that the sub5s have GFs and they do not.

I have no idea how their GFs look like.

Then why don't you have one?
CopingGymcel said:
Come on... Everyone can tell who is attractive and who is not. Obviously the 5 and up guys could get GFs, too. But it just so happens that the sub5s have GFs and they do not.

I have no idea how their GFs look like.

I guarantee you there is something and it's not just personality.
Work on your personality, shower, get a haircut, and get a girlfriend then OP.
TheVman said:
but if you think its not about your looks why nnot work on your personality? go ask cucktears for advice

I am just stating an observation I made. I am not making any conclusions.
where do you work?

probably betabux
socialcircle game probably

if u have a group of friends or joined some kind of large association / volunteering / whatever theres a high chance u can meet someone with "muh similar interests" whereas we just rotted at home

in my case i literally got rejected for all of the social clubs i tried to join. i realized social circle game was legit but for me it was not meant to be. now bout to graduate college a virgin
How old are they?
CopingGymcel said:
TheVman said:
but if you think its not about your looks why nnot work on your personality? go ask cucktears for advice
I am just stating an observation I made. I am not making any conclusions.
But you said in the op "just lol at lookism theory'
CopingGymcel said:
I am just stating an observation I made. I am not making any conclusions.

It is a possibility that they are finding women who that happen to find their particular ugly look to fit a niche of their. This will turn them from ugly to average or it is that rare case where you got so much in common she give it a try. I will admit that a lot of variables  unaccounted for
This is a blue pilled cope thread reported.
are there any sub5 currys who have gf where you work?
truth bomb:

extremely GL (aka chads) males are extremely rare irl, the looks difference between 3-7 zone males isnt enough for women to straight up ignore their flaws, so sub5 males who are extremely NT and unironically confident/have good personality can definitely outslay their better looking peers
hehe xd said:
truth bomb:

extremely GL (aka chads) males are extremely rare irl, the looks difference between 3-7 zone males isnt enough for women to straight up ignore their flaws, so sub5 males who are extremely NT and unironically confident/have good personality can definitely outslay their better looking peers
Bluepilled garbage.
universallyabhorred said:
Bluepilled garbage.

nah its true

were all just social failures so we dont see the obvious 

u honestly have to be schizophrenia tier delusional to think 3-7/10 males cant get women, sure its unfair and hard but its possible
hehe xd said:
nah its true

were all just social failures so we dont see the obvious 

u honestly have to be schizophrenia tier delusional to think 3-7/10 males cant get women, sure its unfair and hard but its possible

Not possible for sub 5's unless they have extreme money or status.
universallyabhorred said:
Not possible for sub 5's unless they have extreme money or status.


non chad looks are irrelevant compared to social skills
hehe xd said:

non chad looks are irrelevant compared to social skills

You retard of course average or above average looking non chad males can get girlfriends but for anyone who is below average it is impossible without wealth or status.
universallyabhorred said:
You retard of course average or above average looking non chad males can get girlfriends but for anyone who is below average it is impossible without wealth or status.

dont get offensive when u realize u were wrong

i literally wrote males in the 3-7 looks area, 3/10 is not incel, its not ugly just not attractive, while 5 is average and 7 is a little attractive
I find it more interesting that you said that the 5 and ups DONT have girl friends. Is there a reason for that? What's wrong with them? Or maybe they just fuck around while the lower caste is getting cucked.

Don't worry, OP, I see it all the time too and I don't even get triggered anymore. It's just a natural part of life, almost feels rigged. I know that these humans are much more well in the head than me though, so that's probably how they got their partners (if it's a below average guy anyway)
Either beta emotional dumpster or hypergamy hasn't struck your area as hard
You must be in Kentucky or some shit.
You must be in Kentucky or some shit.

CopingGymcel said:
You must be in Kentucky or some shit.
Damn, I thought Norway was a land of mogging Magogs...
CopingGymcel said:
And the 5 PSL and up do not. Just lol at looks theory.

looks theory neglects NT theory and mental health
Damn, I thought Norway was a land of mogging Magogs...

Lots of Chadlites here's, that's for sure.

We're mogging everyone in the Olympics right now. Shitting all over Germany and the US despite being such a small nation.
Emotional tampons and beta buxes.
CopingGymcel said:
Damn, I thought Norway was a land of mogging Magogs...
Lots of Chadlites here's, that's for sure.
We're mogging everyone in the Olympics right now. Shitting all over Germany and the US despite being such a small nation.[/quote]
I only care about fencing, kendo, and jiu jutsu.._
CopingGymcel said:
At least they've had sex.

Sex is almost certainly disgustingly gross and impossibly disappointing.
existentialhack said:
Sex is almost certainly disgustingly gross and impossibly disappointing.

That's why normies do it so often...
CopingGymcel said:
That's why normies do it so often...

I take a dump often, doesn't make it special or desirable. There was a thread recently on r/sex about a guy who threw up going down on his girlfriend lol. The fact it's gross is objective reality. The cunt is half an inch from the asshole.
That's strange, something must be happening behind the scenes.
Hahaha there is no reason to the office chad to ltr.

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