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SuicideFuel So I spent all night talking to this “goody two shoes” foid last night on my Chadfishing account and here’s what she admitted

I'm confused, you were an asshole to her and catfished her. I'd be mad as fuck too
Chadfishing is real suifuel though, I felt like killing myself at the end of reading it
Girls show how nice they are until they're ready to show their fangs.
Nothing new. Bitches are evil.
Even religion knows this. Look at the story with Adam and Eve.
I'm confused, you were an asshole to her and catfished her. I'd be mad as fuck too
Chadfishing is real suifuel though, I felt like killing myself at the end of reading it
She said she was turned on by my rudeness later on in the convo

I legit felt like roping this morning/last night
She said she was turned on by my rudeness later on in the convo

I legit felt like roping this morning/last night
Women want to be treated like shit lmao
Your "nice guy" chimpout ruined the potential to investigate further. She explicitly told you that her fucking guys does not function as a reward system, she only just wants too be fucked by top tier men cuz they make her pussy tingle. You're stuck at being a basic bitch boy, unironically expecting women outta sleep with a cuck that pays them dinner.

How is it even possible for my misogyny levels to go even higher? I'm like a super saiyan misogynist. These bitches are the problem.
Great post op. Very eye opening
How is it even possible for my misogyny levels to go even higher? I'm like a super saiyan misogynist. These bitches are the problem.
I was actually still being cordial with them in public prior to this, fuck that and fuck them.
Next time you can focus on doing maximum damage with minimum effort (and minimum cringe). I didnt read any of what you wrote to her ngl.

But you have much potential. You could be the next great Chadfisher.
Next time you can focus on doing maximum damage with minimum effort (and minimum cringe). I didnt read any of what you wrote to her ngl.

But you have much potential. You could be the next great Chadfisher.
That’s normally what I do. I have several screenshots of doing just that but that girl pulled me in for some reason and quite frankly I wanted someone to talk to tbh.
I guess we aren't good enough. Foids cannot understand a second of your life or mine.
It’s in our DNA to crave female company unfortunately. 95 percent of the time I go against that biological urge but I was weak this go around
Reading this made me rage, tbh. Women are so fucking shallow. It's unbelievable how they demand respect when they have nothing to offer. @WithoutMe @knajjd @Master you should pin this thread.
The absolute nerve of this bitch. And people think "nice guys" are aproblem? Jfl
Reading this made me rage, tbh. Women are so fucking shallow. It's unbelievable how they demand respect when they have nothing to offer. @WithoutMe @knajjd @Master you should pin this thread.
I’ve been steaming literally all day because of this shit lmao
Seriously don't understand the point. So clear you both have a completely different mindset. I don't think she's going to cry over having intimacy freely since it's a social norm, it's not the 50s. Rather, based on your reaction you seem more riled up and distraught.

Only thing I found interesting is how she insisted she's a good person, particularly as a mechanism of justification. I've seen this alot but I've always wondered what defines a good person? I just see people living in bubbles, but once again maybe it's just a mindset thing.
Seriously don't understand the point. So clear you both have a completely different mindset. I don't think she's going to cry over having intimacy freely since it's a social norm, it's not the 50s. Rather, based on your reaction you seem more riled up and distraught.

Only thing I found interesting is how she insisted she's a good person, particularly as a mechanism of justification. I've seen this alot but I've always wondered what defines a good person? I just see people living in bubbles, but once again maybe it's just a mindset thing.
She’s from a conservative culture (Arabic). She’ll cry when no white european guy will marry her and her own men don’t want her
She’ll cry when no white european guy will marry her
not likely to happen
Only thing I found interesting is how she insisted she's a good person, particularly as a mechanism of justification. I've seen this alot but I've always wondered what defines a good person? I just see people living in bubbles, but once again maybe it's just a mindset thing.
Women believe they are intrinsically good no matter what, because that is what they are always told growing up. People are biased to treat women as though they are good too. Really they are deluded.
IMMEDIATELY turned hostile and cursed me out/blocked men once I showed her a pic of my real face
Lol you should've let her think she got ghosted by chad. You're just adding to incels having a creepy reputation.
- She was playing the “sweet” and patient role throughout the convo and even stayed up all night with me but IMMEDIATELY turned hostile and cursed me out/blocked men once I showed her a pic of my real face

Wow what a vile, evil human being, this is really suifuel. Keep up the good work, but where is the part where you do the reveal and she leaves?
Wow what a vile, evil human being, this is really suifuel. Keep up the good work, but where is the part where you do the reveal and she leaves?
That was over text, I was pissed and deleted the convo tbh
>ok chad you need to breathe
@JellyJam how old is she?
The game is rigged. Good post.
never get in an argument with a foid
they will always be able to argue back and it will infuriate u
never show ur face cos they will screenshot it and get their army of beta orbiters/media/cucks to id u and publicly execute u for attacking muh queen
Rather, use ur chad accout to arrange a date with the thot, send it on a 20 mile drive, and when it arrives, block it.
In what way did she insult you when you showed your real face, foids can become vicious when they find out that they have been chad fished and the person they waited up all night texting didn't actually have sharp facial bones
Based for calling them out instead of just having an e-girlfriend, like a certain member here.
What is new, attractive men gets free sex, attractive foid gets commitment from chads / rich bbuxxers...
Don't feel too bad about how it all went down.

Yeah you experienced mental pain and had an existential crisis over this convo and think she triumphed totally but I don't see it that way.

I see you both having got fucked up from the convo lol.

So don't worry I'm sure she's hurting too.

All these dumb broads end up with mental pain once they finally realize no man on earth whether cucks, incels, betas or Chads respect them after finding out the enormous number of times they've been plowed.

I'm sure she's got the infamous "Thousand cock stare" Heartiste once hilariously posted about.
They could easily hide their numbers and those cucks wouldnt even dare question them twice...with tinder hooking up with chad discreetely is just too easy
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What is new, attractive men gets free sex, attractive foid gets commitment from chads / rich bbuxxers...

They could easily hide their numbers and those cucks wouldnt even dare question them twice...with tinder hooking up with chad discreetely is just too easy
This scares me. I would have had no idea that women in the OP got pumped and dumped by Chads looking at her social media, she seems extremely conservative but as we all know AWALT
This scares me. I would have had no idea that women in the OP got pumped and dumped by Chads looking at her social media, she seems extremely conservative but as we all know AWALT
Yeah but most men aint blackpilled, and a foid could easily tell them much lower number and they wouldnt know the difference.

If a guy lies about their number I cant even tell tbh..and im blackpilled
Imagine putting this much effort into arguing with a foid. What did this whole effort accomplish.
She said she was turned on by my rudeness later on in the convo

I legit felt like roping this morning/last night
Chad can't lose
Imagine putting this much effort into arguing with a foid. What did this whole effort accomplish.

Lmao at the autistic rage in this thread. :feelskek: This is how women, or rather females are. They breed with who their instincts tell them to, with what signal the best genes. Men do this too. However human females can be controlled and manipulated through things like religion and monogamy. Lol at being surprised and outraged about this. This is how women are and men are supposed to control them for our benefit and the benefit of society. I thought people here got that. Women aren't changing, men need to control them.
man I can only imagine what that girl was thinking because I was reading your texts thinking you need to chill the fuck out.

life isn't fair.

use chadfishing to pretend you're chad and maybe get some nudes.

don't fucking use it to autism rant and make yourself mad lmao

I know this guy was sending paragraphs. Chad never sends paragraphs. Maximum 2 small sentences
You need to make your post concise, don’t include more then 5 screen shots
suifuel yes, but high iq nonetheless
Chadfishing aka Exposing Foids, great as always
It seems she really wanted your approval. Clueless.
she is a cunt like the rest of them but you could start playing these bitchs against each other by pretending your a chad or find out their darkest filthy thing they have done then break them with it of expose them for the cunts they are or better yet fuck with their heads and lead them on and set up dates and do a no show
Yeah I’m done being nice or cordial to them. This was a life altering conversation for me
I’ve done this quite a few times too. I confess who I am because I feel a fake connection i even called one of them on the phone and she blocked me after hearing my story. Their time is only precious enough for Chad.. it’s over.
I’ve done this quite a few times too. I confess who I am because I feel a fake connection i even called one of them on the phone and she blocked me after hearing my story. Their time is only precious enough for Chad.. it’s over.

We can put on a tough exterior all we want but deep down we all crave that connection. It’s not for us though, Chad only.

This girl literally told me I’m not worth her time after she spent all night talking to someone she thought was Chad lmao

At least in your case they didn’t see your picture
I wish I was a Chad
“I’m a good person. I’m honest”

girls really think that they deserve chad for these reasons. Like their honesty gives them SMV. Or that it’s ok to be a toilet because you’re an honest good person and it’s not your fault the guy played you.. even though she knows full well that the chad is most definitely gonna “play” her.. it’s all mental gymnastics. Girls aren’t self aware so they don’t know they’re doing mental gymnastics to not feel like cheap cumdumpsters.

I hate when girls use euphemisms like “sleep with” and “have sex with” when what’s really happening is theyre bending over to be violently fucked by some random guy that gives 0 fucks about her, then they’re getting on their knees, choking on his dick, and taking cum all over their faces.. yeah real wife material behavior. I’m sure your “honesty” absolves you of being a toilet and renders you brand new top wife material. After all, reality is what you make it Teehee!

The modern western world does not produce wives. It produces whores. Every single girl without exception is a whore. Any girl you see on the street has been on her knees with a dick in her mouth and cum on her face.. probabaly In the last week.. normies don’t realize this. They think a whore is just like a girl that’s sluttier than average.. they can’t cope with knowing ALL women including their mothers and sisters and wives and daughters are all public property cum receptacles.. a fish doesn’t realize he’s surrounded by water.. it’s just normal to him.. it has no frame of reference to compare to. Every wedding in the modern era is an instance of a hoe being turned into a housewife. Some guy is putting maximum effort, time, and money for exclusive Lifetime access to her old, post prime, used, depreciating vagina.. in other words maximum input for minimum reward.. when the same vagina in it’s prime, unused condition was enjoyed by men that had to invest nothing. They just had to exist. Minimum input for maximum reward.

“B-but don’t worry sweety, they only had me for a night. You get me for life. You’re the real winner”

edit: lmao you made your name chad
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“I’m a good person. I’m honest”

girls really think that they deserve chad for these reasons. Like their honesty gives them SMV. Or that it’s ok to be a toilet because you’re an honest good person and it’s not your fault the guy played you.. even though she knows full well that the chad is most definitely gonna “play” her.. it’s all mental gymnastics. Girls aren’t self aware so they don’t know they’re doing mental gymnastics to not feel like cheap cumdumpsters.

I hate when girls use euphemisms like “sleep with” and “have sex with” when what’s really happening is theyre bending over to be violently fucked by some random guy that gives 0 fucks about her, then they’re getting on their knees, choking on his dick, and taking cum all over their faces.. yeah real wife material behavior. I’m sure your “honesty” absolves you of being a toilet and renders you brand new top wife material. After all, reality is what you make it Teehee!

The modern western world does not produce wives. It produces whores. Every single girl without exception is a whore. Any girl you see on the street has been on her knees with a dick in her mouth and cum on her face.. probabaly In the last week.. normies don’t realize this. They think a whore is just like a girl that’s sluttier than average.. they can’t cope with knowing ALL women including their mothers and sisters and wives and daughters are all public property cum receptacles.. a fish doesn’t realize he’s surrounded by water.. it’s just normal to him.. it has no frame of reference to compare to. Every wedding in the modern era is an instance of a hoe being turned into a housewife. Some guy is putting maximum effort, time, and money for exclusive Lifetime access to her old, post prime, used, depreciating vagina.. in other words maximum input for minimum reward.. when the same vagina in it’s prime, unused condition was enjoyed by men that had to invest nothing. They just had to exist. Minimum input for maximum reward.

“B-but don’t worry sweety, they only had me for a night. You get me for life. You’re the real winner”

edit: lmao you made your name chad

What makes you so sure that every single girl without exception is a whore?

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