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LifeFuel So glad that this forum isn't owned by anglo-cucks. Over for IncelTearcels

I told @Wizard32 that he's a French faggot just like the rest of them who have too much power and would rather do things that favor Québec at the expense of the rest of "Canada".

Though after Trudeau, idk. I don't think the Conservatives are going to be any more popular and it seems that the NDP is becoming more dominant for liberals that don't like Trudeau.

Then why don't "Canadians" see themselves as Americans if the core of their identity is being part of the British Empire unlike Americans who's core of their identity is being independent from them?
NDP are a joke party. Hopefully they never win and keep dividing the left wing vote. Conservatives have no good leader. Stephen Harper should literally run, there is no good leader I can think of who can beat Trudeu other than him. Maybe Rob Ford could have, but he’s dead.

As for why Canadians don’t see themselves as Americans, they need to cope and find a reason for their own existence. It’s like in spicland where many groups that seem similar to outsider will claim to be very different and hate on each other.
NDP are a joke party. Hopefully they never win and keep dividing the left wing vote. Conservatives have no good leader. Stephen Harper should literally run, there is no good leader I can think of who can beat Trudeu other than him. Maybe Rob Ford could have, but he’s dead.
His son Doug Ford is premier of Ontario and he just stop funding for a francophone school in that province. Too bad his French is probably not that good.
As for why Canadians don’t see themselves as Americans, they need to cope and find a reason for their own existence. It’s like in spicland where many groups that seem similar to outsider will claim to be very different and hate on each other.
Maybe the monarchy is the only thing that gives them an identity?

As for spics, yeah but every country of spics get along when they move to the U.S.
His son Doug Ford is premier of Ontario and he just stop funding for a francophone school in that province. Too bad his French is probably not that good.

Maybe the monarchy is the only thing that gives them an identity?

As for spics, yeah but every country of spics get along when they move to the U.S.
Doug Ford is his brother, not his son JFL. And yeah, he did good work banning those French cucks. Monarchy doesn’t really give any identity, most people never even think about it or think about it.
Doug Ford is his brother, not his son JFL. And yeah, he did good work banning those French cucks.
Just found out his brother died recently too. He also got arrested in Miami (in the U.S. lol) for marijuana while running for mayor in Toronto and got deported.

Are those French faggots also a problem in B.C. and other provinces outside Québec or Ontario? Do the French even seem more self-important than the First Nation up there?
Monarchy doesn’t really give any identity, most people never even think about it or think about it.
Most white Anglo "Canadians", at least in Ontario and maybe many who settled out west, had recent immigration from the British Isles like the rest of the Commonwealth no?
Eskimo’s just do their own thing.
why the fuck would you put an apostrophe there
Only part that is an offshoot of French soyciety is Quebec, and it’s a shit hole.
what variables we looking at? I thoght at one point the Bloc at least did some based anti-immigrant stuff and was protectionist of their culture at least in regard to forcing immigrants to learn french and some kind of anti-hijab law, not sure if it got passed tho
Just found out his brother died recently too. He also got arrested in Miami (in the U.S. lol) for marijuana while running for mayor in Toronto and got deported.

Are those French faggots also a problem in B.C. and other provinces outside Québec or Ontario? Do the French even seem more self-important than the First Nation up there?

Most white Anglo "Canadians", at least in Ontario and maybe many who settled out west, had recent immigration from the British Isles like the rest of the Commonwealth no?
The French don’t have any real influence in BC, other than forcing us to learn French in highschool. The first nations aren’t really complaining too much, they’re mostly just rotting. It’s a small vocal minority of them in activism, but idk what kind of solutions or anything they talk about.

Hard to tell about most Anglos here tbh. There was a huge influx of people during the time of Wilfred Laurier in the early 1900s. Most Anglos probably had great grandparents who lived in farms here with no education, separated from the rest of society around them. Canada used to be more religious and less urbanized than America.

At this point it’s just the French vs everyone else.
why the fuck would you put an apostrophe there

what variables we looking at? I thoght at one point the Bloc at least did some based anti-immigrant stuff and was protectionist of their culture at least in regard to forcing immigrants to learn french and some kind of anti-hijab law, not sure if it got passed tho
French have their own kind of ideology called laicite, where they forcetheir shitty cucked french culture on everyone and you are not allowed to be an individual. Individualism and freedom of religion and expression a product of English enlightenment values.
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Unlike "Canada" who's core part of its identity is as a subject of the British Empire in contrast to us, and because of that you feel more superior.
ironically the guy who w/ Thatcher got a significant step of divorce from Britain ended up getting cucked by a communist dictator
French have their own kind of ideology called laicite, where they forcetheir shitty cucked french culture on everyone and you are not allowed to be an individual.
First I've head of the term Laicite, what is it besides "speak French" ?

Individualism and freedom of religion and expression a product of English enlightenment values.
If that's the case why did France get democracy before England? Ditching monarchy is at least a token gesture for individualism even if it's hollow.
I don't feel superior to Americans. I see Canada as a third-world soviet shithole and I have for quite some time.
it's pretty clearly 1st world, at worst 2nd world in some places.
most "Canadians" that cope with being loyal to the British Empire and fly the Red Ensign and the Union Jack makes them feel more sophisticated and powerful
When you say 'most' what population's majority are you referring to? I've seen more American flags up here than British ones tbh.
I've always said that America should have annexed Canada decades ago. They could have even done it as part of the cold war and had a gigantic super-nation out of it. What can you do?

help support Bernier if you want to give us a chance, our conservatives are even more cucked than America's RINOs
Exactly. This is why I urge all "Canadians" to realize they are Americans and move the Freedom side if they can. Because I don't know who in their right minds would choose to immigrate or remain up there if America is a far superior country.
getting bux, accelerating the collapse, depriving those who hate my race from stealing my birthright wealth when I in fact deserve it due to my chronic illness
I feel like "Canada" once upon a time was actually based and a decent place to be for living in the outskrits off-grid.
aside from getting no free oil moneys I don't know how different living up north off-grid would be from living in alaska tbh

we suffer breakup of the nuclear family like America though so there's few mentors to teach skills, best I can hope for to learn hunting/trapping would be youtube
Once Trudeu gets out of office, I think things will go back to normal like they should be, more or less.
this is ridiculous cope, Trudeau is a symptom not a cause

He’s just winning cause foids vote for him due to his looks
then explain Paul Martin

it's not just looks IMO it's also the gibs
I've heard Bernier is growing in popularity with some folks hopefully if he ever gets voted in things would get decent. @Wizard32
I did my part, voted for him twice. I missed out on going to a rally when he was nearby, found out too late, feel bad about it.

do most "Canadians" see themselves as British subjects and monarchist which gives them the reason to differentiate themselves from Americans or would you rather fo away with the monarchy?
I think most see it as a joke, the monarchy is basically a figurehead in britain so it's doubly figurehead over hear

I think most laugh like "why is she on our money" and "why is our leadership sworn in by her"

it's ritual trappings, though we somehow avoid the white wigs
Bernier is a Quebecois larper, I wouldn’t vote for anyone from that province.
eh, not gonna hold his accent against him, he's the best option I've seen for a PM in my lifetime

you'd rather whom. Justin Castrau or Jagmeet Singh or whichever CINO-cuck the CPC is pitching?
I told @Wizard32 that he's a French faggot just like the rest of them who have too much power and would rather do things that favor Québec at the expense of the rest of "Canada".
if he wants to court the Bloc a bit to win, even form Coalition with them to oust the CPC/Libs/NDP that's fine with me

a great idea would be to make it mandatory to be functionally bilingual to emigrate into canada to become a citizen, ie pass grade 12 english AND grade 12 french

this would drastically lower immigration and limit to people high enough IQ to master that

wouldn't include me (I think I got around 60% in gr 9 french) though I'm sure I could pass 12th if I put in the time and effort and really wanted in

Though after Trudeau, idk. I don't think the Conservatives are going to be any more popular and it seems that the NDP is becoming more dominant for liberals that don't like Trudeau.
Singh is dead to me for how he treated Bernier in the campaign/debate and his fake stunts about paying some guy to act racist against him.
I thought his beard and turban looked pretty based too, but fuck that fake poser I'd rather Elizabeth May than Jagmeeth Singh and I think the greens are fake hypocrites too

Then why don't "Canadians" see themselves as Americans if the core of their identity is being part of the British Empire unlike Americans who's core of their identity is being independent from them?
sounds like Brits living rent-free in the minds of both parties to have that perception

wouldn't it be cool if Martians invaded and we could form national identities about resisting a serious foe instead of some centuries-old opposition who didn't even have semi-auto rifles?
Conservatives have no good leader. Stephen Harper should literally run, there is no good leader I can think of who can beat Trudeu other than him. Maybe Rob Ford could have, but he’s dead.
I'm confident that if there weren't those shenanigans that let (((Andrew Scheer))) steal the leadership of the CPC that Mad Max could've beaten Justin in 2019.
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The French don’t have any real influence in BC, other than forcing us to learn French in highschool. The first nations aren’t really complaining too much, they’re mostly just rotting. It’s a small vocal minority of them in activism, but idk what kind of solutions or anything they talk about.
Are Anglo "Canadians" outside Québec also bilingual with French or do they refuse to speak or learn it?

Tbh, I'd rather learn French here since I already know Spanish and I had to take Spanish classes in my high school.
Hard to tell about most Anglos here tbh. There was a huge influx of people during the time of Wilfred Laurier in the early 1900s. Most Anglos probably had great grandparents who lived in farms here with no education, separated from the rest of society around them. Canada used to be more religious and less urbanized than America.

At this point it’s just the French vs everyone else.
I always say that white Americans and white "Canadians" are a different stock. Since most white Americans here are descendants of the older Scots-Irish and other Protestant religious refugees from England and that after independence there wad less immigration from the U.K. and then came Irish Catholic and Italian immigrants. Whereas "Canada" had more recent English and Scottish immigrations who were more loyal to the British monarchy and were sponsored to go there just like the rest of the Commonwealth, with less Scots-Irish and Irish Catholic immigrants. At least east of the Mississippi, out west in the Great Plains had more Germans and Scandinavians both in the U.S. and "Canada".
French have their own kind of ideology called laicite, where they forcetheir shitty cucked french culture on everyone and you are not allowed to be an individual. Individualism and freedom of religion and expression a product of English enlightenment values.
French faggots are arrogant because they think they are so fancy and high class and want to prove to everyone how French they are.
what variables we looking at? I thoght at one point the Bloc at least did some based anti-immigrant stuff and was protectionist of their culture at least in regard to forcing immigrants to learn french and some kind of anti-hijab law, not sure if it got passed tho
I mean, I've heard most immigrants to Québec are from francophone countries like Haiti, the Maghreb and French-speaking Africans. It's pretty much the same thing in real France.

But if those French faggots are so keen on forcing everyone to speak French and for French be an "official" language in "Canada" because they were there first but were defeated by the British, then it's only fair to make all the First Nation languages official as well. And if that's too many languages, keep in mind that South Africa has nine official languages including indigenous ones.
ironically the guy who w/ Thatcher got a significant step of divorce from Britain ended up getting cucked by a communist dictator
View attachment 546894
At least we have a Latino prime minister representing a multicultural and diverse "country" that barely have any spics.
First I've head of the term Laicite, what is it besides "speak French" ?

If that's the case why did France get democracy before England? Ditching monarchy is at least a token gesture for individualism even if it's hollow.
Tbh, France became cucked and even more tyrannical after le Révolution. The French Empire was a mistake that is now biting back now that immigrants from their former colonies are now invading metropolitan France and turning Paris and other cities there into slums run under Sharia law.

The only time France was based was during l'Ancien Regime, of which New France (aka Québec) was a part of.
it's pretty clearly 1st world, at worst 2nd world in some places.
"Canada"'s 1st world status is undeserved and a joke when you barely have an economy at all and depend on gibs from the U.S. There's a reason why everyone wants to escape their shitholes to come here while "Canada" stays irrelevant because there are no jobs or opportunity.
When you say 'most' what population's majority are you referring to? I've seen more American flags up here than British ones tbh.
Pretty much every "Canadian" who is stuck with their delusion sees themselves as proud loyal British subject. The Union Jack is THE official flag of "Canada" and the maple leaf flag is just a civil placeholder.

Or are you sayin you have people flying American flags in their cars and their private residences to show their patriotism and allegiance to the Union?
help support Bernier if you want to give us a chance, our conservatives are even more cucked than America's RINOs
Your "cuckservatives" are focused on bringing back a long dead empire that's passed its prime. It's better to just focus on ascribing to Americans values of independence, liberty and democracy as defined in our Constitution.
getting bux, accelerating the collapse, depriving those who hate my race from stealing my birthright wealth when I in fact deserve it due to my chronic illness
America still offers more in terms of economic opportunities and civil liberties.
aside from getting no free oil moneys I don't know how different living up north off-grid would be from living in alaska tbh
No free healthcare in Alaska and it might take some time to get used to the winter.

At least my next choice is probably to move to Vermont or Maine.
we suffer breakup of the nuclear family like America though so there's few mentors to teach skills, best I can hope for to learn hunting/trapping would be youtube
Yeah, I watch hunting videos to learn too. I thought it was a "Canadian" tradition to go into the bush to hunt for beaver or moose.
this is ridiculous cope, Trudeau is a symptom not a cause

then explain Paul Martin

it's not just looks IMO it's also the gibs
Trudeau is Trudeau. Again, I hope "Canada" can become based again and then I might consider moving up there.
Are Anglo "Canadians" outside Québec also bilingual with French or do they refuse to speak or learn it?

Tbh, I'd rather learn French here since I already know Spanish and I had to take Spanish classes in my high school.

I always say that white Americans and white "Canadians" are a different stock. Since most white Americans here are descendants of the older Scots-Irish and other Protestant religious refugees from England and that after independence there wad less immigration from the U.K. and then came Irish Catholic and Italian immigrants. Whereas "Canada" had more recent English and Scottish immigrations who were more loyal to the British monarchy and were sponsored to go there just like the rest of the Commonwealth, with less Scots-Irish and Irish Catholic immigrants. At least east of the Mississippi, out west in the Great Plains had more Germans and Scandinavians both in the U.S. and "Canada".

French faggots are arrogant because they think they are so fancy and high class and want to prove to everyone how French they are.

I mean, I've heard most immigrants to Québec are from francophone countries like Haiti, the Maghreb and French-speaking Africans. It's pretty much the same thing in real France.

But if those French faggots are so keen on forcing everyone to speak French and for French be an "official" language in "Canada" because they were there first but were defeated by the British, then it's only fair to make all the First Nation languages official as well. And if that's too many languages, keep in mind that South Africa has nine official languages including indigenous ones.

At least we have a Latino prime minister representing a multicultural and diverse "country" that barely have any spics.

Tbh, France became cucked and even more tyrannical after le Révolution. The French Empire was a mistake that is now biting back now that immigrants from their former colonies are now invading metropolitan France and turning Paris and other cities there into slums run under Sharia law.

The only time France was based was during l'Ancien Regime, of which New France (aka Québec) was a part of.

"Canada"'s 1st world status is undeserved and a joke when you barely have an economy at all and depend on gibs from the U.S. There's a reason why everyone wants to escape their shitholes to come here while "Canada" stays irrelevant because there are no jobs or opportunity.

Pretty much every "Canadian" who is stuck with their delusion sees themselves as proud loyal British subject. The Union Jack is THE official flag of "Canada" and the maple leaf flag is just a civil placeholder.

Or are you sayin you have people flying American flags in their cars and their private residences to show their patriotism and allegiance to the Union?

Your "cuckservatives" are focused on bringing back a long dead empire that's passed its prime. It's better to just focus on ascribing to Americans values of independence, liberty and democracy as defined in our Constitution.

America still offers more in terms of economic opportunities and civil liberties.

No free healthcare in Alaska and it might take some time to get used to the winter.

At least my next choice is probably to move to Vermont or Maine.

Yeah, I watch hunting videos to learn too. I thought it was a "Canadian" tradition to go into the bush to hunt for beaver or moose.

Trudeau is Trudeau. Again, I hope "Canada" can become based again and then I might consider moving up there.
Most people outside Canada don’t know shit French, mostly cause they have mo reason to. We learn the basics, but no one cares to remember it.

And as for what ancestry of most Canadian mayos is, idk. I know in America Germans are actually the biggest ancestral group.
And as for what ancestry of most Canadian mayos is, idk. I know in America Germans are actually the biggest ancestral group.
But you know "Canadian" gringos and American gringos are different in their ancestral pool, right?
But you know "Canadian" gringos and American gringos are different in their ancestral pool, right?
Probably so. Not many mexicans here, mostly South American cels
Probably so. Not many mexicans here, mostly South American cels
Mostly Colombians like Alinity. Also Brazilians too.

Only knew one girl who was from Brazil at my high school. At least you don't have to deal with Dominicans and Puertoricans out there like I do here.
"Canada"'s 1st world status is undeserved and a joke when you barely have an economy at all and depend on gibs from the U.S.
Doesn't it get exhausting putting quotes around that word every time?

If you'd prefer to call it something else that wouldn't require air quotes, feel free.

There's a reason why everyone wants to escape their shitholes to come here while "Canada" stays irrelevant because there are no jobs or opportunity.
If it weren't relevant to immigrants then we wouldn't keep getting so many here. The gibs up here for the longest time have been way better than US, at least until Biden. He might be what makes US more gibs-friendly to "refugees".

Pretty much every "Canadian" who is stuck with their delusion sees themselves as proud loyal British subject.
What % are you talking about having an unspecified delusion?

The Union Jack is THE official flag of "Canada" and the maple leaf flag is just a civil placeholder.
Not AFAIK, though the UJ is still on provincial flags.

Or are you sayin you have people flying American flags in their cars and their private residences to show their patriotism and allegiance to the Union?
I've just seen American flags in cars/homes by fans of America.

Your "cuckservatives" are focused on bringing back a long dead empire that's passed its prime.
Not sure if you're describing the CPC or the PPC

America still offers more in terms of economic opportunities and civil liberties.
Hard to disagree but I'd still need networking skills to capitalize on those economic opportunities. It's about making that transition. I'm scared and stick to what I know for now I guess.

Yeah, I watch hunting videos to learn too. I thought it was a "Canadian" tradition to go into the bush to hunt for beaver or moose.
I did know a guy who hunted deer and the occasional moose but I was a gaming introvert who skimped on the opportunities.
I wish I'd been smart enough to respect him more as a teen and gotten a gun+hunting license soon as possible and learned those hands-on skills.
Too late now for the most part, he's old now and we're not in touch.

Trudeau is Trudeau. Again, I hope "Canada" can become based again and then I might consider moving up there.
Promise you'll come up here if Bernier gets elected. :feelsmage:
Doesn't it get exhausting putting quotes around that word every time?

If you'd prefer to call it something else that wouldn't require air quotes, feel free.
I put quotes around "Canada" because I want to emphasize that it is "country" that should not exists and has no right to legitimacy.

So what do you want me to call it? Canuckistan? The Great White North? British North America? The Land of the Maple Leaf? The United States of America if they didn't won the Revolutionary War against thr Brits? A few acres of snow?

What I refer to as "Canada" are really the northern 13 states of what should be in the United States that are currently occupied under an illegitimate colonial regime where it is known as the "provinces" and "territories" under that colony.
If it weren't relevant to immigrants then we wouldn't keep getting so many here. The gibs up here for the longest time have been way better than US, at least until Biden. He might be what makes US more gibs-friendly to "refugees".
Yet you don't see any spics going up there. There's a reason why beaners and wetbacks risk their lives to move out fo their shithole and come here instead of up north. Because we offer much more opportunities and we have the American Dream.
What % are you talking about having an unspecified delusion?
If you don't consider yourself an American, then you are a British loyalist.
Not AFAIK, though the UJ is still on provincial flags.
The Union Jack is still an official symbol for representing "Canada" as a Crown Dominion of the British Empire.
I've just seen American flags in cars/homes by fans of America.
That is good that there are some up there who recognize the true sovereign of the land and believe in American principles over British propaganda.
Not sure if you're describing the CPC or the PPC
I'd say both, I'm pretty sure there are monarchists on those sides.
Hard to disagree but I'd still need networking skills to capitalize on those economic opportunities. It's about making that transition. I'm scared and stick to what I know for now I guess.
True, given that most immigrants already have families here. Though, if you come to the U.S. you should blend in just right without any notice you're a "Canadian" if you learn to speak proper American instead of retardedly raising your vowels when you say out and about and burrow and color, etc.
I did know a guy who hunted deer and the occasional moose but I was a gaming introvert who skimped on the opportunities.
I wish I'd been smart enough to respect him more as a teen and gotten a gun+hunting license soon as possible and learned those hands-on skills.
Too late now for the most part, he's old now and we're not in touch.
I'd say there's always time to learn.
Promise you'll come up here if Bernier gets elected. :feelsmage:
You just want more diversity for allowing a spic like me to come in.

Well if a good PM gets elected and tones down on it's cuckedness and authoritarianism I would move in for the free healthcare and to get away from other spics. Also much more open space to be off-grid.
I put quotes around "Canada" because I want to emphasize that it is "country" that should not exists and has no right to legitimacy.
So call it by some other name referring to the mass of land north of the United States border which you think should become part of US.

So what do you want me to call it? Canuckistan? The Great White North? British North America? The Land of the Maple Leaf? The United States of America if they didn't won the Revolutionary War against thr Brits? A few acres of snow?
Whatever you feel like typing out that comforts you enough not to use quotes.

What I refer to as "Canada" are really the northern 13 states of what should be in the United States that are currently occupied under an illegitimate colonial regime where it is known as the "provinces" and "territories" under that colony.
So why haven't you been based and annexed it like Russia did Crimea?

Yet you don't see any spics going up there
Yes you do, they come here to help on farms all the time just like the US and many stay. You're ignorant of the diversity of brown coming here.

There's a reason why beaners and wetbacks risk their lives to move out fo their shithole and come here instead of up north.
Yes; you need to pass through US to reach Canada, you get there first.

Because we offer much more opportunities and we have the American Dream.
Canada has better gibs for so-called refugees though Biden's tying to fix that

If you don't consider yourself an American, then you are a British loyalist.
incorrect, I respect American laws and realize I need a green card to be a permanent resident for years before getting a chance to apply for citizenship

I can empathize with Americans and aspire to be one but that doesn't mean I ought to consider myself one.

To consider myself American without fulfilling the legal obligations to become one is hypocrisy.
So call it by some other name referring to the mass of land north of the United States border which you think should become part of US.

Whatever you feel like typing out that comforts you enough not to use quotes.
For now, I'm just going to keep calling it "Canada" as most people would know what I'm saying. Instead, saying the thirteen U.S. states currently under illegitimate occupation of the British Empire when referring to "Canada" or Americans in denial when referring to "Canadians" would be too verbose.
So why haven't you been based and annexed it like Russia did Crimea?
Because we've been too nice to our delusional compatriots up north and instead of bringing them Freedom we focused more on regaining our relations with the U.K. and its Commonwealth as allies.
Yes you do, they come here to help on farms all the time just like the US and many stay. You're ignorant of the diversity of brown coming here.
Where, out in Alberta? Seems like most you'll find out there are Somali meth dealers instead.
Yes; you need to pass through US to reach Canada, you get there first.
As if spics need to cross another "border" when there are already in the U.S. What benefit would they have there that they can't have here?
Canada has better gibs for so-called refugees though Biden's tying to fix that
Will Biden finally bring universal healthcare to Freedomland? Or is it still too Communist of an idea for even Democrats?
incorrect, I respect American laws and realize I need a green card to be a permanent resident for years before getting a chance to apply for citizenship

I can empathize with Americans and aspire to be one but that doesn't mean I ought to consider myself one.

To consider myself American without fulfilling the legal obligations to become one is hypocrisy.
So you identify with America more than you identify with Britain? I wonder how many "Canadians" feel that way.
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Mostly Colombians like Alinity. Also Brazilians too.

Only knew one girl who was from Brazil at my high school. At least you don't have to deal with Dominicans and Puertoricans out there like I do here.
Idek who/what Alinity is tbh. Over
Idek who/what Alinity is tbh. Over
Colombian Twitch thot. Yes, the whore that throws her cat and feeds it alcohol while getting humped by her dog. She lives in "Canada".
Colombian Twitch thot. Yes, the whore that throws her cat and feeds it alcohol while getting humped by her dog. She lives in "Canada".
Oh yeah I remember her. Is she the one that came here by tricking some mayocel into marrying her and then divorcing him when she got her green card? If she is, then she needs to be booted from the country.
Oh yeah I remember her. Is she the one that came here by tricking some mayocel into marrying her and then divorcing him when she got her green card? If she is, then she needs to be booted from the country.
Yeah, give her the boot and let's see how she does in the U.S. where there's an actual Hispanic community.
Yeah, give her the boot and let's see how she does in the U.S. where there's an actual Hispanic community.
She shouldn’t be allowed there either. Send her to the ocean where she belongs.
we've been too nice to our delusional compatriots up north and instead of bringing them Freedom we focused more on regaining our relations with the U.K. and its Commonwealth as allies.
I think historically America might be masochistic since it let us burn it's white house in 1812

As if spics need to cross another "border" when there are already in the U.S. What benefit would they have there that they can't have here?
easier bux and health care, less criminals = less competition

Will Biden finally bring universal healthcare to Freedomland? Or is it still too Communist of an idea for even Democrats?
pretty sure that's in that 7-billion dollar thing he was trying to pass, it's only too commie for 1 or 2 holdouts they'd probably call DINOs

So you identify with America more than you identify with Britain? I wonder how many "Canadians" feel that way.
probably more than identify with britain
I think historically America might be masochistic since it let us burn it's white house in 1812
It's all part of the Freedom we're going to bring to "Canada". :feelsdevil:
easier bux and health care, less criminals = less competition
The U.S. still has more jobs, better pay and better chance at social mobility.
pretty sure that's in that 7-billion dollar thing he was trying to pass, it's only too commie for 1 or 2 holdouts they'd probably call DINOs
I think most people would see universal healthcare as "un-Anerican". We love private insurance and having to pay premiums.
probably more than identify with britain
Nah, you still want to be Britain's little colony out of fear of being assimilated by your southern free neighbor.
Nah, you still want to be Britain's little colony out of fear of being assimilated by your southern free neighbor.
Britain couldn't do shit to help us if you invaded
it began for Uruguaycels
Britain couldn't do shit to help us if you invaded
True, I wonder why we didn't do it if the existence of "Canada" goes against the principles the United States of America was founded upon and Free our northern compatriots instead of being too nice to them and continue them to exist with their loyalist larp.

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