Look at this CHAD who won the player of the year award for 2018, he totally won it based on his looks alone....
You purposefully selected the image of a man exerting physical force and you expect it to look "pretty", talk about disingenuous. He isn't a chad in looks but he's no incel in looks either.
Man this guy sure is an incel............. nooooooooooope
Looks like an average looking dude to me
Please don't misrepresent what I'm saying, I never claimed "all participants in sports are chad" and "sports are just about looks", I'm claiming "sports revolve around worshipping chad (superior male genetics)". Men who have "chad looks" usually are also "great physical performers", that's because "good genetics" doesn't just stop at your face, so when I say sports is about "chad worship" I don't mean something as limited as "worshiping a good looking face". Its about worshiping "superior genetics", various facets of it, most importantly physical domination of another individual.
All the highly famous world renown players are mostly chad in looks, and that's not a mistake, from Christiano Ronaldo, to David Beckham. Of course there's the ronaldhino's etc outliers with buck teeth that get by on skill, but their skill has to be that good to even share the light with the chads. If David Beckham was a shit player he'd likely still have a fandom. All of sports is about celebrating "physical superiority" and flaunting that over the other men you beat.
Do you really think its a coincidence that a lot of jocks in schools are bullies, its because
DOMINATING OTHER MEN AND MAKING THEM FEEL LESS THAN. Bullies aren't just magically drawn to sports, sports is in part literally about bullying others.
I'm a 6ft2 ogrecel so getting "bullied" or "targeted" by them is never going to happen sadly.
You have a very limited imagination if your only concept of bullying is physical, there are much easier and more effective ways to torment someone and ruin their life. Also you do realize they can just get a chad to beat you up right, or a group of chads even, you being an "ogrecel" doesn't mean shit.