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JFL Should we make the meme reality and mod Ron Belgrade?

Should we make the meme reality and mod Ron Belgrade?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Way too many other more deserving users for this to happen tbh. Like what meme are we talking about? :feelshaha:
A glitch or something had Ronnie appearing next to us on the staff list or by us mods on someother site list for a while and users were tagging him when they needed help or were trying to report someone as they genuinely thought he was a mod too. :feelskek:
No, he hates topg also hes a late 2023 cel so no
I voted no, sure I would like for him to become a mod, but he still needs more time here
but he joined too early
apparently even on here I live under a rock
Nigga is like a foid from wish bro has 3 posts and deserves mod status sounds almost like an entitled foid
Dude literally got himself banned :feelskek:
He seems like a cool guy but he’s been here just a few months, also may be too many changes too quickly with moderation.

Also it’s a little ridic to have someone nominated due to a meme, no matter how cool of a guy he may be.
I for one think he would make an excellent addition to our team. :feelsclown:
Climate Change Obama GIF by GIPHY News


But anyway, I wouldn't mind if he joined the team in a few months.
What am I chip liver geez
Its not a popularity contest and there are many other users who have paid their dues and also deserve consideration
He seems like a cool guy but he’s been here just a few months, also may be too many changes too quickly with moderation.

Also it’s a little ridic to have someone nominated due to a meme, no matter how cool of a guy he may be.
True. @Ron.Belgrade is already a mod in my eyes :feelsaww:

What am I chip liver geez
What are you talking about?

Its not a popularity contest and there are many other users who have paid their dues and also deserve consideration
It always was and you're naive to think it's not jfl.
Being chosen a mod is like having a poison kiss. The last thing you need as a TRUECEL is more reasons to waste your life away on this site.

It is a nice cope though I guess, was a point I was browsing this site 10 hours a day.
Fuck it, let's not pretend like the forum can get much worse anyway:feelskek::feelskek:.

@Algea seems to have been around for much longer, I reckon he would be a better mod. What do you think @Fat Link?
Punjabis and Pashtuns, I believe
Yeah most of the images I've seen of them show a lot of them wearing Turbans, which is basically exclusive towards Sikhs if I am correct.
Ethnics here either can’t wrap their heads around or are purposefully dense regarding race realism
Seems like it.
The only non-Slavic white user I recall making anti-Slav threads was ADHD_cel, and he would do so as a joke. The only users here that make serious anti-Slav threads are either crab bucket-ing ethnics or Slavs themselves
I don't recall seeing those, mainly because most of what he ever posted was about seeing escorts every weekend: I'm not against escortcelling, but still.

Most I saw was from my good friend @Puppeter but I assume/know most of it is banter: He also is a Balkanite, so I can understand the chauvinism he may hold in regards to that aspect.
Dutch, French, Portugueses all tried to colonize us, but in the end pommies won.
That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact Anglos eventually won in the end.

Also, I would wager that rule under the Portuguese or French may not have been as bad.
They were sepoys. Indian of origin, not of interest
They weren't sepoys, sepoy refereed to those who fought for anglos.

These were international volunteers who fought for the Axis: Axis also sent tons of aid to Azad Hind.
Agreed. I don't care about DNA. I am only bothered about values and culture.
Fair enough: However, I will point out that Slavs have a much more warrior-based culture as opposed to other Euros(ofc I like this), and have seemingly held much more ethnocentric views throughout their history, as opposed to Anglos whom seemingly took a more "White mans burden" kind of approach, which allowed for them to co-operate with local leaders.

As I stated, I think Portuguese or even French rule would have been much less harsh for the Curries as opposed to Angloid rule, but imagine if Imperial Russia had ruled that continent?

Whites oppressed tons of other Whites: Anglos opressed the Irish, as well as the Scottish through the highland clearances, they even regarded the French as being quite barbaric & backwards, despite the fact many Anglos(including the part of my family with Anglo blood) has origins in Normandy.

North Italians(central regions included) still hold somewhat of a disdain towards South Italians, despite the fact many of the genetic, cultural, and other differences are overstated.

Sweden & Denmark hated each other for most of history, and Norway was caught constantly in the cross-fire.

Ever heard of the highland clearances? Anglos forced tons of Scotsmen out of their land.
Based USSR
USSR was founded & ran by International Bolsheviks: They killed millions of Native Russians & other groups.

But if they helped your country, then fair enough, I get that(though I despise mine).

No, most of it is from self hating Slavs for some reason.
Hmmm, I can somewhat see your point here: We do have a lot of proud Slavs, but a few seem somewhat self-hating which I don't get, considering that they are some of the last holdouts against globohomo, multiculturalism, etc.

Yes, Slav foids are golddiggers, but all foids are like that: I feel especially bad, since many Slavbros get cucked by Africans & Asians.

I appreciate you staying civil, and you also gave me some good information in some other threads, so I will return the favor ofc.

However, the whole premise you stated here implied that the other Whitecels are all constantly insulting & shitting on the Slavs, when in reality most of us like them & consider them the most based Whites, due to reasons I stated above. In reality, it is mainly ethnics trying to project their insecurities on them, and in this case it seems to me that you were trying to assert your proximity to Slavs & create this dilemma of it being "Slavs v White" when as stated, it is mainly ethnics I have seen insulting them, as well as self-hating ones(which we agree upon).

I like him (no homo) but he's a bit new :feelshmm:

Way too many other more deserving users for this to happen tbh. Like what meme are we talking about? :feelshaha:
Agreed- I like him, but I voted no since he is far too new.

Considering you @PLA1092 are the defacto "newfag" of the mod team due to your join date, it would make no sense to mod someone that new, especially post tik-tok invasion. As I said, it would said the wrong type of message.

Who do you think would be the more "deserving users?" I am interested. :feelshmm:

Props to @Ron.Belgrade for being humble & stating he would shift his behavior a lot, should this come to fruition.
I voted no, sure I would like for him to become a mod, but he still needs more time here
You need to be here a minimum of at least two years to be mod imo; anything under that is far too young no matter how active.
Fuck it, let's not pretend like the forum can get much worse anyway:feelskek::feelskek:.

At this point, just let it all burn my friend. :society:
Agreed- I like him, but I voted no since he is far too new.

Considering you @PLA1092 are the defacto "newfag" of the mod team due to your join date, it would make no sense to mod someone that new, especially post tik-tok invasion. As I said, it would said the wrong type of message.

Who do you think would be the more "deserving users?" I am interested. :feelshmm:

Props to @Ron.Belgrade for being humble & stating he would shift his behavior a lot, should this come to fruition.
IMO someone like @Copexodius Maximus would be fine. Been around for some time, active, not too much of a neurotic/combative user. :feelswhere:
Also it’s a little ridic to have someone nominated due to a meme, no matter how cool of a guy he may be.
Yeah this is true- no matter the character of the user, you can't just give them mod powers due to a meme. Literally the "because I said so" mentality.
Its not a popularity contest and there are many other users who have paid their dues and also deserve consideration
This is true- tons of other users deserve mod imo. Such as @Azaylias @based_meme & @AsiaCel
IMO someone like @
Copexodius Maximus
@Copexodius Maximus would be fine. Been around for some time, active, not too much of a neurotic/combative user.
strongly agree
@FrothySolutions is a good user too imo
Being chosen a mod is like having a poison kiss. The last thing you need as a TRUECEL is more reasons to waste your life away on this site.

It is a nice cope though I guess, was a point I was browsing this site 10 hours a day.
Incel trait- you had a dream about becoming Mod here.

And yes, I did have that dream....

I also had a dream of being banned jfl.
2017 is over, move on buddy.

2024 is the future, i will fix this place up real good, just vote for me and sit back
I'm sitting right back now
If any newcel deserves mod it would be @lazy_gamer_423, since he was an infiltroon catcher back when we were short on active mods
If any newcel deserves mod it would be @lazy_gamer_423, since he was an infiltroon catcher back when we were short on active mods
i appreciate the compliment :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
I for one think he would make an excellent addition to our team. :feelsclown:
Climate Change Obama GIF by GIPHY News
I know this is a joke poll, but I'm going to give a serious reply anyway on the off chance that this is for real.

Newfags shouldn't be given power in any community/group without having a strong history and demonstrating good faith. It would be like giving the brand new hire the keys to the safe. It's a matter of principle and sound judgment.

Unless you have some privileged information that the rest of us are not privy to, this would be a most unwise decision. And I'm saying this as someone who has nothing against this user.

I also see a glownigger, a reddit lefty, and one certified moron who voted yes. On that alone, this should be a default no vote.
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If any newcel deserves mod it would be @lazy_gamer_423, since he was an infiltroon catcher back when we were short on active mods
Newfags shouldn't be given power in any community/group without having a strong history and demonstrating good faith. It would be like giving the brand new hire the keys to the safe. It's a matter of principle and sound judgment.
Newfags shouldn't be given power in any community/group without having a strong history and demonstrating good faith. It would be like giving the brand new hire the keys to the safe. It's a matter of principle and sound judgment.

Unless you have some privileged information that the rest of us are not privy to, this would be a most unwise decision. And I'm saying this as someone who has nothing against this user.
Well said. Basically this and what @DarkStarDown has previously stated.
Yeah this is true- no matter the character of the user, you can't just give them mod powers due to a meme. Literally the "because I said so" mentality.

This is true- tons of other users deserve mod imo. Such as @Azaylias @based_meme & @AsiaCel
thanks nigga. but i'll settle for nothing less than absolute dictator :cool:
thanks nigga. but i'll settle for nothing less than absolute dictator :cool:
You have one of the coolest avis on the site, that's for sure.
You have one of the coolest avis on the site, that's for sure.
[IMG align="left" alt="PersonaPimp"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/m/24/24382.jpg?1702174763[/IMG] [IMG align="left" alt="Azaylias"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/m/11/11628.jpg?1660368997[/IMG]

edit: what the fuck is with the embedding it didn't use to do that
Longtime lurker but his posts are high quality content.
IMO someone like @Copexodius Maximus would be fine. Been around for some time, active, not too much of a neurotic/combative user. :feelswhere:
strongly agree
@FrothySolutions is a good user too imo
Yes, and yes. If we need another mod, either of these brocels would be solid choices. @Copexodius Maximus more so than @FrothySolutions, tbhngl (no offence).
Where the fuck did my suggestion go? I have wanted a mod team consisting of @Saysitsover , @Intellau_Celistic , and @tehgymcel420 for months now. It would be a legendary team up.
thanks you for the kind word general aurelius, much appreciated

i will

-exterminate the fakecels
-get everyone (atleast one) femcel for personal use
-a honest and biased trial in the ban appeals

Until then we can call you fag and get away with it
Yes, and yes. If we need another mod, either of these brocels would be solid choices. @Copexodius Maximus more so than @FrothySolutions, tbhngl (no offence).
I disagree with the latter though the former is a good choice.

But there were already new mods implemented a month or so ago so what is the point of having even more? I think the mod team is bloated enough as it is and adding more won't do anything to save the forum.

In fact, if people really cared about the forum, there would need to be a complete upheaval of the current system that simply isn't effective; we need a reshuffle of the current roster and the instatement of different mods (far fewer this time around).
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Yes if he promises to never change his avi
No please, i have had that useless faggot on ignore since he was a greycel
I disagree with the latter though the former is a good choice.

But there were already new mods implemented a month or so ago so what is the point of having even more? I think the mod team is bloated enough as it is and adding more won't do anything to save the forum.

In fact, if people really cared about the forum, there would need to be a complete upheaval of the current system that simply isn't effective; we need a reshuffle of the current roster and the instatement of different mods (far fewer this time around).
The people who run this forum don't actually care about it, that's why no beneficial changes or rules ever get implemented
what if he is a normie or a foid undercovER?
A glitch or something had Ronnie appearing next to us on the staff list or by us mods on someother site list for a while and users were tagging him when they needed help or were trying to report someone as they genuinely thought he was a mod too. :feelskek:
Yes do it

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