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Serious Should we just ban all leftist political views from the site?

Should we just ban all leftist political views from the site?

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Hopeful Hylian Hero. 11:11
Jul 31, 2019
The recent war between @Uggo Mongo @Stupid Clown and @Whiteferociousboy got me thinking that maybe we should go the extra mile at incels.is and just rid ourselves of all leftist sentiment (at least insofar as the parts of it that don’t serve incel interests anyway such as free gibs and NEETbux among anything else that’s actually useful to our kind) but what do you all think on this vERy pressing mattER? :feelshehe:

Everywhere else online is basically a far left controlled censorship shithole so why should we of all websites provide leftist cucks or their views safe harbor? :feelswhere:
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Are you talking about economical views or social views
Well, I mean, economically a lot of us are Left: However, any kind of social leftism is pretty sus tbh.
define leftist views, i don't think someone deserves to be banned for arguing for a controlled economy, if you mean "socially liberal" like fag rights and other bullshit then yes it should be banned, which i think it already is
define leftist views, i don't think someone deserves to be banned for arguing for a controlled economy, if you mean "socially liberal" like fag rights and other bullshit then yes it should be banned, which i think it already is
Yeah agreed- I support state-planning & a controlled economy, but obviously I'm against faggotry, diversity, etc.
I think it's better to ban all neoliberal status quo defenders and all feminist or feminist friendly/leaning views in general
Every nonbiased study has shown that inceldom is apolitical with almost equal amounts of leftwing and rightwing incels. We aren't a bunch of "far-right" (the word's basically lost all meaning by now with how the liberal media overused it btw) strawmen boogeymen complaining about being unable to get laid in between saying that women should all be enslaved and minorities exterminated, that's the thing. No reason to needlessly ban a bunch of people or divide the userbase like this, which is what a ban on half of the userbase's political views would do.

Well, I mean, economically a lot of us are Left: However, any kind of social leftism is pretty sus tbh.
define leftist views
we should ban fakecels and foids and gays since this is an incel forum
What the hell, no!

There is no good reason to ban economical leftists. A world with leftist economics is better for incels than a world with right-leaning economics.

But socially lefists? Socially progressives? Absolutely, ban on sight, but they pretty much are already getting banned. So not much of a difference here.

There are many good socially conservative, economically leftist users.
no politics for your face
Uh neolibs are worse than leftists just ban them. Like Vlarke or whatever his name was a vehement neoliberal Keynesian fag
No because it would be hard to separate economically left (based) and socially left (cucked).
Uh neolibs are worse than leftists just ban them. Like Vlarke or whatever his name was a vehement neoliberal Keynesian fag
What’s a neo lib again ?
Everywhere else online is basically a far left controlled censorship shithole so why should we of all websites provide leftist cucks or their views safe harbor? :feelswhere:
True, but those are primarly socially leftists (progressives) with some economically left leaning positions. Most often than not, they are not leftists, but liberals.

And they hate the socially conservative, economically leftist. They derogatorily call them nazbols and tankies. They often ban them. Trust me, I've been a bluepill leftist for years.

I would rather have race discussions be banned tbh, because that's what attracts fakecels: failed normie and low tier normie stormfags and polcucks who are attracted by the racism come here and pollute the forum with the race drama.

But inceldom has no race. Men of ANY race/ethnicity/nationality can be incels as long as they're ugly. If you're ugly, you will be mogged by men from 'inferior' races. Looks is ALL that matters. That's the foundation of the blackpill.
Idk what this means

if ban all lgbt bullshit then yes but I thought its already not allowed all that fag talk
What happened here? What war?
Yes, ban them.

Ban everything left. They mean well, but it's not sustainable.

Keep the green and light orange colored ideologies: Everything from my favorite center-right and conservatism - combined with keeping limited social safety nets for the poor and sick - up to the not-extreme right is fine by me. Within that, I prefer the green-colored ideologies.

Someone said"
A balanced approach characterizes the center. The center-right encompasses conservative and liberal views. Conservatism upholds traditional values and economic liberalism. Right-wing populism features populist rhetoric and anti-immigration stances. The radical right is nationalist, authoritarian, and xenophobic. The extreme right is racist, authoritarian, and anti-democratic. Neo-fascism represents modern fascism with an emphasis on racial purity. Neo-Nazism is modern Nazism, characterized by antisemitism. Identitarianism focuses on ethnic and cultural identity. Right accelerationism advocates accelerating chaos to bring about political change. Finally, right-extremist terrorist groups resort to violence and terror to achieve their goals."

Wait.... don't ban the left from the complete site, but give them a special corner on the site where they can speak with each other.
We can go there, but they cannot get out. lock them up in the Sewers.
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Every nonbiased study has shown that inceldom is apolitical with almost equal amounts of leftwing and rightwing incels. We aren't a bunch of "far-right" (the word's basically lost all meaning by now with how the liberal media overused it btw) strawmen boogeymen complaining about being unable to get laid in between saying that women should all be enslaved and minorities exterminated, that's the thing. No reason to needlessly ban a bunch of people or divide the userbase like this, which is what a ban on half of the userbase's political views would do.
stfu balkan shitskin those studies lump in together social and economic views under the same banner of left/right dichotomy. women should all be enslaved and worthless subhuman races like polaks/slovaks exterminated.
Being economically leftist is ok, but being socially leftist is extremely retarded
stfu balkan shitskin those studies lump in together social and economic views under the same banner of left/right dichotomy. women should all be enslaved and worthless subhuman races like polaks/slovaks exterminated.
Yes, ban them. Wait.... don't ban the left from the complete site, but give them a special corner on the site where they can speak with each other. We can go there, but they cannot get out. lock them up in the Sewers.
And they will own nothing. but they will be happy.
Radical lefty shit alongside neo-con faggotry, sure.
Politics just separate us incels
I voted yes but it depends.
Modern leftism definitely, it is inherently anti-incel since it supports things like foids rights, stealing money from incels to give to foids to raise chad's bastard children, promotes the idea that incels are a threat to soceity, ect. Anyone advocating for modern leftist thought in any capacity should be banned.
I don't really care about the marxist-rodgerist autists and the like even though I think they are too idealistic and their ideas could never work but if that's what they believe to cope I won't judge them, they aren't advocating for anything that is a threat to incels.
Economically I'm centrist, I support more right policies since I don't support giving power to a government that hates me but if the government became based and started supporting pro-incel policies I would have no problems giving more power to the state.
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No, I am far left because I support sexual communism. It’s time to seize the means of reproduction
No, it will give normies and foids more evidence into their path to reduce inceldoom and blackpill to a racist and misogynistic ideology. Better it stays neutral, since neutrality is heavily associated with the blackpill.

A lot of us hate capitalism as capitalism only benefits sex havers
racist and misogynistic ideology.
It is though?
Racepill is real, not all incels are racist in the sense that they hate ethnics but we acknowledge racial differences and how that relates to the sexual market, normies would call this racist.
Misogyny is justified given the nature of foids and how incels are treated by foids..
The recent war between @Uggo Mongo @Stupid Clown and @Whiteferociousboy got me thinking that maybe we should go the extra mile at incels.is and just rid ourselves of all leftist sentiment (at least insofar as the parts of it that don’t serve incel interests anyway such as free gibs and NEETbux among anything else that’s actually useful to our kind) but what do you all think on this vERy pressing mattER? :feelshehe:

Everywhere else online is basically a far left controlled censorship shithole so why should we of all websites provide leftist cucks or their views safe harbor? :feelswhere:
Depends on what is considered "leftism".

The USSR was "based" in ways unfathomable to western "bleeding heart" liberals.

Also, is Marxism-Rodgerism far-left or far-right?

A lot of us hate capitalism as capitalism only benefits sex havers
Communism isn't really the answer though imo, we need something like Corporatism or Socialism/Third Positionism.

But I'll be fair though, some of the times when Communism has tried to be established, it has been infiltrated/destabilized.
No, I am far left because I support sexual communism. It’s time to seize the means of reproduction
But that's only economically left I'd say, I think this was talking about the whole SJW globohomo types.
Being economically leftist is ok, but being socially leftist is extremely retarded
Basically my point yeah.
Radical lefty shit alongside neo-con faggotry, sure.
Based, fuck cuckservatives also: True incels are broadly third-positionist(National Socialist, Fascist, Juche, Monarchist, etc.), since we see that both the modern left & right are effectively two sides of the same coin.
Thanks mang. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:

National RodgERism & White Sharia is the future I have planned. :feelsLSD:
Every nonbiased study has shown that inceldom is apolitical with almost equal amounts of leftwing and rightwing incels.
True- this also debunks the claim that we're an "echo chamber" or "cult" since it indicates we have differences amongst us in views, and thus would debate/fight over it.
We aren't a bunch of "far-right" (the word's basically lost all meaning by now with how the liberal media overused it btw)
Yup, 100%:feelsjuice:

In fact, I've seen both normie Right wingers & leftoids calling each other "nazi" or "fascist" online just because it's another meaningless buzzword nowadays.

In fact, I will tag you in a meme I shared in the sewers about this.
strawmen boogeymen complaining about being unable to get laid in between saying that women should all be enslaved and minorities exterminated, that's the thing. No reason to needlessly ban a bunch of people or divide the userbase like this, which is what a ban on half of the userbase's political views would do.
I mean, as I stated, many of us here are economically left in some way, but socially are far-right(myself). I think this was to mainly address those whom are socially left leaning, since oftentimes, that correlates with LGBTQ+, feminism, etc.
It is though?
Racepill is real, not all incels are racist in the sense that they hate ethnics but we acknowledge racial differences and how that relates to the sexual market, normies would call this racist.
Misogyny is justified given the nature of foids and how incels are treated by foids..
Blackpill is an objective assessment, it doesn’t carry any negative or positive value. It just tell things from an objective standpoint.

Incels is a short term for involuntarly celibates, that means people who want or actively seek sex but can’t have it.

None of these two are racist and misogynistic, but normies and foid, if you have seen articles or watched videos on incels, they always label incelism as misogynistic and racist in their way to reduce it to the things they want it to be; a hateful ideology. Which in essence, it isn’t.
What fucking idiot said yes to the banning? I hate liberals, but I don't think someone should be banned because they say they want socialized healthcare.
No. Forcing the forum to lean one way politically forces inceldom to be political which was never what this community was about. A lot of incels including myself reject both political sides as none of them serve incels.

We do don't need to make this forum another tribalistic tool for a silly made up fane.
Perhaps it's just better to keep bluepilled stuff banned, when leftist ideology overlaps into bluepill action is taken as normal

I'll abstain my vote since I do not have an amazing grasp on right vs left
Blackpill is an objective assessment, it doesn’t carry any negative or positive value. It just tell things from an objective standpoint.

Incels is a short term for involuntarly celibates, that means people who want or actively seek sex but can’t have it.

None of these two are racist and misogynistic, but normies and foid, if you have seen articles or watched videos on incels, they always label incelism as misogynistic and racist in their way to reduce it to the things they want it to be; a hateful ideology. Which in essence, it isn’t.
I suppose it's technically possible to be blackpilled and not misogynist but you are a borderline cuck if you understand the blackpill and still don't hate women at least somewhat imo.
I don't hate women entirely but understanding the blackpill definitely makes me have a lot of view that society would call misogynistic.
How can you be blackpilled and still defend women's rights for example?
The recent debacle wasn't about politics. I like @Fatass3000 and he from my impressions leans left. The issue is white feminine boy is a blatant fag who blabs about his homosexual fantasies. His name is literally femboy.
What fucking idiot said yes to the banning? I hate liberals, but I don't think someone should be banned because they say they want socialized healthcare.
I only voted yes, since I'm referring to that of socially-left views.
The recent debacle wasn't about politics. I like @Fatass3000 and he from my impressions leans left. The issue is white feminine boy is a blatant fag who blabs about his homosexual fantasies. His name is literally femboy.
Yeah I like @Fatass3000 & he's kind of like me in a way, since he's socially right but economically left, which I think most are here.
No. Forcing the forum to lean one way politically forces inceldom to be political which was never what this community was about. A lot of incels including myself reject both political sides as none of them serve incels.

We do don't need to make this forum another tribalistic tool for a silly made up fane.
Tbh, I voted yes because it's only socially-left stuff I could see as an issue: Basically, I see it as a way in which infiltrators & the such may try & subvert & push globohomo stuff on us.
I suppose it's technically possible to be blackpilled and not misogynist but you are a borderline cuck if you understand the blackpill and still don't hate women at least somewhat imo.
I don't hate women entirely but understanding the blackpill definitely makes me have a lot of view that society would call misogynistic.
How can you be blackpilled and still defend women's rights for example?
I do have personal bias against women, since i despise them. I was just clarifying what the blackpill and incelism is, since it is the goal of normies and foid to reduce it to an actual ideology in which they refer it as a misogynistic and racism belief, which isn’t true.
nah makes it easier to spot the fakecels

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