J FUCKING LOL if ANYONE in this thread thinks they could ever be a normie or chad or hang out with Stacy's parents or friends. MASSIVE SOCIETAL CHANGE MUST HAPPEN OR EVERYBODY WILL KILL EACH OTHER OFF ANYWAYS. This is imminent shit and it has to happen now. This site is actually super important and will be remembered as a force for good.
I'm actually VERY good at talking with women if there is a societal situation in which it is acceptable for them to talk to me (once every several years I'd say?). I enjoy it and I think they do to. It's these other people who attack me out of the fucking blue every fucking day, bumping into me repeatedly, doing weird ass behavior trying to pester me or get me to react. I'm about to start slapping people on trains if they don't back the fuck off my cock (FBI, it's self fucking defense).