Valinor said:
No woman is worth the effort. If she has a pulse you can bet she has AT LEAST one orbiter worshipping the ground she walks on and is a slampig for Chad. The ones you don't expect are the ones who are the biggest sluts. So, no. You did good in not being the 10,000th guy to boost her ego with your time and attention.
Couldn't agree more. OP you would've been filled with regret if you wasted your time. If she's a 6/10, the rule is a woman fucks 4 points above her in the Tinder age. So she's only same-night fucking 10/10's, and dating 9's. You'd be the text message comedy bitch while Chad is sleeping.
This means that if you're a male that is a 4 or lower, you can't fuck any living female, you need to go to the graveyard and fuck corpses, because that's what you are, a walking corpse. They're your adjusted-for-inflation looksmatch. Keep waiting for that trickle-down pussy from the sexual liberation. lel.
You might say "but what about women who are over 6?" That's easy. If she's a 7, then 7+4 = 11, that means a 10 has to take her on 1 date before he fucks her. If she's an 8, a 10 has to take her on 2 dates, so on and so on. If she's a 10/10, then 10/10 Chad takes her on 4 dates, after which she gets boyfriend/husband delusions, he dumps his cum in her retarded ass, ghosts her, and she posts on depression boards.
This is why a lot of 9 and 10 Chads on Tinder are just dumping loads on the 4-7 women, because it's easy to literally just first-message them "let's fuck," as the Tinder Blackpills have shown us time and time again. Why would they want to date some spoiled stacy slut who is going to take kissy face pics with him on instagram? Even Chad doesn't want to waste time with some looksmatch, because looksmatch means she perceives you as equal, and thus she doesn't feel like she has to TRY, SHE DOESN'T APPRECIATE YOU.
You dodged a huge bullet OP.
Just LDAR if you're not 8 or better. Even the 8's are fighting tooth and nail just to date and fuck 4-6's. You think you have a shot today? LOL.
If you're a 6 male -- which is pretty normal -- you can same-night fuck a 2 off Tinder. Go catfish with a guy who is a legit 6, and match a 2. Tell her you want to fuck. A LEGIT 2! That means she's fat, gross, looks like she brushes her teeth monthly if she even has teeth, her asshole probably looks like a caved volcano with the stretchmarks. She's probably got a yeasty gonorrhea cunt from collecting tons of nasty dicks and not washing, she probably sweats ammonia and cat piss from her shit diet.
Remember this 4-point rule when you see women OVERTLY FLIRTING WITH MEN IN PUBLIC. It's always 4 points higher when she's trying to fuck him. Whether it's because she's ugly, old, or whatever, that's it.
And people wonder why porn is a pandemic? Because it's way better value to jerk off to a 10/10 model getting fucked -- a woman you never would have a chance with -- than begging a slopcow subhuman skank way below your looksmatch for a date, getting rejected, maybe a rape charge, drama, whatever.
Humanity is done when fuckdolls and VR truly take off. If jerking off with our hands to a 2D flat screen is good enough for most of the population, oh boy... it's fucking over boyos.
Let this world burn.