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Serious Should I BUY An Uneducated Illiterate Virgin Muslim Mudhut JB Wife? [no children]

Cant control foid in usa. Will go to jail. ((They set it up)) like that.
Why do u want to get an arab? Why not go to ukraine?

Nothing happened with my friend. He did not like her due to hygine and low iq and not get her from there after hanging out with her.
You're still unfunny though.
Cant control foid in usa. Will go to jail. ((They set it up)) like that.
Why do u want to get an arab? Why not go to ukraine?

Nothing happened with my friend. He did not like her due to hygine and low iq and not get her from there after hanging out with her.
Precisely which is why if I took her back with me I'd have to apply method 1 and give her full freedom / education and so on and hope I don't get cucked and they stay grateful. An arab because they're the most religiously brainwashed / extremist, least westernized and least cucked, the very idea of sex itself in society is taboo and even illegal and punishable by death, these extremes of taboos and laws are not in place in eastern europe / slavlandia and asia. I've thought heavily about eastern euros and asians and so on and if you look at their society it's already heavily westernized and so on, also the euros / slavs have a reputation of denying sex then sucking all the cash out of you and divorcing you after they get the green card, asians ever so slightly less so but it's still there

Indeed they aren't very hygeinic nor intelligent which is why It would take a while to educate them and teach them basic hygeine lol, what country was she from and did he ever marry her or just ditch the whole thing after he hung out? How old was she and was she hot?
Sorry, I left out a lot of context and assumed you'd know what I was talking about. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of arranged marriage in the islamic world. Well, in the rural areas of many 3rd world muslim shithole countries, namely the one I have access to, there lies poor villages in semi-abject poverty with families who actually sell their virgin, usually teenage daughters as wives to be married off to potential buyers, and if you have the right connections you can actually drive out to these places and pay the parents the agreed upon amount and marry the daughter on the spot, then you can take her home with you and vanish if you please, and I'm asking whether or not you guys think it would be a good idea to do something like that and any suggestions or input you may have
Thanks for the information
The idea itself disgusts me. Why should I buy some ugly sandnigger when there are beautiful Nordic women everywhere I see?
Nordic women will be on the market once Sweden falls.
Make sure so she doesn't learn how to read, the moment she learns how to read and use the internet she will cuck you for chad in an instant.
showing them how dumb their religion is, giving them complete freedom, respecting all boundaries and even willfully giving up sex and placing it in their hands for when they're ready and want to actually have sex with me just to see what happens, if they'd somehow be so grateful for my efforts that they'd stay loyal, and that seems like the only truly comfortable way but...sigh i don't know, the very idea of getting cucked fills me with anger and hatred

and the country is Egypt

LMAO, giving them complete freedom? WTF Are you a cuck? if your plan is to (((Christianize))) her, then you will get cucked within seven days. Islam is the only last bastion of anti-degeneracy. The only best option is to keep her in Islam, as soon as she gets the taste of Christianity and western (((progress))) she will start whoring around from the next day. I also don't understand how you are going to marry her unless you don't become a Muslim? Because in Islam a Muslim woman can get married to a non-Muslim guy (but opposite is allowed, this is how based they are). And Islamic people are very strict about this.

Theologically, there is not much difference between Christianity and Islam when it comes to the law of old testament. I would say Islam is more based when it comes to how strict they follow the old testament laws. On the other hand Christcucks have abandoned the old testament law completely. This is the main reason why Christianity is so cucked, it's so cucked that you are going to see a butt-fucking pope in a rainbow gown to be crowned in Vatican very soon. Christianity allows every kind of degeneracy as long as "love" is involved, just look at the west. Christianity is completely doomed.

Whoredom and faggotism in the ((((christian)))) west:


And this what happens in Islamic country if you try to whore around or you are a faggot:


This is how they follow the law from the Torah and they take it very seriously.
Turning her into a christwhore would be the most stupid decision.

yeah sure:

the one I have access to is Egypt, but keep in mind for muslim countries you have to pretend to be muslim

lol, don't think I'd go that far i'm trying to find a way to increase connection while minimizing risk not further decreasing any potential connection, not saying I think connection or love is even real just saying it's kinda hard to feel comfortable and sleep hug and fuck someone that's drooling on the floor and stuck in a hypnotically-induced distant psychological state

sure, anyone can buy them as long as you pretend to be muslim, i'm not brown and I can buy them


varies in range from $4-15,000 depending on attractiveness, skin color and so on, if you don't mind vantablack nigresses then you can pay with cows and sheep lmao

very true, the issue is the more attempts you take to better her sanity and mental state the higher the risk of getting cucked and even murdered, which turns it into a damned if you do, damned if you don't sort of situation, hence me trying to figure out how to balance maintaining her sanity and not having her fully westernized and getting cucked

not until she starts socializing with other westerners using her newly acquired westernization, it spirals out of control once you teach them english let alone western culture, because they start to become independant have their own lives socialize etc etc, through simple observation and so on they'll realize the 80-20 rule etc etc until eventually you're left cucked and in prison

i've had fantasies of "saving" one of them and fully educating and westernizing them, showing them how dumb their religion is, giving them complete freedom, respecting all boundaries and even willfully giving up sex and placing it in their hands for when they're ready and want to actually have sex with me just to see what happens, if they'd somehow be so grateful for my efforts that they'd stay loyal, and that seems like the only truly comfortable way but...sigh i don't know, the very idea of getting cucked fills me with anger and hatred

and the country is Egypt

thinking about this as well, i'm thinking of trying out different methods and seeing which one works:
method 1: fully educate, westernize, give her the green card, move her back to 1st world country with you, give her money and freedom, tell her she doesn't have to have sex with you until she's ready and wants to not gonna force her and so on
method 2: educate to bare essentials and basic english, give her freedom but keep her in the house, try and maintain balance
method 3: complete domination and control ISIS mode

it's Egypt

lol, well they won't be running out of supply anytime soon given the fact that every one of these families shits out 10 children

no but I'll have to pretend to be

that's the problem, I don't want to actually stay and live in the shithole


very true, that's also one of the reasons why I feel like doing it

very likely i will

fasting is a meme, caloric restriction and exercise is above all, can't beat physics and the laws of thermodynamics

please tell me you're being ironic

well, you can't buy nordic women, and while the majority of them are disgustingly ugly sandniggers, there are a decent number available who are at least a 6-7/10 and can be bumped up to a 7-8/10 with grooming dressing up makeup etc

pics and links of what?

very true

lol yeah they are literally stuck in like fucking feudal arabia, highly doubt they'd even know what a tampon is, and no I'm not majority ethnic or muslim, if you want to read more on my background you can read this thread: https://incels.is/threads/what-the-hell-am-i-and-where-do-i-stand-in-the-smp.100224/

I suppose it seems like I've put a lot of thought into it but I just know these things via observation and my autistic consumption of trivia and the like, so it's just common knowledge to me

Yes I'm paranoid because I don't want to be cucked into oblivion and or murdered in my sleep obviously, thankfully although I am white I'm not old, and that's true but women will be women and like I said the more freedom and education they're given the higher the risk of them going off with tyrone or being overly friendly with the neighbor that comes over with "cool arabian paintings and carpentry" they made you know what I mean lol

Also tell me more about your friend, does he still have her how much did he pay and what country did he get her from, how are things going with him etc?

Sorry, I left out a lot of context and assumed you'd know what I was talking about. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of arranged marriage in the islamic world. Well, in the rural areas of many 3rd world muslim shithole countries, namely the one I have access to, there lies poor villages in semi-abject poverty with families who actually sell their virgin, usually teenage daughters as wives to be married off to potential buyers, and if you have the right connections you can actually drive out to these places and pay the parents the agreed upon amount and marry the daughter on the spot, then you can take her home with you and vanish if you please, and I'm asking whether or not you guys think it would be a good idea to do something like that and any suggestions or input you may have

Method 2 or 3 mandatory. Method 1 is suicide.
Thanks for the information
lol np
Nordic women will be on the market once Sweden falls.
you know shit's fucked beyond salvation when something like that isn't even that farfetched
Make sure so she doesn't learn how to read, the moment she learns how to read and use the internet she will cuck you for chad in an instant.
very true, a reminder to keep during method 2 and method 3
yes, and so does feeding/clothing/taking to doctor/whatever you are going to need to do for your wife (who obviously will not work and earn her own money)
economically it makes more sense to visit a brothel
very good point, this depends on which method will be applied and what location I'll be in, but if I'm in the u.s then:
Initial clothes investment (full wardrobe): $1,000
monthly food costs: $200
monthly checkup: $200
if I'm in the shithole then:
initial clothes investment (full wardrobe): $500
monthly food costs: $85
monthly checkup: $25

so the u.s: 5,000 + 1,000 + 400(12) = $10,800 ; /12 = $900 per month or 1.125 hours per week with a hooker
shithole: 5,000 + 500 + 110(12) = $6,820 ; /12 = $568 a month or around 45 minutes a week with a hooker

scaling this up to a much more expensive one for $10k in the u.s it's still only equivalent to an hour and a half per week with a hooker, and less in the shithole, even with the most expensive ones for $15k it's still only 2 hours a week with a hooker, let alone in a brothel which charges much more than $200 for much less time, I don't know which brothel in which country you're talking about but in the u.s and even the shithole it still doesn't make (economic) sense to resort to prostitution, even backpage hookers will charge like at least $2k per night which is well over double or triple the amount it would cost to own your sandwife for just 1 single night let alone 31

perhaps it would make sense in a country like thailand, but even then don't the girls charge $500 for 24 hours?
LMAO, giving them complete freedom? WTF Are you a cuck? if your plan is to (((Christianize))) her, then you will get cucked within seven days. Islam is the only last bastion of anti-degeneracy. The only best option is to keep her in Islam, as soon as she gets the taste of Christianity and western (((progress))) she will start whoring around from the next day. I also don't understand how you are going to marry her unless you don't become a Muslim? Because in Islam a Muslim woman can get married to a non-Muslim guy (but opposite is allowed, this is how based they are). And Islamic people are very strict about this.

Theologically, there is not much difference between Christianity and Islam when it comes to the law of old testament. I would say Islam is more based when it comes to how strict they follow the old testament laws. On the other hand Christcucks have abandoned the old testament law completely. This is the main reason why Christianity is so cucked, it's so cucked that you are going to see a butt-fucking pope in a rainbow gown to be crowned in Vatican very soon. Christianity allows every kind of degeneracy as long as "love" is involved, just look at the west. Christianity is completely doomed.

Whoredom and faggotism in the ((((christian)))) west:


And this what happens in Islamic country if you try to whore around or you are a faggot:


This is how they follow the law from the Torah and they take it very seriously.
Turning her into a christwhore would be the most stupid decision.
yeah I know, it's only an idea though,I'm just going to try a bunch of different methods and see which one works if any at all, it's true that shit like that happens but it's usually only restricted to the rural areas and the actual islamic state, nearly every city or urban area is cucked and even in the extremist areas there's still a chance that one of the sandniggers will fuck or even rape your wife when you're not there and noone will know about it, as for being a muslim remember technically i was born here and I do have a mudslim name and I've actually read a good part of the quran as part of my own personal studies on religion theology and so on so you just have to pretend to be one, ontop of that I know basic arabic so I'd be very convincing specially if my cover story went something like yeah I don't speak arabic that well because my parents were brainwashed by the jews and raised me abroad in the land of the infidels and forced me to speak their unholy language so that's why and I just got sick and tired of all the disgusting western degenarcy and non-halal behavior around me and the lack of faith in islam and I even felt like the shaytan was around me when I saw all the drinking and drugs etc etc, shit like that, I'm also technically 1/4 arab and I could just tell them I'm full arab or half arab

all that bs only applies to the initiation though, you don't have to do shit after you run away with the girl. A few months ago I spoke to someone IRL who knows someone who's done it and they told me you just tell the father / family you want to buy her slap down the cash and the muslim sheikh guy says a bunch of shit and you say yes then you like either sign or put your fingerprint on an islamic marriage contract thing then you're gone the very same day
Method 2 or 3 mandatory. Method 1 is suicide.
indeed method 1 has like a 90-99% failure rate though I feel like I should at least give it a go, maybe dial down the freedom just a bit
indeed method 1 has like a 90-99% failure rate though I feel like I should at least give it a go, maybe dial down the freedom just a bit

Are you saying you'd like to give method 1 a try? Why? Are you retarded?

- Don't pay for English classes.
- Don't take her out very often except for rare occasions.
- Make sure she understands how much money she is costing you, eg. say "You see this? $150 for a dentist because you can't even take care of your teeth. Maybe I should send you back to Egypt for what you're costing me."
- Don't let her know you're incel or were ever incel.
- Act like you can replace her with an American girl who will be better.
- Make her feel dumb for not speaking English (even though you won't do anything to help her learn) - pretend this is a sign of stupidity and not just lack of education.
- Belittle her for her background, eg. "This is what I get for having a wife who grew up in a mud hut."
- Have rough sex with her and use her as a sex toy ie. Position her around and manipulate her for your pleasure, but also make sure she has orgasms even if you have to lick her for an hour.
- Buy her conservative clothing and tell her she won't dress like an American whore as long as she is your wife.
- Don't buy her a cell phone. At all. No cell phone.
- Give her moments of joy and tenderness but these should be at most 30% of her experience of you.

You are basically running pimp game here. This is how pimps maintain control of their whores and you need to follow the same pattern. If you act like a fucking soft beta faggot who just wants to love her she will fucking destroy you and you will regret it.

Keep in mind: WOMEN ENJOY DOMINATION. It sounds crazy as a man, but a woman is actually MORE LIKELY to be happy under the above approach than she would be if you "liberated" her.

So be a man. And let her be a woman (ie. subservient). Follow this advice and you'll have a good time.
Are you saying you'd like to give method 1 a try? Why? Are you retarded?

- Don't pay for English classes.
- Don't take her out very often except for rare occasions.
- Make sure she understands how much money she is costing you, eg. say "You see this? $150 for a dentist because you can't even take care of your teeth. Maybe I should send you back to Egypt for what you're costing me."
- Don't let her know you're incel or were ever incel.
- Act like you can replace her with an American girl who will be better.
- Make her feel dumb for not speaking English (even though you won't do anything to help her learn) - pretend this is a sign of stupidity and not just lack of education.
- Belittle her for her background, eg. "This is what I get for having a wife who grew up in a mud hut."
- Have rough sex with her and use her as a sex toy ie. Position her around and manipulate her for your pleasure, but also make sure she has orgasms even if you have to lick her for an hour.
- Buy her conservative clothing and tell her she won't dress like an American whore as long as she is your wife.
- Don't buy her a cell phone. At all. No cell phone.
- Give her moments of joy and tenderness but these should be at most 30% of her experience of you.

You are basically running pimp game here. This is how pimps maintain control of their whores and you need to follow the same pattern. If you act like a fucking soft beta faggot who just wants to love her she will fucking destroy you and you will regret it.

Keep in mind: WOMEN ENJOY DOMINATION. It sounds crazy as a man, but a woman is actually MORE LIKELY to be happy under the above approach than she would be if you "liberated" her.

So be a man. And let her be a woman (ie. subservient). Follow this advice and you'll have a good time.
yeah you're right, now that I look back on it it's probably just a nice thought, it was even more retarded considering the fact that I understand how it goes, anyways good reminders and tenants for method 2 and 3, almost forgot about acting like you have access to abundance that was a nice reminder might've accidentally just acted like I only had her so thanks for that
Holy shit dude that's awesome. Yeah of course. Do it. I didn't even know that existed. Can you give a few examples of countries that have that sort of thing?
lol, https://www.therichest.com/world-entertainment/15-countries-where-men-could-buy-a-wife/ https://www.theclever.com/15-countries-where-women-are-always-on-the-lookout-for-white-males/
My culture and my principles would not allow to buy myself a wife like that.
If you feel like it, do it op, but I doubt it would be a fulfilling relationship anyway
My culture and my principles would not allow to buy myself a wife like that.
If you feel like it, do it op, but I doubt it would be a fulfilling relationship anyway
hahahha you sound just like trewfaithneworder, I see you are such a devout virtuous and holy man. Anyways, if not for the fulffillment factor which we've already established doesn't exist, then why not for revenge and catharsis?
hahahha you sound just like trewfaithneworder, I see you are such a devout virtuous and holy man. Anyways, if not for the fulffillment factor which we've already established doesn't exist, then why not for revenge and catharsis?
revenge ? I fail to see how buying yourself a wife is revenge against society/government/other. If I had to resort myself to buy a wife, I would feel miserable because I would have hit the lowest low ever possible. I already am really low but I don’t need to confirm it by buying a wife.

As for the catharsis factor... I think OP will just grow even more narcistic when he sees that his “wife” isn’t fulfilling the void left by years and years of inceldom, rejection and loneliness. He will be deceived, and his wife will simply be another burden, not a relief in time of stress

It’s like dogs or cats; you don’t take them if they don’t like you.

I’m sorry if my explanations seems wanky, I am not a native speaker of English
revenge ? I fail to see how buying yourself a wife is revenge against society/government/other. If I had to resort myself to buy a wife, I would feel miserable because I would have hit the lowest low ever possible. I already am really low but I don’t need to confirm it by buying a wife.

As for the catharsis factor... I think OP will just grow even more narcistic when he sees that his “wife” isn’t fulfilling the void left by years and years of inceldom, rejection and loneliness. He will be deceived, and his wife will simply be another burden, not a relief in time of stress

It’s like dogs or cats; you don’t take them if they don’t like you.

I’m sorry if my explanations seems wanky, I am not a native speaker of English
Nah for a non-native speaker your english sounds pretty native. I was going to ask you how the fuck you even found this website but I see you're pretty new here. Anyways, it's revenge because the state and consensus of society propagated by the media, higher "educational" institutions and so on implies that men in the developed western world participate in the "objectification and sexualization of women", toxic masculinity, rape culture patriarchy and so on and so forth, when this is not at all true and in fact the complete opposite as the real places where these things take place is in the developing eastern world, where women are actually objectified sexualized and men actually have not just rape culture but rape games and their manifestation of masculinity is horrendously toxic, and so as men we are constantly slapped with this bombardment of propaganda in an attempt to feminize and villanize us all the while hypocritically favoring the complete opposite to what they say they don't want to the point of you even being on a website like this that actually exists. So why not actually be a misogynist? Why not then, if we are so fucking disgusting, actually live up to our accusations? If we're all going to be damned to this pitiful and revolting existence, why not actually objectify and sexualize women, why not share a culture of toxic masculinity, abuse, and violence, if we are already going to be considered as doing so? Perhaps our predicament is caused by us trying to be civilized, to be contained, to be beta

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'll give you what you want
So basically Islamic version of escortcelling. Not bad in my opinion but doesn't quite conclude as ascending. And when you're going why not go the whole way and gradually buy 4 wives. Start with one and slowly increase the number. As you'll get a vasectomy you can shame your first wife for failing to give you a son and bring a new one with that excuse. Laso try to get a girl who's had previous relationship that her parents knows about and wanna erase the record in that way you can psychologically torture her and make her feel unmatched guilt. She'll see you as a savior of her honor no matter how much you abuse her.
Do it but never think yourself a Chad you're at the end justa a betabuxx who's not getting cucked that's all.
Nah for a non-native speaker your english sounds pretty native. I was going to ask you how the fuck you even found this website but I see you're pretty new here. Anyways, it's revenge because the state and consensus of society propagated by the media, higher "educational" institutions and so on implies that men in the developed western world participate in the "objectification and sexualization of women", toxic masculinity, rape culture patriarchy and so on and so forth, when this is not at all true and in fact the complete opposite as the real places where these things take place is in the developing eastern world, where women are actually objectified sexualized and men actually have not just rape culture but rape games and their manifestation of masculinity is horrendously toxic, and so as men we are constantly slapped with this bombardment of propaganda in an attempt to feminize and villanize us all the while hypocritically favoring the complete opposite to what they say they don't want to the point of you even being on a website like this that actually exists. So why not actually be a misogynist? Why not then, if we are so fucking disgusting, actually live up to our accusations? If we're all going to be damned to this pitiful and revolting existence, why not actually objectify and sexualize women, why not share a culture of toxic masculinity, abuse, and violence, if we are already going to be considered as doing so? Perhaps our predicament is caused by us trying to be civilized, to be contained, to be beta

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'll give you what you want
Oh, you see it that way.
I don’t know man. I would participate in a war but I’m sort of a more chill dude than an agressive one.
I am somewhat sexist and misogynistic... but sometime I wonder if they’re not a simple mask than my actual natural character.

I will agree that the west is hypocrite to criticize itself while praising barbaric outsider.
However, as hopeless as it is, I still believe the west can be saved, rather than destroyed.
It’s just my values and patriotism. I want diversity of Europeans in Europe, but not the hostility of 1910, and not the replacement as in 2010.

So... yeah. If OP is not European/is Muslim, I don’t really care about his choice. He just need to make the right choice.
But if he’s European, and decided to leave his roots to convert to Islam and buy himself a wife, then I would oppose that.
He’s part of the problem.
Dafuq are you talking about?
Are you saying you'd like to give method 1 a try? Why? Are you retarded?

- Don't pay for English classes.
- Don't take her out very often except for rare occasions.
- Make sure she understands how much money she is costing you, eg. say "You see this? $150 for a dentist because you can't even take care of your teeth. Maybe I should send you back to Egypt for what you're costing me."
- Don't let her know you're incel or were ever incel.
- Act like you can replace her with an American girl who will be better.
- Make her feel dumb for not speaking English (even though you won't do anything to help her learn) - pretend this is a sign of stupidity and not just lack of education.
- Belittle her for her background, eg. "This is what I get for having a wife who grew up in a mud hut."
- Have rough sex with her and use her as a sex toy ie. Position her around and manipulate her for your pleasure, but also make sure she has orgasms even if you have to lick her for an hour.
- Buy her conservative clothing and tell her she won't dress like an American whore as long as she is your wife.
- Don't buy her a cell phone. At all. No cell phone.
- Give her moments of joy and tenderness but these should be at most 30% of her experience of you.

You are basically running pimp game here. This is how pimps maintain control of their whores and you need to follow the same pattern. If you act like a fucking soft beta faggot who just wants to love her she will fucking destroy you and you will regret it.

Keep in mind: WOMEN ENJOY DOMINATION. It sounds crazy as a man, but a woman is actually MORE LIKELY to be happy under the above approach than she would be if you "liberated" her.

So be a man. And let her be a woman (ie. subservient). Follow this advice and you'll have a good time.
When I was young, I thought it was so 'uncool' that Muslim men followed this stodgy, antiquated protocol. I worshiped American culture back then, and the way American men pedestalized their females. It was so hip and sylish! America was LIGHT YEARS ahead of everyone else!
Now, as a mature adult, I realize just how wise those Muslims were, and how stupid and suicidal American culture is.
It’s like dogs or cats; you don’t take them if they don’t like you.
I wouldn't even screw a hooker if she didn't want me, let alone buy a wife.
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This actually sounds like a legit way for a incel to ascend. :feelshmm: Do it OP. And if you suceed let us know how we can get our own, I am very interested. :feelswhere: You can start a business of curing incels.
What messes up muslim women:
- Seeing western TV
- Learning English and consuming English media.
Nordic women will be on the market once Sweden falls.

Nordic women have already been taken by Chadfugees
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Are you saying you'd like to give method 1 a try? Why? Are you retarded?

- Don't pay for English classes.
- Don't take her out very often except for rare occasions.
- Make sure she understands how much money she is costing you, eg. say "You see this? $150 for a dentist because you can't even take care of your teeth. Maybe I should send you back to Egypt for what you're costing me."
- Don't let her know you're incel or were ever incel.
- Act like you can replace her with an American girl who will be better.
- Make her feel dumb for not speaking English (even though you won't do anything to help her learn) - pretend this is a sign of stupidity and not just lack of education.
- Belittle her for her background, eg. "This is what I get for having a wife who grew up in a mud hut."
- Have rough sex with her and use her as a sex toy ie. Position her around and manipulate her for your pleasure, but also make sure she has orgasms even if you have to lick her for an hour.
- Buy her conservative clothing and tell her she won't dress like an American whore as long as she is your wife.
- Don't buy her a cell phone. At all. No cell phone.
- Give her moments of joy and tenderness but these should be at most 30% of her experience of you.

You are basically running pimp game here. This is how pimps maintain control of their whores and you need to follow the same pattern. If you act like a fucking soft beta faggot who just wants to love her she will fucking destroy you and you will regret it.

Keep in mind: WOMEN ENJOY DOMINATION. It sounds crazy as a man, but a woman is actually MORE LIKELY to be happy under the above approach than she would be if you "liberated" her.

So be a man. And let her be a woman (ie. subservient). Follow this advice and you'll have a good time.
this is very legit advice.
Sounds like a good way to drive a foid insane and get murdered by her in the night
How many muslim husbands are murdered by their wives?
How many white husbands are murdered by their wife?
I'd rather have a brain dead fuckhole.,than a nagging cunt.It's essentially like fucking your bodypillow but It can clean and cook.
Sorry, I left out a lot of context and assumed you'd know what I was talking about. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of arranged marriage in the islamic world. Well, in the rural areas of many 3rd world muslim shithole countries, namely the one I have access to, there lies poor villages in semi-abject poverty with families who actually sell their virgin, usually teenage daughters as wives to be married off to potential buyers, and if you have the right connections you can actually drive out to these places and pay the parents the agreed upon amount and marry the daughter on the spot, then you can take her home with you and vanish if you please, and I'm asking whether or not you guys think it would be a good idea to do something like that and any suggestions or input you may have
This makes me want to convert to Islam. I will do this if I can't ascend before I turn 35.

Is Egypt really that poor, though? I thought what you wrote only happened in Somalia/Libya-tier shitholes.
even gigachad struggles greatly, it's fucked up because islam
Cope. Gigachadullah has already moved to Europe and has a harem of Swede blondies at his beck and call.
as men we are constantly slapped with this bombardment of propaganda in an attempt to feminize and villanize us all the while hypocritically favoring the complete opposite to what they say they don't want to the point of you even being on a website like this that actually exists. So why not actually be a misogynist? Why not then, if we are so fucking disgusting, actually live up to our accusations? If we're all going to be damned to this pitiful and revolting existence, why not actually objectify and sexualize women, why not share a culture of toxic masculinity, abuse, and violence, if we are already going to be considered as doing so? Perhaps our predicament is caused by us trying to be civilized, to be contained, to be beta
High IQ

That's what I keep saying to other incels but too many people here who have ultra-high inhibition and who care about society and the "greater good" a bit too much.

You are absolutely right - if we are going to be accused of misogyny regardless of what we do say, why not actually be a misogynist?
But if he’s European, and decided to leave his roots to convert to Islam and buy himself a wife, then I would oppose that.
He’s part of the problem.

Europeans have been doing what OP wants to do since a long, long time. Otherwise how do you think there are white muslim countries in Europe? Albania and Bosnia come to mind.

Europe was only based when it followed its Pagan roots. Cuckstianity is what started its downfall.
If I had to resort myself to buy a wife, I would feel miserable because I would have hit the lowest low ever possible.
The 'lowest low' is dying an incel, not buying a wife.

Chad indirectly buys his wife (and his harem) as well - his currency is his genetics.
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Yes and lock her in the house. No phones or internet access.
So basically Islamic version of escortcelling. Not bad in my opinion but doesn't quite conclude as ascending. And when you're going why not go the whole way and gradually buy 4 wives. Start with one and slowly increase the number. As you'll get a vasectomy you can shame your first wife for failing to give you a son and bring a new one with that excuse. Laso try to get a girl who's had previous relationship that her parents knows about and wanna erase the record in that way you can psychologically torture her and make her feel unmatched guilt. She'll see you as a savior of her honor no matter how much you abuse her.
Do it but never think yourself a Chad you're at the end justa a betabuxx who's not getting cucked that's all.
good ideas, and yeah, it's the closest thing to ascension we can get I suppose
Oh, you see it that way.
I don’t know man. I would participate in a war but I’m sort of a more chill dude than an agressive one.
I am somewhat sexist and misogynistic... but sometime I wonder if they’re not a simple mask than my actual natural character.

I will agree that the west is hypocrite to criticize itself while praising barbaric outsider.
However, as hopeless as it is, I still believe the west can be saved, rather than destroyed.
It’s just my values and patriotism. I want diversity of Europeans in Europe, but not the hostility of 1910, and not the replacement as in 2010.

So... yeah. If OP is not European/is Muslim, I don’t really care about his choice. He just need to make the right choice.
But if he’s European, and decided to leave his roots to convert to Islam and buy himself a wife, then I would oppose that.
He’s part of the problem.
ahhh hahaha, and that's how it starts newfriend, you start out just wanting to solve things the "right" way, the civilized way, but what you don't realize is as with all forms of human interaction once you surpass the boundaries of civilized discourse communication ceases to take part of the interaction and it's immediately replaced with conflict and if that isn't addressed then it progresses into violence, which is why it's a foolish thing to face a mentally deficient barbarian armed with a spiked club with a written contract of terms and negotiations hahahah, even the most civilized of empires had to resort to brutal violence and barbarism to prevent the advent of barbarism taking hold on what they worked so hard on to achieve. The time of inaction and passivity is forlorn, there is only action left to pursue, or in this case, conflict and violence. You are incel, people will not listen to you, people look down upon you, you are disgusting, no matter what you do you will always be considered to be a barbarian when in fact you are not, you are the metaphorical equivalent of the weak naive intellectual presenting a written contract with terms and conditions to the barbarian with a spiked club, so why not actually be a barbarian? why not then, fight back? you would have to be masochistic not to at least grant yourself the sweet release of catharsis and attainment of revenge, if anything, by denying yourself of fundamental human self-respect and dignity and not fighting I'd say you are in fact part of the "problem", you are literally just another doormat to be stepped on, and you will never achieve anything let alone your "european diversity in europe" by continuing to be a doormat, you will only get stepped on, like you already are, europe is already gone and dead because of doormats like you, so how about you actually do something different for once and stand up and step on other people instead of being the stepee. I'm mostly genetically european and I'm not muslim, also in case you haven't noticed already I am actually OP
This actually sounds like a legit way for a incel to ascend. :feelshmm: Do it OP. And if you suceed let us know how we can get our own, I am very interested. :feelswhere: You can start a business of curing incels.
good idea I don't think I would've thought of starting a business, if I do I most definitely will
I'd rather have a brain dead fuckhole.,than a nagging cunt.It's essentially like fucking your bodypillow but It can clean and cook.
good point
This makes me want to convert to Islam. I will do this if I can't ascend before I turn 35.

Is Egypt really that poor, though? I thought what you wrote only happened in Somalia/Libya-tier shitholes.

Cope. Gigachadullah has already moved to Europe and has a harem of Swede blondies at his beck and call.

High IQ

That's what I keep saying to other incels but too many people here who have ultra-high inhibition and who care about society and the "greater good" a bit too much.

You are absolutely right - if we are going to be accused of misogyny regardless of what we do say, why not actually be a misogynist?


Europeans have been doing what OP wants to do since a long, long time. Otherwise how do you think there are white muslim countries in Europe? Albania and Bosnia come to mind.

Europe was only based when it followed its Pagan roots. Cuckstianity is what started its downfall.

The 'lowest low' is dying an incel, not buying a wife.

Chad indirectly buys his wife (and his harem) as well - his currency is his genetics.
you don't have to actually convert to islam, you just have to say you have, anyways yeah most gigachadullah's have left to cuck euros but you don't understand just how impossible it is to get laid there when premarital sex, "immorality" and "incitement against islam" is literally illegal let alone all the psycho-social implications of the existence of that. You have to be an ultra gigachad to do it or just an extremely, extremely lucky person, and if you are then you've already probably left the country obviously, it's all just fucked up. Technically it's the second biggest economy in africa so it's not as poor as like fucking south sudan but it's still very much a colossal 3rd world shithole filled to the brim with darkness and despair and in the rural areas it can literally start resembling nomad desert tribes, and actually those are the sorts of places you go out to buy the wives more often than not so yeah
Yes and lock her in the house. No phones or internet access.
that's the idea with method 2 and 3
LMAO, giving them complete freedom? WTF Are you a cuck? if your plan is to (((Christianize))) her, then you will get cucked within seven days. Islam is the only last bastion of anti-degeneracy. The only best option is to keep her in Islam, as soon as she gets the taste of Christianity and western (((progress))) she will start whoring around from the next day. I also don't understand how you are going to marry her unless you don't become a Muslim? Because in Islam a Muslim woman can get married to a non-Muslim guy (but opposite is allowed, this is how based they are). And Islamic people are very strict about this.

Theologically, there is not much difference between Christianity and Islam when it comes to the law of old testament. I would say Islam is more based when it comes to how strict they follow the old testament laws. On the other hand Christcucks have abandoned the old testament law completely. This is the main reason why Christianity is so cucked, it's so cucked that you are going to see a butt-fucking pope in a rainbow gown to be crowned in Vatican very soon. Christianity allows every kind of degeneracy as long as "love" is involved, just look at the west. Christianity is completely doomed.

Whoredom and faggotism in the ((((christian)))) west:


And this what happens in Islamic country if you try to whore around or you are a faggot:


This is how they follow the law from the Torah and they take it very seriously.
Turning her into a christwhore would be the most stupid decision.
Who are you debating. Jesus Christ was a gigacuck. He went around healing roastie who were dying of STDs and period cramps. He dies for the SIN of the roasties. And forgiveness is the epitome their faith Christians were the most cucked religion after Zoroastrian but the cuckery was taken to another level when Martin Luther pinned 95 ways for foids to taste dick before marriage on church doors. But the Catholic popes were just as degenrates having orgies in chapel. I enjoy watching Christianity on it's knees.
Who are you debating. Jesus Christ was a gigacuck. He went around healing roastie who were dying of STDs and period cramps. He dies for the SIN of the roasties. And forgiveness is the epitome their faith Christians were the most cucked religion after Zoroastrian but the cuckery was taken to another level when Martin Luther pinned 95 ways for foids to taste dick before marriage on church doors. But the Catholic popes were just as degenrates having orgies in chapel. I enjoy watching Christianity on it's knees.

Yea true, christianity is too beta, so much betafaggotry won't sustain, it's bound to fail.
I should convert tbh. The thought of being with a non-virgin makes me want to go on a killing spree.
I should convert tbh. The thought of being with a non-virgin makes me want to go on a killing spree.
lol, dude, none of you actually have to convert, you just pretend like you're muslim
Absolutely legendary post, thank you for this.

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