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Should I be worried about my sister?

sorry bro, if it can make you feel better, it's better to not have a dad than having a bad one, one day when i was 6 or 7, i was too close to the tv my dad grabbed my head and smashed it multiple times to the screen i still have a scar on my forehead
That's brutal bro I get where you're coming from, my dad was a low inhib pos too. Why would he do that to you
Dude this is brutal. My sister will start sleeping with Chad's soon
:feelstrash: Is she a virgin too?
Bruh just why did you do this? You could have atleast delayed the inevitable. If I was in your position I would have given her some bluepills :feelskek:
sorry bro, if it can make you feel better, it's better to not have a dad than having a bad one, one day when i was 6 or 7, i was too close to the tv my dad grabbed my head and smashed it multiple times to the screen i still have a scar on my forehead
Da fuck
fuck your sister
You honestly shouldn't have told your sister about Tinder. Bad idea.
Imagine being "blackpilled" and introducing your sister to tinder.
is this some copypasta?
jfl OP you pimped out your sister to some Tinder Chad :feelsPop::feelsPop::feelsPop::feelsPop:
She already wants a nose ring
Giphy 6
Imagine being "blackpilled" and introducing your sister to tinder.
I told her because doubted how high her SMV was, she deleted it after she got ditched anyway
is this some copypasta?
jfl OP you pimped out your sister to some Tinder Chad :feelsPop::feelsPop::feelsPop::feelsPop:
He stole her skateboard (though it wasn't exactly stealing since she left it in his car) then ditched her because he said "the cops" showed up (which was a lie) and blocked her on everything. That's what she gets for going for a dark triad tall blonde druggie chadlite instead of her looksmatch :feelshaha:. Hopefully she learned her lesson.
Jfl what's wrong with modern foids
I don't think they're going to fuck tbh, she's 17
my oneitis and her boyfriend fucked when she was 15 :feelshaha::lul: almost none of the 17 year old girls at my school are virgins
depressing read bro
my oneitis and her boyfriend fucked when she was 15 :feelshaha::lul: almost none of the 17 year old girls at my school are virgins
My oneitis started banging her bf when she was like 14 jfl
my oneitis and her boyfriend fucked when she was 15 :feelshaha::lul: almost none of the 17 year old girls at my school are virgins
Having a oneitis is one of the the most cucked acts you can do as an undesirable male. You are simping over some whore who doesn't even know you exist meanwhile she's getting rawdogged and fucked in every hole by Chad and/or Tyrone. It's just cuckoldry with extra steps.

In all seriousness same dude every foid in my school is a whore as well, she will be 18 next month if that means anything
Having a oneitis is one of the the most cucked acts you can do as an undesirable male. You are simping over some whore who doesn't even know you exist meanwhile she's getting rawdogged and fucked in every hole by Chad and/or Tyrone. It's just cuckoldry with extra steps.
it's not really something I have control over. if I could just choose not to care about her I would, no question about it. she has caused me more mental anguish than any other factor in my life. I have a chronic obsession with her that borders on mental illness tbh. imagine being so obsessed with someone who hates you that you can barely think about anything that don't involve them, and you think about them every single day for over two years straight
it's not really something I have control over. if I could just choose not to care about her I would, no question about it. she has caused me more mental anguish than any other factor in my life. I have a chronic obsession with her that borders on mental illness tbh.
That is borderline simping not even gonna lie. If she hates you then stop giving her the validation of her living rent free in your head. It's cucked af.

Did you ever talk to her or meet her?
imagine being so obsessed with someone who hates you that you can barely think about anything that don't involve them, and you think about them every single day for over two years straight
I literally can't imagine that boyo
That is borderline simping not even gonna lie. If she hates you then stop giving her the validation of her living rent free in your head. It's cucked af.

Did you ever talk to her or meet her?

I literally can't imagine that boyo
as I said, I can't just stop being so attached to her. believe me, I've been trying for the past two years. I am very aware of how unhealthy my obsession with her is, given it's a constant source of stress, humiliation, guilt and self loathing for me and has driven me to the point of having suicidal thoughts. tbh I'm autistic and obsessive compulsive (as stated on my medical records) so my constant impulsive thoughts about her might actually be the result of literal mental illness. the point is it's not something I can just do away with that easily, although I really, really wish it was

yeah I used to interact with her pretty frequently sadly
as I said, I can't just stop being so attached to her. believe me, I've been trying for the past two years. I am very aware of how unhealthy my obsession with her is, given it's a constant source of stress, humiliation, guilt and self loathing for me and has driven me to the point of having suicidal thoughts. tbh I'm autistic and obsessive compulsive (as stated on my medical records) so my constant impulsive thoughts about her might actually be the result of literal mental illness. the point is it's not something I can just do away with that easily, although I really, really wish it was

yeah I used to interact with her pretty frequently sadly
I just can't fathom letting a hole drive me to suicidal thoughts and guilt, that's just giving them way too much power. But I guess it's understandable if it got this bad because of your autism. Did you talk to her irl or online etc.?
I just can't fathom letting a hole drive me to suicidal thoughts and guilt, that's just giving them way too much power. But I guess it's understandable if it got this bad because of your autism. Did you talk to her irl or online etc.?
yeah it's very irrational, I can see how from your POV it would seem unfathomable. I try to tell myself that I shouldn't let one person define my entire self worth, and I know how unhealthy all of this is, but it just doesn't make me feel better or ease my compulsive thoughts about her at all

she's my classmate so mostly irl. honestly having to see her every day took a massive toll on my mental health and it's one of the main reasons why I'm thankful I don't have to attend school in person right now. I physically turn my head away from her whenever we're around each other because just looking at her makes me feel awful
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my oneitis and her boyfriend fucked when she was 15 :feelshaha::lul: almost none of the 17 year old girls at my school are virgins
Exactly foid virgins over 16 don’t exist.
Exactly foid virgins over 16 don’t exist.
Nigga my sister is one :feelsseriously:
yeah it's very irrational, I can see how from your POV it would seem unfathomable. I try to tell myself that I shouldn't let one person define my entire self worth, and I know how unhealthy all of this is, but it just doesn't make me feel better or ease my compulsive thoughts about her at all

she's my classmate so mostly irl. honestly having to see her every day took a massive toll on my mental health and it's one of the main reasons why I'm thankful I don't have to attend school in person right now. I physically turn my head away from her whenever we're around each other because just looking at her makes me feel awful
Brutal that she makes you want to sui even though she's your oneitis. You can either cope or rope.
Having a sister is pretty cucked, lucky I never grew up with mine.
I told her she was on her way to becoming one and she got pissed
all females are either on their way to becoming whores or they are one (but they pretend they arent)
glad that I don't have a sister
I reloaded the page 5 times, even checked my internet connection, yet I still cannot find the picture of your sister ?
glad that I don't have a sister
You should be. If my sister wasn’t a virgin I don’t think I’d be able to talk to her anymore. Tbh I’m so fucking lucky because if she wasn’t non NT and high inhib she would just be another ethnic toilet for white men
I reloaded the page 5 times, even checked my internet connection, yet I still cannot find the picture of your sister ?
lol why were you excepting pics? Brb lemme just doxx my sister real quick
Her ego is gonna get pumped by dating apps as well as her hole
From now on that's not your sister anymore, it's chad's cumdumpster
How's your day going :feelswhere: ?
Pretty alright tbh, no different than any other day. Played some Minecraft, watched some irl streams, listened to some anime OSTs, browsed .is for a bit. Gonna draw in a few hours
She’s white/chang only bro. Don’t get your hopes up
Her ego is gonna get pumped by dating apps as well as her hole
She stopped using dating apps after what happened with the skater chadlite :feelskek:
From now on that's not your sister anymore, it's chad's cumdumpster
Not yet. She’s still a virgin
Pretty alright tbh, no different than any other day. Played some Minecraft, watched some irl streams, listened to some anime OSTs, browsed .is for a bit. Gonna draw in a few hours

For some reason i was thinking of roblox when you said minecraft :feelskek:

Will you be owning a PS5 anytime soon :feelswhere:
She’s white/chang only bro. Don’t get your hopes up

Gotta let me attempt to get in bruh

where you live and how tall is she ?
She stopped using dating apps after what happened with the skater chadlite :feelskek:


Not yet. She’s still a virgin
How are you so sure of this :feelswhere: :feelsStudy:
Not yet. She’s still a virgin
Keep coping, she already smoked weed, used tinder, and considered getting a nose ring, she's already on the road to whoredom
I can only imagine how good looking this guy must be for her to be that excited

also jfl at helping your sister whore around, back in the days brothers went along with their sister on their dates to assure chad is not crossing the border, so to speak
All they ended up doing was going to a park and she smoked weed for the first time.
jesus man the absolute state of america

dude made her do drugs and you think it'll be hard for chad to convince her to give her (already wet) pussy?
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Give me to her, help another shitskin out.
Lmao your sister almost changed her life overnight, despite being ethnic sister of an incel and therefore his looksmatch

Theres few reasons why it could've ended in failure:
- your sister said something really stupid or behaved stupidly
- your sister rejected ALL or most sexual advances from him
- she was uglier or fatter than on pics
- there was absolutely nothing to talk about between these two

its one of these probably, if not that she would be a whore by now and would live better life than you for many years to come, despite looking like you jfl :feelsohh::feelswhat::feelsohgod::fuk:

btw op you are lucky that she met with someone way above her league, if he was even a bit lower league he would fuck her, chad was not interested
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The absolute state of western civilization
My sister is (kind of) in a similar situation as me. She has social anxiety (it seems to be going away as of recently), has no friends irl, never had a bf, and is also a virgin. But lately she's been talking about how she wants friends and people to hang out with. I told her that her SMV is basically infinite and she's only lonely because she's standoffish and doesn't talk to anyone. A few days ago she decided to make a Tinder and an okaycupid to "find friends". She got 5 matches and woke me up to tell me about it and how I was right all along. This may not seem like a lot of matches for a female but this is because she is very selective about who she swipes right on.
Holy shit! You cucked fucking nigger!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
If she ever turns out to be a whore then you might have some luck with losing your virginity

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