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Discussion Should autistic normies be allowed in this forum

Should they be allowed

  • Yes, anyone

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • Yes, but not if he's 6+ ft or 6/10 facially

    Votes: 17 25.0%
  • No. Plain NO

    Votes: 35 51.5%

  • Total voters
That makes them even bigger losers than irl NTnormies

Nah it’s not, we see autists here get shat on & accused of being fakecels all the time, so missed me with that point.

In fact, your poll here proves it
Yeah, loser NTs shitting on loser autists is so low, it’s just pathetic
Anyone having autism Non-NT and having face below 7,they are all incels as they completely outcasted. Normies is a term for a person who is average in looks and most importantly who is a neurotypical, so thus the term autistic normies is a complete oxymoron,a person with average looks and having autism Non-NT is a de facto incel
Yep. With my 4-4.5/10 face and Asperger’s, I’m a complete social reject. You cannot be a normie with autism. Average and below average looking autistic guys will never fit in with normies. Believe me, I’ve tried, and it’s not possible
No, because autistic normies have PLENTY of internet spaces to go to.

But ugly truecel subhumans only have this forum. We need to keep this forum as truecel as possible.
Autistic normie is an oxymoron, and also all those spaces are full of LARPs and foids
No, because autistic normies have PLENTY of internet spaces to go to.

But ugly truecel subhumans only have this forum. We need to keep this forum as truecel as possible.

You’re right, what the fuck am I even reading in this thread, it seems like Reddit jfl.

Anyone having autism Non-NT and having face below 7,they are all incels as they completely outcasted. Normies is a term for a person who is average in looks and most importantly who is a neurotypical, so thus the term autistic normies is a complete oxymoron,a person with average looks and having autism Non-NT is a de facto incel
That makes them even bigger losers than irl NTnormies

Nah it’s not, we see autists here get shat on & accused of being fakecels all the time, so missed me with that point.

In fact, your poll here proves it

Unless this is your level of autism (in which case you wouldn’t find this forum)
View: https://youtu.be/j4PTf7LgsIE?si=Zc6ifmlw0g-cVKwp
You are beyond fucking delusional, it reall reads like some r/incelexit Reddit what the fuck is even this shit
Yep. With my 4-4.5/10 face and Asperger’s, I’m a complete social reject. You cannot be a normie with autism. Average and below average looking autistic guys will never fit in with normies. Believe me, I’ve tried, and it’s not possible
Ive also got my added failo in femininity and height, and believe me, having "normie" looks wont get any better as autist, especially in a ultra masculine, ultra NT hellhole, you are destined for MISERY unless you are chad, as simple as that.
Such as OP here
Exactly. NTpill denier are retards. Even incel YouTubers like rehab room who mainly focus on the effect of sub5 looks acknowledge that being autistic fucks up your life up even if your looks are average. Autism + anything less than 8/10 looks = doomed to loneliness
@NoIdeaWhatToDo bro can you tell me the names of the votes of three options, cuz I think I can't see my own poll's voter names
Ive also got my added failo in femininity and height, and believe me, having "normie" looks wont get any better as autist, especially in a ultra masculine, ultra NT hellhole, you are destined for MISERY unless you are chad, as simple as that.
The only slightly "normie" thing ive got is my face, but lifewise im complete 180 from normcunts.
Exactly. NTpill denier are retards. Even incel YouTubers like rehab room who mainly focus on the effect of sub5 looks acknowledge that being autistic fucks up your life up even if your looks are average. Autism + anything less than 8/10 looks = doomed to loneliness
Ive also got my added failo in femininity and height, and believe me, having "normie" looks wont get any better as autist, especially in a ultra masculine, ultra NT hellhole, you are destined for MISERY unless you are chad, as simple as that.
Yep. Autism plus anything below 8/10 looks = doomed to rot in loneliness
You’re right, what the fuck am I even reading in this thread, it seems like Reddit jfl.

Unless this is your level of autism (in which case you wouldn’t find this forum)
View: https://youtu.be/j4PTf7LgsIE?si=Zc6ifmlw0g-cVKwp
You are beyond fucking delusional, it reall reads like some r/incelexit Reddit what the fuck is even this shit

JoinedJun 3, 2024Posts47

Also, other users have shard sources proving Autism affects looks, facial expressions, and the fact NDs can detect non-NT behaviors

@NoIdeaWhatToDo bro can you tell me the names of the votes of three options, cuz I think I can't see my own poll's voter names

you've set it to anonymous votes bro
JoinedJun 3, 2024Posts47

Also, other users have shard sources proving Autism affects looks, facial expressions, and the fact NDs can detect non-NT behaviors


Ok so all you’re saying is that autism is a death sentence becaus it gives you ugly face
View: https://youtu.be/8jrqpn60d4A?si=c0ykFgmibB_eqOj7

Based on users you tag I only got this to say:
Go back to wykop zjebie

You’d fit as an inceltears moderator
Involuntary celibates should be allowed on the forum. Period. Its that simple. If they have attempted to get a gf but failed and are involuntarily celibate, then they are considered an incel.
In typical Street Shitter Fashion. (Theres some cool curries but most of them, even here are Low IQ as shit.)
I like how you also divided the poll OP, ofc a 6-7/10+ facially shouldn’t be allowed here regardless of NT status.
I like how you also did this, which is just furthering your narrative.

Should have just been the bottom two choices

if they're involuntarily celibate, they should
nigga youre normie as shit, your username and profile picture is of a fucking chad, the fact that you dont feel repulsed by looking at a chad and actively choose to self identify with one tells me everything about the bullying you never had to face in life so you should be the last one talking about this shit gtfo

@Blackpill Monk @VideoGameCoper @Da_Yunez
No, because autistic normies have PLENTY of internet spaces to go to.

But ugly truecel subhumans only have this forum. We need to keep this forum as truecel as possible.
you cannot be normie and autistic
nigga youre normie as shit, your username and profile picture is of a fucking chad, the fact that you dont feel repulsed by looking at a chad and actively choose to self identify with one tells me everything about the bullying you never had to face in life so you should be the last one talking about this shit gtfo

@Blackpill Monk @VideoGameCoper @Da_Yunez
Exactly what I said, he also dislikes autists as hinted by this poll, reinforced by the fact he’s a street-shitter & likes soccer
nigga youre normie as shit, your username and profile picture is of a fucking chad, the fact that you dont feel repulsed by looking at a chad and actively choose to self identify with one tells me everything about the bullying you never had to face in life so you should be the last one talking about this shit gtfo

@Blackpill Monk @VideoGameCoper @Da_Yunez
Yep. He’s an NTfag normie who likes to shit on autistic incels. Picking on autists and gaslighting them that their problems don’t exist is so fucking low. I pay no mind to what he says.
Yep. He’s an NTfag normie who likes to shit on autistic incels. Picking on autists and gaslighting them that their problems don’t exist is so fucking low. I pay no mind to what he says.
Yeah agreed, it’s fucking fags like him he deserve to be booted from here
Again, it's not up to a vote. The question is no and if you think otherwise you should literally blow your brains out NOW.
How is this only a verbal? This kids done this multiple times & has been banned twice by now.

@proudweeb @LeFrenchCel
Proxy Small

“Noooo! You’re autistic which just only so happens to affect the way you interact by predisposition! You can’t be incel saar!”

Should autistic normies be allowed in this forum​

They are allowed
It's not like it's going to be implemented anyway:feelsjuice:
It's not like it's going to be implemented anyway:feelsjuice:
OP seems to have forgotten being 5/10 doesn’t equate to being normie in mentality if you’re that non-NT & also a manlet.
The only criteria for being allowed here should be male sex, attraction to women, and virginity.
I mean you cant change your brain genes just like you cant change your face. Its literally the same thing
Good point ngl
Most NTs cannot even comprehend what being an autist is like, so when they see an autist poster saying something like "I'm 6'1 and normies still hate me, I can't get pussy", they can't comprehend that who wrote this is a socially inept retard in a big body handicapped by his own mind in a battle against himself everyday and no amount of positive attention from society can change that (and most of them don't receive it anyway due to being sub7).

I do not engage in incel olympics, there's no strict formula of what makes an incel an incel. And even if they manage to ascend and leave the site, it won't invalidate the experience as an incel they had while rotting and posting here.
JoinedJun 3, 2024Posts47

Also, other users have shard sources proving Autism affects looks, facial expressions, and the fact NDs can detect non-NT behaviors

NTpill is life.
When looks aren't 7+/10 then you have to approach foids. When you're totally unable to approach or even you can't use properly the opportunity of single female sign of interest (single, no another chance if you fail), you can be 6/10 but foids aren't willing to maintain any contact with you.
Btw @WorthlessSlavicShit sent some research where NTs can detect NDs by their daily presence (e.g. school) and they lose all their interest to try change them (ofc 8/10 could be tried to change) and have contact with them.


Show normies a single static frame of an autist and an NT person for a few seconds, and that's enough for them to prefer the NT person for social interactions. Show them an equally short silent video where they can only see how the two look like, move, their body language etc., it's the same. Let them listen to the two's voices, boom, autist disliked and the NT one preferred once again.

If you're an autist and don't have good looks to compensate, you're just off-putting to NTs/normies in every way. And there's no way there's anywhere near as many good looking autists as there are good looking NTs, since we know that autists have specific, shitty facial features as a baseline.

I like how you also divided the poll OP, ofc a 6-7/10+ facially shouldn’t be allowed here regardless of NT status.
you cannot be normie and autistic
Autism is fake. A disorder thought up by jew doctors to get easy money from retarded white parents inable to properly raise their kids.

Autists gfy
Industrial grade copium
"Autistic normies"

Pick one, you cant choose both

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