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SuicideFuel short men have practically no life



Oct 14, 2023
if u ignore health obviously, being short ist the worst thing that can happen to you. your literal life is a joke, u cant experience certain things as a short male, its actually brutal. my entire life and my overall happiness has a limit because of my height. everything i do is cope, nothing matters. it also doesnt have having bluepilled parents. me and my father went out for dinner, and my god, everyone was towering us, we were literal dwarfs, different species, i was so embarrassed to be outside. im just coping, i really do. i dont see much point in life anymore, like, i cant just go and travel, meet stacies and have fun with them, i just cant, all because im short, thats the only reason, and i cant change it, i just cant. im going crazy. at least most of the face > height fags finally converted to height >>>>>>> face. my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me, i literally CANT talk to them because of my stupid fucking height, yeah im going insane.
A lot of words for "I don't have a personality" inkwell :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me
So your “Chad friend” goes to a party and has fun with girls you know. A party you weren't invited to. Do you get it? You have no friends. And this Chad is certainly not your friend
honestly i dont, like even if i meet girl, tf am i gonna talk about lmao, god its so over holy shit.
If you think girls in the 2020s have anything of value or interest to talk about, then you will be surprised that you are above their very low level.
So your “Chad friend” goes to a party and has fun with girls you know. A party you weren't invited to. Do you get it? You have no friends. And this Chad is certainly not your friend
he is a "internet friend", he is very nice to me, i dont wanna meet up because im "semi cool" in the niche thing im doing and im afraid they are all gonna realize how much of a loser i am irl. also, who invites a short guy to a high class party, thats dumb af because the girls are gonna leave/think the party is shit. i dont even blame anyone for not being invited anywhere
There is no life for manlets, you can't do anything without being reminded of your subhumanity, if you try to rise above and be succesful you get put down because normies and foids want you to be conscious of your inferior genes
There is no life for manlets, you can't do anything without being reminded of your subhumanity, if you try to rise above and be succesful you get put down because normies and foids want you to be conscious of your inferior genes
exactly, look at napoleon, almost took over all of europe and yet the only thing people remember him for is being a angry short guy
How short are we speaking?
exactly, look at napoleon, almost took over all of europe and yet the only thing people remember him for is being a angry short guy
The worst part is that he was not even short, it was a smear campaign against him, he was average for the time but because his guards were tallfags it made him look shorter
he is a "internet friend", he is very nice to me, i dont wanna meet up because im "semi cool" in the niche thing im doing and im afraid they are all gonna realize how much of a loser i am irl. also, who invites a short guy to a high class party, thats dumb af because the girls are gonna leave/think the party is shit. i dont even blame anyone for not being invited anywhere
So you desperately try to play someone other than the loser you are on the Internet. Lol. It's like one of those teen movies where an incel guy tries to fit in with the cool guys with a great haircut and a leather jacket. Your internet friend only sees what you show him. To a certain extent you are a kind of foid who only shows him things that he wants to see. I have to notice that your friendship has a slightly homosexual character.
im 5'8, i live in a top 10 tallest country
You gotta be kidding me. That aint short, not that short at least, but be in a tall country must be bad. I hope you find your strength to not let that bring you down
if u ignore health obviously, being short ist the worst thing that can happen to you. your literal life is a joke, u cant experience certain things as a short male, its actually brutal. my entire life and my overall happiness has a limit because of my height. everything i do is cope, nothing matters. it also doesnt have having bluepilled parents. me and my father went out for dinner, and my god, everyone was towering us, we were literal dwarfs, different species, i was so embarrassed to be outside. im just coping, i really do. i dont see much point in life anymore, like, i cant just go and travel, meet stacies and have fun with them, i just cant, all because im short, thats the only reason, and i cant change it, i just cant. im going crazy. at least most of the face > height fags finally converted to height >>>>>>> face. my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me, i literally CANT talk to them because of my stupid fucking height, yeah im going insane.
Soon you'll be like me child. Another one of the lich hivemind
So you desperately try to play someone other than the loser you are on the Internet. Lol. It's like one of those teen movies where an incel guy tries to fit in with the cool guys with a great haircut and a leather jacket. Your internet friend only sees what you show him. To a certain extent you are a kind of foid who only shows him things that he wants to see. I have to notice that your friendship has a slightly homosexual character.
it is what it is
You gotta be kidding me. That aint short, not that short at least, but be in a tall country must be bad. I hope you find your strength to not let that bring you down
my country is very tall, when i go outside around 50% of the girls are taller than me, thats so fucking much
my country is very tall, when i go outside around 50% of the girls are taller than me, thats so fucking much
Damn friend. That must be hard. I'm your height, if I can give you an advice is to get strong. I guess a lot of my insecurity over my body comes from the fact i'm physically weak. Everything will getter friend
Damn friend. That must be hard. I'm your height, if I can give you an advice is to get strong. I guess a lot of my insecurity over my body comes from the fact i'm physically weak. Everything will getter friend
idk if it will, i just dont see a point, whats the point in living really if u cant even enjoy the simple things in life? the height thing is really getting to me, ive been going out more and more, which is just movies/restaurants alone lol, and every time i see a cute girl i just die inside cause i have zero chance because of a factor i cant change, it feels so unfair. i know life is unfair, but it still hurts, a lot.
it is what it is
Do you also put on makeup for your boyfriend when you're video chatting? Women also do this for him so that he doesn't see what ugly cunts they would be without it. Oh yeah... I think it's clear who the female part will be in your love story. Shave the hair around your asshole. I bet he doesn't like that.
idk if it will, i just dont see a point, whats the point in living really if u cant even enjoy the simple things in life? the height thing is really getting to me, ive been going out more and more, which is just movies/restaurants alone lol, and every time i see a cute girl i just die inside cause i have zero chance because of a factor i cant change, it feels so unfair. i know life is unfair, but it still hurts, a lot.
idk friend, i dont think that height you hold you back from having someone. its hard and the feeling of being shorter is shit, but we have to go through
I wish your paragraphs were short.
Do you also put on makeup for your boyfriend when you're video chatting? Women also do this for him so that he doesn't see what ugly cunts they would be without it. Oh yeah... I think it's clear who the female part will be in your love story. Shave the hair around your asshole. I bet he doesn't like that.
we dont video chat
idk friend, i dont think that height you hold you back from having someone. its hard and the feeling of being shorter is shit, but we have to go through
it does, why would a girl choose you if half her friends are taller than you
You gotta be kidding me. That aint short, not that short at least, but be in a tall country must be bad. I hope you find your strength to not let that bring you down
For GenZ that is equivalent to 5'1.
Yesterday in the supermarket when I was standing in line there were two males behind me, at first I thought they were buddies, but they were fags. They both probably gave up on women for a long time and accepted their fate and made the “best” of it. This is the fate of most manlets, no chance with girls, so u turn gay.
When I was motorcycle shopping I was reminded of all that every time. I don't fit on anything.
Whats your actual height tho
*Autistic short guys. I know plenty of manlets, some even shorter than me (5'6) who live a normal life with a normal social circle and sometimes even gfs, just because they are NT
*Autistic short guys. I know plenty of manlets, some even shorter than me (5'6) who live a normal life with a normal social circle and sometimes even gfs, just because they are NT
exceptions to the rule, still, they are short
if u ignore health obviously, being short ist the worst thing that can happen to you. your literal life is a joke, u cant experience certain things as a short male, its actually brutal. my entire life and my overall happiness has a limit because of my height. everything i do is cope, nothing matters. it also doesnt have having bluepilled parents. me and my father went out for dinner, and my god, everyone was towering us, we were literal dwarfs, different species, i was so embarrassed to be outside. im just coping, i really do. i dont see much point in life anymore, like, i cant just go and travel, meet stacies and have fun with them, i just cant, all because im short, thats the only reason, and i cant change it, i just cant. im going crazy. at least most of the face > height fags finally converted to height >>>>>>> face. my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me, i literally CANT talk to them because of my stupid fucking height, yeah im going insane.
It's over
exactly, look at napoleon, almost took over all of europe and yet the only thing people remember him for is being a angry short guy
And 5'8 is not that bad. You need to move.
For GenZ that is equivalent to 5'1.
don't know about that. some normies I talk to in college have decent sexual life's and they are barely a couple cms taller then me
if u ignore health obviously, being short ist the worst thing that can happen to you. your literal life is a joke, u cant experience certain things as a short male, its actually brutal. my entire life and my overall happiness has a limit because of my height. everything i do is cope, nothing matters. it also doesnt have having bluepilled parents. me and my father went out for dinner, and my god, everyone was towering us, we were literal dwarfs, different species, i was so embarrassed to be outside. im just coping, i really do. i dont see much point in life anymore, like, i cant just go and travel, meet stacies and have fun with them, i just cant, all because im short, thats the only reason, and i cant change it, i just cant. im going crazy. at least most of the face > height fags finally converted to height >>>>>>> face. my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me, i literally CANT talk to them because of my stupid fucking height, yeah im going insane.
I'm practically a dwarf and I wish I had been aborted. I grew out of socializing with people I don't value that anymore. I don't see a point in my existence. Because I'm treated like a freak everywhere I go. I'm disrespected everywhere and there's nothing I can do about. I cry myself to sleep every night. Wishing I was taller but that's just how genetics played out for me. Especially me being white. If I was a gook at least I would have an excuse.
Damn friend. That must be hard. I'm your height, if I can give you an advice is to get strong. I guess a lot of my insecurity over my body comes from the fact i'm physically weak. Everything will getter friend
Humanity should be serving you with gratitude not with useless apathy. You must find them and murder them as all life will render you and you useless. Silly life.
There is no life for manlets, you can't do anything without being reminded of your subhumanity, if you try to rise above and be succesful you get put down because normies and foids want you to be conscious of your inferior genes
Don't they know
They too are organic?

Can't even grasp between universal quantum paradigms.
if u ignore health obviously, being short ist the worst thing that can happen to you. your literal life is a joke, u cant experience certain things as a short male, its actually brutal. my entire life and my overall happiness has a limit because of my height. everything i do is cope, nothing matters. it also doesnt have having bluepilled parents. me and my father went out for dinner, and my god, everyone was towering us, we were literal dwarfs, different species, i was so embarrassed to be outside. im just coping, i really do. i dont see much point in life anymore, like, i cant just go and travel, meet stacies and have fun with them, i just cant, all because im short, thats the only reason, and i cant change it, i just cant. im going crazy. at least most of the face > height fags finally converted to height >>>>>>> face. my chad friend posted a party video, there were two girls dancing, both taller than me, i literally CANT talk to them because of my stupid fucking height, yeah im going insane.
I hear you brocel. I am one inch shorter than you in Curryland(a relatively short country) and even I get heightmogged by 70% of my fellow GenZ. It's as if someone pumped this generation full of HGH.

My advice would be to try and learn to be contended alone. If you are desperate for girls/companionship people will only take advantage of you.
I hear you brocel. I am one inch shorter than you in Curryland(a relatively short country) and even I get heightmogged by 70% of my fellow GenZ. It's as if someone pumped this generation full of HGH.

My advice would be to try and learn to be contended alone. If you are desperate for girls/companionship people will only take advantage of you.
its hard, going outside is so much suicide fuel, seeing all those cute girls knowing u have ZERO chance, its like being in a cage and u can only dream of escaping and being outside.

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