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Shitting on gymcels is one monumental cope by beta males



Jan 9, 2018
What better way to rationalize their sloth lifestyle, than try and belittle men who go out there, pump iron, and try to better themselves.

The fact is that all other things being equal, a man with an attractive body will have an edge over a skinnyfat abomination of a man, or a fat slob. 

This kind of things should be common sense and not even worth pointing out. But the amount of hamstering by beta males has become insufferable on these boards. 

lel @ posting pictures of dudes on HGH with vulgar musculature to shit on gymcels. 

The purpose of this post is not to let incels be influenced by these cucklord pussies who stay home and jerk off and avoid going out there and doing something about their inceldom. 

Lift, boyos.
BlackpilledAF said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The fact is that all other things being equal, a man with an attractive body will have an edge over a skinnyfat abomination of a man, or a fat slob. [/font]

enough said

BlackpilledAF said:
What better way to rationalize their sloth lifestyle, than try and belittle men who go out there, pump iron, and try to better themselves.

The fact is that all other things being equal, a man with an attractive body will have an edge over a skinnyfat abomination of a man, or a fat slob. 

This kind of things should be common sense and not even worth pointing out. But the amount of hamstering by beta males has become insufferable on these boards. 

lel @ posting pictures of dudes on HGH with vulgar musculature to shit on gymcels. 

The purpose of this post is not to let incels be influenced by these cucklord pussies who stay home and jerk off and avoid going out there and doing something about their inceldom. 

Lift, boyos.

Even 1 gymcel would demolish 10 beta slothcels :cool:
Gymcelling might be worth it for some I know for me my face is the problem
There is nothing to do about inceldom when you're ugly. Quit the cope.
there is an EXTREMELY slim chance, near non-existent, that lifting will magically turn you attractive when you're incel tier. it's just a meaningless cope. no one should waste their time with that TRP bullshit and consider surgery instead.
knajjd said:
there is an EXTREMELY slim chance, near non-existent, that lifting will magically turn you attractive when you're incel tier. it's just a meaningless cope. no one should waste their time with that TRP bullshit and consider surgery instead.

Improve your frame. 
Decrease your %bf -> Increase Face.
If most of us were average-looking, we wouldn’t be here. You need genetics to get an attractive body, these bad genetics tend to come in packs. We’re omegas, some betas would benefit from gymcelling, a handful of omegas do.
If you're lifting for women, you're doing it wrong.
I was 220lbs 8% bodyfat at one point in my life. Women still treated me like I was a 300lbs obese slob and were repulsed by me.

All this work, counting macros, being on a sleep schedule, eating like a monk for years was a complete waste of time.
Popbob said:
Even 1 gymcel would demolish 10 beta slothcels :cool:

lol while u think ur muscle will do anything, i will KO u inside 30 seconds, havent spent a single day in liftin gym in my life

if u clain to go there for improvin ur masculinity and establishin dominance over other males u need to do martial arts not lifting objects from earth and then putting them down, such a fucking futile and wasteful activity smh

i laugh my ass off all u clowns


You are not blackpilled if you think this cope will help you in anyway with females when you're ugly. You're redpilled.
dr-problematic said:
lol while u think ur muscle will do anything, i will KO u inside 30 seconds, havent spent a single day in liftin gym in my life

if u clain to go there for improvin ur masculinity and establishin dominance over other males u need to do martial arts not lifting objects from earth and then putting them down, such a fucking futile and wasteful activity smh

i laugh my ass off all u clowns

The funny part is that the man in your signature is not a skinny fag, but a muscular thug.
highschoolcel said:
Improve your frame. 
Decrease your %bf -> Increase Face.

your frame determines how successful your gymcelling will be and you cannot significantly improve your frame by lifting. besides, that isn't going to get you laid anyway.

unless you're fat, the fact that you cannot get laid means that your bones are shit tier and you shouldn't try to expose them further. i'd advise such folk to invest in a ski mask or a scarf to hide their face instead.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
There is nothing to do about inceldom when you're ugly. Quit the cope.

If you're ugly beyond redemption, then it's over. 

To others, gymcelling might work. You'll never know unless you actually try gymcelling. Those who tried gymcelling, forged a good body, and did not get laid or improve their ranking in the social hierarchy... I tip my hat to. At least they tried, and they have every right to shit on gymcelling.

Fat / skinnyfat cucks who never tried gymcelling yet shit on it do other incels more harm than good. It's specifically those that I am talking about.
Getlooksordie said:
I was 220lbs 8% bodyfat at one point in my life. Women still treated me like I was a 300lbs obese slob and were repulsed by me.

All this work, counting macros, being on a sleep schedule, eating like a monk for years was a complete waste of time.

Although I wasn't as successful as you, I was a very dedicated lifter. It was a waste of time for me as well and I quit for two years while engorging myself with food. Now I'm back and plan on doing it only for health reasons.
highschoolcel said:
The funny part is that the man in your signature is not a skinny fag, but a muscular thug.

he doesnt go to the gym to have muscular body, he goes there to have competetive advantage over others in his profession, which is basketball. he's pro NBA player.

if you think Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates needed to go to gym to get laid u r delusional.

going to the gym is absolutly disastrous way to waste time of ur life away.

i cant imagine how depressive it gotta be to lay on the bench while lifting up iron rod with weight on the sides thinkin that it gives u any kind of power or advantage.

if ur job arent connected with it, just lol @ u going to the gym for anything
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:


You are not blackpilled if you think this cope will help you in anyway with females when you're ugly. You're redpilled.

Redpill = muh confidence, muh game, pua bullshit. 

Blackpill = looks are everything. 

My blackpill interpretation, which is the correct one: looks are everything. do everything you can to improve yours. 

Your / the cucks / the betas' interpretation of the blackpill : looks are everything. i'm so fucked. it's over. boo hoo. i wish i could fuck my sister.

Tried to make it as clear as possible for dumb fucks who can't read between the lines of what I am proposing.

LOL @ beta males calling the more competitive incels who are hell bent on ascending as "copers". It's you pussies who are coping. I don't need life advice from people who stay on their computers 24/7.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:


You are not blackpilled if you think this cope will help you in anyway with females when you're ugly. You're redpilled.

he's not incel, so he wont know
BlackpilledAF said:
Redpill = muh confidence, muh game, pua bullshit. 

Blackpill = looks are everything. 

My blackpill interpretation, which is the correct one: looks are everything. do everything you can to improve yours. 

Your / the cucks / the betas' interpretation of the blackpill : looks are everything. i'm so fucked. it's over. boo hoo. i wish i could fuck my sister.

Tried to make it as clear as possible for dumb fucks who can't read between the lines of what I am proposing.

That's not even correct.

The blackpill is a nihilistic and fatalistic redpill. Both realize that looks are everything.
BlackpilledAF said:
Redpill = muh confidence, muh game, pua bullshit. 

Blackpill = looks are everything. 

My blackpill interpretation, which is the correct one: looks are everything. do everything you can to improve yours. 

Your / the cucks / the betas' interpretation of the blackpill : looks are everything. i'm so fucked. it's over. boo hoo. i wish i could fuck my sister.

Tried to make it as clear as possible for dumb fucks who can't read between the lines of what I am proposing.

LOL @ beta males calling the more competitive incels who are hell bent on ascending as "copers". It's you pussies who are coping. I don't need life advice from people who stay on their computers 24/7.

Looks aren't about muscles, they're about face and height. Mostly face.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
That's not even correct in.

The blackpill is a nihilistic and fatalistic redpill. Both realize that looks are everything.

Nihilistic = yes. It makes you realizes how the human condition is only built upon the shell of the person. What's inside doesn't really matter. 

Fatalistic = no. Modern aesthetic surgery has some great advantages for people who are willing to put themselves under the knife, and risk altering their facial features. Something like a jaw surgery actually requires balls. But it's more comfortable to declare that "it's over" than put on a fight in a battle where all odds are stacked against you. Gymcelling works also if your face is 4 and above.

itsOVER said:
Looks aren't about muscles, they're about face and height. Mostly face.

Let's talk face. 

Two guys with a 3/10 face which is utterly destroyed by a recessed chin and a fuckton of fat, giving the appearance of layers of recessed chins upon each other.

FaceCel 1 works his ass off, saves for a Jaw surgery, and lifts like a motherfucker. He is not afraid to undergo surgery, and he is willing to endure 2 hours of lifting weights every single day in a gym full of chads and stacies whose very sight discourage you from living, let alone lifting. Through sheer willpower, he becomes a 6/10.

FaceCel 2 declares that it's over. Makes fun of gymcels. Makes fun of surgerymaxxers because they're "coping". He hates himself yet is comfortable in the shitty comfort zone he created for himself. 

At the end of the day, it's survival for the fittest. I am hell bent on surviving this fucked up world and ascending. So should you.
BlackpilledAF said:
Nihilistic = yes. It makes you realizes how the human condition is only built upon the shell of the person. What's inside doesn't really matter. 

Fatalistic = no. Modern aesthetic surgery has some great advantages for people who are willing to put themselves under the knife, and risk altering their facial features. Something like a jaw surgery actually requires balls. But it's more comfortable to declare that "it's over" than put on a fight in a battle where all odds are stacked against you. Gymcelling works also if your face is 4 and above.

Let's talk face. 

Two guys with a 3/10 face which is utterly destroyed by a recessed chin and a fuckton of fat, giving the appearance of layers of recessed chins upon each other.

FaceCel 1 works his ass off, saves for a Jaw surgery, and lifts like a motherfucker. He is not afraid to undergo surgery, and he is willing to endure 2 hours of lifting weights every single day in a gym full of chads and stacies whose very sight discourage you from living, let alone lifting. Through sheer willpower, he becomes a 6/10.

FaceCel 2 declares that it's over. Makes fun of gymcels. Makes fun of surgerymaxxers because they're "coping". He hates himself yet is comfortable in the shitty comfort zone he created for himself. 

At the end of the day, it's survival for the fittest. I am hell bent on surviving this fucked up world and ascending. So should you.

Except that a 3 doesn't ever become a 6 by gymcelling.

No one said surgery is a waste of time. It can have great results. Not sure why you're equating it with gymcelling.
Yes, been lilting for 7 years and it feels good to have a good body. Don´t work by itself, but my next move is surgeries and I can´t see myself stopping lifting. Coping with hope I guess
itsOVER said:
Except that a 3 doesn't ever become a 6 by gymcelling.

No one said surgery is a waste of time. It can have great results. Not sure why you're equating it with gymcelling.

If your frame is normal / unathletic, then gymcelling won't add much to your psl. 

Where gymcelling works however is : 

- When a person is repulsively fat. 

- When a person is a skinnyfat. And what I mean by skinnyfat is man boobs and a belly sticking out of a thin frame. I used to look like this and it was hell. I used to fucking look like a pregnant woman on meth all the time. I did gynecomastia for my chest. And I gymcelled to get rid of my belly and at the same time gain a manly frame. Easily went up 1 ~ 1.5 PSL up by gymcelling alone.

In my theoretical example of a guy with the above feature and a brutally recessed chin, gymcelling + surgery would have great synergy and +3 PSL wouldn't be out of the question. 

This doesn't work for everyone, and you have to have a "moddable" face and body ie: no game-breaking deformities. But it works.
BlackpilledAF said:
If your frame is normal / unathletic, then gymcelling won't add much to your psl. 

Where gymcelling works however is : 

- When a person is repulsively fat. 

- When a person is a skinnyfat. And what I mean by skinnyfat is man boobs and a belly sticking out of a thin frame. I used to look like this and it was hell. I used to fucking look like a pregnant woman on meth all the time. I did gynecomastia for my chest. And I gymcelled to get rid of my belly and at the same time gain a manly frame. Easily went up 1 ~ 1.5 PSL up by gymcelling along.

In my theoretical example of a guy with the above feature and a brutally recessed chin, gymcelling + surgery would have great synergy and +3 PSL wouldn't be out of the question. 

This doesn't work for everyone, and you have to have a "moddable" face and body ie: no game-breaking deformities. But it works.

Body is irrelevant it's all face. Being 'skinny fat' doesn't affect your PSL at all.
Bernard said:
Yes, been lilting for 7 years and it feels good to have a good body. Don´t work by itself, but my next move is surgeries and I can´t see myself stopping lifting. Coping with hope I guess

Good attitude to have. I encourage you to surgerymaxx.

itsOVER said:
Body is irrelevant it's all face. Being 'skinny fat' doesn't affect your PSL at all.

Yeah it doesn't affect your PSL at all. Hence the amounts of fat chads. There's obese chads everywhere, bruh. These obese chads are swimming in pussy because of their faces. 

.... oh wait !
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:


You are not blackpilled if you think this cope will help you in anyway with females when you're ugly. You're redpilled.
There's no gym for your face or height.
FeminismsCancer said:
There's no gym for your face.

There is. It's called the surgery room.
dr-problematic said:
lol while u think ur muscle will do anything, i will KO u inside 30 seconds, havent spent a single day in liftin gym in my life

if u clain to go there for improvin ur masculinity and establishin dominance over other males u need to do martial arts not lifting objects from earth and then putting them down, such a fucking futile and wasteful activity smh

i laugh my ass off all u clowns

BlackpilledAF said:
There is. It's called the surgery room.

They can't perform miracles on eye area etc. And for height there's no solution.
FeminismsCancer said:
They can't perform miracles on eye area etc. And for height there's no solution.


If it's over then it's over. It all depends on your genetic makeup, and how "moddable" your face is. A recessed chin, for example, is easily fixable through surgery. And it improves looks so much. Why not do it ? It's all I've been saying.
BlackpilledAF said:
Good attitude to have. I encourage you to surgerymaxx.

Yeah it doesn't affect your PSL at all. Hence the amounts of fat chads. There's obese chads everywhere, bruh. These obese chads are swimming in pussy because of their faces. 

.... oh wait !

Chad doesn't get fat cos of genetics. Most Chads don't lift ffs. FACE.
BlackpilledAF said:

If it's over then it's over. It all depends on your genetic makeup, and how "moddable" your face is. A recessed chin, for example, is easily fixable through surgery. And it improves looks so much. Why not do it ? It's all I've been saying.

I actually do have a recessed chin but I'm a poorcel.
itsOVER said:
Chad doesn't get fat cos of genetics. Most Chads don't lift ffs. FACE.

You are using the upper top-tier of male genetics, and extrapolating their case on all humankind. Good job.

If motherfucking Chad doesn't have to lift, it doesn't mean that a fat virgin fuck doesn't have to. 

For fuck's sake. Is there no one with a shred of logic among the naysayers in this thread ?
BlackpilledAF said:
Good attitude to have. I encourage you to surgerymaxx.

Yeah it doesn't affect your PSL at all. Hence the amounts of fat chads. There's obese chads everywhere, bruh. These obese chads are swimming in pussy because of their faces. 

.... oh wait !

"skinnyfat" =/= obese

I swear some of you are fucking so delusional. These are the type of people that think if your BF is not below 10% you're "HURRR OBESE XDDDDD GO LIFT YOU FATTY" Textbook example of someone who is O B S E S S E D over their body.

Guess what? Nobody cares that you lift. Nobody cares you go to the gym. Nobody except your gym buddies care.
The simple fact of the matter is that MAJORITY of guys who get laid have NEVER set foot into a gym. 

How would you explain a guy who has a BMI of 18 or something getting laid? You get angry, you start raging how this "stupid low-t twink gets laid but not me! RRRRRRREEEEEE MUH HIGH T!" Why? Because you're OBSESSED OVER YOUR BODY! You think your body should get you everything you want because you put so much faith, time, money and energy into it.

It's the classical example of a COPE.

And before you say "yea but this X guy didn't get laid but he did when he started lifting!", that's complete BS. All the guys who I know who lifted had sex even BEFORE. It only starts to matter once you start looking for fetishists or fat women (maybe).
FeminismsCancer said:
I actually do have a recessed chin but I'm a poorcel.

Explains a lot. 

It's easier to insult me on the internet for making this thread, than go work your ass off 12 hours a day in shitty jobs to afford yourself a surgery that will make you look better.
BlackpilledAF said:
You are using the upper top-tier of male genetics, and extrapolating their case on all humankind. Good job.

If motherfucking Chad doesn't have to lift, it doesn't mean that a fat virgin fuck doesn't have to. 

For fuck's sake. Is there no one with a shred of logic among the naysayers in this thread ?

GENETICS. Chad gets laid cos of face and gym doesn't fix face.

Say it with me. Body is irrelevant!
VLÖ said:
"skinnyfat" =/= obese

I swear some of you are fucking so delusional. These are the type of people that think if your BF is not below 10% you're "HURRR OBESE XDDDDD GO LIFT YOU FATTY" Textbook example of someone who is O B S E S S E D over their body.

Guess what? Nobody cares that you lift. Nobody cares you go to the gym. Nobody except your gym buddies care.
The simple fact of the matter is that MAJORITY of guys who get laid have NEVER set foot into a gym. 

How would you explain a guy who has a BMI of 18 or something getting laid? You get angry, you start raging how this "stupid low-t twink gets laid but not me! RRRRRRREEEEEE MUH HIGH T!" Why? Because you're OBSESSED OVER YOUR BODY! You think your body should get you everything you want because you put so much faith, time, money and energy into it.

It's the classical example of a COPE.

And before you say "yea but this X guy didn't get laid but he did when he started lifting!", that's complete BS. All the guys who I know who lifted had sex even BEFORE. It only starts to matter once you start looking for fetishists or fat women (maybe).

Whatever dude. I'm surgerymaxxing, and I'm lifting, and it's working on so many levels. 

Life experience trumps all pointless internet debates. Call me a coper but at the end of the day I'm improving my life, career, and starting to get some action with women after thirty years of absolute incel hell. 

Hate on, boyo.

itsOVER said:
GENETICS. Chad gets laid cos of face and gym doesn't fix face.

Gym fixes bodies. 

Surgery fixes SOME faces. 

Both are worth trying instead of being shit on.
BlackpilledAF said:
Whatever dude. I'm surgerymaxxing, and I'm lifting, and it's working on so many levels. 

Life experience trumps all pointless internet debates. Call me a coper but at the end of the day I'm improving my life, career, and starting to get some action with women after thirty years of absolute incel hell. 

Hate on, boyo.

At 30 you already lost boyo. Getting laid now is irrelevant and doesn't make up for what u missed out on.

Better off roping.
BlackpilledAF said:
Whatever dude. I'm surgerymaxxing, and I'm lifting, and it's working on so many levels. 

Life experience trumps all pointless internet debates. Call me a coper but at the end of the day I'm improving my life, career, and starting to get some action with women after thirty years of absolute incel hell. 

Hate on, boyo.

Right, some anecdote on the internet is going to convince me. Have you ever even posted your face here? Most of the guys who attribute their success to lifting never looked ugly to begin with. 

And yeah, I don't think starting 40 (I assume since 10 years of pre-puberty + 30 years of after puberty) will work out so well. But meh, people say women are easier at that age so maybe.

Good luck.
BlackpilledAF said:
Gym fixes bodies. 

Surgery fixes SOME faces. 

Both are worth trying instead of being shit on.

Body doesn't matter though. The idea that it does is the false premise you're basing your argument off.
itsOVER said:
At 30 you already lost boyo. Getting laid now is irrelevant and doesn't make up for what u missed out on.

Better off roping.

BlackpilledAF said:

I'm serious. No point in living if you got to 30 with no pussy. You're at least 15 frickin years behind everyone else. Just rope.
VLÖ said:
Right, some anecdote on the internet is going to convince me. Have you ever even posted your face here? Most of the guys who attribute their success to lifting never looked ugly to begin with. 

Except that this is not a competition of who's the most ugly, it's a place for involuntary celibate people. If someone was never ugly in the first place yet is a KHHV, what fucking difference does it make ? And why are you so angry that there might be hope for some ? Crab bucket mentality at its worst. 

My endgame is helping "redeemable" incels to ascend along with me.

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