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JFL Shaun Attwood's prediction about AM in prison was incorrect. The inmates were friendly to AM

So prison is not as bad as they say? You don't have to be 24/7 on your toes looking out to defend yourself from inmates who want to rape and then murder you?

It can be, I mean there's a prison hierarchy
If you're perceived too soft, you can and will be taken advantage of
Don't smile too much, don't be too friendly, don't talk too much
If someone disrespect you, fight back

Otherwise no, prison isn't that bad, especially the older inmates are more chill
It's the young guys that are trouble

Killers are the top of the food chain
Rapos are on the bottom

I should also mention that the prisons themselves are much more smart nowadays
Like they will put the rapos in PC (protective custody)
It's basically a part of the prison for the weaker prisoners (and those who cooperated with law enforcement)
Like a special prison within a prison

If you are absolutely worried about getting preyed upon
Then you can break some rules and be put into solitary
By yourself 23 hours a day
It's hard mentally, no one to talk to, but you'll be safe
how do you know that? when did that all change? i don't think inmates are any different these days from back then

When the prison population was more white, it was more simpish/blue-pilled
"oh you kiled a woman, that's horrible, we're gonna beat your ass."
Now that the prison mostly looks like africa now
Black guys are very red pilled, to them it's like "oh you killed your bitch, that's understable homie."
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people's prediction about what would happen to Jared Fogle in prison was also inaccurate. and when they hope they get raped in prison is just some gay fantasy of theirs. they probably fap while they thinking about it

Jared Fogle got assaulted by a prisoner.
i think inmates just pretend to hate child molesters only to virtue signal for society. they hate how they're hated by society for robbing, killing, etc. people so they hate child molesters and victimize them to get respect from society
They just want to have a "noble" reason to behave like violent apes and sex offenders are the ideal target for their violent impulses because they know that their actions are endorsed by a good portion of society - many say it, most people think it.

A drugdealer, contract killer, gangbanger etc. will alway be above a sex criminal in the eyes of society. Whenever a thug kills someone for money or some other petty reason (like fueling his drug addiction etc.) people try to paint him as an innocent baby who was only a victim of circumstances. Deep in his heart he was a good boy and dindu nuffin. A harsh punishment is viewed as archaic and as nothing more than sheer blood thirst.

However when it comes to sex criminals even those people won't try to empathize with the perpetrator. No sex criminal will ever receive a sympathetic treatment regardless of his background; no one will ask about the motives of his actions and how he and his destructive behavior were shaped by his individual circumstances. In the eyes of society a sex offender is nothing more than a vile beast that came from the depths of hell and should be eradicated. Even those who plead for mercy/lenience whenever some thug kills an innocent person in order to fuel his drug addiction and always talk about human rights with teary eyes will tell you about how much they hope that sex criminals get raped/tortured/killed in prison.

While society desperately tries to pull out a Freudian Excuse from its ass when it comes to regular violence/criminality, it will never do the same thing when it comes to sex offenders. Even a hardened killer will get a more sympathetic treatment than some poor loser that grabbed a girl's ass.
They just want to have a "noble" reason to behave like violent apes and sex offenders are the ideal target for their violent impulses because they know that their actions are endorsed by a good portion of society - many say it, most people think it.

A drugdealer, contract killer, gangbanger etc. will alway be above a sex criminal in the eyes of society. Whenever a thug kills someone for money or some other petty reason (like fueling his drug addiction etc.) people try to paint him as an innocent baby who was only a victim of circumstances. Deep in his heart he was a good boy and dindu nuffin. A harsh punishment is viewed as archaic and as nothing more than sheer blood thirst.

However when it comes to sex criminals even those people won't try to empathize with the perpetrator. No sex criminal will ever receive a sympathetic treatment regardless of his background; no one will ask about the motives of his actions and how he and his destructive behavior were shaped by his individual circumstances. In the eyes of society a sex offender is nothing more than a vile beast that came from the depths of hell and should be eradicated. Even those who plead for mercy/lenience whenever some thug kills an innocent person in order to fuel his drug addiction and always talk about human rights with teary eyes will tell you about how much they hope that sex criminals get raped/tortured/killed in prison.

While society desperately tries to pull out a Freudian Excuse from its ass when it comes to regular violence/criminality, it will never do the same thing when it comes to sex offenders. Even a hardened killer will get a more sympathetic treatment than some poor loser that grabbed a girl's ass.
This sex offender hysteria didn’t begin until the progressive era did you know that?
Jared Fogle got assaulted by a prisoner.
It only happened ONCE. According to Ed inmate Marc brooks, Jared is having a great time in prison

Jared is in a low security prison which doesn’t have violence. The worst thing sex offenders endure in those prisons is being avoided and shunned
In this case it's only jail, which is just where they hold you for trial, he hasn't actually been to prison yet.
I think inmates in prison are a bit similar
It can be, I mean there's a prison hierarchy
If you're perceived too soft, you can and will be taken advantage of
Don't smile too much, don't be too friendly, don't talk too much
If someone disrespect you, fight back

Otherwise no, prison isn't that bad, especially the older inmates are more chill
It's the young guys that are trouble

Killers are the top of the food chain
Rapos are on the bottom

I should also mention that the prisons themselves are much more smart nowadays
Like they will put the rapos in PC (protective custody)
It's basically a part of the prison for the weaker prisoners (and those who cooperated with law enforcement)
Like a special prison within a prison

If you are absolutely worried about getting preyed upon
Then you can break some rules and be put into solitary
By yourself 23 hours a day
It's hard mentally, no one to talk to, but you'll be safe

When the prison population was more white, it was more simpish/blue-pilled
"oh you kiled a woman, that's horrible, we're gonna beat your ass."
Now that the prison mostly looks like africa now
Black guys are very red pilled, to them it's like "oh you killed your bitch, that's understable homie."
Honestly I think long ago there still was never white knights in jail
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This sex offender hysteria didn’t begin until the progressive era did you know that?

Even long before that sex offenders were viewed as a special kind of evil and the progressive agenda brought that pre-existing hatred to completely new levels. The worst thing is the fact that progressives are completely hypocritical when it comes to sex crimes. An example for their double standards: Male-to-male-rape - progressives treat they rape of men as a joke at best.

Most of them are massive paedocrites: They assume the worst whenever someone even dares to approach teenage girls but are willing to ignore pedophiles when it comes to groups that are under their protectorate (sexual minorities etc.).

Some examples:

A young man in his low twenties talking to a 17-year-old? Totally evil and despicable. A dirty pedophile (not even the right term, just fucking lol!) who is trying to groom her! Child drag queens? Totally harmless, how could you suspect anything sexual from these completely normal things! Trans kids? Totally normal, they can choose their gender at any given time and at their young age they can choose to undergo irreversible surgeries that are too unethical for the likes of Mengele and chemically castrate themselves! Some random guy that had sex with a consenting 17-year-old? Lynch him, dirty pedophile! She was just a child, she couldn't give her consent!
Even long before that sex offenders were viewed as a special kind of evil and the progressive agenda brought that pre-existing hatred to completely new levels. The worst thing is the fact that progressives are completely hypocritical when it comes to sex crimes. An example for their double standards: Male-to-male-rape - progressives treat they rape of men as a joke at best.

Most of them are massive paedocrites: They assume the worst whenever someone even dares to approach teenage girls but are willing to ignore pedophiles when it comes to groups that are under their protectorate (sexual minorities etc.).

Some examples:

A young man in his low twenties talking to a 17-year-old? Totally evil and despicable. A dirty pedophile (not even the right term, just fucking lol!) who is trying to groom her! Child drag queens? Totally harmless, how could you suspect anything sexual from these completely normal things! Trans kids? Totally normal, they can choose their gender at any given time and at their young age they can choose to undergo irreversible surgeries that are too unethical for the likes of Mengele and chemically castrate themselves! Some random guy that had sex with a consenting 17-year-old? Lynch him, dirty pedophile! She was just a child, she couldn't give her consent!
The progressive era 1890-1920 was when society began to pay attention to “pedophiles”
Fucking brutal tbh, and no year ranges?
the AOC laws were raised higher because of concerns about child prostitution
Lifefuel for Crimecels
Shaun Attwood is fucking cuck. He doesn't knows shit about prison. Prisoncels are based.
Shaun Attwood is fucking cuck. He doesn't knows shit about prison. Prisoncels are based.
He exaggerates the prison justice myth
Because it’s Canada and being a meanie there is has as much stigma as being a pedophile does in other countries.
Because it’s Canada and being a meanie there is has as much stigma as being a pedophile does in other countries.
I doubt he’d be killed in American prison either
I doubt he’d be killed in American prison either
A lot of murders happen in American prisons, but Canada isn’t so bad since they have public prisons instead of the prison industrial complex they have in America.
A lot of murders happen in American prisons, but Canada isn’t so bad since they have public prisons instead of the prison industrial complex they have in America.
Actually prisons in America have a low murder rate. Look it up on bjs.gov
Actually prisons in America have a low murder rate. Look it up on bjs.gov
Compared to Brazil and Mexico sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s high for the ‘western’ world.
Is there a comparison to other western countries? Not saying you’re wrong I just find this quite interesting.
Can’t find others. It’s prolly the same in uk
Can’t find others. It’s prolly the same in uk
I dunno man, I’ve watched documentaries on prisons in both the UK and the US and our gang members look like a bunch of pussies in comparison.

We don’t have anything like San Quentin race war situation or anything like that.
I dunno man, I’ve watched documentaries on prisons in both the UK and the US and our gang members look like a bunch of pussies in comparison.

We don’t have anything like San Quentin race war situation or anything like that.
You live in the uk?

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