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Serious Sex with femoids sounds disgusting to me



Virgin But Incel
Aug 20, 2023
I'm being serious. Imagine sticking your penis into some loose hole that plenty of other men have already fucked & ejaculated into:feelswhat: You as well risk catching STD's like syphilis, chlamydia & gonorrhea. Why I don't envy sex having normie men & in fact pity them since they are impulsive & controlled by their sex drives to worship femoids. By having sex with femoids you too enable their slutty behaviour. I'm fine with just masturbating to anime girls & female video game characters for the rest of my life:bigbrain:
When you think about it,its really disgusting some people even lick it,without thinking they lick where other men putted their dicks.
For me it wont be gross if the girl is virgin,but this is only a fantazy world.
When you think about it,its really disgusting some people even lick it,without thinking they lick where other men putted their dicks.
For me it wont be gross if the girl is virgin,but this is only a fantazy world.
Sex with non virgin femoids is gay as fuck.

You are a faggot

I hope i could murder you in the most cold blooded way
When you think about it,its really disgusting some people even lick it,without thinking they lick where other men putted their dicks.
For me it wont be gross if the girl is virgin,but this is only a fantazy world.
You are a faggot

I hope i could murder you in the most cold blooded way
"If you don't want to stick your penis into some loose hole where plenty of men have fucked & ejaculated you're a faggot"

Great logic there retard. Femoids also store DNA of men they have had sex with.
everything with femoids in it is disgusting
By this logic any user here who used escort are now gay by your definition
There is only gay or straight behaviour no in between
I mean they're sexhavers on an incel forum, why are they here. probably because they're gay and want to seek out incels to fuck

Found it it was buried under a bunch of fake "Fact checkers":feelsclown:
"The brain is a mysterious thing, but a woman's brain seems to be far more mysterious than we ever knew.

According to a new study, women absorb and retain the DNA of every man they have ever had sex with.

The information was stumbled upon complete by accident by the scientists but explains a lot as to why women become more connected to men then men are to women.

They were originally trying to determine if women who have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain neurological diseases that occur more frequently in males.

But the study veered off course and they learned something else about the female brain.

The study found that female brains often harbor "male microchimerism," or more simply the presence of male DNA that originated from another individual.

This presence is genetically distinct from the cells that make up the rest of the woman.

According to the study: "63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions."

This means 63% of women involved in the study carry male DNA cells that live in their brains. The researchers then wanted to discover where the male DNA came from.

As most people know, a man's DNA mixes with a women's DNA during pregnancy to create a child - but this DNA doesn't come from your father.

This was the scientists first idea, then they assumed that the male DNA present in women came from carrying a son in pregnancy.

However, many of the women involved in the study said they were never even pregnant.

In their research, they hide the possibility that the presence of male DNA in women comes from sex:

"CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse.

"Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women."

So according to the scientists, the possible sources of the male DNA cells living in the women’s brains are:
  1. an abortion the woman didn't know about
  2. a male twin that vanished
  3. an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation
  4. sexual intercourse
The percentage of women with male DNA in them is quite high at 63%, and with so many women saying they have never been pregnant, there is one possible source that sticks out - sexual intercourse.
It's fascinating research because this explains why women might become more attached in a relationship with a man, why we become closer after having sex with a man and why our habits might change."
no I shamed them for being sexhavers, not for being incel

It is their own choice you fucking pig shit
You have no fucking bussiness about it

Literal starved to death person needs to eat even if the food is among the trash
Because they have no fucking choice other than that you fucking 2023 fag dumbass
They cant attract nobody you dumbass that is why they are incel in the first place
most normie betabuxxers can't either

someone who has sex isn't celibate, except for the pope when he fucked your mother last night
I'm being serious. Imagine sticking your penis into some loose hole that plenty of other men have already fucked & ejaculated into:feelswhat: You as well risk catching STD's like syphilis, chlamydia & gonorrhea. Why I don't envy sex having normie men & in fact pity them since they are impulsive & controlled by their sex drives to worship femoids. By having sex with femoids you too enable their slutty behaviour. I'm fine with just masturbating to anime girls & female video game characters for the rest of my life:bigbrain:
There's easier ways to say that you're gay bro :feelskek: best of luck to you marrying your right hand :feelsrope:
Cont agree on this one tbh

I'll gladly ascend with a roastie
There's easier ways to say that you're gay bro :feelskek: best of luck to you marrying your right hand :feelsrope:
typical whore worshipping GrAY

he's a trusted member with a mogger postcount, you're the one who's sus and probably a faggot, GrAY

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