A lot of people choose not to reproduce for all kinds of reasons. Reproduction may be the only biological goal of an animal, but humans can have other goals that transcend our biology. Sometimes that goal is to live an easy life with a minimum of responsibilities.
They don't transcend our biology. They're stop-gaps. Anything you do besides reproducing is filler because you can't reproduce at that moment.
Sure they say "I don't want kids" and then at age 30 they panic and start looking for a betabux husband.
So you're saying most lesbians are like that because they can't attract Chad so they override their only biological goal and eat pussy instead?
Again, they're not overriding their biology. They're COPING. If Chad presented himself they'd fuck him in an instant. Just that their standards are sky-high, like certain animals.
I'm not mentally damaged, just disappointed with myself. You have like a shitload of celibate people in the world and they just go about their lives.
>not mentally damaged
>disappointed with myself
Pick one. Depression is mental damage. And they go about their lives while being depressed, yeah. Depression is not normal.
So you're saying laws will also override our only biological goal?
No, it's a survival instinct. We're restricted, we know if we did those things we'd be punished. The more braver ones do it anyway. Just like in the animal kingdom. Some rape, some don't out of fear of the other male attacking.
If reproduction and sex are our only and primary goals, why are people not constantly out and about trying to fuck? Why sit at home and play vidya or watch porn? Remember, sex is our only biological goal, so whatever reasons people have not to be trying to fuck all the time must be more important than our only biological goal... which would kinda disprove it being our only biological goal in the first place.
The act of fucking itself is akin to reproducing. Your body can't tell the difference between casual sex and sex to make children. And I don't know, I don't want to sit at home and watch porn all day? I do want to fuck, obviously. But I can't.
And again, read my post. We're wasting time waiting till we can fuck again. Or if we already have children, wasting time raising them. You can have sex and be contempt for a while because your body thinks you achieved your goal : spreading your seed. After a while it wears off and your body says "OK, time to spread some more" and so on and so forth. During that window you can do whatever the fuck you want, doesn't matter at all.