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Discussion "Sex & Character"



Oct 4, 2023
I am reading Weininger's book "Sex and Character" and I think it could qualify as one of the must-read books of the manosphere in general and of the blackpill in particular, although more than a century has passed, many of its conclusions and reasoning remain valid to this day, since there have always been men who, seeing themselves repelled by the true nature of women, have analyzed them in depth to try to discover what is hidden behind the mask of superficial beauty.

These are some of the conclusions that I highlight, written down in a notebook and that I decide to share for the forum, some are textual quotes:

-"Woman consumes herself in sexual life, in the sphere of copulation and multiplication, that is, in her relationships as a woman and as a mother, and with these relationships she completely fills her existence. Man, on the other hand, is not only sexual"

-"Women lack the necessary conditions to form interesting associations"

-"Woman is nothing other than sexuality, man is sexual, but he is also something more"

-"In women, sexuality cannot be separated from the non-sexual sphere"

-"Woman does not have a true idea of genius"

-"Women can never be great"

-"Man lives more consciously than woman"

-"The absolute lack of importance of women in the history of music is also attributable to deeper reasons, but nevertheless the absence of fantasy in women is already demonstrated"

-"The genuine woman never becomes aware of her destiny, she is not heroic and she is not tragic, as a woman lacks continuity she cannot be respectful either, since respect is a purely masculine virtue"

-"Women are exactly the opposite of what respect means"

-"Lack of respect for her own person is acceptable in women"

-"The woman lacks logic"
-"They lack intellectual awareness"
-"The woman is amoral"
-"Women have no dignity"
-"Women do not have the slightest understanding of the State"

-"There is no man who has stopped to reflect on women and yet places great value on them: There are only men who despise them or men who do not want to take the trouble to think deeply about them."

Other conclusions from the book:

ºSexuality is a spectrum that goes from the Pure Feminine (ideal) to the Pure Masculine (ideal), all human beings, men and women, are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, between both poles, that includes homosexuals and lesbians.

ºAll women who achieved intellectual or spiritual achievements were more masculine than the average female and therefore with a mind closer to that of Man.

ºThe variation of feminine characters can be differentiated between two poles: at one end the Mother as an ideal, at the other end the Prostitute, 100% of women fall somewhere on this spectrum.
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I am reading Weininger's book "Sex and Character" and I think it could qualify as one of the must-read books of the manosphere in general and of the blackpill in particular, although more than a century has passed, many of its conclusions and reasoning remain valid to this day, since there have always been men who, seeing themselves repelled by the true nature of women, have analyzed them in depth to try to discover what is hidden behind the mask of superficial beauty.

These are some of the conclusions that I highlight, written down in a notebook and that I decide to share for the forum, some are textual quotes:

-"Woman consumes herself in sexual life, in the sphere of copulation and multiplication, that is, in her relationships as a woman and as a mother, and with these relationships she completely fills her existence. Man, on the other hand, is not only sexual"

-"Women lack the necessary conditions to form interesting associations"

-"Woman is nothing other than sexuality, man is sexual, but he is also something more"

-"In women, sexuality cannot be separated from the non-sexual sphere"

-"Woman does not have a true idea of genius"

-"Women can never be great"

-"Man lives more consciously than woman"

-"The absolute lack of importance of women in the history of music is also attributable to deeper reasons, but nevertheless the absence of fantasy in women is already demonstrated"

-"The genuine woman never becomes aware of her destiny, she is not heroic and she is not tragic, as a woman lacks continuity she cannot be respectful either, since respect is a purely masculine virtue"

-"Women are exactly the opposite of what respect means"

-"Lack of respect for her own person is acceptable in women"

-"The woman lacks logic"
-"They lack intellectual awareness"
-"The woman is amoral"
-"Women have no dignity"
-"Women do not have the slightest understanding of the State"

-"There is no man who has stopped to reflect on women and yet places great value on them: There are only men who despise them or men who do not want to take the trouble to think deeply about them."

Other conclusions from the book:

-Sexuality is a spectrum that goes from the Pure Feminine (ideal) to the Pure Masculine (ideal), all human beings, men and women, are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, between both poles, that includes homosexuals and lesbians. .

ºAll women who achieved intellectual or spiritual achievements were more masculine than the average female and therefore with a mind closer to that of Man.

ºThe variation of feminine characters can be differentiated between two poles: at one end the Mother as an ideal, at the other end the Prostitute, 100% of women fall somewhere on this spectrum.
Light yagami is dark traid tallfag chad and got emo blonde bimbo gf
I am reading Weininger's book "Sex and Character" and I think it could qualify as one of the must-read books of the manosphere in general and of the blackpill in particular, although more than a century has passed, many of its conclusions and reasoning remain valid to this day, since there have always been men who, seeing themselves repelled by the true nature of women, have analyzed them in depth to try to discover what is hidden behind the mask of superficial beauty.

These are some of the conclusions that I highlight, written down in a notebook and that I decide to share for the forum, some are textual quotes:

-"Woman consumes herself in sexual life, in the sphere of copulation and multiplication, that is, in her relationships as a woman and as a mother, and with these relationships she completely fills her existence. Man, on the other hand, is not only sexual"

-"Women lack the necessary conditions to form interesting associations"

-"Woman is nothing other than sexuality, man is sexual, but he is also something more"

-"In women, sexuality cannot be separated from the non-sexual sphere"

-"Woman does not have a true idea of genius"

-"Women can never be great"

-"Man lives more consciously than woman"

-"The absolute lack of importance of women in the history of music is also attributable to deeper reasons, but nevertheless the absence of fantasy in women is already demonstrated"

-"The genuine woman never becomes aware of her destiny, she is not heroic and she is not tragic, as a woman lacks continuity she cannot be respectful either, since respect is a purely masculine virtue"

-"Women are exactly the opposite of what respect means"

-"Lack of respect for her own person is acceptable in women"

-"The woman lacks logic"
-"They lack intellectual awareness"
-"The woman is amoral"
-"Women have no dignity"
-"Women do not have the slightest understanding of the State"

-"There is no man who has stopped to reflect on women and yet places great value on them: There are only men who despise them or men who do not want to take the trouble to think deeply about them."

Other conclusions from the book:

ºSexuality is a spectrum that goes from the Pure Feminine (ideal) to the Pure Masculine (ideal), all human beings, men and women, are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, between both poles, that includes homosexuals and lesbians.

ºAll women who achieved intellectual or spiritual achievements were more masculine than the average female and therefore with a mind closer to that of Man.

ºThe variation of feminine characters can be differentiated between two poles: at one end the Mother as an ideal, at the other end the Prostitute, 100% of women fall somewhere on this spectrum.
i mentioned the book in my psychopathy thread.
He mentions how women become nurses for a lack of empathy, not because they are especially empathetic.
He says a man could not do that job, it would mentally destroy him.
i mentioned the book in my psychopathy thread.
He mentions how women become nurses for a lack of empathy, not because they are especially empathetic.
He says a man could not do that job, it would mentally destroy him.
Exactly, he also mentions that, there is a lot to rescue from this book even if you have to devour pages and pages of philosophical reflection.
*More conclusions:

ºIt is also mentioned that women could even lack souls by their very nature, as well as individuality, personality and will. All these characteristics and notions belong to the psychically evolved man.

ºThe woman is unconsciously hypnotized and fascinated by the male phallus, the woman does not look for beauty in the man but rather the most violent lust.

They are not attracted to the Apollonian or Dionysian male archetypes, but Faunic (male animal virility), which translated into modern terms means their attraction to criminals and Dark-Triad men.

What a woman unconsciously seeks in a man is to be submitted (Especially by a Chad).

ºThe Simping phenomenon is also explained by alluding to the fact that what leads certain men to defend "feminine virtue" and spread myths that they have "superior morality" and "greater intelligence" is the unconscious sexual drive.

ºThe average man (bluepill) idealizes women and reflects on her virtues that she lacks, he loves an ideal of her and not the woman for what she really is. The sleeping man lives in a dream in which the woman has psychological characteristics that do not correspond to reality.

ºWomen cannot love men in the same way that men love women, she can only fall in love temporarily. Women are superficial in everything, the antithesis of the deep man, and this of course also includes feelings.

ºWomen live metaphysically trapped in the material world and time, they lack continuity and a sense of transcendence, as well as an unconscious core that they can call "I."

From here Weininger concludes that women do not have souls. (In my personal opinion I disagree with this part, if the Soul exists it is likely that some women do have it but to a less developed degree than in men, it is not that they do not have an "I", but that this is simply more weak).
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i mentioned the book in my psychopathy thread.
He mentions how women become nurses for a lack of empathy, not because they are especially empathetic.
He says a man could not do that job, it would mentally destroy him.
have you ever wondered why women don't report being that affected by SSRIs? I think the effects it commonly induces on men (blank mind, numbed out emotions and bad memory) is the default state for women. SSRIs can turn people into unfeeling psychos but women enjoy the confidence boost so they can be more low inhib. SSRIs turn men into numb zombies but when women take it, it just supports their default state IMO. SSRIs make people soybrained and girls are soybrained by default.
SSRIs can make men more low inhib by lowering blood flow to the frontal lobes and that changes the user's personality, behaviour and can act out of character. It impairs judgement. My theory is that foid brains are like this by default.
SSRIs can strip a person of their personality, will (motivations) and soul gradually and it can leave people in a perpetual zombie trance like state with no thoughts.
in my experience, SSRIs cognitively lower men's minds to that of women
Psych meds were designed for women ??? idk maybe im just retarded
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have you ever wondered why women don't report being that affected by SSRIs? I think the effects it commonly induces on men (blank mind, numbed out emotions and bad memory) is the default state for women. SSRIs can turn people into unfeeling psychos but women enjoy the confidence boost so they can be more low inhib. SSRIs turn men into numb zombies but when women take it, it just supports their default state IMO. SSRIs make people soybrained and girls are soybrained by default.
SSRIs can make men more low inhib by lowering blood flow to the frontal lobes and that changes the user's personality, behaviour and can act out of character. It impairs judgement. My theory is that foid brains are like this by default.
SSRIs can strip a person of their personality, will (motivations) and soul gradually and it can leave people in a perpetual zombie trance like state with no thoughts.
in my experience, SSRIs cognitively lower men's minds to that of women
Psych meds were designed for women ??? idk maybe im just retarded
women have been abusing drugs for far longer than men imo
an example would be the pill culture of the 50s, which became so extreme that mainstream songs were made about it - see the rolling stones song "mommas little helpers"

even nowadays its an open secret that many mothers get their kids diagnosed with fuckshit so they can take the kids meds.
Also, women are the majority of SSRI takers especially older women.

You are right btw, it seems like the "lobotomizing" effect of these drugs is only ever complained about by men. Really interesting.

Here is some data I quickly found on google:

Based on pharmacy claims in 2019, more than twice the amount of females than males were taking antidepressants.

Multiple studies suggest that women respond better to SSRI antidepressants than men (particularly Zoloft), whereas men may have better luck with tricyclics. Some antidepressants are more potent for women. Women have less binding capacity in their blood, meaning their blood proteins mop up fewer foreign substances.

I also want to point out that the majority of therapists + people in therapy are female:


National statistics also show that twice as many women go to therapy than men do. In addition, the amount of time between onset of a mental health concern and seeking out treatment is also twice as long for men than women. If we know that therapy is effective, why do men avoid going to therapy?

Maybe someone can look into this more. It would be cool to see if there is something to the theory by @EgyptianNiggerKANG .
@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @epillepsy
women have been abusing drugs for far longer than men imo
an example would be the pill culture of the 50s, which became so extreme that mainstream songs were made about it - see the rolling stones song "mommas little helpers"

even nowadays its an open secret that many mothers get their kids diagnosed with fuckshit so they can take the kids meds.
Also, women are the majority of SSRI takers especially older women.

You are right btw, it seems like the "lobotomizing" effect of these drugs is only ever complained about by men. Really interesting.

Here is some data I quickly found on google:

I also want to point out that the majority of therapists + people in therapy are female:

View attachment 1116570

Maybe someone can look into this more. It would be cool to see if there is something to the theory by @EgyptianNiggerKANG .
@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @epillepsy
Several reasons mainly
1 Women placing themselves out of sexual market because of their stupid liberation and access to workplace+ their hypergamy. Some of them notice they are rotting alone without chads kids and get depressed

2 Women are not real actual adults hence they have extreme emotions but low actual feelings/ long term sentiments. That’s why they cannot find real stability in long term plan and are strongly affected by emotions today caused by point 1
women have been abusing drugs for far longer than men imo
an example would be the pill culture of the 50s, which became so extreme that mainstream songs were made about it - see the rolling stones song "mommas little helpers"

even nowadays its an open secret that many mothers get their kids diagnosed with fuckshit so they can take the kids meds.
Also, women are the majority of SSRI takers especially older women.

You are right btw, it seems like the "lobotomizing" effect of these drugs is only ever complained about by men. Really interesting.

Here is some data I quickly found on google:

I also want to point out that the majority of therapists + people in therapy are female:

View attachment 1116570

Maybe someone can look into this more. It would be cool to see if there is something to the theory by @EgyptianNiggerKANG .
@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @epillepsy
thank you brocel :feelscomfy:this is going in the research folders :feelsstudy:
women have been abusing drugs for far longer than men imo
an example would be the pill culture of the 50s, which became so extreme that mainstream songs were made about it - see the rolling stones song "mommas little helpers"

even nowadays its an open secret that many mothers get their kids diagnosed with fuckshit so they can take the kids meds.
Also, women are the majority of SSRI takers especially older women.

You are right btw, it seems like the "lobotomizing" effect of these drugs is only ever complained about by men. Really interesting.

Here is some data I quickly found on google:

I also want to point out that the majority of therapists + people in therapy are female:

View attachment 1116570

Maybe someone can look into this more. It would be cool to see if there is something to the theory by @EgyptianNiggerKANG .
@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @epillepsy

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