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Discussion Schopenhauer says "A woman can love an ugly man but never an effeminate man". Why did he said that?



Sep 30, 2019
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.
interesting ngl. i guess an ugly male can have status but yeah i disagree with the quote tbh
He was coping
He said that like 200 years ago. Back in those days, being pretty faced got you much less than it does today and women had to "love" all kinds of men merely to survive.
Well if a man is rich any woman can will "love" him
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.
Probably a closet case.
the true nature of females has never been so openly on display as it is today
That was written in 1851. K-pop wasn't a thing yet. And Twitter, at best, was only just starting.
Maybe ugly was defined different back then. Also without the internet the standards were lower. I think he was wrong overall tho
Maybe ugly was defined different back then. Also without the internet the standards were lower. I think he was wrong overall tho
No it was not, humans were humans in 1851, biological realities did not change since that time.
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.
bcause back then ugly men could score
Of course he's going to say that :rolleyes:
220px Arthur Schopenhauer Portrait by Ludwig Sigismund Ruhl 1815
1. back then looksmatching was a thing, a 4/10 woman could be content to marry a 4/10 man even if she wasn't forced to via arranged marriage or due to needing a provider
2. this is relevant even today, many males on the ugly side can ascend by thugmaxxing
Because he was bluepilled. You can be the biggest fag in history but if you are good looking women will be all over you
Because it's opposite to her biological programming.
Homosexuality is perversion at best and mental illness at worst.We're biologically programmed to breed.
Everything deviation from that is beyond reason itself.
Because he was correct, ofcourse. Lol @ calling that high IQ mother fucker a "blue piller", idiots.

WOmen have NO RESPECT for feminine men, zero. Ive seen that shit myself, they might even fuck them, but afterwards they will move on, cause theres zero respect there, none at all.
WOmen have NO RESPECT for feminine men, zero. Ive seen that shit myself, they might even fuck them, but afterwards they will move on, cause theres zero respect there, none at all.
big dick game is legit. If a guy has a huge schlong he can be ugly and short and still get pussy (within reason). An effeminate man would have a micro penis
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.

femanine chad disagrees

What Schopenhauer thinks is an ugly guy might not be objectively ugly.

Like I don’t think Leonardo DiCaprio is great looking, especially compared to brad Pitt... but women say otherwise.
Effeminate men and pretty boys are not the same thing. Pretty boys are anything but effeminate. They are usually brash, arrogant and Chad-like in behavior. I think the attraction for them women have is mostly just a result of infantilization. Pretty boys are basically what Chad looked like when he was 13 i think modern women are just perpetually stuck at that age because of how easy modern life is for them.

I'm sure by effeminate men Schopenhauer meant soy boys and their equivalent back in his day.
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Nowadays with male trannies dating butch lesbians, that puts his thinking into question. Degeneracy has reached giga proportions.
Nowadays with male trannies dating butch lesbians, that puts his thinking into question. Degeneracy has reached giga proportions.
he was talking about Ogremaxxing
What Schopenhauer thinks is an ugly guy

This. Men think that some masculine robust Chads are "ugly". They're shit at rating.

Just look at the "ugliest athletes of all times" charts made by men and it's full of Chads and Tyrones.
Times where men where bluepilles about women.
the true nature of females has never been so openly on display as it is today

Seriously, guys need to stop romanticizing about the 1950's life with the white picket fence with your pregnant wife hanging laundry on clotheslines in the backyard. Women have always been as degenerate and untrustworthy as society allows them to be. Now the system has 0 checks and women have 0 accountability, what a shocker that we find out 90% of women are degenerate whores.
Translated in to modern words: "An ugly and obese foid can tolerate and ugly betabux cuck as long as he is rich and nearly 7 ft tall, but no femoid wants a trap, only neckbeards on 4chan want traps."
masculinity without a chad face is worth less than dog shit
That was a reflection of his time. No birth control pills back then, no women being completely "emancipated" (aka enabled by the state) from the financial help of a man. Less bullshit work, more real, physical work that demanded strength.
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.
He was a conservative boomer that believed in PUA theory.
Seriously, guys need to stop romanticizing about the 1950's life with the white picket fence with your pregnant wife hanging laundry on clotheslines in the backyard. Women have always been as degenerate and untrustworthy as society allows them to be. Now the system has 0 checks and women have 0 accountability, what a shocker that we find out 90% of women are degenerate whores.
He was coping because he was ugly himself.
Because he was correct, ofcourse. Lol @ calling that high IQ mother fucker a "blue piller", idiots.

WOmen have NO RESPECT for feminine men, zero. Ive seen that shit myself, they might even fuck them, but afterwards they will move on, cause theres zero respect there, none at all.


I get a lot of respect from women, all of them, because they are scared that I will murder them if they don't because I look like a monster. So what? That does not mean any of them "love" me you dumbfuck.

Your post sounds like a r/TheRedPill copefest
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Maybe ugly was defined different back then. Also without the internet the standards were lower. I think he was wrong overall tho
Yes maybe with ugly he tried to say big and muscular. And effeminate like a framecel.
Cuck coping hard
he was hit by blackpills at such a fast rate that he had to absorb some of inflicts trough coping
I love schopenhauer. For me he is one of the most based philosopher ever lived. But in his book "On Women" he says that quote. Of course he was wrong about this. I'm just wondering why he didn't saw the deeper reality.
might have been true when he lived
I think a woman can genuinely love an ugly man if he's a good provider. I don't mean she'll have sexual desire for him, but she'll have affection and respect.

Remember that there are several meaninngs to the word "love" and that the ancient Greek had seven words for it or something.

Problem is : the traditional role of the man as a provider is gone. Women are educated and better adapted to the post industrial economy, where social skills matter so much.
Chad tier looks were a non-thing post-70 years ago. You could be a total ogre but if you are strong and can provide, that is the foid's most primitive attraction base. Indeed most guys like that were the Chad's of their days. Think about it.....these guys went through shit. They've got scars, mutilations, hardships, etc. whatever. They were MEN. Before pop-culture and social media fucked shit up, those manly characteristics were desired since those were the same things that carried civilisation and our species forward.

You won't even find the most die-hard feminist trying to decline that without MEN we would never have gotten past picking wild fruit and getting a rare hunk of hard protein (meat).

Effeminate men have all the same problems as women and the foid lizard brain deep down knows it's repulsed on a reproductive level that so closely resembles itself. They loves to be friends with flaming homos but could you imagine them desiring them to be their long-term mate? Not a chance.
cuse he was bluepilled
Because if you're tall and ugly you're not effeminate. Being short is a feminine trait and short men are feminine.

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