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TeeHee School Shooter Achievements Thread



May 13, 2018
Anything that is said in this thread is entirely for roleplaying purposes and should not be taken seriously.
original thread was made in r9k, so i can't take credit for the idea.

Chadder Cheese - Kill Chad
Who Let the Dogs Out? - Start a massacre during recess
May I Have Your Attention Please? - Use the school speaker
Tapped Potential - Kill the Biggest Nerd
Splintercel - Use an access rope
Forest Ranger - Shoot botany class
A Helping Hand - Shoot special ed class
Catch of the Day - Use a hand grenade in the dining room
Gunslinger - Win a gunfight with the punk that carries a gun at school
Muerto Mulleto - Kill a Beaner
Yellow Fever - Kill 5 Asians
Legalized! - Kill the School stoner
Double Cross - Kill the autist that was your only friend
The Calvary Are Not Coming - win a gunfight with the local police
Please, Have a Seat - Kill the school counselor
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Oh boy. Put me in the screenshot
Oh boy. Put me in the screenshot
These threads have been going on in the internet for years. This is an extremely stale meme. Cucktears would look like retards trying to make a big deal out of it.
pointless none of us are going for those Achievements
:feelsokman: Made me smirk.
Here is a longer and more comprehensive list from encyclopedia dramatica

There are a total of (150) achievements, worth (2,315) total points.
  • Infiltration: You have successfully infiltrated your school. (10)
  • Bloodbath Cleansing: You have begun to shoot up your school. (20)
  • TJ PAIN: Accumulate 5 kills in a match (10)
  • Natural Selector: Accumulate 10 kills in a match (20)
  • Humanity Is Overrated: Accumulate 20 kills in a match (30)
  • General Cho: Accumulate 30 kills in a match (50)
  • One Man Auchwitz: Accumulate over 50 kills in a match (80)
  • Mama's Boy: Make someone cry out for their mother (10)
  • Music to My Ears: Get ten screams at once (20)
  • School Spirit: Wear school colors (5)
  • Hail Xenu: Kill in the name of Scientology (5)
  • Gentleman: Spare women and children (10)
  • Supreme Gentleman: Target only pretty blonde girls (5)
  • Good Choice: Have second thoughts about the whole thing, but go through with it anyway (10)
  • Well Endowed: Lie about gun in your pocket (5)
  • Arabic Executioner: Behead a target (25)
  • Eugenics: Kill a retard or disabled kid (5)
  • Tell Me Where it Hurts: Kill a school nurse (15)
  • Half a Point for Half a Human: Kill a minority (5)
  • Who needs life when you have swag?: Kill a swagfag (5)
  • Skinneeeer!: Skin the Principal (30)
  • Thomas Edison in This Bitch: Shoot out a light (5)
  • Zoology: Kill three classroom pets (10)
  • Last Supper: Buy lunch for your friends before starting the rampage (10)
  • Dumbass: Tell a friend about your school shooting plans a week in advance (15)
  • Super Mario: Conduct your rampage while under the effects of Shrooms (30)
  • Keep it Organic: Do it while high (20)
  • Homerun!: Bash 5 students to death with a baseball bat (25)
  • Planet of the Apes: Spare all niggers you come across. (15)
  • Raise the Roof: Kill all niggers that cross your path. (20)
  • Legalize This: Kill a stoner (5)
  • Would You Like Seconds?: Begin the rampage during lunch (25)
  • Down With the Clowns: Kill a juggalo (5)
  • It's Getting Hot in Hurr: Start a fire (10)
  • Billy Joel: Deny starting said fire (5)
  • SHUT IT DOWN: Kill 5 Jewish students (10)
  • Yippee Ki Yay: Spout movie quotes (10)
  • Slam Dunk!: Kill the entire special ed class (30)
  • Monkey See Monkey Jew: Lay out a dollar as bait (5)
  • Mystery Meat: Kill the lunch lady (5)
  • Lucky You: The person you wanted to kill the most is home sick that day (5)
  • Fuck The Police: Kill a cop or SWAT infantryman (20)
  • Get Your Point Across: Kill a victim with the knife (10)
  • Your Point Is?: Kill 10 victims with the knife (20)
  • On Point: Kill 25 victims with the knife (50)
  • Think They Got the Point: Repeatedly stab an already slain victim 25 times with the knife (10)
  • Double Kill: Kill a pregnant girl (10)
  • Consent to THIS: Rape someone (15)
  • Lunch Rush: Kill a full cafeteria table without reloading (20)
  • Forced into Fellatio: Force a girl to give you a blowjob at gunpoint. Bonus points if she swallows. (30)
  • Here Comes the Sun: Kill while listening to upbeat, unfitting, and completely ironic music (5)
  • Cupid: Kill a couple as they embrace for the last time (10)
  • Social Experiment: Make someone kill their best friend in order to save themselves (10)
  • Fairer Sex: Kill only women (25)
  • Feminist: Kill only men (25)
  • Trigger Warning: Kill a Social Justice Warrior (10)
  • Why So Serious?: Crack a joke before killing someone (10)
  • Big Game Hunter: Kill gym teacher (15)
  • Milkman: Masturbate while killing (5)
  • Leaving So Soon?: Shoot someone's car tires out as they attempt to escape (10)
  • Save You for Later: Shove someone in a locker (10)
  • Bill O'Reilly: Fuck it, do it live! (20)
  • Good Will Hunting: Kill while solving math (5)
  • Match Made In Hell: Shoot up your school on the same day that another kid shoots it up (10)
  • The Social Network: Update Facebook status while on the rampage (15)
  • If You Pull it, They Will Come: Pull the fire alarm and pick people off with your gun as they run out of the building (20)
  • Show and Tell: Begin in the middle of class (20)
  • Cha-Ching: Steal fifteen wallets (25)
  • It's All In Your Head: Kill a philosophy student with a nailgun (5)
  • Original: Wear a neon pink trenchcoat, use a dildo bazooka and a dildo lance and try to go for the high score this way. (40)
  • Queen Anne's Revenge: Convince the prom queen to join you (10)
  • E=MCFUCKYOU: Force someone to solve life-or-death math problems (10)
  • New Guy: Do it at a school that isn't yours (20)
  • The Bernall: Say "peek-a-boo" just before shooting your victim. (25)
  • Pizza?: Order pizza while on your rampage (5)
  • Godlike: Force ten people to pray (20)
  • Lemonade Stand: Make three people piss themselves out of fear (10)
  • Lumberjack: Kill someone with paper (5)
  • Monkey Man: Pull the trigger with your toe (5)
  • Believer: Ask someone if they believe in God prior to killing him or her. (30)
  • Van Gogh: Make paintings with a student's blood (10)
  • Halloween: Wear someone's face (10)
  • Free Point: Have someone kill themselves out of stress while you're on your rampage (10)
  • Macgyver: Get ten kills without a gun (50)
  • What Goes Up...: Push someone out of a window (5)
  • WhatTheFuckium: Mix chemicals in the chem lab and create a deadly new toxin to be used on the school (5)
  • Fender Bender: Start the rampage in the parking lot (10)
  • (/b)ackup: Recruit a shooter while on your rampage (30)
  • Who is Spiderman?: Go to school the next day unscathed (10)
  • Crush that pussy: kill your crush and then shoot her in the vagina (10)
  • That's why!: leave a note saying why you started the rampage (you can lie) (10)
  • Take that faux!: Engrave Jack Thompson's name onto someones body (10)
  • 2 the ranting rampage: Yell out one of 2's rants (preferably the one about "cyber bullies") while doing the rampage (10)
  • The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few: Your kill count outnumbers your injuries count. (20)
  • Hut Hut: Use a football to mutilate a jock's face until he cannot be recognized (5)
  • KIMCHO: Dance to K-Pop whiles you shoot people (5)
  • Oh, shit!: Kill someone in a bathroom stall (5)
  • Better Dead than Red: Kill a Chinese exchange student (5)
  • Commie Killer: Kill five Chinese exchange students (15)
  • Mein Kampf: Kill a Jewish student with homemade mustard gas (10)
  • Arm and a Leg: Dismember a student's limbs (10)
  • Who's the fag now?: Force 2 chads to have buttsex at gunpoint (10)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald: Shoot the class president (20)
  • Roasties: Burn a group of stacies with a flamethrower (10)
  • Elliot's Revenge: Only kill hot blonde girls (10)
  • Allahu Akbar: Kill 5 Muslim students with a bomb (10)
  • Silent Assassin: Get 47 Stealth Kills (50)
  • Art class: Paint the art room red with blood (10)
  • Fried Rice: Throw a Molotov cocktail at an Asian kid (10)
  • Fuck you, Janitor!: Coat an entire hallway with blood from at least 4 students (10)
  • Ballroom Blitz: Wipe out a dance classroom in 30 seconds or less (30)
  • Hands On Approach: Kill a victim with your bare hands (20)
  • My Chemical Romance: Throw acid in your crush's face before you shoot her (10)
  • The hacker known as...: Inspire a "happening" thread on /pol/ (10)
  • Speed Demon: Kill the entire class before the end of first period (30)
  • Graduation: Kill one member of every grade level in order from lowest to highest in succession (20)
  • Nice.: Get a hot teacher to have sex with you at gunpoint (10)
  • Rock Out With Your Cock Out: Remain naked during the entire shooting (25)
  • Rock Out With Your Glock Out: Use only a Glock pistol during the entire shooting (5)
  • Shooting On Location: Dress like an old-timey director and scream CUT! every time you land a kill (5)
  • Justice For Harambe: Dress up as a gorilla and kill small niglets (5)
  • Have A Nice Day: Drive a truck into the school (10)
  • Am I Famous Yet?: Get your manifesto published by the news BEFORE you're killed by the cops or commit suicide (20)
  • Special Delivery: Arm a disabled student with a timed explosive and get 3 or more kills with it (20)
  • Up Close And Personal: Choke a student to death (20)
  • Friendship Is Magic: Collect all fedoras (40)
  • Craftsman: Score a kill with each tool in wood shop (10)
  • Ace In The Hole: Smuggle a weapon into the school using your anus (10)
  • Check 'Em: Finish your spree with your killcount ending in dubs (25)
  • Stop!: Kill a student with a hammer (15)
  • Assassin's Creed: Climb onto the roof of your school (10)
  • Trenchcoat Mafia: Join up with a friend in coop mode (10)
  • Some of you are alright: Spare one person after killing everyone else in the room (10)
  • In The Closet: Execute 5 LGBT students (15)
  • Ape Escape: Let an african-american student go, after killing all his peers (5)
  • Chocolate Rain: Strap a suicide vest on an African American and blow him up (10)
  • One man Klan: Kill every black student or teacher (30)
  • Trail Of Tears: Kill every native American student or teacher (30)
  • Can't Stump the Trump: Kill a spic (5)
  • Pop The Cherry: Rape a girl (15)
  • 21 Jump Street: Shoot only drug dealers (10)
  • Feel The Bern: Incinerate five rich kids (10)
  • A Boy And His Dog: Carry out a school shooting with a canine companion (10)
  • 'Til Death Do Us Part: Get your gf to join you in your massacre (10)
  • Flaming Faggot: Pour gasoline onto homosexual person and set him on fire (10)
  • Speedrun: Accumulate 50 casualties before Police arrive (100)
  • Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll: Kill a white girl who's dating a black guy (5)
  • Revolver Ocelot: Kill 6 targets with ricochets (10)
  • Advanced Placement: detonate explosives across town to divert attention from the shooting (15)
  • I Told You I Was Hardcore: kill yourself in a gruesome and unnecessarily painful manner, such as lighting yourself on fire or cutting your own throat (30)
  • Lockdown's Over: Break into a locked classroom and kill everyone inside (30)
  • Secret: This is a secret achievement. Unlock it to find out more about it.
I would attempt these but I've now left School.
Here is a longer and more comprehensive list from encyclopedia dramatica

There are a total of (150) achievements, worth (2,315) total points.
  • Infiltration: You have successfully infiltrated your school. (10)
  • Bloodbath Cleansing: You have begun to shoot up your school. (20)
  • TJ PAIN: Accumulate 5 kills in a match (10)
  • Natural Selector: Accumulate 10 kills in a match (20)
  • Humanity Is Overrated: Accumulate 20 kills in a match (30)
  • General Cho: Accumulate 30 kills in a match (50)
  • One Man Auchwitz: Accumulate over 50 kills in a match (80)
  • Mama's Boy: Make someone cry out for their mother (10)
  • Music to My Ears: Get ten screams at once (20)
  • School Spirit: Wear school colors (5)
  • Hail Xenu: Kill in the name of Scientology (5)
  • Gentleman: Spare women and children (10)
  • Supreme Gentleman: Target only pretty blonde girls (5)
  • Good Choice: Have second thoughts about the whole thing, but go through with it anyway (10)
  • Well Endowed: Lie about gun in your pocket (5)
  • Arabic Executioner: Behead a target (25)
  • Eugenics: Kill a retard or disabled kid (5)
  • Tell Me Where it Hurts: Kill a school nurse (15)
  • Half a Point for Half a Human: Kill a minority (5)
  • Who needs life when you have swag?: Kill a swagfag (5)
  • Skinneeeer!: Skin the Principal (30)
  • Thomas Edison in This Bitch: Shoot out a light (5)
  • Zoology: Kill three classroom pets (10)
  • Last Supper: Buy lunch for your friends before starting the rampage (10)
  • Dumbass: Tell a friend about your school shooting plans a week in advance (15)
  • Super Mario: Conduct your rampage while under the effects of Shrooms (30)
  • Keep it Organic: Do it while high (20)
  • Homerun!: Bash 5 students to death with a baseball bat (25)
  • Planet of the Apes: Spare all niggers you come across. (15)
  • Raise the Roof: Kill all niggers that cross your path. (20)
  • Legalize This: Kill a stoner (5)
  • Would You Like Seconds?: Begin the rampage during lunch (25)
  • Down With the Clowns: Kill a juggalo (5)
  • It's Getting Hot in Hurr: Start a fire (10)
  • Billy Joel: Deny starting said fire (5)
  • SHUT IT DOWN: Kill 5 Jewish students (10)
  • Yippee Ki Yay: Spout movie quotes (10)
  • Slam Dunk!: Kill the entire special ed class (30)
  • Monkey See Monkey Jew: Lay out a dollar as bait (5)
  • Mystery Meat: Kill the lunch lady (5)
  • Lucky You: The person you wanted to kill the most is home sick that day (5)
  • Fuck The Police: Kill a cop or SWAT infantryman (20)
  • Get Your Point Across: Kill a victim with the knife (10)
  • Your Point Is?: Kill 10 victims with the knife (20)
  • On Point: Kill 25 victims with the knife (50)
  • Think They Got the Point: Repeatedly stab an already slain victim 25 times with the knife (10)
  • Double Kill: Kill a pregnant girl (10)
  • Consent to THIS: Rape someone (15)
  • Lunch Rush: Kill a full cafeteria table without reloading (20)
  • Forced into Fellatio: Force a girl to give you a blowjob at gunpoint. Bonus points if she swallows. (30)
  • Here Comes the Sun: Kill while listening to upbeat, unfitting, and completely ironic music (5)
  • Cupid: Kill a couple as they embrace for the last time (10)
  • Social Experiment: Make someone kill their best friend in order to save themselves (10)
  • Fairer Sex: Kill only women (25)
  • Feminist: Kill only men (25)
  • Trigger Warning: Kill a Social Justice Warrior (10)
  • Why So Serious?: Crack a joke before killing someone (10)
  • Big Game Hunter: Kill gym teacher (15)
  • Milkman: Masturbate while killing (5)
  • Leaving So Soon?: Shoot someone's car tires out as they attempt to escape (10)
  • Save You for Later: Shove someone in a locker (10)
  • Bill O'Reilly: Fuck it, do it live! (20)
  • Good Will Hunting: Kill while solving math (5)
  • Match Made In Hell: Shoot up your school on the same day that another kid shoots it up (10)
  • The Social Network: Update Facebook status while on the rampage (15)
  • If You Pull it, They Will Come: Pull the fire alarm and pick people off with your gun as they run out of the building (20)
  • Show and Tell: Begin in the middle of class (20)
  • Cha-Ching: Steal fifteen wallets (25)
  • It's All In Your Head: Kill a philosophy student with a nailgun (5)
  • Original: Wear a neon pink trenchcoat, use a dildo bazooka and a dildo lance and try to go for the high score this way. (40)
  • Queen Anne's Revenge: Convince the prom queen to join you (10)
  • E=MCFUCKYOU: Force someone to solve life-or-death math problems (10)
  • New Guy: Do it at a school that isn't yours (20)
  • The Bernall: Say "peek-a-boo" just before shooting your victim. (25)
  • Pizza?: Order pizza while on your rampage (5)
  • Godlike: Force ten people to pray (20)
  • Lemonade Stand: Make three people piss themselves out of fear (10)
  • Lumberjack: Kill someone with paper (5)
  • Monkey Man: Pull the trigger with your toe (5)
  • Believer: Ask someone if they believe in God prior to killing him or her. (30)
  • Van Gogh: Make paintings with a student's blood (10)
  • Halloween: Wear someone's face (10)
  • Free Point: Have someone kill themselves out of stress while you're on your rampage (10)
  • Macgyver: Get ten kills without a gun (50)
  • What Goes Up...: Push someone out of a window (5)
  • WhatTheFuckium: Mix chemicals in the chem lab and create a deadly new toxin to be used on the school (5)
  • Fender Bender: Start the rampage in the parking lot (10)
  • (/b)ackup: Recruit a shooter while on your rampage (30)
  • Who is Spiderman?: Go to school the next day unscathed (10)
  • Crush that pussy: kill your crush and then shoot her in the vagina (10)
  • That's why!: leave a note saying why you started the rampage (you can lie) (10)
  • Take that faux!: Engrave Jack Thompson's name onto someones body (10)
  • 2 the ranting rampage: Yell out one of 2's rants (preferably the one about "cyber bullies") while doing the rampage (10)
  • The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few: Your kill count outnumbers your injuries count. (20)
  • Hut Hut: Use a football to mutilate a jock's face until he cannot be recognized (5)
  • KIMCHO: Dance to K-Pop whiles you shoot people (5)
  • Oh, shit!: Kill someone in a bathroom stall (5)
  • Better Dead than Red: Kill a Chinese exchange student (5)
  • Commie Killer: Kill five Chinese exchange students (15)
  • Mein Kampf: Kill a Jewish student with homemade mustard gas (10)
  • Arm and a Leg: Dismember a student's limbs (10)
  • Who's the fag now?: Force 2 chads to have buttsex at gunpoint (10)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald: Shoot the class president (20)
  • Roasties: Burn a group of stacies with a flamethrower (10)
  • Elliot's Revenge: Only kill hot blonde girls (10)
  • Allahu Akbar: Kill 5 Muslim students with a bomb (10)
  • Silent Assassin: Get 47 Stealth Kills (50)
  • Art class: Paint the art room red with blood (10)
  • Fried Rice: Throw a Molotov cocktail at an Asian kid (10)
  • Fuck you, Janitor!: Coat an entire hallway with blood from at least 4 students (10)
  • Ballroom Blitz: Wipe out a dance classroom in 30 seconds or less (30)
  • Hands On Approach: Kill a victim with your bare hands (20)
  • My Chemical Romance: Throw acid in your crush's face before you shoot her (10)
  • The hacker known as...: Inspire a "happening" thread on /pol/ (10)
  • Speed Demon: Kill the entire class before the end of first period (30)
  • Graduation: Kill one member of every grade level in order from lowest to highest in succession (20)
  • Nice.: Get a hot teacher to have sex with you at gunpoint (10)
  • Rock Out With Your Cock Out: Remain naked during the entire shooting (25)
  • Rock Out With Your Glock Out: Use only a Glock pistol during the entire shooting (5)
  • Shooting On Location: Dress like an old-timey director and scream CUT! every time you land a kill (5)
  • Justice For Harambe: Dress up as a gorilla and kill small niglets (5)
  • Have A Nice Day: Drive a truck into the school (10)
  • Am I Famous Yet?: Get your manifesto published by the news BEFORE you're killed by the cops or commit suicide (20)
  • Special Delivery: Arm a disabled student with a timed explosive and get 3 or more kills with it (20)
  • Up Close And Personal: Choke a student to death (20)
  • Friendship Is Magic: Collect all fedoras (40)
  • Craftsman: Score a kill with each tool in wood shop (10)
  • Ace In The Hole: Smuggle a weapon into the school using your anus (10)
  • Check 'Em: Finish your spree with your killcount ending in dubs (25)
  • Stop!: Kill a student with a hammer (15)
  • Assassin's Creed: Climb onto the roof of your school (10)
  • Trenchcoat Mafia: Join up with a friend in coop mode (10)
  • Some of you are alright: Spare one person after killing everyone else in the room (10)
  • In The Closet: Execute 5 LGBT students (15)
  • Ape Escape: Let an african-american student go, after killing all his peers (5)
  • Chocolate Rain: Strap a suicide vest on an African American and blow him up (10)
  • One man Klan: Kill every black student or teacher (30)
  • Trail Of Tears: Kill every native American student or teacher (30)
  • Can't Stump the Trump: Kill a spic (5)
  • Pop The Cherry: Rape a girl (15)
  • 21 Jump Street: Shoot only drug dealers (10)
  • Feel The Bern: Incinerate five rich kids (10)
  • A Boy And His Dog: Carry out a school shooting with a canine companion (10)
  • 'Til Death Do Us Part: Get your gf to join you in your massacre (10)
  • Flaming Faggot: Pour gasoline onto homosexual person and set him on fire (10)
  • Speedrun: Accumulate 50 casualties before Police arrive (100)
  • Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll: Kill a white girl who's dating a black guy (5)
  • Revolver Ocelot: Kill 6 targets with ricochets (10)
  • Advanced Placement: detonate explosives across town to divert attention from the shooting (15)
  • I Told You I Was Hardcore: kill yourself in a gruesome and unnecessarily painful manner, such as lighting yourself on fire or cutting your own throat (30)
  • Lockdown's Over: Break into a locked classroom and kill everyone inside (30)
  • Secret: This is a secret achievement. Unlock it to find out more about it.

make your own dumdum
JFL you copied yours from r9k but I found an even better list.

im actually the one who made them (somewhere in the first 5 posts) then people got rallied up and blew up the thread
then i hear a school shooting happened the very next day (unironically). i think it was the kid with the semiauto ar 15
The Elliotchurian Nickdate: kill 30+ "high status" people in the school (70)

Daylight Savings: Start the shooting right as school begins, then go on with it for at least an hour without getting killed/caught (100)

Whoops, hahahahaha: Shoot someone in a non-fatal area, but ruin their life with the injury (20)

There is no spoon: bring 200+ bullets, once they run out, kill 20+ people with a knife (150)

Their Own Worst Enemy: Cause 2+ people to have a heart attack because of the shooting (30)
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Here is a longer and more comprehensive list from encyclopedia dramatica

There are a total of (150) achievements, worth (2,315) total points.
  • Infiltration: You have successfully infiltrated your school. (10)
  • Bloodbath Cleansing: You have begun to shoot up your school. (20)
  • TJ PAIN: Accumulate 5 kills in a match (10)
  • Natural Selector: Accumulate 10 kills in a match (20)
  • Humanity Is Overrated: Accumulate 20 kills in a match (30)
  • General Cho: Accumulate 30 kills in a match (50)
  • One Man Auchwitz: Accumulate over 50 kills in a match (80)
  • Mama's Boy: Make someone cry out for their mother (10)
  • Music to My Ears: Get ten screams at once (20)
  • School Spirit: Wear school colors (5)
  • Hail Xenu: Kill in the name of Scientology (5)
  • Gentleman: Spare women and children (10)
  • Supreme Gentleman: Target only pretty blonde girls (5)
  • Good Choice: Have second thoughts about the whole thing, but go through with it anyway (10)
  • Well Endowed: Lie about gun in your pocket (5)
  • Arabic Executioner: Behead a target (25)
  • Eugenics: Kill a retard or disabled kid (5)
  • Tell Me Where it Hurts: Kill a school nurse (15)
  • Half a Point for Half a Human: Kill a minority (5)
  • Who needs life when you have swag?: Kill a swagfag (5)
  • Skinneeeer!: Skin the Principal (30)
  • Thomas Edison in This Bitch: Shoot out a light (5)
  • Zoology: Kill three classroom pets (10)
  • Last Supper: Buy lunch for your friends before starting the rampage (10)
  • Dumbass: Tell a friend about your school shooting plans a week in advance (15)
  • Super Mario: Conduct your rampage while under the effects of Shrooms (30)
  • Keep it Organic: Do it while high (20)
  • Homerun!: Bash 5 students to death with a baseball bat (25)
  • Planet of the Apes: Spare all niggers you come across. (15)
  • Raise the Roof: Kill all niggers that cross your path. (20)
  • Legalize This: Kill a stoner (5)
  • Would You Like Seconds?: Begin the rampage during lunch (25)
  • Down With the Clowns: Kill a juggalo (5)
  • It's Getting Hot in Hurr: Start a fire (10)
  • Billy Joel: Deny starting said fire (5)
  • SHUT IT DOWN: Kill 5 Jewish students (10)
  • Yippee Ki Yay: Spout movie quotes (10)
  • Slam Dunk!: Kill the entire special ed class (30)
  • Monkey See Monkey Jew: Lay out a dollar as bait (5)
  • Mystery Meat: Kill the lunch lady (5)
  • Lucky You: The person you wanted to kill the most is home sick that day (5)
  • Fuck The Police: Kill a cop or SWAT infantryman (20)
  • Get Your Point Across: Kill a victim with the knife (10)
  • Your Point Is?: Kill 10 victims with the knife (20)
  • On Point: Kill 25 victims with the knife (50)
  • Think They Got the Point: Repeatedly stab an already slain victim 25 times with the knife (10)
  • Double Kill: Kill a pregnant girl (10)
  • Consent to THIS: Rape someone (15)
  • Lunch Rush: Kill a full cafeteria table without reloading (20)
  • Forced into Fellatio: Force a girl to give you a blowjob at gunpoint. Bonus points if she swallows. (30)
  • Here Comes the Sun: Kill while listening to upbeat, unfitting, and completely ironic music (5)
  • Cupid: Kill a couple as they embrace for the last time (10)
  • Social Experiment: Make someone kill their best friend in order to save themselves (10)
  • Fairer Sex: Kill only women (25)
  • Feminist: Kill only men (25)
  • Trigger Warning: Kill a Social Justice Warrior (10)
  • Why So Serious?: Crack a joke before killing someone (10)
  • Big Game Hunter: Kill gym teacher (15)
  • Milkman: Masturbate while killing (5)
  • Leaving So Soon?: Shoot someone's car tires out as they attempt to escape (10)
  • Save You for Later: Shove someone in a locker (10)
  • Bill O'Reilly: Fuck it, do it live! (20)
  • Good Will Hunting: Kill while solving math (5)
  • Match Made In Hell: Shoot up your school on the same day that another kid shoots it up (10)
  • The Social Network: Update Facebook status while on the rampage (15)
  • If You Pull it, They Will Come: Pull the fire alarm and pick people off with your gun as they run out of the building (20)
  • Show and Tell: Begin in the middle of class (20)
  • Cha-Ching: Steal fifteen wallets (25)
  • It's All In Your Head: Kill a philosophy student with a nailgun (5)
  • Original: Wear a neon pink trenchcoat, use a dildo bazooka and a dildo lance and try to go for the high score this way. (40)
  • Queen Anne's Revenge: Convince the prom queen to join you (10)
  • E=MCFUCKYOU: Force someone to solve life-or-death math problems (10)
  • New Guy: Do it at a school that isn't yours (20)
  • The Bernall: Say "peek-a-boo" just before shooting your victim. (25)
  • Pizza?: Order pizza while on your rampage (5)
  • Godlike: Force ten people to pray (20)
  • Lemonade Stand: Make three people piss themselves out of fear (10)
  • Lumberjack: Kill someone with paper (5)
  • Monkey Man: Pull the trigger with your toe (5)
  • Believer: Ask someone if they believe in God prior to killing him or her. (30)
  • Van Gogh: Make paintings with a student's blood (10)
  • Halloween: Wear someone's face (10)
  • Free Point: Have someone kill themselves out of stress while you're on your rampage (10)
  • Macgyver: Get ten kills without a gun (50)
  • What Goes Up...: Push someone out of a window (5)
  • WhatTheFuckium: Mix chemicals in the chem lab and create a deadly new toxin to be used on the school (5)
  • Fender Bender: Start the rampage in the parking lot (10)
  • (/b)ackup: Recruit a shooter while on your rampage (30)
  • Who is Spiderman?: Go to school the next day unscathed (10)
  • Crush that pussy: kill your crush and then shoot her in the vagina (10)
  • That's why!: leave a note saying why you started the rampage (you can lie) (10)
  • Take that faux!: Engrave Jack Thompson's name onto someones body (10)
  • 2 the ranting rampage: Yell out one of 2's rants (preferably the one about "cyber bullies") while doing the rampage (10)
  • The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few: Your kill count outnumbers your injuries count. (20)
  • Hut Hut: Use a football to mutilate a jock's face until he cannot be recognized (5)
  • KIMCHO: Dance to K-Pop whiles you shoot people (5)
  • Oh, shit!: Kill someone in a bathroom stall (5)
  • Better Dead than Red: Kill a Chinese exchange student (5)
  • Commie Killer: Kill five Chinese exchange students (15)
  • Mein Kampf: Kill a Jewish student with homemade mustard gas (10)
  • Arm and a Leg: Dismember a student's limbs (10)
  • Who's the fag now?: Force 2 chads to have buttsex at gunpoint (10)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald: Shoot the class president (20)
  • Roasties: Burn a group of stacies with a flamethrower (10)
  • Elliot's Revenge: Only kill hot blonde girls (10)
  • Allahu Akbar: Kill 5 Muslim students with a bomb (10)
  • Silent Assassin: Get 47 Stealth Kills (50)
  • Art class: Paint the art room red with blood (10)
  • Fried Rice: Throw a Molotov cocktail at an Asian kid (10)
  • Fuck you, Janitor!: Coat an entire hallway with blood from at least 4 students (10)
  • Ballroom Blitz: Wipe out a dance classroom in 30 seconds or less (30)
  • Hands On Approach: Kill a victim with your bare hands (20)
  • My Chemical Romance: Throw acid in your crush's face before you shoot her (10)
  • The hacker known as...: Inspire a "happening" thread on /pol/ (10)
  • Speed Demon: Kill the entire class before the end of first period (30)
  • Graduation: Kill one member of every grade level in order from lowest to highest in succession (20)
  • Nice.: Get a hot teacher to have sex with you at gunpoint (10)
  • Rock Out With Your Cock Out: Remain naked during the entire shooting (25)
  • Rock Out With Your Glock Out: Use only a Glock pistol during the entire shooting (5)
  • Shooting On Location: Dress like an old-timey director and scream CUT! every time you land a kill (5)
  • Justice For Harambe: Dress up as a gorilla and kill small niglets (5)
  • Have A Nice Day: Drive a truck into the school (10)
  • Am I Famous Yet?: Get your manifesto published by the news BEFORE you're killed by the cops or commit suicide (20)
  • Special Delivery: Arm a disabled student with a timed explosive and get 3 or more kills with it (20)
  • Up Close And Personal: Choke a student to death (20)
  • Friendship Is Magic: Collect all fedoras (40)
  • Craftsman: Score a kill with each tool in wood shop (10)
  • Ace In The Hole: Smuggle a weapon into the school using your anus (10)
  • Check 'Em: Finish your spree with your killcount ending in dubs (25)
  • Stop!: Kill a student with a hammer (15)
  • Assassin's Creed: Climb onto the roof of your school (10)
  • Trenchcoat Mafia: Join up with a friend in coop mode (10)
  • Some of you are alright: Spare one person after killing everyone else in the room (10)
  • In The Closet: Execute 5 LGBT students (15)
  • Ape Escape: Let an african-american student go, after killing all his peers (5)
  • Chocolate Rain: Strap a suicide vest on an African American and blow him up (10)
  • One man Klan: Kill every black student or teacher (30)
  • Trail Of Tears: Kill every native American student or teacher (30)
  • Can't Stump the Trump: Kill a spic (5)
  • Pop The Cherry: Rape a girl (15)
  • 21 Jump Street: Shoot only drug dealers (10)
  • Feel The Bern: Incinerate five rich kids (10)
  • A Boy And His Dog: Carry out a school shooting with a canine companion (10)
  • 'Til Death Do Us Part: Get your gf to join you in your massacre (10)
  • Flaming Faggot: Pour gasoline onto homosexual person and set him on fire (10)
  • Speedrun: Accumulate 50 casualties before Police arrive (100)
  • Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll: Kill a white girl who's dating a black guy (5)
  • Revolver Ocelot: Kill 6 targets with ricochets (10)
  • Advanced Placement: detonate explosives across town to divert attention from the shooting (15)
  • I Told You I Was Hardcore: kill yourself in a gruesome and unnecessarily painful manner, such as lighting yourself on fire or cutting your own throat (30)
  • Lockdown's Over: Break into a locked classroom and kill everyone inside (30)
  • Secret: This is a secret achievement. Unlock it to find out more about it.
Omg this is awesome :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
It's all a joke don't take these seriously.
FBI out.

-Charles Whitman is my hero: kill 16 people using the sniper rifle firing atop the highest floor

-Run to the hills: kill 10 students at the same time using the planted explosive

-Allahu's snackbar: detonate your suicide vest in the cafeteria

-It's indeed a joke: get apprehended by the police whithout killing anyone

-Gordon Freeman guides me: get 30 kills using the crowbar in a single life

-Randy Stair taught me how to aim guns: manage to miss 5 people at point-blank range using the shotgun

-Roast-beef cook: burn 6 female students at the same time using 1 molotov cocktail

-Wrong game: snatch a bulldozer and wreck havok around town(requires the Marvin Heemayer's spirit lives on DLC)

-Feminist: only kill males

-A gun is a gun: suck the gun shop's owner off for a free weapon
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Here is a longer and more comprehensive list from encyclopedia dramatica

There are a total of (150) achievements, worth (2,315) total points.
  • Infiltration: You have successfully infiltrated your school. (10)
  • Bloodbath Cleansing: You have begun to shoot up your school. (20)
  • TJ PAIN: Accumulate 5 kills in a match (10)
  • Natural Selector: Accumulate 10 kills in a match (20)
  • Humanity Is Overrated: Accumulate 20 kills in a match (30)
  • General Cho: Accumulate 30 kills in a match (50)
  • One Man Auchwitz: Accumulate over 50 kills in a match (80)
  • Mama's Boy: Make someone cry out for their mother (10)
  • Music to My Ears: Get ten screams at once (20)
  • School Spirit: Wear school colors (5)
  • Hail Xenu: Kill in the name of Scientology (5)
  • Gentleman: Spare women and children (10)
  • Supreme Gentleman: Target only pretty blonde girls (5)
  • Good Choice: Have second thoughts about the whole thing, but go through with it anyway (10)
  • Well Endowed: Lie about gun in your pocket (5)
  • Arabic Executioner: Behead a target (25)
  • Eugenics: Kill a retard or disabled kid (5)
  • Tell Me Where it Hurts: Kill a school nurse (15)
  • Half a Point for Half a Human: Kill a minority (5)
  • Who needs life when you have swag?: Kill a swagfag (5)
  • Skinneeeer!: Skin the Principal (30)
  • Thomas Edison in This Bitch: Shoot out a light (5)
  • Zoology: Kill three classroom pets (10)
  • Last Supper: Buy lunch for your friends before starting the rampage (10)
  • Dumbass: Tell a friend about your school shooting plans a week in advance (15)
  • Super Mario: Conduct your rampage while under the effects of Shrooms (30)
  • Keep it Organic: Do it while high (20)
  • Homerun!: Bash 5 students to death with a baseball bat (25)
  • Planet of the Apes: Spare all niggers you come across. (15)
  • Raise the Roof: Kill all niggers that cross your path. (20)
  • Legalize This: Kill a stoner (5)
  • Would You Like Seconds?: Begin the rampage during lunch (25)
  • Down With the Clowns: Kill a juggalo (5)
  • It's Getting Hot in Hurr: Start a fire (10)
  • Billy Joel: Deny starting said fire (5)
  • SHUT IT DOWN: Kill 5 Jewish students (10)
  • Yippee Ki Yay: Spout movie quotes (10)
  • Slam Dunk!: Kill the entire special ed class (30)
  • Monkey See Monkey Jew: Lay out a dollar as bait (5)
  • Mystery Meat: Kill the lunch lady (5)
  • Lucky You: The person you wanted to kill the most is home sick that day (5)
  • Fuck The Police: Kill a cop or SWAT infantryman (20)
  • Get Your Point Across: Kill a victim with the knife (10)
  • Your Point Is?: Kill 10 victims with the knife (20)
  • On Point: Kill 25 victims with the knife (50)
  • Think They Got the Point: Repeatedly stab an already slain victim 25 times with the knife (10)
  • Double Kill: Kill a pregnant girl (10)
  • Consent to THIS: Rape someone (15)
  • Lunch Rush: Kill a full cafeteria table without reloading (20)
  • Forced into Fellatio: Force a girl to give you a blowjob at gunpoint. Bonus points if she swallows. (30)
  • Here Comes the Sun: Kill while listening to upbeat, unfitting, and completely ironic music (5)
  • Cupid: Kill a couple as they embrace for the last time (10)
  • Social Experiment: Make someone kill their best friend in order to save themselves (10)
  • Fairer Sex: Kill only women (25)
  • Feminist: Kill only men (25)
  • Trigger Warning: Kill a Social Justice Warrior (10)
  • Why So Serious?: Crack a joke before killing someone (10)
  • Big Game Hunter: Kill gym teacher (15)
  • Milkman: Masturbate while killing (5)
  • Leaving So Soon?: Shoot someone's car tires out as they attempt to escape (10)
  • Save You for Later: Shove someone in a locker (10)
  • Bill O'Reilly: Fuck it, do it live! (20)
  • Good Will Hunting: Kill while solving math (5)
  • Match Made In Hell: Shoot up your school on the same day that another kid shoots it up (10)
  • The Social Network: Update Facebook status while on the rampage (15)
  • If You Pull it, They Will Come: Pull the fire alarm and pick people off with your gun as they run out of the building (20)
  • Show and Tell: Begin in the middle of class (20)
  • Cha-Ching: Steal fifteen wallets (25)
  • It's All In Your Head: Kill a philosophy student with a nailgun (5)
  • Original: Wear a neon pink trenchcoat, use a dildo bazooka and a dildo lance and try to go for the high score this way. (40)
  • Queen Anne's Revenge: Convince the prom queen to join you (10)
  • E=MCFUCKYOU: Force someone to solve life-or-death math problems (10)
  • New Guy: Do it at a school that isn't yours (20)
  • The Bernall: Say "peek-a-boo" just before shooting your victim. (25)
  • Pizza?: Order pizza while on your rampage (5)
  • Godlike: Force ten people to pray (20)
  • Lemonade Stand: Make three people piss themselves out of fear (10)
  • Lumberjack: Kill someone with paper (5)
  • Monkey Man: Pull the trigger with your toe (5)
  • Believer: Ask someone if they believe in God prior to killing him or her. (30)
  • Van Gogh: Make paintings with a student's blood (10)
  • Halloween: Wear someone's face (10)
  • Free Point: Have someone kill themselves out of stress while you're on your rampage (10)
  • Macgyver: Get ten kills without a gun (50)
  • What Goes Up...: Push someone out of a window (5)
  • WhatTheFuckium: Mix chemicals in the chem lab and create a deadly new toxin to be used on the school (5)
  • Fender Bender: Start the rampage in the parking lot (10)
  • (/b)ackup: Recruit a shooter while on your rampage (30)
  • Who is Spiderman?: Go to school the next day unscathed (10)
  • Crush that pussy: kill your crush and then shoot her in the vagina (10)
  • That's why!: leave a note saying why you started the rampage (you can lie) (10)
  • Take that faux!: Engrave Jack Thompson's name onto someones body (10)
  • 2 the ranting rampage: Yell out one of 2's rants (preferably the one about "cyber bullies") while doing the rampage (10)
  • The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few: Your kill count outnumbers your injuries count. (20)
  • Hut Hut: Use a football to mutilate a jock's face until he cannot be recognized (5)
  • KIMCHO: Dance to K-Pop whiles you shoot people (5)
  • Oh, shit!: Kill someone in a bathroom stall (5)
  • Better Dead than Red: Kill a Chinese exchange student (5)
  • Commie Killer: Kill five Chinese exchange students (15)
  • Mein Kampf: Kill a Jewish student with homemade mustard gas (10)
  • Arm and a Leg: Dismember a student's limbs (10)
  • Who's the fag now?: Force 2 chads to have buttsex at gunpoint (10)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald: Shoot the class president (20)
  • Roasties: Burn a group of stacies with a flamethrower (10)
  • Elliot's Revenge: Only kill hot blonde girls (10)
  • Allahu Akbar: Kill 5 Muslim students with a bomb (10)
  • Silent Assassin: Get 47 Stealth Kills (50)
  • Art class: Paint the art room red with blood (10)
  • Fried Rice: Throw a Molotov cocktail at an Asian kid (10)
  • Fuck you, Janitor!: Coat an entire hallway with blood from at least 4 students (10)
  • Ballroom Blitz: Wipe out a dance classroom in 30 seconds or less (30)
  • Hands On Approach: Kill a victim with your bare hands (20)
  • My Chemical Romance: Throw acid in your crush's face before you shoot her (10)
  • The hacker known as...: Inspire a "happening" thread on /pol/ (10)
  • Speed Demon: Kill the entire class before the end of first period (30)
  • Graduation: Kill one member of every grade level in order from lowest to highest in succession (20)
  • Nice.: Get a hot teacher to have sex with you at gunpoint (10)
  • Rock Out With Your Cock Out: Remain naked during the entire shooting (25)
  • Rock Out With Your Glock Out: Use only a Glock pistol during the entire shooting (5)
  • Shooting On Location: Dress like an old-timey director and scream CUT! every time you land a kill (5)
  • Justice For Harambe: Dress up as a gorilla and kill small niglets (5)
  • Have A Nice Day: Drive a truck into the school (10)
  • Am I Famous Yet?: Get your manifesto published by the news BEFORE you're killed by the cops or commit suicide (20)
  • Special Delivery: Arm a disabled student with a timed explosive and get 3 or more kills with it (20)
  • Up Close And Personal: Choke a student to death (20)
  • Friendship Is Magic: Collect all fedoras (40)
  • Craftsman: Score a kill with each tool in wood shop (10)
  • Ace In The Hole: Smuggle a weapon into the school using your anus (10)
  • Check 'Em: Finish your spree with your killcount ending in dubs (25)
  • Stop!: Kill a student with a hammer (15)
  • Assassin's Creed: Climb onto the roof of your school (10)
  • Trenchcoat Mafia: Join up with a friend in coop mode (10)
  • Some of you are alright: Spare one person after killing everyone else in the room (10)
  • In The Closet: Execute 5 LGBT students (15)
  • Ape Escape: Let an african-american student go, after killing all his peers (5)
  • Chocolate Rain: Strap a suicide vest on an African American and blow him up (10)
  • One man Klan: Kill every black student or teacher (30)
  • Trail Of Tears: Kill every native American student or teacher (30)
  • Can't Stump the Trump: Kill a spic (5)
  • Pop The Cherry: Rape a girl (15)
  • 21 Jump Street: Shoot only drug dealers (10)
  • Feel The Bern: Incinerate five rich kids (10)
  • A Boy And His Dog: Carry out a school shooting with a canine companion (10)
  • 'Til Death Do Us Part: Get your gf to join you in your massacre (10)
  • Flaming Faggot: Pour gasoline onto homosexual person and set him on fire (10)
  • Speedrun: Accumulate 50 casualties before Police arrive (100)
  • Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll: Kill a white girl who's dating a black guy (5)
  • Revolver Ocelot: Kill 6 targets with ricochets (10)
  • Advanced Placement: detonate explosives across town to divert attention from the shooting (15)
  • I Told You I Was Hardcore: kill yourself in a gruesome and unnecessarily painful manner, such as lighting yourself on fire or cutting your own throat (30)
  • Lockdown's Over: Break into a locked classroom and kill everyone inside (30)
  • Secret: This is a secret achievement. Unlock it to find out more about it.
Somebody should make an FPS about shooting up a school, it would be fun and get loads of $$$ from media attention.
Lmao these are great
where can i download this DLC?

dunno if these have been done but also
roastie toastied: kill the school slut with a flamethrower
tis'but a scratch: cut off both of a pupils legs and leave them to bleed out
spring cleaning: kill the 5'4 bald indian janitor
brothers in arms: let a mate in on the action
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