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The black Nashville high school shooter embodies most of the issues with zoomers.

Nah, you're missing the point. It's sincerity covered in irony, rather than irony for the sake of it. At least that's how I interpret it.
I still have to read his manifesto, but why this?
I still have to read his manifesto, but why this?
There are a few sections in the manifesto where he gets serious and makes social and political commentary. Aside from being for humor and edginess, the schizophrenic ramblings and shitposts act more like a filter that prevents normies from understanding the meaning of his manifesto.
Being sincere is "cringe". You wouldn't want to be like a CRINGE MILLENNIAL, would you?
Takes courage to open up and be honest about. Im past that phase but it took a lot of turmoil.
Also a result of information/sensory overload, everyone is schizoscrolling social media all day, even normie social media is schizo compared to how things were before social media, we aren't meant to live like that, it overloads your senses and drives you crazy.
Yes, over socializing causes you to become less empathetic and more neurotic. Just go on X/Twitter and any slight disagreement turns into someone cursing the other guys family lineage for the next 10,000 years.
He might genuinely either be quite stupid or a turbo autist however atleast he’s self aware enough to know he doesn’t have the capacity of committing an attack that will be memorable.

His manifesto is the equivalent of his kill/death ratio… putrid dog shit.

I do not advocate for violence, I do not approve of his behavior.
Yes, over socializing causes you to become less empathetic and more neurotic. Just go on X/Twitter and any slight disagreement turns into someone cursing the other guys family lineage for the next 10,000 years.

Big disagree with the "over-socializing" part. The problem is the polar opposite. Male zoomers are the most isolated, hyper-introverted, unsocialized demographic on the planet.

You're counting any and all online interactions as "socialization". Leaving a comment on a youtube video that references a meme is not socialization. Writing a "sassy" reply to someone on twitter thinking it's some "MIC DROP MOMENT" is not socialization. Copying and pasting an ironic spongebob meme into a discord server is not socialization. Maybe they technically meet the basic criteria of however webster's defines it...but you get what I'm saying.

Another issue is that even online, zoomers are very unsocial, introverted and private. People are extremely careful about what they share online in this day and age. While I fully understand why that's the case...it also means you never really know much about the actual person on the other end, even if it's someone you talk to regularly.

Going back to the X/twitter arguments you mentioned, obviously there's the internet tough guy aspect since there's no fear of getting punched in the face online, but it goes beyond that. When you're talking to someone online, while you consciously know you're talking to another human (actually you don't even know a lot of the time because of bots, but let's just forget about that) there are parts of your brain that don't make the same connections as if you were talking to them in real life. They're just text on a screen. I'd bet my life that the majority of the people you see arguing on twitter, wishing death upon one another, would probably get along just fine if they had met in real life (i mean instead of having interacted online, not meeting after).
I still have to read his manifesto, but why this?
No one can know besides the guy himself. The fact that we have to pause and dissect his retarded manifesto is part of the joke.
You can tell that he was alienated among niggers, and that he is an accelerationist and unsatisfied with the way the modern man lives.
This tactic is not uncommon in the modern right-wing. Dugin once said that "as traditionalists in a postmodern world, we fight postmodernism with postmodernism". That's a lot of memes these days, sincerity and truthfulness masquerading as irony.
I associate meaningless nihilist irony with millennials rather than zoomers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-W2abxX8Hk
Zoomers and gen alpha are probably genetically different to previous generations and lack empathy and emotions and thoughts as a result. Zoomers and gen alpha should all be rounded up and executed.
I think there's pros and cons of both when it comes to individualism vs collectivism. Economically i'm closer to collectivist. I don't want to completely get rid of capitalism, but things I support like single payer healthcare and UBI, which require collectivism. Broadly thinking I think collectivism is required for problems well beyond the capabilities of a single person. Like you can't build a large building by yourself, nor can you do it with a group of individualists, you need a top-down power structure for some things. But I don't like social collectivism at all, nor would I want to live in any extremely collectivist country like North Korea or Turkmenistan. Honestly even the more free collectivist countries like Japan have issues, like there's a singular "correct" way to do just about anything and even if deviating from the norm won't get you arrested, you'll be socially ostracized.

Individualism certainly has a lot of flaws as well. The most obvious being you can't defend a country with a bunch of individualists. I also really hate the "muh BOOOOOOTSTRAPS" aspect of individualism that boomers preach. In some respects, those of us at the bottom of of the socioeconomic ladder probably would benefit more from being a cog in a large machine. That said I do like the freedom of expression aspect of individualism. I also hate groupthink. There's also the obvious double standard of:

Man doing poorly: YOUR fault, pick yourself up from your BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTSTRAPS.
Woman doing poorly: Society's fault, we need to do better! :soy:

Anyway, my idyllic society (which will never ever happen) would have the best aspects of both.
high IQ post
He's 17 so not even an incel. Just a retard who was mutuals with that girl who shot up that christian school last month. Mental illness at play
Big disagree with the "over-socializing" part. The problem is the polar opposite. Male zoomers are the most isolated, hyper-introverted, unsocialized demographic on the planet.
Male zoomers aren't hyper-introverted, rather hyper-aware. They see the whole life as a video game, planning every interaction strategically. It is reflected in all those "relatable" memes.
You're counting any and all online interactions as "socialization". Leaving a comment on a youtube video that references a meme is not socialization. Writing a "sassy" reply to someone on twitter thinking it's some "MIC DROP MOMENT" is not socialization. Copying and pasting an ironic spongebob meme into a discord server is not socialization. Maybe they technically meet the basic criteria of however webster's defines it...but you get what I'm saying.
It seems like you have a personal problem with how people socialize nowadays. I'm from a shithole where unemployment is incredibly high. I assure you daily socialization doesn't make it better where people just moan about their daily struggles. Zoomers are in the same boat, surely not on the same scale, but still. So online shitposting becomes a better alternative. That's what we do too. That's why people come back here even after "long" breaks. Maybe zoomers are just ahead of the curve.
Another issue is that even online, zoomers are very unsocial, introverted and private. People are extremely careful about what they share online in this day and age. While I fully understand why that's the case...it also means you never really know much about the actual person on the other end, even if it's someone you talk to regularly.
Disagree. Zoomers are much more cynical than other generations about people, meaning they can more objectively and ruthlessly analyse and judge a person.
Big disagree with the "over-socializing" part. The problem is the polar opposite. Male zoomers are the most isolated, hyper-introverted, unsocialized demographic on the planet.

You're counting any and all online interactions as "socialization". Leaving a comment on a youtube video that references a meme is not socialization. Writing a "sassy" reply to someone on twitter thinking it's some "MIC DROP MOMENT" is not socialization. Copying and pasting an ironic spongebob meme into a discord server is not socialization. Maybe they technically meet the basic criteria of however webster's defines it...but you get what I'm saying.

Another issue is that even online, zoomers are very unsocial, introverted and private. People are extremely careful about what they share online in this day and age. While I fully understand why that's the case...it also means you never really know much about the actual person on the other end, even if it's someone you talk to regularly.

Going back to the X/twitter arguments you mentioned, obviously there's the internet tough guy aspect since there's no fear of getting punched in the face online, but it goes beyond that. When you're talking to someone online, while you consciously know you're talking to another human (actually you don't even know a lot of the time because of bots, but let's just forget about that) there are parts of your brain that don't make the same connections as if you were talking to them in real life. They're just text on a screen. I'd bet my life that the majority of the people you see arguing on twitter, wishing death upon one another, would probably get along just fine if they had met in real life (i mean instead of having interacted online, not meeting after).
Yes, they are in fact over socialized in the context of the internet, memes are literally a direct result of over socialization where you constantly have to be up to date on the “conversation” that occurs on the internet to naturally understand a meme for example.

“They’re isolated and lonely” yeah no shit, but that’s IRL. Young guys nowadays have one or more of the following: Discord, Instagram, Snapchat, Anonymous and Pseudo-Anonymous forums (4chan, etc), telegram, etc

Me personally I used to feel lonely before I made the transition into focusing all my validation and interactions solely online.

Once I made the transition I never looked back. On the internet I can discuss very specific topics, have friends that don’t feel like parasitic acquaintances, etc

In real life for young men is dog shit and should be forgotten about.
There are a few sections in the manifesto where he gets serious and makes social and political commentary. Aside from being for humor and edginess, the schizophrenic ramblings and shitposts act more like a filter that prevents normies from understanding the meaning of his manifesto.
too many foid brained readers not picking up on this
With due respect to you, I vehemently disagree.

As soon as I read that manifesto and heard he killed himself after 1 kill, I immediately knew exactly what the case was. That being—he was just a typical zoomer looking for attention and an identity. It's painfully clear to me that what happened is that this sperg got on 4chan and soyjackparty, thought the memes were funny, proceeded to then differentiate himself from everyone else and thought he was special because he used those sites.

He then found videos of mass shootings and saw how people glorified them and praised the people who did them. He then thought to himself that he wanted to be praised like this too since he was likely called a retard in every thread he ever partook in. So he crafted his plan to be 'an epic school shooter', which unironically probably involved just writing the manifesto for 80% of the time—and then took to the school.

Once there, he was probably shaking and the adrenaline was pumping through his gay veins knowing that he was going to finally get the praise he so wanted online, and then he shot and killed some foid—proceeded to realize that his gay LARP was in fact, a very real thing, and then shot himself out of shock and guilt.

Don't get me wrong either, this probably reads like I hate school shootings or something—I don't. I just hate that this faggot didn't even take the time to think through what his plan was, and then immediately just have it all be for nothing as soon as he shot himself.

What a retard. Oh well—one slut died at least!
Yeah tbh, I've felt the despair of emotionally making an shitty decision that will ruin my entire life or kill me

The despair is much greater than a human being can bear, his breathing must have become labored, his heart beating fast, his vision blurring, with the gun in his hand he made this decision without even thinking, it was an instant reaction of the brain in despair

Even though it still fits into a gerational issue, the lack of contact with death and the acess to much security makes the younger generations understand the world much more through the limited perspective of language and art, than with the schizophrenic intensity of an experience beyond the limits of our sobriety and rationalization
Also a result of information/sensory overload, everyone is schizoscrolling social media all day, even normie social media is schizo compared to how things were before social media, we aren't meant to live like that, it overloads your senses and drives you crazy.
The death of sincerity is one of things i hate the most about modern culture, It's probably a result of how most normalfags use any vulnerabilities you may have against you to personally wound you. It is quite literally a naturally developed social survival trait for something that normalfags have been doing to each other for atleast a couple decades.
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my issue with no true grail shooters is it’s nevertheless like a social rng encryption feature and that’s in my opinion, what make them cringeworthy in a roundabout manner. their personal execution of the active draw publicly insulated around that toolish method has no impact on what would’ve happened to be raw enough reflection dependent on a behavioral disposition or dare i say, celebratorily tame characteristic because they would have instead gambled on the affective patterns of the feedback play medium quasi defunction in an innately modifiable modum without the pressure of cheapening outcomes since at the end of the day, life isn’t a game.

it’s the exact sequence enacted by an almost vague doom or dodginess that really loosens the starting push to be processed into an extension not fleeting but deserving of its hassles. the starting wreak of that moment reflects their ‘mastermind entity’ cornering that which was known to be almost a heavy pendulum to everything that had been accumulated but the aforementioned is all a chore to skewed normal frighteners

incels aren’t spared from these hackrank shooters and that’s my problem. if a normie were teleported directly into the switch and died instead of the incel, then sure i lose. when their actual shit to my cheek pressed on the cold tile as a turbo wizard being wary doesn’t chaser dawn a brassy plank clutch for any wrap ups. due to my autism i wouldn’t be able to handle that, and imagine dying that way on their crunch shot at by some godyolo lester on the interpretive avant garde of the demiurge’s nook and spine
With due respect to you, I vehemently disagree.

As soon as I read that manifesto and heard he killed himself after 1 kill, I immediately knew exactly what the case was. That being—he was just a typical zoomer looking for attention and an identity. It's painfully clear to me that what happened is that this sperg got on 4chan and soyjackparty, thought the memes were funny, proceeded to then differentiate himself from everyone else and thought he was special because he used those sites.

He then found videos of mass shootings and saw how people glorified them and praised the people who did them. He then thought to himself that he wanted to be praised like this too since he was likely called a retard in every thread he ever partook in. So he crafted his plan to be 'an epic school shooter', which unironically probably involved just writing the manifesto for 80% of the time—and then took to the school.

Once there, he was probably shaking and the adrenaline was pumping through his gay veins knowing that he was going to finally get the praise he so wanted online, and then he shot and killed some foid—proceeded to realize that his gay LARP was in fact, a very real thing, and then shot himself out of shock and guilt.
Sounds pretty well summed up from how I'm understanding the situation:yes::yes:.
He wasn't a sub5. Guy was a legit normie tier black. He himself confessed that nobody ever made fun of his appearance
guy thought he was different from the rest but he was literally just another nigger shooting people up for the sake of committing crime lmao
With due respect to you, I vehemently disagree.

As soon as I read that manifesto and heard he killed himself after 1 kill, I immediately knew exactly what the case was. That being—he was just a typical zoomer looking for attention and an identity. It's painfully clear to me that what happened is that this sperg got on 4chan and soyjackparty, thought the memes were funny, proceeded to then differentiate himself from everyone else and thought he was special because he used those sites.

He then found videos of mass shootings and saw how people glorified them and praised the people who did them. He then thought to himself that he wanted to be praised like this too since he was likely called a retard in every thread he ever partook in. So he crafted his plan to be 'an epic school shooter', which unironically probably involved just writing the manifesto for 80% of the time—and then took to the school.

Once there, he was probably shaking and the adrenaline was pumping through his gay veins knowing that he was going to finally get the praise he so wanted online, and then he shot and killed some foid—proceeded to realize that his gay LARP was in fact, a very real thing, and then shot himself out of shock and guilt.

Don't get me wrong either, this probably reads like I hate school shootings or something—I don't. I just hate that this faggot didn't even take the time to think through what his plan was, and then immediately just have it all be for nothing as soon as he shot himself.

What a retard. Oh well—one slut died at least!
this is probably exactly how it went in his mind kek

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