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Story I was a victim of feminine manipulation 3 times



Ultimate Virgin Deluxe
Apr 26, 2022
I have to say the more I interact or see woman interact, the more I see them manipulate. And damn as I see things get more obvious I become thankfull Im not attractive enough for them to like me. Because the stories I have to tell could have been over shadowed by somthing worse if I didnt learn that women dont think in a honest mind set. No I did not get lucky. I dealt with woman either at a work place or school or some rare occassions trick me into doing dumb shit thinking I have a chance to ascend but I didnt get any ass. I learn that quickly thankfully. So here are 3 main storys of how I became a victim of woman manipulation though there not so much of me being manipulated but more so them using drones/ white knights to do there dirty work. Lets begin. All 3 of the storys being in my high school.

Story 1: This one begins with a Whore named Keira. She was a gigga stacy steryotype despite the fact I never saw her with a chad but some tall skinny Brad. Back then I would see my self as somone I was not and try to hang in the back at the school bus with the "cool kids". It went as smooth as adopting a wild animal witch isnt as suprising to me now as it was back then. She and some other bitch named Sydney would talk shit to me. We would call eachother names. She would threaten to punch me on average once every 2 weeks but never did. And the shit kept on piling up until she played victim to the school bus driver who she was a lazy peice of shit who would do the lazyest things possible. Well as I kept on anoying everyone back there she would pretend I was the bully and was semi successful. Convinced the school staff I was a bully as seen on any movie portraying school bullies. Many of the students saw her as a "crybaby bitch" and it was a 50/50 on wheather students unrealated to the conflict decide to ignore it or side with me. I got grounded for a week. And shit was lasted for 2 months. Eventually one day that urine hair whore and I got in a shit talk show off in the lunch room. I didnt know women and there true nature back then and when she threw I think a dreid up orange at me just for it to land on my leg. I decided to take it to the principal. He too wanted to be lazy and talked through it. But Kiera decided to put her whore manipulation tactics to good use and frame me as the bully a 2nd time even faked crying. How I didnt get in trouble was beyond me. The princible at the time Mr.Todd probably covered it up in hopes of having a easeyer time and not doing paper work on a friday before spring breack. This was 2015 at the time. A side fact I never got in a real physical fight in high school unlike middle school and elementary, but it wasnt all peicfull either as I was being raised by both a voilently abusive mom and voilent wetback who were dumbasses.

Story 2: Not anywere as grey zone as the first story and way more bullshit involved. Ironically another woman had to rescue me from this shit. A toxic friend at the time who ended up being a asshole a year after this story. So on the 2nd or final semester of 10th grade for me it was thursday PE class. And we were doing a sport witch involved a frisbee. I was pared with 2 girls at the time. One was Lily who bacame a toxic freind I cut off. The other named Makayla. I have bad fucking ADHD so when I was about to throw the frisbee I did not see Makayla to my left, and accidentally back handed her. She knew I couldnt see. Lily also knew I didnt see her. Hit her on the face and I thought it was gonna go as a accident. Well aprently the fuck not. The day after I got to meet a new character in the story. The dean of students Mr.Hanson. No not Chris Hanson. Mr.Hanson pulled me up to his office and was fucking pissed. He looked at me as if I burned his house down and pissed on his lawn. Makayla I didnt know until the day later claimed I hit her on purpose. I shit you not. I had to ask him to bring Lilly, to prove my innence and in 2 seconds when she told him her side. He went from the prisoners to beyond scared straight to fucking Santa Clause. 3 days after the shitshow when I went back to PE class the PE teacher nagged for 5 fucking minutes on do not hit girls. I eventually decided to hunt down some answers and asked Makayla why she accused me of doing it on purpose... "BEACUE YOU HIT ME DIRECTLY!!!!!"..... That was her reason. What the fuck kind of bullshit was that? And after the talk but on the same day with Mr.Hanson I heard rumors that Makayla had a nose bleed from the hit. At worst the face was slightly red. My left hand was not clinched at all. It was loose as I only used 3 of my 5 fingers to throw a frisbee. Im sure if it wasnt for the cold my hand would have hurt that day.

Story 3: The most scary storie to me of all time. Lets talk about guns. Most girls dont like guns. Most girls are anti gun. Sophie the next phsyco bitch was not a exception. So it was march of 2018. 2 months after I bought my very first gun(colt LE6960). Part of this shit was my fault but it was mostly Sophies fault. Incase you dont remember February of that year was parkland. Except Sophie and I made ok freinds. Just freinds. She was dating some asshole chad-ish fuck named Piper. He was a asshole who threatened to snap my neck and kept on interupting me. And he was also a Trump supporter witch is ironic since Sophie is hard core left. Well Sophie knew I owned a AR15 type rifle. But she also knew I was not gonna shoot up a school. She knew I owned the gun for those 2 months. But she was shocked that I was againts assualt weapons bans. She was shocked a AR15 owner would be against a assualt weapons ban. It amazing how dumb some people can be. And she was furious when she found out. For a wile she would not stop trying to change my mind about it. Not stop texting me, gaslighting me on how me being anti gun-controll was like not giving food to homless. That was her best analigy. One day she decided to anoy me at 10 pm so I decied to give a long ass text telling her how banning guns wont do shit, that these killers will eventually find another way to kill because its how they work. She then texted me "oh, your right". I had a bad fucking feeling that day as if some bad shit was gonna happen that day. 2 weeks later. Mr.Hanson called me to his office but for much different reasons. He interogated me about my rifle. I was scarred shit less but I treid to hide it by covering my face with my hand. The staff knew I wanst a threat, most of them came to my defense but 2 of them said what I was not making a wise choice talking about my hobbies with my freinds. I had to sign a contract shutting my mouth up about guns for the rest of the school year witch was 3 months left, my mom took away my gun until school was over for the year( it was my senior year) and it was a shit show. I knew Sophie was the one to pull it off because when I pulled into Hansons office, he was on the phone. There was a paper on his desk that had Sophies name. And it wrote "she was scarred"... She framed me for being a future mass killer because how dare I disagree with her on gun controll. That combined with her dating Piper, somone who treated me like shit. I cut her off. People around me witch came into my defense knowing I was a dumbass sharing my gun knowlege with freinds and came to Spphies defense saying ( she didnt frame you for any thing). Staff even tryed to tell me that it was 8 student that were spooked of me 2 months after the shit show. But damage was done. I decided to cut Sophie off. She was pissy when I told others my side of the story. Thankfully when the final year ended so did all the shit show of what Sophie did. Then a month after school ended I blew 1000$ on a genuine Milatary ACOG scope like you see in call of duty because why not?

So why do I talk about this? A year after I graduated high school, I listen to reddit TTS. Its actually how I discovered incels. That lead me down here. But there was another thing from Radio TTS. A reddit dedicated to anynimous confessions. One of them involved some whore who falsely accused some boy of rape in I think college. And now he is in prison for life. And its hell for him. And she also admits some other girl shes freinds with is also keeping it secret. I didnt really proccess it until later on in life but women. There not brained normally. They manipulate. They will frame you as somthing worse then you really are. Look at how IT depicts us. Fucking ghostthot will expose me for stenchmaxing but not show the part on why I did it. Even of this year as I type this shit in, My mom treid to manipulate me into paying off and buying some chevy Bolt for 10K$ . My mom now likes to controll me and take away my freedom/money and treid to convice My grandma will also try to manipulate me though for non-malicous reasons. My grandma will try to distract me (though she fails) from buying things when she wants me to save money.

The morral is, be observant. Be carefull. You never know women. They will always be more malicious then you think. You think they like you? No they want you to get alcohol for there under age freinds. They want you to give them money so they can blow it on a billion pairs of sheos, makeup and dresses. They want america to be antj gun because they think chad bullies should be the only man who wins a fight againts other men. And if you stop doing what they want then they will just accuse you of stalking or rape. Look at the spartan empire back in the day. Women lived in paradise. Chad like men were forced into being white knights and non chad men were slaves. Women were never enslaved in the spartan empire. It was only the weack males. Women had it all good there. Because they manipulated the chads and basicly acted like spys in a way. Even today as I type this (technicly yesterday since its now midnight as I type this) I saw a homless women pretend to have a child by holding a stroller that was partially covered but empty, no child, begging for food. Standing wile in much better shape then this other small homless group a mile down Benson road. You can never expect honesty from women. You need to stay smart. And stay alert. Women are not our friends. They are scammers. And we need to outsmart them if we want to win our war.
Wait for the punchline where she asks you something, Tell her

Then walk away, She will be confused as to why her pulation didnt work
I'm too tired currently to read the whole thread you posted,but yes. Women lie and manipulate constantly for their gain :lasereyes:
I'm too tired currently to read the whole thread you posted,but yes. Women lie and manipulate constantly for their gain :lasereyes:
Coffee can help with that.
Coffee can help with that.
I'm trying to abstain from caffeine currently,but I'm failing. The last 3 years since I started gymmaxxing,I have become an energy drinks addict and can't live without them. My brain is fried,I need like 1 monster atleast daily,maybe a bit more. Like 3 redbulls amount in short.
I'm trying to abstain from caffeine currently,but I'm failing. The last 3 years since I started gymmaxxing,I have become an energy drinks addict and can't live without them. My brain is fried,I need like 1 monster atleast daily,maybe a bit more. Like 3 redbulls amount in short.
Try trade maxing. In the lounge I made threads on some trades. Except for automotive, they can make you good ass money.
Can you link me the thread brocel?

The last thread on this list is electrical maxing. Electrical is gonna be the best carear of choice in my opinion.
Aw erm, the strangest thing to me is how a lot of normies look at guys who are alone like that and think it's a choice... when actually it can be very difficult to pair up for a significant percentage of men and also in a related way more difficult to have a good social life.

I'm not sure why it is that they don't want to see that. Maybe it would mean acknowledging something with ramifications that feel too large. It's simpler to just keep parroting that women are oppressed.

The last thread on this list is electrical maxing. Electrical is gonna be the best carear of choice in my opinion.
I'll check them out. I finished school for pharmacy,so I could have become a pharmacist,but the pay is shit unless I go to college and it's a boring job.

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