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Say something positive about women.



Just take a shower bro.
Oct 4, 2021
Although I criticize modern women, I believe in the principle of recognizing their particular qualities. I came up with this idea after seeing this 2016 presidential debate between Trump and Clinton.

So regardless of negative traits women might have, say something positive about them. Genuine responses, no double standards.

My take:

• Women are generally good mothers and would literally die for their children. They would confront the whole world just to protect their offspring. This unconditional love is remarkable.

• Women can improve men's health by stepping in their lives and reorganizing their lifestyles. I've seen it happen multiple times. Addicted guys who quit using drugs after their girlfriends helped them overcome the addiction. Guys who lost weight. Guys who worked on their appearance. Guys who got a job. Women's motivation can be life-changing.

• Women can be very emotionally intelligent. Their level of emotional comprehension is quite higher than men's. They can read an entire room in seconds.

Now let's see your take.
emotional intelligence doesn't exist
Foid worship number 2432340234908239084
not surprised that its you writing this shit if you know what i mean :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Ok cooming toilets, thats about it
They're so easy to overpower. Nothing quite like seeing one get smacked straight.
emotional intelligence doesn't exist
That's a simplistic way of seeing things. It does exist, but maybe not in the way you think it does.

Foid worship number 2432340234908239084
not surprised that its you writing this shit if you know what i mean :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
You have no authority to judge anyone. I'm one of the members who criticize women a lot. There are lots of threads in which I call them out, but this one is different.

Can you compliment your opponent? That's the hardest part.
• Women are generally good mothers and would literally die for their children. They would confront the whole world just to protect their offspring. This unconditional love is remarkable.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:they spend their whole life chasing chad for his cum, ofc they're gonna protect his cum after it gets out of their womb so they can fuck it when it becomes a chad
They have nice butts.
women have nice tits and can be good to tall white men.

I would rather see a female doctor because I don't want my junk inspected by a man.

I hate to admit this, but as long as women don't get on a woke power trip they can be decent managers, because they are less aggressive.
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• Women can improve men's health by stepping in their lives and reorganizing their lifestyles. I've seen it happen multiple times. Addicted guys who quit using drugs after their girlfriends helped them overcome the addiction. Guys who lost weight. Guys who worked on their appearance. Guys who got a job. Women's motivation can be life-changing.
they ALL did that so they can keep their foid and make sure she doesn't chase a better chad :feelskek:
That's a simplistic way of seeing things. It does exist, but maybe not in the way you think it does.

no. you're conflating EQ with awareness. EQ is unfounded, invalid, and women aren't more aware either. If it was any harder than that for them to tell if someone is goodlooking, rich or popular then they would be severely disabled.
No, I'm sorry if your brain is binary.
Let's address the arguments you make then.

1.• Women are generally good mothers
Plenty of cases with shitty mothers dumbass who leave their children in hot cars to die or with abusive boyfriends or who get an abortion or who get divorced or who do plenty of other negative shit. If women were all good mothers our world would be in a much better state so stfu with your bluepilled garbage. :bluepill: There are good mothers and there are bad mothers.
2. • Women can improve men's health
Yes CHADS mental health retard. They will try to help obese CHADS, drug addcited CHADS, homeless CHADS. This doesn't prove women are good, it only proves how much they lust after the seed of good looking men.
3 • Women can be very emotionally intelligent.
Yeah because that is required for manipulation lmao. They're still sociopathic creatures who can abandon their man within a heartbeat if something betters comes along.

Retarded and bluepilled thread. :feelskek:
• Women can be very emotionally intelligent. Their level of emotional comprehension is quite higher than men's. They can read an entire room in seconds.
because their npc programming is designed to scan for chads and simps, this is close to the "women can sense your personality" shit that IT always says :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Let's address the arguments you make then.

1.• Women are generally good mothers
Plenty of cases with shitty mothers dumbass who leave their children in hot cars to die or with abusive boyfriends or who get an abortion or who get divorced or who do plenty of other negative shit. If women were all good mothers our world would be in a much better state so stfu with your bluepilled garbage. :bluepill: There are good mothers and there are bad mothers.
2. • Women can improve men's health
Yes CHADS mental health retard. They will try to help obese CHADS, drug addcited CHADS, homeless CHADS. This doesn't prove women are good, it only proves how much they lust after the seed of good looking men.
3 • Women can be very emotionally intelligent.
Yeah because that is required for manipulation lmao. They're still sociopathic creatures who can abandon their man within a heartbeat if something betters comes along.

Retarded and bluepilled thread. :feelskek:
he'll call you a retard for not worshipping le precious kweens :feelskek:
• Women are generally good mothers and would literally die for their children. They would confront the whole world just to protect their offspring. This unconditional love is remarkable.
And yet single mothers have catastrophic consequences
• Women can improve men's health by stepping in their lives and reorganizing their lifestyles. I've seen it happen multiple times. Addicted guys who quit using drugs after their girlfriends helped them overcome the addiction. Guys who lost weight. Guys who worked on their appearance. Guys who got a job. Women's motivation can be life-changing.
That isn't even about women, and also they care about those males because they are an available source of chads with low competition. JFL
• Women can be very emotionally intelligent. Their level of emotional comprehension is quite higher than men's. They can read an entire room in seconds.
Men are just bluepilled.
Let's address the arguments you make then.

1.• Women are generally good mothers
Plenty of cases with shitty mothers dumbass who leave their children in hot cars to die or with abusive boyfriends or who get an abortion or who get divorced or who do plenty of other negative shit. If women were all good mothers our world would be in a much better state so stfu with your bluepilled garbage. :bluepill: There are good mothers and there are bad mothers.
I said 'generally'. You mentioned exceptions. You're wrong.

2. • Women can improve men's health
Yes CHADS mental health retard. They will try to help obese CHADS, drug addcited CHADS, homeless CHADS. This doesn't prove women are good, it only proves how much they lust after the seed of good looking men.
No, not only Chads. Plenty of women will settle for all types of men and help them overcome their problems. You're naive if you think otherwise. I've seen it happen multiple times. You're wrong again.

3 • Women can be very emotionally intelligent.
Yeah because that is required for manipulation lmao. They're still sociopathic creatures who can abandon their man within a heartbeat if something betters comes along.

Retarded and bluepilled thread. :feelskek:
You can't think outside of the box. I'm sorry.

he'll call you a retard for not worshipping le precious kweens :feelskek:
I have never called anyone a retard. That's ethnic behavior. I have enough self-control.
You've provided nothing that applies to Shannon B.
No, not only Chads. Plenty of women will settle for all types of men and help them overcome their problems. You're naive if you think otherwise. I've seen it happen multiple times. You're wrong again.
i think you mistaken this site for reddit
Sure, report the thread motivating regular members to think outside of their bubble for once. Let's all go back to our usual schedule of repeating the same things over and over again like it'll change something.
Sure, report the thread motivating regular members to think outside of their bubble for once. Let's all go back to our usual schedule of repeating the same things over and over again like it'll change something.

@modswarm @modswarm @modswarm
i think you mistaken this site for reddit
I think your spelling is incorrect. Anyways, I don't know why you act like you're cool or something. Do you want to receive social validation? Do you want other members to recognize how edgy you are? Because I think you're not impressive at all. No kidding.
Someone should make a post on IT titled: "Say something positive about incels"
They're soft and fuckable.
Someone should make a post on IT titled: "Say something positive about incels"
Nice. IT members reading this: do you accept the challenge? Say something positive about incels. Criticizing your opponents is the hardest part.
If you shoot one they bleed
I think your spelling is incorrect. Anyone, I don't know why you act like you're cool or something. Do you want to receive social validation? Do you want other members to recognize how edgy you are? Because I think you're not impressive at all. No kidding.
sometimes im too lazy to spell the correct way, how am I trying to be edgy and cool for proving that your points are total normie IT bs?
You guys, I don't get this at all. You criticize normies, but are acting just like them. Can't you think outside of the box and overcome your ego for once? Modern women have many, many problems, but I can say one thing or two about them which are positive because I'm not a robot. I'm not programmed to crap on women 24 hours, 7 days a week.
You guys, I don't get this at all. You criticize normies, but are acting just like them. Can't you think outside of the box and overcome your ego for once? Modern women have many, many problems, but I can say one thing or two about them which are positive because I'm not a robot. I'm not programmed to crap on women 24 hours, 7 days a week.
man you know you won't get any IT tranny bussy with this shit
You guys, I don't get this at all. You criticize normies, but are acting just like them. Can't you think outside of the box and overcome your ego for once? Modern women have many, many problems, but I can say one thing or two about them which are positive because I'm not a robot. I'm not programmed to crap on women 24 hours, 7 days a week.

I'm not opposed to your thread; my apologies. I just enjoying criticizing S.R.B
You guys, I don't get this at all. You criticize normies, but are acting just like them. Can't you think outside of the box and overcome your ego for once? Modern women have many, many problems, but I can say one thing or two about them which are positive because I'm not a robot. I'm not programmed to crap on women 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Enjoy your ban faggot
Enjoy your ban faggot
I will.

Also, before getting banned for trying to think outside of the box, I note you are one of those guys who are super rude on the internet. I'm just wondering whether you'd be this rude in front of me in real life. Just wondering, you know. Because you're certainly no threat behind a keyboard. I just wanted to see how much of a man you'd be in front of someone you like to criticize on the internet. People like you act tough, but run at the first sign of danger.
Also, before getting banned for trying to think outside of the box, I note you are one of those guys who are super rude on the internet. I'm just wondering whether you'd be this rude in front of me in real life. Just wondering, you know. Because you're certainly no threat behind a keyboard. I just wanted to see how much of a man you'd be in front of someone you like to criticize on the internet. People like you act tough, but run at the first sign of danger.
You're ready to fight someone irl for having a different opinion on foids? do you have 0 self awarness for how cucked you are?
Ooooh I'm soooo tough. You're the type of simp who would take a bullet for a random whore. :feelshaha:
I will.

Also, before getting banned for trying to think outside of the box, I note you are one of those guys who are super rude on the internet. I'm just wondering whether you'd be this rude in front of me in real life. Just wondering, you know. Because you're certainly no threat behind a keyboard. I just wanted to see how much of a man you'd be in front of someone you like to criticize on the internet. People like you act tough, but run at the first sign of danger.
This isn't your safe space.

>enter forum that is explicitly for people who critisize and despise women
>"g-guis women are fantastic! they are le empathetic and le good mothers xD"
>w-why is everyone mean to me?

Yeah I wonder why.
You're ready to fight someone irl for having a different opinion on foids? do you have 0 self awarness for how cucked you are?

No, it's not because he disagrees with me. It's because people like him (@Meus) act tough behind a keyboard, but would be too coward to confront anyone in real life, just like you JoeBruhCel.

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