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Brutal Saw a post in soycial media where normies are mocking an acne scarred subhuman



Homo Luzonensis - Archaic hominidcel
Feb 5, 2022
Once in a while, I open up and randomly peek through the initial suggested posts on my soycial media wall. I have a Facegoy account but the last time I have logged in was around 7 months ago. I can't afford to delete my account since I use its messenger feature (messenger in flipland is more extensively used here compared to other messaging apps) as a means of communicating with people I know (as if they'll ever give me the time of the day kek). Anyways, the second post that caught my attention showcases a jestermaxxer on tiktok who makes content of himself and his face ridden with acne scars.

As someone who suffered horribly from acne during my teenage years up until now, although not that worse compared to before, I can somehow empathize with the plight of acnecels who suffer from it, especially to those who can't seem to fix it despite trying everything.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140615

Here are videos of him from his tiktok account for reference:

I would not have bothered to scroll down further and close the tab afterward but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read the comments under that post. It turns out that the page was infamous in flip spaces for punching down on poor people and calling out some of their annoying chimp normie behavior (rightfully so), but they would occasionally rip on ugly folks for shits and giggles (rage-inducing). Here you can see on display how normies brutally pick on low-hanging fruit and unapologetically do so. Here are some of the examples of the most brutal roasts. Tried my best to translate these to English but Google Translate does a bad job so I'll leave commentaries under the pics to give you an idea of what is being said here.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140705

Likens his face to that of a rough unplastered concrete wall.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140746

Implies that his face is used to catch spiky durian fruit hence the deep scars. Durian trees grow up to 50+ feet tall and there are people whose job is to catch falling durian falling from that height with sackcloths. Imagine that falling towards your face.
Screenshot 2024 09 03 140858

Suggests that flies can accidentally get their legs stuck in the holes in his face.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140952

Implies that liquid goes through the holes in his face if he takes a drink.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140930

Insults his confidence to post himself on soycial media for all to see, also adding the alleged delusion of our subhuman fellow about being handsome. I thought that physical appearances were not that important and "jUsT bE yOuRsElF bRo!!1":soy::soy::soy:. Disproving just be confident theory again, normies hate ugly subhumans who have confidence in themselves. What's worse is that the commenter is a foid with a kpop gook pfp, easily one of the most insufferable foids in existence as they revolve their identity in worshipping surgically modified gooks who stupidly dance, act, and sing faggy songs.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 141013

This one refers to the government department here in Flipland in charge of public infrastructure road maintenance, which is notorious for laundering funds to be used for road repair and maintenance and leaving their projects unfinished or way beyond the deadline. Likening his face to that of the shitty roads we have here which are badly in need of repair. This one even suggested that the SCP foundation take custody of our fellow subhuman here.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 141103

This one even mentioned Davies's Paint page in his comment, asking if their skim coat product can do the job of clearing up his skin.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 140839

This one is being half serious and wants to badly slap our acne-scar-ridden subhuman for the annoying dialogue in his tiktok but refuses to do so since his hands may get badly scratched up from how rough his face is. Remember that normies are sociopaths who won't hesitate to hurt you or use threatening language to mockingly intimidate you just because they can.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 141216

I don't know if this poster is acting like a retard or is genuinely one, as he is somewhat seriously implying that our acne-scar-ridden subhuman got his scars from tripping over and landing face-first onto a pile of broken glass bottles.

Screenshot 2024 09 03 141231

This particular comment actually caught my attention. It was unreal seeing someone mention blackpill terminology on a festering soycial media platform of bluepill delusion alongside normies insulting each other just to feel better about themselves. It was quite a shock to see the normification of the blackpill that I read this shit on a Facegoy post. There is some truth stated here, but it fails to give a better elaboration that soft looksmaxxing is not enough to fix acne-scar-ridden subhuman's face. Surgeries or extensive dermal treatment alongside potent drugs may be the solution in this case. But such treatment may be out of reach to the acne-scar-ridden subhuman as his job can't cover the fees needed (wage slave laborer).


This comment made me seethe a little bit seeing that the commenter is an mtn- lite htn (in flipland only, idk how would you rate him outside here). The last thing I want to hear are words coming from good looking people telling subhumans that it's over. I will gladly disfigure your fucking face with a dull razor and poke it endlessly with needles coated with my shit just to forcibly remove your pretty privilege and make you know the pain of living like a deformed subhuman (in unreal engine 5 ofc).

What annoyed me more was the normies on the comments having the audacity to pick on a poor subhuman while not realizing they are subhuman themselves albeit to a lesser extent. I can't seem to post any more media so use your imagination instead, but anyway most of us flips are subhuman anyway.

This may serve as a reminder that being a dysgenic ugly subhuman would automatically make you easy pickings for normies who want to save their own skin and avoid not being picked on or assert their dominance abooce others on the pecking order. Inb4 bluepilled lurkers and IT would say "b-b-but muh confidence". They wont touch this either way. It is best to not post yourself on soycial media as a subhuman inkwell and it would be the greatest thing that you can do in terms of a having a sense of self respect. That's enough venting for today since I'm quite drunk and bored as hell on a gloomy rainy day.:feelscomfy:


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Once in a while, I open up and randomly peek through the initial suggested posts on my soycial media wall. I have a Facegoy account but the last time I have logged in was around 7 months ago. I can't afford to delete my account since I use its messenger feature (messenger in flipland is more extensively used here compared to other messaging apps) as a means of communicating with people I know (as if they'll ever give me the time of the day kek). Anyways, the second post that caught my attention showcases a jestermaxxer on tiktok who makes content of himself and his face ridden with acne scars.

As someone who suffered horribly from acne during my teenage years up until now, although not that worse compared to before, I can somehow empathize with the plight of acnecels who suffer from it, especially to those who can't seem to fix it despite trying everything.

View attachment 1243861

Here are videos of him from his tiktok account for reference:

View attachment 1243856

View attachment 1243858

I would not have bothered to scroll down further and close the tab afterward but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read the comments under that post. It turns out that the page was infamous in flip spaces for punching down on poor people and calling out some of their annoying chimp normie behavior (rightfully so), but they would occasionally rip on ugly folks for shits and giggles (rage-inducing). Here you can see on display how normies brutally pick on low-hanging fruit and unapologetically do so. Here are some of the examples of the most brutal roasts. Tried my best to translate these to English but Google Translate does a bad job so I'll leave commentaries under the pics to give you an idea of what is being said here.

View attachment 1243863
Likens his face to that of a rough unplastered concrete wall.

View attachment 1243865
Implies that his face is used to catch spiky durian fruit hence the deep scars. Durian trees grow up to 50+ feet tall and there are people whose job is to catch falling durian falling from that height with sackcloths. Imagine that falling towards your face.
View attachment 1243866
Suggests that flies can accidentally get their legs stuck in the holes in his face.

View attachment 1243867
Implies that liquid goes through the holes in his face if he takes a drink.

View attachment 1243868
Insults his confidence to post himself on soycial media for all to see, also adding the alleged delusion of our subhuman fellow about being handsome. I thought that physical appearances were not that important and "jUsT bE yOuRsElF bRo!!1":soy::soy::soy:. Disproving just be confident theory again, normies hate ugly subhumans who have confidence in themselves. What's worse is that the commenter is a foid with a kpop gook pfp, easily one of the most insufferable foids in existence as they revolve their identity in worshipping surgically modified gooks who stupidly dance, act, and sing faggy songs.

View attachment 1243870
This one refers to the government department here in Flipland in charge of public infrastructure road maintenance, which is notorious for laundering funds to be used for road repair and maintenance and leaving their projects unfinished or way beyond the deadline. Likening his face to that of the shitty roads we have here which are badly in need of repair. This one even suggested that the SCP foundation take custody of our fellow subhuman here.

View attachment 1243878
This one even mentioned Davies's Paint page in his comment, asking if their skim coat product can do the job of clearing up his skin.

View attachment 1243880
This one is being half serious and wants to badly slap our acne-scar-ridden subhuman for the annoying dialogue in his tiktok but refuses to do so since his hands may get badly scratched up from how rough his face is. Remember that normies are sociopaths who won't hesitate to hurt you or use threatening language to mockingly intimidate you just because they can.

View attachment 1243884
I don't know if this poster is acting like a retard or is genuinely one, as he is somewhat seriously implying that our acne-scar-ridden subhuman got his scars from tripping over and landing face-first onto a pile of broken glass bottles.

View attachment 1243891
This particular comment actually caught my attention. It was unreal seeing someone mention blackpill terminology on a festering soycial media platform of bluepill delusion alongside normies insulting each other just to feel better about themselves. It was quite a shock to see the normification of the blackpill that I read this shit on a Facegoy post. There is some truth stated here, but it fails to give a better elaboration that soft looksmaxxing is not enough to fix acne-scar-ridden subhuman's face. Surgeries or extensive dermal treatment alongside potent drugs may be the solution in this case. But such treatment may be out of reach to the acne-scar-ridden subhuman as his job can't cover the fees needed (wage slave laborer).

View attachment 1243901
This comment made me seethe a little bit seeing that the commenter is an mtn- lite htn (in flipland only, idk how would you rate him outside here). The last thing I want to hear are words coming from good looking people telling subhumans that it's over. I will gladly disfigure your fucking face with a dull razor and poke it endlessly with needles coated with my shit just to forcibly remove your pretty privilege and make you know the pain of living like a deformed subhuman (in unreal engine 5 ofc).

What annoyed me more was the normies on the comments having the audacity to pick on a poor subhuman while not realizing they are subhuman themselves albeit to a lesser extent. I can't seem to post any more media so use your imagination instead, but anyway most of us flips are subhuman anyway.

This may serve as a reminder that being a dysgenic ugly subhuman would automatically make you easy pickings for normies who want to save their own skin and avoid not being picked on or assert their dominance abooce others on the pecking order. Inb4 bluepilled lurkers and IT would say "b-b-but muh confidence". They wont touch this either way. It is best to not post yourself on soycial media as a subhuman inkwell and it would be the greatest thing that you can do in terms of a having a sense of self respect. That's enough venting for today since I'm quite drunk and bored as hell on a gloomy rainy day.:feelscomfy:
How tall are you?
Absolute ragefuel. Pin worthy thread.
Suifuel for us.
People will make fun as long as its socially acceptable. They all laugh at him, but only post jokes if others wont condemn them. Social npcs
People will make fun as long as its socially acceptable. They all laugh at him, but only post jokes if others wont condemn them. Social npcs
Not saying all normies are evil but finding a genuinely good and kind npc among them is like finding a single piece of hay in a needlestack.
Isn't that above average in the Philippines?
Yes. The average is actually 5'4 but heightflation made everyone seem to perceive that 5'6 is manlet tier.
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All he needs is face laser to clear his skin not even that expensive
Not saying all normies are evil but finding a genuinely good and kind npc among them is like finding a single piece of hay in a needlestack.
Most of them are evil.
All he needs is face laser to clear his skin not even that expensive
He probably earns less than minimum wage here. Around 8-10 dollars a day. It's quite hard to afford treatment like that as a wagslave poorcel in this shithole. Hopefully though he hears about it and one day save up money for it.
He probably earns less than minimum wage here. Around 8-10 dollars a day. It's quite hard to afford treatment like that as a wagslave poorcel in this shithole. Hopefully though he hears about it and one day save up money for it.
He can start wearing a mask like king baldwin lol
He can start wearing a mask like king baldwin lol
Mandatory wearing of masks here during the chinkdemic was lifefuel for me. For once I had the choice to conceal my subhumanity in front of others:feelsokman:
All the commentors are subhuman third worlders with shit IQ. Especially the foid with the k pop PFP
Pure unadulterated ragefuel
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I worked alongside a filipino manlet for a summer, decent people at least compared to white westerners, he told me about karma farming where rich people pay temples I think it was to open up caged animals for karma xD
told me about karma farming where rich people pay temples I think it was to open up caged animals for karma xD
First time I've heard of something like this ngl
Brutal ance scars
Very blackpilling seeing third worlders hate on others for traits they can't change :feelsbadman:.
Just cause you diss women don't mean you can't diss men.
This ain't a bundle, i can choose to harass both.
Normies are a cancer

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