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Based Roosh V: Open Letter To The Parents Of American Daughters (clown world BTFO)

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
Dear American Parent,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because of your awful parenting, men like myself are racking up notch counts that even Casanova himself would be jealous of, all from learning a handful of game tricks.
I have performed the job that you have not. When my sister was about 16, I sat her down for “the talk.” I went over human sexual anatomy and contraception, but most importantly I talked about the meaning of sex. Here’s what I told her:

All men are pigs. Yes, even I am a pig. All we want is to have sex with the least amount of effort. We will say anything you want to hear in order to get it. Understand that before sex, you have all the power, but afterwards you have very little. A guy who was jumping over himself to hang out with you will be more nonchalant after sex, like he doesn’t even care.
The only way a man will value you is if you made him put in a lot of investment before sex. The more work he puts in, the less he can rationalize that you were meaningless to him, and the more likely he will continue to pursue because he considers you above the rest. Each man you have sex with that doesn’t call you back will kill a part of your soul, and it’s your job to guard against that. Only have sex with men who earn it.
One last thing. A guy will use every trick in the book not to use a condom. If he tries, he has probably done that on god knows how many women, and those women have done the same on god knows how many men. Don’t turn your body into a petri dish.
You’re probably thinking, “Oh she must really hate men now! She’s probably a lesbian!” And you would be wrong. She is 25-years-old and has had two multi-year relationships with men who have treated her well (her most recent boyfriend took her to a concert of her favorite singer for Valentine’s Day—how sweet). Her relationships have been comfortable, balanced, and based on the mutual sharing of experiences. She’s not out at the bar fucking random guys or getting drunk. She doesn’t lead guys on just to receive text messages. She didn’t flirt with other guys on Facebook behind her boyfriends’ backs. Bottom line is she doesn’t put out like your dirty little whore.
She is absolutely repulsed by the stories I tell her of quickly taking a girl to bed (or car). Her response is along the lines of, “How can they do that? Ewww.” My brainwashing has worked on her, and the truth is she appreciates my lessons. She’s happy not to be like other girls her age, drowning in a shallow life of liquor and anonymous cocks. In fact, I don’t think she’s had sex with more than four or five guys in her life. For a 25-year-old American girl that is an astonishing feat. I will never ask for her count because that would be crossing our brother-sister relationship, but right now I’m reminded of 21-year-old I fucked a few months ago. She couldn’t help but tell me she has already slept with “over 10” guys, essentially bragging about it. I was probably number 18 or 19, and believe me when I say I didn’t feel at all privileged about fucking her.
By the time that slut is 24 it will be impossible for her not have experienced 30 cocks, but she’s empowered and independent, right? This is what you’ve brought into the world. Needless to say but I didn’t ask her out again. Why should I when I can just text her as I get horny from the bar at 2am? Why would I put in a scrap of work when she rewards me with putting in none?
I didn’t just have one speech with my sister, I hammered things into her brain over several years. I said…

Right now you are in your physical prime. All humans start to degrade after 25, but for women it’s more dramatic since us guys mostly care about looks. We are more shallow than you can possibly imagine. Therefore if you want to get married, you should start thinking about it when you’re 24. It takes a couple years to find a guy and then a couple years more to make sure he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. It’s okay if you don’t want to get married, but if you do, don’t wait until you’re 30. By then it will be too late because you’ll have to compete with younger girls who are still in their prime, and it won’t matter how smart you are if you’re not as pretty as them. After 30 you’ll be forced to settle with a man you wouldn’t even have considered just a couple years prior. And that’s if you’re lucky.
Her last relationship lasted three years. Sucks it didn’t work out, but she has the right idea.
I’ve had a direct influence over her even though I wasn’t her father. I simply told her the facts of life, how things really are, and what she has to do to land a man for a relationship. I told her that while she will see many girls pretending to enjoy fucking guys who don’t give a shit about them, they are not happy. Her time is better spent on making one man happy instead of letting many men use her for short-term sexual pleasure.

If you were a boy instead of a girl, I would tell you something very different. Understand that guys have some sort of “conquest gene.” Sure, sex with someone we love make us generally happy, but conquering a continuous stream of new lands and female bodies really makes us happy. This is why business and statecraft is mostly in the realm of men, who are natural born hunters. We’ve perfected those things. When our little half-brother grows up, the talks I have with him will be very different.
And they have. I’m bringing him out of his shell to be a charming devil that slays pussy left and right. I’d be destroying his life if I told him to seek relationships that end up in marriage, but for my sister marriage is an okay venture to get into, especially in America where family law tilts things in her favor.
I’m wondering why you didn’t teach your daughter these things. Why didn’t you tell her not to fuck a cocky dude that treats her poorly after just a couple hours? Why didn’t you tell her to wrap it up with the random men she goes to bed with? I’m not entirely sure, but I want to sincerely offer my gratitude. You’ve helped create a system where sex is meaningless, and one that I take advantage of every week.
As much as I love going to the sex clinic after an awesome hot streak, I know this isn’t sustainable. I know that I’m living a special time that takes advantage of perverse cultural loopholes, and that nations without a solid family unit will find the chickens coming home to roost sooner than later. Nonetheless, I will jam my dick in your girl and others like her, to enjoy this ride as long as I can.

Thanks again,

What's that scammer up to these days?
It's good that he instilled more traditional values, but he's still a cuck for preaching the "godpill".
I hope he fucking dies and ISIS make him a sex slave. He's a fucking hypocrite and a cunt.
He's now on the Army watchlist.
What's that scammer up to these days?
A880BC6A 3A84 42BB 8AC1 AE66243F08CE
What's that scammer up to these days?
He has now become a christian and preaches the "Godpill". Basically his PUA scam money was drying up so he had to find a new way to scam people (Christian copers).
just googled how he looks now, aint no way hes pulling anything more than landwhales or junkie single mums with that face.
Ive read way more gl men write that they only pull fatties off tinder, just jfl at him misleading desperate men.
He's silly with his godpill!

At least he's funny.
You just know that the triggering of fathers-with-daughters is going to be epic.
has had two multi-year relationships with men who have treated her well
If I had a sister, that would still be too much for me, at least if they had sex. A true man would keep his female relatives virgins before marriage.

He's a hypocrite though, since he has admitted to fucking virgins himself. He's part of the problem.
Because of your awful parenting, men like myself are racking up notch counts that even Casanova himself would be jealous of, all from learning a handful of game tricks.

I gotta admit that he has a talent for writing. But Roosh is nothing more than a con-artist. He has realized that men are no longer falling for the " just learn game, bro" narrative, so he's trying to cater to conservatives and a little bit to the alt-right. That fucker knows how to make money, he's literally no different from the Jews.
He has now become a christian and preaches the "Godpill". Basically his PUA scam money was drying up so he had to find a new way to scam people (Christian copers).
All men are pigs. Yes, even I am a pig
I am embarassed that at some point of my life i believed the things this man spewed.
That man is such a coper thinking his sister is different.
She is absolutely repulsed by the stories I tell her of quickly taking a girl to bed (or car). Her response is along the lines of, “How can they do that? Ewww.” My brainwashing has worked on her
:lul::lul::lul: His brainwashing techniques worked boyos, only for the small price of $55 he will teach the RooshV Brain Eraser Trick ®
he himself is problematic and must be taken out
Her last relationship lasted three years
the handwriting is on the wall
I will jam my dick in your girl and others like her, to enjoy this ride as long as I can.

Thanks again,


Rooshie is an Alpha Persian with a Different Sister
I hate that fucking scam artist. JFL the vast majority of men wont take advantage of a slutty society. Only chads can, the rest are either incel or betabux
If I had a sister, that would still be too much for me, at least if they had sex. A true man would keep his female relatives virgins before marriage.

He's a hypocrite though, since he has admitted to fucking virgins himself. He's part of the problem.
If it was me, id teach her to make money off of it. Women who get laid for free are almost worse than prostitute
Also lmfao at his sister "ONLY" fucking 4 or 5 guys. Fucking lol, damaged goods, absolute degenerate. Virgins or nothing.
I hate that fucking scam artist. JFL the vast majority of men wont take advantage of a slutty society. Only chads can, the rest are either incel or betabux
I see this cope so often, at least 55% of men are happier in current society
Back then, you either marry a gal (without even being able to test if youre compatible in bed first) or go to prostitute

Now... from what I gathered (from reading a lot of forum) normie men just string foid along for years in a relationship where they split 50:50 money wise, while getting more sex and bj then married men, then just ditch her when theyre bored and on to ltr with another chick.
This is way better than having to marry 1 chic and be stuck to her for life.

Nowadays the strategy is to invite foid to dates and and pay for it (1 meal typically only cost $15 max) typically they smash after 2nd or 3rd date (ragefuel to me). And if she wont put out after 3rd date, they say theyll just move on to another who will.

This is the norm for the vast majority of normies. And if they dont want ltr with her than theyll just ghost the foid after they sleep with her. Men who dont like the dating game, would just string her along (for stable supply of sex) until they bored or better option come along.

This society is bad for ugly and trucel men, the rest benefit from it. Not only chad and chadlite.
Also lmfao at his sister "ONLY" fucking 4 or 5 guys. Fucking lol, damaged goods, absolute degenerate. Virgins or nothing.
Lol still nobody but hit by the wall single mothers or whales want to marry inkel who hold a steady job, but bet a bunch of decent men would marry her even if shes jobless. So she dont care to keep her virginity, as someone will marry her either way. She can have her cake and eat it too, so she does.
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I know that he’s an Indian engineer, a meme man. Thought he’s probably highIQ for being an engineer, he wasted his potential writing PUA-related stuff as a career.

I disagree with the things he told to his sister, but it’s still better than the average parenting, which is nonexistent. Better something than absolutely nothing. Even if a parent tries to instill traditional values, it’s still something, that shows that he do care for his daughter, and that’s good.

It’s good to talk to young whores, and Roosh used the right leverages, he told his sister that she has no right to complain for choices she made on the first place. Choosing to be in bed with assholes is up to her, but after that she has no right to complain.

So thanks Roosh for having educated a potential whore. But he’s still a faggot for having promoted this PUA garbage for so long.
useless con artist financially benefiting from ugly men's desire to feel intimacy and touch and scamming them. I hope he burns in hell
What's that scammer up to these days?

Got old as fuck, his website shut down because nobody would pay for ads there because he got shamed and chased out of every public / social space. No money, no job, no revenue stream (game is dead), can't get decent women anymore because hes going grey and looks like shit.

So he's turned to christ and proclaims the godpill, like some haggard used up 40 year old slut claiming she is a born again virgin.
I see this cope so often, at least 55% of men are happier in current society
Back then, you either marry a gal (without even being able to test if youre compatible in bed first) or go to prostitute
Men are happier, but have less sex. I quess it's more about that men are not pressured into marriage(that often turn sexless), can work less hours and copes are much much better than in the past. I mean to be honest even if you are incel, but only have to work like 6 hours, come back and play some vidya games it's much happier existence than working 12 hours in coal mines and coming back to nagging wife.
Roosh V is a fucking faggot and is not based. He hasn't btfod clown world, he Is clown world. Fucking hyperchad constantly eternally spoiling pristine virgins is lecturing us on sexual morality? He's a fucking low IQ hypocrite and conman.
He’s not a misogynist therefore he’s a cuck in my book.
PUA/Redpill is a massive cope.
Men are happier, but have less sex. I quess it's more about that men are not pressured into marriage(that often turn sexless), can work less hours and copes are much much better than in the past. I mean to be honest even if you are incel, but only have to work like 6 hours, come back and play some vidya games it's much happier existence than working 12 hours in coal mines and coming back to nagging wife.
I agree with most of this, I doubt theyre getting less sex though..plus they could get a new girlfriend every 2 or 3 years when fucking the same girl gets stale. Back then you can get a virgin wife easily but its hard to find a woman whos willing to fuck w/o marriage, so theyre pretty much stuck with the same chic for life.
Seems to me like its entirely better for normie these days.
I think Roosh should be exterminated for being a whore
He's half-Persian, half-Armenian.
It’s the same. I can’t recognize ethnics. They’re all Indians to me.

He’s still hiQ for being a STEMcel (oldcel, ethnikcel, uglycel, infamouscel).

Other than that, he did a great job with his bratty sister.
He has now become a christian and preaches the "Godpill". Basically his PUA scam money was drying up so he had to find a new way to scam people (Christian copers).
Gonna scam some elderly Christian lady out of her pension money :feelskek:
"All humans start to degrade after 25, but for women it’s more dramatic since us guys mostly care about looks. We are more shallow than you can possibly imagine. "

I agree with most of this, I doubt theyre getting less sex though..plus they could get a new girlfriend every 2 or 3 years when fucking the same girl gets stale. Back then you can get a virgin wife easily but its hard to find a woman whos willing to fuck w/o marriage, so theyre pretty much stuck with the same chic for life.
Seems to me like its entirely better for normie these days.

I think I saw few studies about how males have less sex overall. Sure, sub-average men have less sex than in the past, but Chads have more than in the past so I think that deciding factor are normies, that has less sex. But maybe it is more diverse, I mean what you are writing is true, in the past they had one girl per life(or two, three if first one died early), but now they have more but also with long time with being alone. Which is fine for some, because honestly living with woman 24/7 for years is horrifying if she doesn't worship you(so if you are not a Chad).
Couldn't care less about anything that faggot has to say honestly, all he cares about is scamming men with his bullshit.
He only stopped preaching pua because he wasn't getting laid without paying for it.
"Nonetheless, I will jam my dick in your girl and others like her, to enjoy this ride as long as I can."

When did he write that? I thought he converted to christianity and was trad now.
Lmao just a braggard who that most lives vicariously through.

He has the right idea however, the majority of Western females are irredeemable.

What he overlooks/ is ignorant of is lookism and female selection.

Only a minority of a minority of males can reach out their hands and pull a rack of pussy from the infested depths of whoredom.

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