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JFL Roastie makes video about us

all women like tall men all women prefer tall men including you you are such a liar
Hey fat whore, welcome to the forum. I'm imagining my nut running down your finely manicured eyebrows right now.
Finally a women that isn't 500 lbs or a fucking raging feminist dyke. Nice face tbh.
She even links this site in the description, JFL.

We need to migrate to another domain without "incel" in it.
Yes, I wonder if the admins can change the site name. I know they have changed the tld before, but I wonder if they can change the rest. Supportcels or something would be nice. The only thing is a lot of reporters and lurkers will have this site bookmarked or in their history.
Finally a women that isn't 500 lbs or a fucking raging feminist dyke. Nice face tbh.
True. No idea why a rather normal looking female would spend time on this place. Maybe she's just paranoid
6 minutes in, her point is you don't have a gf because you blame women/society and have violent thoughts.

More retarded bullshit. As if women are mind-readers and can know you have violent thoughts.
More retarded bullshit. As if women are mind-readers and can know you have violent thoughts.
Oh no, she quoted @Psychocel99 at 5:34. He said wants to kill couples.

But let's be honest, violent thoughts aren't a turn off to girls if you're attractive. It's not a cause of inceldom as she claims.
Yes, I wonder if the admins can change the site name. I know they have changed the tld before, but I wonder if they can change the rest. Supportcels or something would be nice. The only thing is a lot of reporters and lurkers will have this site bookmarked or in their history.

True. No idea why a rather normal looking female would spend time on this place. Maybe she's just paranoid

Site can be called fastbanana.

The foid doesn't seem obsessed. Her jewtube channel has variety. Just seem to be trying to get youtube views by throwing shit on the wall and seeing what sticks. Average intelligence, not particularly insightful, meh personality. Her views are mostly because she's decent looking female if I'm being honest.
@Redpill Robert
@StormlitAqua (me)

All of you guys are in this video somewhere. Enjoy some fine roast criticizing you while she fucks her Chad boyfriend shown in the background. Not to mention, she make up frauds.

I reported her video for "abusing vulnerable individuals".

i apologise on behalf of the Uk for this femoid, who really is in no position to criticise incels, seems like your typical Uk femoid, entitled and pretentious as fuck.
JFL at the beta cucks in the comments saying shit like " well i'm X and a virgin but I don't hate women".
JFL at the beta cucks in the comments saying shit like " well i'm X and a virgin but I don't hate women".
>I'm a (inser incel qualities here) and I don't hate women! Now let me orbit you, milady.
Seems to be a common belief with normies that we all go after the pretty women. In reality this is projection. Most of us would be fine with our looks match.
Site can be called fastbanana.

Yea completely throw them off. They would likely sniff out anything with "cel" in it.

The foid doesn't seem obsessed. Her jewtube channel has variety. Just seem to be trying to get youtube views by throwing shit on the wall and seeing what sticks. Average intelligence, not particularly insightful, meh personality. Her views are mostly because she's decent looking female if I'm being honest.

Makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised if she branches in to the real money maker, pretending to like games.
Meh. Use Hooktube to avoid giving those cunts any views. Females like attention. Positive or negative.
JFL at the beta cucks in the comments saying shit like " well i'm X and a virgin but I don't hate women".
Braincels comic of truth strikes again

Braincels is a meme vault at this point, but at least it is a good meme vault.
The comment sections on there are total garbage, but the memes are quality. It's only a matter of time til they shut it down for being too funny.

Lol damn my comment wasn't even that bad.
she got triggered because I said some fat slut who swiping no on tinder deserves a beating haha
Thanks for adding me
Really enjoyed the video. Brought me to tears laughing at all her descriptions and her rationale of our problems.
I'm hoping she does more videos of this so I'm going to bookmark her channel. I want her reading a Pt2 like how some YouTubers do "Reading Mean Comments"
The ultimate irony.

I skipped around and randomly found where she talks about height.

She says "SOME GIRLS" care about her man's height, but not everyone/herself." And hypocritically, presumably her boyfriend is taller based on his skull size. The problem with this statement is that MOST woman make this declaration with the presumption that some OTHER girl would date a shorter guy BUT not herself. What if every girl said "some girls don't care if their boyfriend is a criminal" or "...doesn't have a job." or "...hates kittens." but she herself would not personally date someone shorter, jobless etc. If most girls don't include themselves in the mentioned group, where does that leave the short men...dateless.

Now if even 70% say height is important (its probably more tbh) what type of woman are the leftovers? Probably the least desirable women. So basically for every DESIRABLE woman being tall matters, especially if she has many options of men to choose from.

tl;dr: If every woman thinks someone else would date short men but NOT herself that basically eliminates BY DEFAULT most woman from the dating pool for shorter men.
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If I knew how to use editing software, I'd make a video replaying the dumb shit this bitch said and respond to it. I would only make a verbal response and not show my face. This is the best time to make these kind of response videos while we're viral. But don't upload to cucktube, put it on bitchute and make a post with the link here.
i love her voice tho
Seems to be a common belief with normies that we all go after the pretty women. In reality this is projection. Most of us would be fine with our looks match.
I'll fuck anything on two legs that has a twat. I don't know where the hell this "incels are just mad they can't get super-models" myth came from.
Watching the intro again I like how she low-key calls herself ugly so she can have 100s of comments complimenting her looks haha. I'm reading a few now.
I'd rather jam broken lightbulbs in my eyes than press play on that video.
This bitch makes $400 a month from Patreon just ranting about shit for 30 min. People actually donate to her? What makes her opinion on things so much more qualified than anyone else?

Hope she gets acid thrown on her face.
Why doesnt she have sex with us instead of making this shitty video?
I agree. Also from now on any bitch who makes an incel video has to show us she's been dating an ugly guy for at least 5 years without cheating on him. And he can't be a betabux. Once a femoid does that then she can comment on the blackpill.
rachel show your feet
I agree. Also from now on any bitch who makes an incel video has to show us she's been dating an ugly guy for at least 5 years without cheating on him. And he can't be a betabux. Once a femoid does that then she can comment on the blackpill.

Because of your personality! Or, not showering!

JFL. It happens ALL the time. Women say that looks don't matter, their bf is attractive. Women say that height doesn't matter, their bf is tall.
rachel make a video reacting to my threads
@SergeantIncel SergeantIncel mods

Delete this thread...she is going to monetize it to cucks.
JFL. It happens ALL the time. Women say that looks don't matter, their bf is attractive. Women say that height doesn't matter, their bf is tall.
Yeah, and they double down when confronted with proof of the blackpill, and make more excuses. I'm certain they aren't dumb at this point, they are manipulative.

So she's still watching us? What a bitch.

Question for the roastie; why don't you leave us alone? We ain't done nothing to you directly, all we did was be lonely virgins venting on internet forums, so why do you feel the need to punch so far down?
Stop being such a mudslinging whore and fuck off.

Respond via a twitter screencap btw, I crave the attention a lot like you.
When cucks and rosties say "stop blaming women for not getting laid." Tell those stupid sluts not to blame men if one of them gets raped or beaten, tell her to woman up and stop "blaming men." Same with the wagegap, don't blame all men for paying you less ho, you need to find the right men who pay fairly. You also have to shower more and wash that stinkin cunt out with soap from time to time, maybe that's stopping you from getting paid equally.
You fools, you are just playing into her hands.

Dear @SargeantIncel,

Please delete all my threads and posts, I'm too high Q for these low-rent retards.

thanks and take care.
It's not just about this whore, this message it going out to all rosties. Soon she will hold her head in shame when the incel uprising is complete. These whore's videos need to be saved so they can be shamed for eternity.
You fools, you are just playing into her hands.

Dear @SargeantIncel,

Please delete all my threads and posts, I'm too high Q for these low-rent retards.

thanks and take care.
Playing into what hand?
I'm not giving her views or anything she can actually use, i'm just rolling around in the mud with her.
JFL @ those photos of her with a chad in the background
Telling us to work on our personality, while her boyfriend is a tall white warrior-skulled chad athlete.

"you just need to be nice to women bro"
JFL at the beta cucks in the comments saying shit like " well i'm X and a virgin but I don't hate women".
They're like, "look at me, I'm a nice guy, give me some pussy" They should just take the blackpill and make an account here and join the incel uprising.
Lol at all the bluepilled fuck clowns in the comments.

I like how she said everything you could predict from a typical roastie and conveniently ignored part of my post, while misconstruing it. Finally getting attention from these femshits, but it'd be better if the stupid slut used her mouth for something useful like deepthroating my dick.

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