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Ricecels will NEVER admit things are bad and that women care about looks even 1%

In reality, the problem is not about being "cucked", those are a small percentage of the population in reality. The truth is most people are sick of mediocre people getting shoehorned into STEM jobs especially banking due to a stupid deal our foolish government signed and having them making way more money than locals and filling up the country with indian enclaves. We are being cucked, economically.
You literallg proved OP correct. You not worried about being biologically cucked but worried aboutbeing economically cucked. If you cant breed what will happen to the assetsyou leve behind ? Theyll go for Chads welfare fucking brainlet
provided you stay in your homeland.
as things should be

tbh im glad u r high eq enough to the point where u r able to differentiate between statistics and insults
You literallg proved OP correct. You not worried about being biologically cucked but worried aboutbeing economically cucked. If you cant breed what will happen to the assetsyou leve behind ? Theyll go for Chads welfare fucking brainlet
hes strictly referring to the CECA problem in singapore, not the blackpill, i think youre confusing two different subjects

what he meant to say was that imaf makes up a small percentage of marriages and the bigger issue at hand is being economically and socially cucked. of course he still realizes the importance of looks otherwise he wouldnt be posting on here.
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In reality, the problem is not about being "cucked", those are a small percentage of the population in reality. The truth is most people are sick of mediocre people getting shoehorned into STEM jobs especially banking due to a stupid deal our foolish government signed and having them making way more money than locals and filling up the country with indian enclaves. We are being cucked, economically.

This is far from the topic of the thread though. The problem of incoming curry immigrants is not contributing to the rising inceldom numbers in Singapore. It mostly has to do with the ricecels there being clueless and bluepilled.
I was thinking betabux too. The statuspill is a hard one to swallow.
yeah women over a certain age mainly late 20's start to overlook attractiveness in someone if they have a good personality and a stable job aka beta bux. yes IT cucks i said PERSONALITY, doesn't mean shes physically attracted to him. She would've rejected him in her prime years on the cock carousal fucking chads at her will, but since chads dont offer her stability and won't commit, she wants a nice stable beta to provide for her.
This is far from the topic of the thread though. The problem of incoming curry immigrants is not contributing to the rising inceldom numbers in Singapore. It mostly has to do with the ricecels there being clueless and bluepilled.
you were talking about indians and whites pumping and dumping I was giving you the ground situation about indians. however, it still does relate about rising inceldom numbers in Singapore, even if only a little
as for the blue pilled thing, its typical of asian culture (just find good job and education and then you can get a girl friend/wife)
this is simply not the case nowadays where women in this country have an advantage in which they do not have to slave away 2 years for the nation, furthermore, with foreigners competing for the job, singaporeans who are not as capable academically are unable to get a job. This ofc makes them mad because they still equate the good job=money=wife thus they are blaming foreigners esp indians for being single. Stupid? maybe but that is what they think. They can cope with muh confidence on reddit but many people still think that way where education and career is above all.
Fucking cucked country. I lived here all my life and lemme say, 99% of guys here are bluepilled AF(i was too), guys here bend over backwards for girls who will nvr give a fug about them and go for the Changlite/Chang, Chads. But they will continue to orbit these cunts, our guys have zero strong male figure at all.

When I was in army, one of the high ranking warrant officer gave a dialogue to our cohort and he unknowlingly shared the most beta story I've ever heard irl.

Back in his younger day, he had a girlfriend. During one of his parade, his 'girlfriend' came with a guy and he was very sad. (His girl cheated on him probably).This girl went to become a stewardess, and this girl is now his wife, he said it proudly. And everyone clapped. JFL he thinks it's a victory that he married her. :lul: :lul: :feelstrash::feelskek:
Singaporean boys need more sporting programs and less time spent on video games. fucking get outside and play a recreational activity like a sport FFS. Even go for a jog or do something productive in your leisure time.
as for the blue pilled thing, its typical of asian culture (just find good job and education and then you can get a girl friend/wife)
This is a major problem in Asian society. You have a bunch of sheltered autistic man children whos only goal in life was studying hard, getting good grades at school and finding a nice job, after that they will magically think they will have a nice loving wife JFL. Then if they succumb to the pressure and fail at University, turn into depressed hermits rotting away in their bedrooms or at PC rooms. Just look at the huge rates of incels in Japan and South Korea for examples, most of them were missing out on the most crucial development cycle in a human beings life by not experiencing first love like most western boys get to achieve, although inceldom is rising in the west at a rapid pace since the early 2010's. Ricecels still lag socially behind their western counterparts. No wonder noodles would rather fuck an unemployed white guy over some STEM ricecel JFL.
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Singaporean boys need more sporting programs and less time spent on video games. fucking get outside and play a recreational activity like a sport FFS. Even go for a jog or do something productive in your leisure time.

This is a major problem in Asian society. You have a bunch of sheltered autistic man children whos only goal in life was studying hard, getting good grades at school and finding a nice job, then if they succumb to the pressure and fail at University, turn into depressed hermits rotting away in their bedrooms or at PC rooms. Just look at the huge rates of incels in Japan and South Korea for examples, most of them were missing out on the most crucial development cycle in a human beings life by not experiencing first love like most western boys get to achieve, although inceldom is rising in the west at a rapid pace since the early 2010's. Ricecels still lag behind socially behind their western counterparts. No wonder noodles would rather fuck an unemployed white guy over some STEM ricecel JFL.
Thats why I hate the way our society works, too blue pilled and too autistic, doesn't work in the 21st century and even parents today still cope with muh career muh jawb
fuck that shit we're being cucked as shit and nobody bats an eye.
Singaporean boys need more sporting programs and less time spent on video games. fucking get outside and play a recreational activity like a sport FFS. Even go for a jog or do something productive in your leisure time.

Meme advice, I played rugby and was in the running club when in school. I used to go for runs on my own regularly too. I was like the top 10 runners in school's annual distance run. JFL I did everything and here I am, an incel.
It is over buddy boyos.
Meme advice, I played rugby and was in the running club when in school. I used to go for runs on my own regularly too. I was like the top 10 runners in school's annual distance run. JFL I did everything and here I am, an incel.
It is over buddy boyos.
still better than rotting away from being a nonathletic autistic weak incel who stays inside all day.
still better than rotting away from being a nonathletic autistic weak incel who stays inside all day.
yea ricecels should at least cope with incel sports like ping pong and badminton lulz
Most sinkies don't even know what ceca is and will continue voting for miw
Song boh 30% I bet half of the 70% rn are new citizens tbh
Sinkieland deserves to be cucked and invaded by curries and whites.
Ricecels think everything is fine with their life if they have a job that requires a degree.
Meanwhile 18 year old 6'1 Chad that works at KFC bangs his prime Asian Stacy girlfriend while 40 year old riceman with an Engineering job and degree still remains a virgin wondering why all Asian women go for white men.
yea ricecels should at least cope with incel sports like ping pong and badminton lulz
those arent "real" sports JFL. Singapore should invest more into its football program, but its population is too small for it to reap the rewards. so even if they did invest money into actual meaningful sports they just dont have the population numbers to succeed at a high enough level.
Meanwhile 18 year old 6'1 Chad that works at KFC bangs his prime Asian Stacy girlfriend while 40 year old riceman with an Engineering job and degree still remains a virgin wondering why all Asian women go for white men.
he may get a chance to beta bux after the used up Singaporean noodle has been pump n' dumped a million times by white chads.
those arent "real" sports JFL. Singapore should invest more into its football program, but its population is too small for it to reap the rewards. so even if they did invest money into actual meaningful sports they just dont have the population numbers to succeed at a high enough level.
they dont have the physicality to suceed at a high enough level lol ricecels are pretty much trash at every contact sport out there, although the japanese do ok in football
they dont have the physicality to suceed at a high enough level lol ricecels are pretty much trash at every contact sport out there, although the japanese do ok in football
Japanese invested a lot into football since the birth of the J-league in the early 90's. they had a 100 year plan or something to become a world powerhouse in football JFL. Even China recently came up with a similar plan, although they still suck :feelskek:
maybe if an ideology is spreading like wild fire amongst men there is some truth to it.

no ofcourse not remember to obey your queen normies. :feelshaha:
Even China recently came up with a similar plan, although they still suck :feelskek:
just overpay old retired footballers to join ur team bro!
Yep all the Chinese are moving to Australia and controlling everything

@omnilet. I cannot blame Indians for looking out for eachother. Every male incel race should. Build your own network. It will make life more pleasant while being incel.

I can't imagine chinese controlling everything abroad China. They only dominate cheap labor and cheap stuff but it's hardly controlling anything. They do buy up fastfood restaurants as investment. But it's not even a good investment. In The Netherlands they are frequently robbed by blacks and arabs because they are a easy target. Even robbery is blackpilled.
LOL @ anyone who thinks this won't be the future of the west.
I don't even wanna click the reddit link.

Lemme guess, they blame the economy or the media/culture on the singles epidemic? Or they say it's just a choice. That's even more of a cope.

surprisingly accurate
just overpay old retired footballers to join ur team bro!
just naturalise foreign players bro!


@omnilet. I cannot blame Indians for looking out for eachother. Every male incel race should. Build your own network. It will make life more pleasant while being incel.

I can't imagine chinese controlling everything abroad China. They only dominate cheap labor and cheap stuff but it's hardly controlling anything. They do buy up fastfood restaurants as investment. But it's not even a good investment. In The Netherlands they are frequently robbed by blacks and arabs because they are a easy target. Even robbery is blackpilled.
Nope. Chinese businessmen are purchasing massive amounts of property in western countries namely in Australia, Canada and NZ.
I can't imagine chinese controlling everything abroad China.
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Holy fucking shit. Is this like the first realistic figure?
This really makes you wonder what the real numbers are in the west, there must be many hotspots that are worse than 28% and closer to the 80% full blown apocalypse of Singapore.

This also lines up with what I used to say, that guys have MASSIVE PROBLEMS once they're past the "highschool sweetheart" phase but are before the "betabux fleecing" phase, which is roughly 18-30.
Interesting to hear the asian perspective in this thread.

Further confirms my suspicions that low IQ Chads become pussy slayers while hardworking high IQ nerds get nothing.
Just go to a nightclub and see a giant tyrone and horny women surrounding him. Do these singaporecels think the women care what job the tyrone has?
Holy fucking shit. Is this like the first realistic figure?
This really makes you wonder what the real numbers are in the west, there must be many hotspots that are worse than 28% and closer to the 80% full blown apocalypse of Singapore.

This also lines up with what I used to say, that guys have MASSIVE PROBLEMS once they're past the "highschool sweetheart" phase but are before the "betabux fleecing" phase, which is roughly 18-30.
The 28% figure is pure cope. Men lie all the fucking time about getting laid, you can be sure that it's higher than whatever is reported.

Just like how women under report the amount of sex they have.
We're going to go back to the 1:17 ratio soon. Hold on tightly to your copes boyos, we're in for a long, wild ride to the bottom.
Interesting thread tbh
80% of men are involuntarily single, but theyre not toxic and dont support toxic incel ideology, so theyre not incel ;)
The 28% figure is pure cope. Men lie all the fucking time about getting laid, you can be sure that it's higher than whatever is reported.

Just like how women under report the amount of sex they have.
This. no way USA has only a 28% incel rate, a 5/10 man goes on tinder and gets nothing but a couple of landwhales, same result on any other dating app. Unless you are willing to put effort to fuck an obese women its a waste of time. Want a thin woman? Then book your ticket to thailand or vietnam
The 28% figure is pure cope. Men lie all the fucking time about getting laid, you can be sure that it's higher than whatever is reported.

Just like how women under report the amount of sex they have.
yes, i expect things to be really bad in the 18-30 segment, just about everywhere in the world
it's the timeframe when you're too old to just luck into a girlfriend anymore, and you're too young to have enough money to betabux / aren't some old boomer with a wife from ages ago

actually said this many times before

anglin brings it up too in this https://dailystormer.name/we-are-all-incels-now-there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-volcel/

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