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Ricecels will NEVER admit things are bad and that women care about looks even 1%

Never heard of curries cucking anyone till now. Maybe i should move there :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
eh people are already protesting against the flood of street shitters so hopefully it wont be long until they clamp down on immigration policies
i dont think CECA is region-specific curries who to go singapore who are usually the poor ones. and liberalization has played a huge role as curries are second class citizens in every other east asian country. i had a curry classmate in hk and he was bullied heavily for his accent and skin colour. u would never hear of a curry having a gf let alone slaying outside of singapore, after all asians are one of the most racist people
The Fuck is CECA ?
Btw b4 spewing gaterate on all curries just rem it's only the Chadpreets who are taking your woman . Forget aboit incel. Even normie curries like me can't even go near noodle whore. And I willnever touch a ocurrywhore as I have my reason.
eh people are already protesting against the flood of street shitters so hopefully it wont be long until they clamp down on immigration policies

Iam kidding tbh. I think streetshitters should stay in their own hell hole and clean up the mess here. Racemixing should become illegal.
Still confused. In the US we import curryworkcels for certain non-social industries (tech, stem related) because in a way, people don't like doing those jobs even if they pay well (working on code all day).

But banking is very Chadcentric in the US. A lot of socialization necessary so we use Americans. Why is Singapore different from that model?
Because the HR for banks have many indians and they love to hire indians. Yes there are limits but they overcome this by throwing away any local cvs and claim they can't find any locals to hire to they hire indians. The original people that came here were havard educated top of the line bankers from india. However, they started doing this which led to the current situation where mediocre people get hired due to country/familial ties.
JFL why didn’t Singapore side with China since the population is majority Chinese.
we are self hating and think we're too good for China. We had many mainlander immigrants during the early 2000's which led with a lot of backlash. funnily enough after the indian waves people have been crying for the mainlanders to come back. They (the mainlanders) won't come back anyway, this place isn't good enough anymore, they would either migrate to the west or stay in China.
The Fuck is CECA ?
Btw b4 spewing gaterate on all curries just rem it's only the Chadpreets who are taking your woman . Forget aboit incel. Even normie curries like me can't even go near noodle whore. And I willnever touch a ocurrywhore as I have my reason.

Cope. Average Noodlewhores mog most currywhores. The caucasoid looking ones would never look in my direction.
Depends on the type of curry if you're Paki Bangladeshi curry your socioeconomically fucked. Indian curries do socioeconomically well. So they usually keep among themselves but some Chadpreets do venture out and get success.
I can.post proof gere but it will be Giga SuiFuel for fellow ricecels.
U have proof that moneymaxxed curries suceed??
The Fuck is CECA ?
Btw b4 spewing gaterate on all curries just rem it's only the Chadpreets who are taking your woman . Forget aboit incel. Even normie curries like me can't even go near noodle whore. And I willnever touch a ocurrywhore as I have my reason.

curries cuck us in other ways too. rape rates have gone up since they arrived and they are just obnoxious people to be around lulz theyre pretty much the equivalent of blacks in the us
Iam kidding tbh. I think streetshitters should stay in their own hell hole and clean up the mess here. Racemixing should become illegal.
Because the HR for banks have many indians and they love to hire indians.

Never would have thought Rices get cucked by Curries in their own country. I thought that was exclusively the domain of white people.
U have proof that moneymaxxed curries suceed??

LITERALLY INCEL tier curry with1574518868271
bro that curry giga mogs that ugly gooklet to fuck
or is my autism preventing my from realizing your sarcasm

The cuery cucked her and now has an italian gf. She still carries her Chindian abomination even though she now has a Chang lite.
Because the HR for banks have many indians and they love to hire indians. Yes there are limits but they overcome this by throwing away any local cvs and claim they can't find any locals to hire to they hire indians. The original people that came here were havard educated top of the line bankers from india. However, they started doing this which led to the current situation where mediocre people get hired due to country/familial ties.

we are self hating and think we're too good for China. We had many mainlander immigrants during the early 2000's which led with a lot of backlash. funnily enough after the indian waves people have been crying for the mainlanders to come back. They (the mainlanders) won't come back anyway, this place isn't good enough anymore, they would either migrate to the west or stay in China.
Yep all the Chinese are moving to Australia and controlling everything
Damn bro I thought you were Taiwanese, I guess you lived in Singapore too huh
nah i lived in hk and taiwan and malaysia before but not sg, i visit sometimes so i feel rly bad for them tbh
Fucking cucked country. I lived here all my life and lemme say, 99% of guys here are bluepilled AF(i was too), guys here bend over backwards for girls who will nvr give a fug about them and go for the Changlite/Chang, Chads. But they will continue to orbit these cunts, our guys have zero strong male figure at all.

When I was in army, one of the high ranking warrant officer gave a dialogue to our cohort and he unknowlingly shared the most beta story I've ever heard irl.

Back in his younger day, he had a girlfriend. During one of his parade, his 'girlfriend' came with a guy and he was very sad. (His girl cheated on him probably).This girl went to become a stewardess, and this girl is now his wife, he said it proudly. And everyone clapped. JFL he thinks it's a victory that he married her. :lul: :lul: :feelstrash::feelskek:
nah i lived in hk and taiwan and malaysia before but not sg, i visit sometimes so i feel rly bad for them tbh
Hey man look. Curries are not cucking you. Only people cucking you are the Chads among curries. Just they cuck other curries. Theres already a great divide between ethnicel and whitecelthanks ti a buncj of coping stormfrontcel. We don't need to fifhtamong each other as asiancels. We are all on the same fucking sinking boat
Hey man look. Curries are not cucking you. Only people cucking you are the Chads among curries. Just they cuck other curries. Theres already a great divide between ethnicel and whitecelthanks ti a buncj of coping stormfrontcel. We don't need to fifhtamong each other as asiancels. We are all on the same fucking sinking boat
There's no chad curries I'm SIN they are all Tamil freaks you must be confusing some Turks or Italians with Chadpreet
Hey man look. Curries are not cucking you. Only people cucking you are the Chads among curries. Just they cuck other curries. Theres already a great divide between ethnicel and whitecelthanks ti a buncj of coping stormfrontcel. We don't need to fifhtamong each other as asiancels. We are all on the same fucking sinking boat
am i supposed to just turn a blind eye to the increased crime and rape rates that are directly correlated with curry immigration lol

i have no problem with western curries but its a different question when they start invading our countries, races should live amongst themselves especially those with a huge gap in civility
am i supposed to just turn a blind eye to the increased crime and rape rates that are directly correlated with curry immigration lol

i have no problem with western curries but its a different question when they start invading our countries, races should live amongst themselves especially those with a huge gap in civility
Exactly I don't want any fetus eating, fish face who were so immoral and ignoble as to give up one of the biggest citites if their empire for a hit of opium and are now giving up their woman for economic growth while crying here in forums to be blessed by having my aryan seed amidst them. My ancestors tried breeding the savegary out of abbos. It didnt work and endes up giving birth to low inhib plus high iq breed. I won't make the same mistake by trying to save your lowly jaunduce ridden race by being the savior. Go find some fat diabetic paralysed hill billy to keep your woman's bed warm as you low T betas are a disgrace in thename of MANkind
Jfl the cucks is reading this right now
Exactly I don't want any fetus eating, fish face who were so immoral and ignoble as to give up one of the biggest citites if their empire for a hit of opium and are now giving up their woman for economic growth while crying here in forums to be blessed by having my aryan seed amidst them. My ancestors tried breeding the savegary out of abbos. It didnt work and endes up giving birth to low inhib plus high iq breed. I won't make the same mistake by trying to save your lowly jaunduce ridden race by being the savior. Go find some fat diabetic paralysed hill billy to keep your woman's bed warm as you low T betas are a disgrace in thename of MANkind

"Aryan seed" JFL. What sort of cope is this?
Rices are being cucked by curries. WTF? It's brutally over rices, ngl.
we wus indo-aryan godzzzz nnn shieettt
Next dimensional cope
It didnt work and endes up giving birth to low inhib plus high iq breed.




i cant :lul: :lul: :lul: im sorry but u brought this upon urself by bragging lulz ur just reinforcing curry memes
:lul::lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

the memes write themselves

we wus indo-aryan godzzzz nnn shieettt
How else do you explain us cucking you not the other way around. One more thing curry land is shithole so currywhores should be flocking to east asia yet its usually the other way around.
And yes I did went a bit overboard cuz I hate the fact that the most white worshipping race think they are betterbecuase the have fair skin.
Fucking cucked country. I lived here all my life and lemme say, 99% of guys here are bluepilled AF(i was too), guys here bend over backwards for girls who will nvr give a fug about them and go for the Changlite/Chang, Chads. But they will continue to orbit these cunts, our guys have zero strong male figure at all.

When I was in army, one of the high ranking warrant officer gave a dialogue to our cohort and he unknowlingly shared the most beta story I've ever heard irl.

Back in his younger day, he had a girlfriend. During one of his parade, his 'girlfriend' came with a guy and he was very sad. (His girl cheated on him probably).This girl went to become a stewardess, and this girl is now his wife, he said it proudly. And everyone clapped. JFL he thinks it's a victory that he married her. :lul: :lul: :feelstrash::feelskek:
Most sinkies don't even know what ceca is and will continue voting for miw
Song boh 30% I bet half of the 70% rn are new citizens tbh
How else do you explain us cucking you not the other way around. One more thing curry land is shithole so currywhores should be flocking to east asia yet its usually the other way around.
And yes I did went a bit overboard cuz I hate the fact that the most white worshipping race think they are betterbecuase the have fair skin.

There are many self hating white worshiping curries on this site. Although i think gooks do take the cake when it comes to worshiping whites. Gooks are also ok with white men coming and ravaging their lands (SEA, etc) but in the rare occasion a curry does it, it suddenly becomes a big issue.
How else do you explain us cucking you not the other way around. One more thing curry land is shithole so currywhores should be flocking to east asia yet its usually the other way around.
And yes I did went a bit overboard cuz I hate the fact that the most white worshipping race think they are betterbecuase the have fair skin.
when did i brag about being a RICECEL lol i simply explained to u how rape and crime rates have increased since curries started flooding in singapore but u took it as an attack
There are many self hating white worshiping curries on this site. Although i think gooks do take the cake when it comes to worshiping whites. Gooks are also ok with white men coming and ravaging their lands (SEA, etc) but in the rare occasion a curry does it, it suddenly becomes a big issue.
i dont think theres a single ricecel on here thats ok with being cucked by whites lol
i dont think theres a single ricecel on here thats ok with being cucked by whites lol

I dont see them whining as much when whites take their women (SEA, etc). When curries do it, it is much worse. Its because of the curry reverse halo effect.
Curryland is very genetically diverse as opposed to relatively homogenous gooks. Was quite low of you to post this as it is more related to economics than race. If you didnt have toilers, youd be shitting on the streets too.
i cant :lul: :lul: :lul: im sorry but u brought this upon urself by bragging lulz ur just reinforcing curry memes
eh? he bragged about curries being high iq and "aryan" so this is not that inappropriate of an response tbh
Fucking cucked country. I lived here all my life and lemme say, 99% of guys here are bluepilled AF(i was too), guys here bend over backwards for girls who will nvr give a fug about them and go for the Changlite/Chang, Chads. But they will continue to orbit these cunts, our guys have zero strong male figure at all.

When I was in army, one of the high ranking warrant officer gave a dialogue to our cohort and he unknowlingly shared the most beta story I've ever heard irl.

Back in his younger day, he had a girlfriend. During one of his parade, his 'girlfriend' came with a guy and he was very sad. (His girl cheated on him probably).This girl went to become a stewardess, and this girl is now his wife, he said it proudly. And everyone clapped. JFL he thinks it's a victory that he married her. :lul: :lul: :feelstrash::feelskek:

Imagine marrying some slut who was fucking Chad behind your back. Also imagine having this cuck as your army officer, guaranteed to be a shit army.
I dont see them whining as much when whites take their women (SEA, etc). When curries do it, it is much worse. Its because of the curry reverse halo effect.
thats because unlike whites, curries stay in singapore and they come in millions
thats because unlike whites, curries stay in singapore and they come in millions

Cope. Whites are cucking you more but most are ok (maybe not you) with it because of self hate and white worship. No other race of men would be ok with the current ricecel situation either in the west or in SEA.
eh? he bragged about curries being high iq and "aryan" so this is not that inappropriate of an response tbh
what are you talking about? we are aryans, bhenchod.
Cope. Whites are cucking you more but most are ok (maybe not you) with it because of self hate and white worship. No other race of men would be ok with the current ricecel situation either in the west or in SEA.
this is a fundamental attribution error lol idk how im going to get through to u if ur not willing to listen while calling me a white worshipper

whites make up less than 0.1% of the population in most rice countries while curries make up at least 10% of singapore's. and jbw sexpats dont stay in those countries, they fuck noodles and leave
read up on this if ur interested

and as ive explained before, curries cause a lot more trouble than whites do, its not just about stealing women


rape and crime rates have also increased with the influx of curries
Just admit it you love watching bigwhite cocks tesr through your foids pussy but hate it when black and brown one's do it without pegging you first.
I go around hit on noodle whores and theirju bfs just sit there looking down with his butthole. If I was a piint or two abive in psl they would right then and there start sucking me off
wow, u really exemplify curry iq when u refuse to read stats that i give u in favour of an emotional attribution lol
this is a fundamental attribution error lol idk how im going to get through to u if ur not willing to listen while calling me a white worshipper

whites make up less than 0.1% of the population in most rice countries while curries make up at least 10% of singapore's. and jbw sexpats dont stay in those countries, they fuck noodles and leave
read up on this if ur interested

and as ive explained before, curries cause a lot more trouble than whites do, its not just about stealing women

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rape and crime rates have also increased with the influx of curries

So youd be ok with curries just fucking your women and leaving? I think not. The curries who migrate to Sin are a very specific subset of a vast, genetically diverse (next only to Africa) sub-continent. I honestly think they should stick to their homeland, but if whites were staying back in Singapore, theyd only have it easier than staying in the west due to the level of white worship that is common among most ricecels.
Cope. Whites are cucking you more but most are ok (maybe not you) with it because of self hate and white worship. No other race of men would be ok with the current ricecel situation either in the west or in SEA.
They can't dare to speak. Cuz they are worried that if whites leave who'll satisfy their woman. Most curries will say "No Thank you" and.move on.
So youd be ok with curries just fucking your women and leaving?
I never said that though, from the very beginning i stated that races should live amongst themselves. and it is definitely true that ricecels are white worshipping, its just not the reason behind me disliking curries over whites (and ive already gave u my reasoning for it)

anyways u shouldnt take this as an attack, i dislike curries that come to singapore, not the western ones or ones that stay in their homeland.
So youd be ok with curries just fucking your women and leaving? I think not. The curries who migrate to Sin are a very specific subset of a vast, genetically diverse (next only to Africa) sub-continent. I honestly think they should stick to their homeland, but if whites were staying back in Singapore, theyd only have it easier than staying in the west due to the level of white worship that is common among most ricecels.
In reality, the problem is not about being "cucked", those are a small percentage of the population in reality. The truth is most people are sick of mediocre people getting shoehorned into STEM jobs especially banking due to a stupid deal our foolish government signed and having them making way more money than locals and filling up the country with indian enclaves. We are being cucked, economically.
So youd be ok with curries just fucking your women and leaving? I think not. The curries who migrate to Sin are a very specific subset of a vast, genetically diverse (next only to Africa) sub-continent. I honestly think they should stick to their homeland, but if whites were staying back in Singapore, theyd only have it easier than staying in the west due to the level of white worship that is common among most ricecels.
Perhaps thats exactly what they are asking for. Withshrinking white population the riceCucks are out for new Bulls. And they would be honoured to lick our cum out of their wives tight yellow pussies
Not to be edgy but Singapore isn't Chinese clay, it's Malay clay and is in South East Asia.
I never said that though, from the very beginning i stated that races should live amongst themselves. and it is definitely true that ricecels are white worshipping, its just not the reason behind me disliking curries over whites (and ive already gave u my reasoning for it)

anyways u shouldnt take this as an attack, i dislike curries that come to singapore, not the western ones or ones that stay in their homeland.

Fair enough. There a lot of self hating, headache inducing rice and currycels on this site. I believe race is one big fkin cope. End of the day, your individual genetics determine your reproductive success for the most part, provided you stay in your homeland.

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